You may also ask me a question on Twitter, because I'm accountable.
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Why did you raise the yearly subscription rate from $5.99 to $8.99 in less than two weeks? Fair question..
ReplyDelete7:41 AM You want the short answer?
DeleteMo Money is Betta Money.
It's The American Way, in case you forgot.
To get more money so I could pay for all my affair and drink expensive wine.
DeleteDoing this is a lot of time and effort. If you can't afford 9 bucks a year, then I'm sorry. Fair answer.
Is Andrew Baggarly still working for CSN ?? I do not see his name listed as an Insider anymore and never see any writings of his on the website.
ReplyDeleteHe gone!
DeleteDoes Tori Campbelll have any friends/allies in the local media biz?
ReplyDeleteJust me and Sal Castenada.
DeleteI'm a bit slow sometimes; you're being facetious, yes? You've not exactly expressed yourself as a big Tori Campbell supporter here that I recall?
DeleteMy God, what's so bad about Tori? I've worked with far far worse. She's not the brightest porch light on the block, but she's not Hitler.
Delete9:56, thanks. I've often wondered about the vitriol directed at Campbell. I'd have placed her coanchor Dave Clark as worse on the "worst" list that Rich put out today...
Deletedidnt get a chance to listen to the Murph interview of York this a.m., can you give us a synopsis?
ReplyDeleteI think he did a better-than-average interview.
DeleteNot spectacular but pretty good--now if he could stop the 27,000 pop-culture references and use of word, "dude."
I listened to the interview and Murphy skewered York. Murphy is a homer and unabashed fan of local SF teams, and it makes sense for a team flagship radio station to have that kinda guy for a morning drive-time show, but Murphy absolutely eviscerated York on almost every angle of the Harbaugh firing and York's press conference explanation. York started the interviewing jokingly asking "Why am I doing this?" and I bet he's still asking himself that question.
DeleteHey Rich - Did KGO radio sever ties with ABC radio national news? (Yes, I do keep KGO on as background noise while I work.) Whatever news source is doing the :00 and :30 national updates is horrible.
ReplyDeleteABC Radio kissed Cumulus goodbye ...Cumulus has some cheap CNN filler news coming.
DeleteHow is radio station 910 doing these days as far as ratings and in comparison to a couple years ago? I'm particularly interested in how specific shows are doing such as Ed Baxter's in the morning.
ReplyDeleteLousy--which is what they like.
DeleteI wrote a complaint to the programming director about Corey and Joel being really boring and got a response from Corey who it appears is the programming director. Hmmm. However, I do like Ed Baxter and Gil even if you guys don't. They should have a separate programming director who doesn't do a show.
DeleteAnd what was the reply you got, I wrote Corey once about Gil not taken calls and did not get a reply from either. I like Ed and Gil personally, but there show not so much. If they took calls they might be more interesting.
DeleteHis reply as best as I can remember was not rude, but kind of sheepish and admitted that he was the program director. How can a station have program director that has a program? I forgot to mention above that I do like Lloyd Lindsey Young and Alan Colmes (still on at 7:00? can't get station when it's dark early).
DeleteThe ABC Network News at the top of the hour seems to have quietly disappeared from KGO in the last few days, replaced by local (or Texas,depending on the time) reporters and some second-rate, unbranded national/world reporting...what's next (other than weekend programming)?
ReplyDeleteA cheapened CNN radio service --ABC told Cumulus, "bye-bye."
DeleteHow dose Kate Scott have a job in this market?She is just bad and i would say that if she was a man also)-:
ReplyDeleteShe's 30-ish, blond, cute and gay woman: KNBR gets a lot of FCC brownie points and horny guys in Concord get some satisfaction.
DeleteKate Scott is not cute unless one has a Peppermint Patty fetish.
DeleteKate Scott is do-able after drinking a 12 pack of Premium Beer.
DeleteIs there any way to make the comments automatically appear when we arrive at your page instead of having to click on the comment gizmo?
ReplyDeleteNo, that's there to weed out the 51-50's, sorry for your inconvenience.
DeleteOMG your subscription price went up to $8.99. I just lost a couple of bucks by not subscribing. I don't know if I can afford to lose any more money. I better subscribe soon.
ReplyDeleteGood answer.
DeleteGo for it.
Your site is cheaper then a lot of porn sites but it just doesn't have the same effect on me. It will probably work for some folks though.
ReplyDeleteClose your eyes and pretend you're about to see Kate Upton in the nude.
DeleteThe so called "new" morning show on 95.7 sounds like crap. KNBR must be popping bubbly. Your thoughts?
ReplyDeleteUh, I think you nailed it pretty well...
DeleteI know that KCBS repeats its segments. Do you think that they can at least change the text? I understand that they can't change an interview but the text of the main story can be changed.
