One of the many people behind the scenes that has been outspoken about the need of an AFTRA-SAG association has been Ted Ramey. Ramey hosts his own show on KNBR's little sister, 1050 AM.
Ramey used to do a lot of the fill-in updates on the "Gary and Larry Show"--since the union move was publicized, Ramey has been conspicuously absent from that show. More pointedly, Ramey has all but disappeared from KNBR's notable Monday-Friday programming. Coincidence? Perhaps, you be the judge.
A KNBR staffer, who asked for anonymity, said that the "union situation" has been met with a great deal of anxiety inside the building. Even those staffers who voted for representation are "concerned" and quite sullen about the ongoing negotiations for a contract. Those negotiations have progressed but not to a point, not nearly at all, to where a contract is anywhere near serious let alone completion.
"It's frustrating," said the staffer.
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Ramey has too small a sack to negotiate a deal on his own? Embarrassing
ReplyDeleteHe has his own show Rich. It is way better than Fitz and Brooks (not saying much I know).
ReplyDeleteWho else with their own show does "updates" on the other station? No one.
Seems like Cume-Less is hot to break the union already...that was fast.
ReplyDeleteHere's the math, Ramey's own show is a 40 on a scale of 100 and his updates a 30 on a scale of 100. Combined that's a 70, still less than the score of real FT KNBR talent.
ReplyDeleteRamey should work on developing his talent and not sucking up to a union.
I happen to know for fact that none of the statements about Ted Ramey are false. Perhaps, the inside source is one of the people who want Ramey's noon to three show. I work with Ted and if anything he has played ball with KNBR and the brass more than anyone. Out of all the 12-3 hosts in the Bay Area I prefer him. Don't believe everything you read on the internets.
ReplyDeleteI'll second that thought at 5:38pm.
DeleteTed Ramey is a competent host.
Is far superior than the two characters on 680 from noon - 3:00pm.
Thanks for adding your comments to the blog, Ted.
DeleteIf your talent has worth more then the market (like Ronn O, Garry R, etc.) would pay you more. No union can do that for you.
The bottom line is that Cumulus is doing everything they can to make certain that KNBR will never join a union. You have to remember Rich, that the last company that owned KNBR was Susquehenne/Pfallzgraff, (a very good company BTW), and once they purchased KNBR from NBC, GM Tony Salvadore slowly weeded out all of the union members, mostly news people by the mid 1990s. The only union members who were still a part of KNBR after 1995 were Frank Dill and Mike Cleary. Radnich, Ralph Barbieri and later, other big name talent, (Pete Franklin and Tom Tolbert) didn't need to be a part of the union because they were given very healthy, lucrative contracts. Ted Ramey means well, but this is also his first full time job in radio on the air. He's working in the number six market in the country, something that would never have happened before 1995, with very rare exception, for someone with his experience. He's more of an annoyance to Cumulus than anything else, but they need him to fill air time on 1050, so that's where he'll stay where he'll continue to draw a small audience. Very few people outside of 55 Hawthorne Street really care about the possibility of union at KNBR. And it won't happen.
ReplyDeleteOn another thread, KRON did a story about how cold it is at the top of the 11 and they sent a reporter to your favorite place, Walnut Creek, to stand in the pedestrian mall.
ReplyDeleteAnd since Fox has taken over KTVU I've noticed there haven't been all the typos and full screen errors. When FOX can improve your accuracy and professionalism, it's a sad day...
I'm retired on an AFTRA pension, god bless them. A union means even the working stiffs w/o big contracts get security, benefits and a pension. I trust even the name air talent at KNBR know it is in their interest that the folks who do much of the work keeping the station on the air should have strong representation dealing with Cumulus. They should all have the security only a union contract provides.
ReplyDeleteThank you for saying this.