ReplyDeleteThey do on occasion but not enough and it drives me crazy--.
DeleteI listen to the KSFO (Sat) , KNBS (Sat / Sun morning) and KDOW (Rob Black) for their business segments. You cover the talk shows very well. How do the ratings compare between the Business Shows. I have just started to listen to the channel that carries Bloomberg.
ReplyDeleteWow, quiet on the question front today. I'll be the first.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone bought the old KRON building yet?
I believe a company that owns quite a bit of hospitals --and I also believe a hospital is going into 1001 Van Ness. Good, they could bury the old bodies.
DeleteChip Franklin is talking against the plastic bag ban right now. It's a good law and I want it kept in place. How do we get rid of the fucking moron?
ReplyDelete1;43 PM .....LEAVE MY PLASTIC BAGS ALONE! I want them and I need them. I do not like 'virtually being charged a bag tax just for the divine pleasure of walking into Safeway and paying for food. Then I cross the street and go into Rite Aid, where I'm charged again for actually daring to want a BAG for my seventeen items. Enough Nannystating! These are the sort of stupid laws that chase vendors out of California. There will always be some sort of rubbish left by human beings. IM DONE apologizing to Mother Nature for using a disposable Kleenex! Maybe you need to move to Oregon, there are a lot of obsessive save the worlders like you in Oregon. And Long may they stay up there too.
DeleteWhy don't you call him and tell him--better yet, QUIT listening, amazing what could happen.
DeleteChip Franklin should join forces with rootvg in Danville and drive to every whole foods in Northern California to yell at and complain to every clerk about this shitty, communist area that passes such oppressive laws! He can then get on a soap box about how great the Deep South is and how it'll save America...
Delete@4:25 PM We don't need the plastic bags. We have done very well without them for many years. You can too. We I go grocery shopping in any European country I am expected to bring my own bag. If they can make it work, so can California.
DeleteAs for me moving? Nope I fit in pretty well in Northern California. You are the one that should move. Try that stinking hell hole red state called Kansas. With your backwards views you will fit right in with the local yokels.
Rich. I didn't call him, but I did e-mail him today and give him shit. His answer was "You love me, I know ~Chip"
DeleteAs for listening to him I stopped in about a week. But, I listen to KGO in the morning and sometimes I am busy and don't switch stations at noon. He just comes on. In a preview he said he wanted to talk about the bag ban and I wanted to hear that. The bag industry was paying $12.50 each for signatures on the petitions I read. They may have slipped old Chip an Xmas bonus or something for him to go to bat for them. Just a wild ass guess on my part.
Just because you don't agree with Chip Franklin does not mean he is a moron, although he might be. Personally I like the plastic bag ban, but a talk show host is not there to just please you, he is there to bring up subject, usually controversial ones, state his opinion and have listeners call in and voice their opinion (unless it is 910, which is not taking call, it is a monolog station, not a talk station, and a boring one at that). Chip Franklin is not great, but who is these days? I have listen to him where he did a decent show, he is no Gene Burns, but he is not Brian Sussman either.
Delete4;25 you don't have to pay for a bag in every store, first of all the store cannot force you to buy a bag, so you can just walk out with what you bought in your hands, or take the bag from Safeway and have Rite-aid put their merchandise in that one, or bring your own bag to whatever store you are shopping. Funny how conservatives are up in arms about the band on plastic bags. I grew up in Denmark (born in 45) and whenever we went to stores we always brought our own shopping net. However, in the sixties when we started to get supermarkets, stores started to give out plastic bags, my Dad who was a pretty conservative guy, had a fit, thought is was a huge waste. Funny, how things change from country to country, and how conservative in Europe back then was very different than conservative in the US. My parents taught me to never leave trash in nature, do not waste anything. I know it is a small point, but seem like conservatives in the US gets pleasure out of wasting stuff.
DeleteI lived in Kansas for a few years. It was fine. The people were friendly, POSITIVE and upbeat, and approachable. There were very few grizzled old grunts complaining with snot on their collars.
DeleteAny news on you and MZ hooking up again. A minimum wage deal giving you more exposure would work great for both of you. You can do it!
ReplyDeleteWe're always talking about something--stay tuned. Nothing imminent but we talk a lot.
DeleteMZ needs to wake up and smell the roses. 24/7 Obama bashing radio sucks. Only the 65 year old white guys who make up the bulk of his small audience eat that garbage up day in and day out. Anyone else find Dave Michaels' commercials peddling vitamins tacky? He even has commercials "recruiting CEO's" to sell that stuff alas Avon. I know MZ has to find a way to pay the bills but man oh man!!! Bring back Lieberman Live NOW!!!!!!
DeleteI always liked Rick Quan(Thank God no relation to Jean Quan) back from his days at KPIX Weekends. I now occasionally see him filling in at KGO. Rick is far superior to the Radnich Clone Vern Glenn. Will we see Rick back in the Bay Area as more than just a vacation, fill-in? Your thoughts Rich--keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteRick is permanent fill-in, at least for now but like you, I like him too.
DeleteThe absymal Cory and Joel, followed by over-the-hill John London and other old out-of-touch guy. What in the world is Talk 910 thinking about? How does the program director (Cory?) get away with such horrible programming?
ReplyDeleteTheir ratings are barely over a 1 which should tell you that they don't care that nobody listens.
DeleteCory is on the air, perhaps he does not want anyone to compete with him. I listened a little to those 2 guys yesterday and today, can't say I was impressed or felt like staying tune. Heard David Weintraub today, I think he was filling in for Ed Baxter, sounded like he was taking calls, gave out the phone number, only listened for about 15 20 minutes, had to get back to work.
DeleteYes this issue with Cory being the contact person is ridiculous. I don't hate him or Joel, I just can't bear to listen to them. I like the format of two people bantering if they are interesting and funny, but these two don't work for me, but there is no one to complain to I suppose.
DeleteThe Gil Gross fill-ins (London and Morrel?) were so sophomoric they made Cory and Joel almost listenable. (I said almost.) UFO talk, conspiracies. Uninformed political babble. Someone told me they used to be on the air here (on KFRC?) Just awful. Why not put infomericals instead? Just as entertaining. And Corey and Joel are no better.
DeleteNot a question but a comment...Rich, I know you hate Brian Murphy, but you have to give him props for the interview he conducted with Jed York Tuesday morning. He absolutely exposed York for the fool that he is.
ReplyDeleteHe did an above-average job, better than I thought. Not great but better than average.
DeleteI'm not sure what else he could have done.
Delete12:58 He could have kissed ass like he usually does. One interview doesn't boost his long lost (never existing?) credibility. KNBR Mornings = joke.
DeleteThought Murphy's interview was great and Damon Bruce worked over Trent Balke pretty good on 12/29. The 49ers are doing a terrible job of presenting their side of this to the public...need a President a la Carmen Policy to keep York from coming off as a buffoon.
ReplyDeleteFor once the media were the voice of the fans.
DeleteCan we talk about Da Lin's pomade? Tonight, during the blustery winds, he was on assignment in Vallejo covering the wind problems on I-80. And all of a sudden - there came a gust - and a large greasy clump of his hair fell onto his left shoulder. It was like seeing your elderly uncle's comb-over collapse during a family gathering.
ReplyDeleteMy question: Is there any pomade or hair spray that would have prevented that?
I'm gonna throw in a plug here for Mike Shumann. I could see where most of the sports reporters would drive the audio board engineers crazy with the shouting and such. Relatively speaking, Mike delivers with a relative calmness that is really nice to hear and see.
ReplyDeleteI think people forget Shumann a former 49er and was on the first two (9er) Super Bowl teams. He's also in the Florida sports Hall of Fame.
DeleteYes, Shumann was with the 49ers when they won their first Super Bowl, but he left the 49ers after the 1981 season. See
DeleteHe was like 5th string WR for a couple years.
DeleteBFD he is still a homer asshole
He was 2nd string and saw decent amount of playing time. He had game time in Super Bowl XVI to even make an NFL team is impressive just ask Michael Sam.
DeleteIt was an achievement making THAT NFL team (especially as a WR), with their pass oriented offense, remarkable group of receivers, and a coaching/player personnel staff that were adept at judging talent.
DeleteThe Sunday morning TV/radio show, Face the Nation, is the most popular of the Sunday morning news shows. Or so I read on the Web.
ReplyDeleteFor the life of me, I can't understand why KCBS only broadcasts the first half of that show and then goes back to repeating the same 30 minutes of tired old news that it did before the Face the Nation broadcast started.
You'd think that they'd want to ride on the coat tails of Face the Nation's popularity, by broadcasting the full show. Am I missing something here??
And if I may slip in a second question on a different subject: Is there any way to determine the identity of that young female doofus who writes and voices her own atrocious late-night spots? I've noticed that her spots only are aired on a few local stations and the rest of the TrueCar spots on other saner stations are either read live, by a station voice talent, or have been recorded by a far more talented female voice who calls herself "Leah."
Thanks in advance for letting me pick your brain on these two topics.
Del: KCBS also never airs the CBS Evening News in its entirety, either (probably because of the afternoon commutes). I think they still air 60 Minutes in its entirety, although Sunday evening traffic news may or may not interrupt the broadcasts. I know CBS is cutting a lot of radio costs, but I agree that the radio stations CBS wants to keep - KCBS in SF, KNX in LA, WCBS in NY etc - should air each 30-60 minute network news program in its entirety. Especially for those without a mobile device or rare ones without TV or internet.