Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Red's Java Power Schmooze; Old KGO Urge? Yep; Money Men Meet at Balboa; KRON Murky; Waldman Set to Replace Pam Moore; Goodrich-Cowan Dream Team, Still; KPIX Nirvana: Devin Fehely; Dan Ashley/Circle 7 Financial Matters; Thursday Media Thirst

TWO MEN, TWO WOMEN;; they were in their mid-40's, tops. techies, with good jobs, (still) --one lunchtime on Tuesday at Red's Java House.

' Talkking what? The fact they couldn't talk news on KGO. Maybe there's hope, after all.

*By the way, a nost delicious, underrrated burger? Red's to the rescue, me? Onions and mustard only.

*Spraking of old KGO, a group of money men in black suits and briefcases were schmoozing in the back room at The Balboa Monday and they were talking serious business. Yeah, broadcast business and KGO-ish possibilities. One guy was a billionaire and has a lot of "F-U" money.

I'll leave it at that.

*KRON has a boatload of internal issues. There's a general malaise affecting the troops. They've lost confidence in GM, Jim Rose, who simply can't run a TV station. KRON's parent, Nexstar, has issues of its own and that doesn't help matters.

*No official announcement yet but it looks like Justine Waldman is Pam Moore's replacement.

*PIX and Scott Warren, if Reed Cowan isn't a fit in the morning, please, pair him and Juliette Goodrich at 6--a CAN'T MISS!.

Yeah, I know, Scotty, I've been preaching this a lot.

*ADD Goodrich: I underestimated her chops as a field reporter. She's good, solid, not great but damn near brilliant.

*ANOTHER PIXer that has grown on me: Devin Fehely. He can anchor and yes, he's a soild reporter. Needs primetime and placement. An above-average personality too.

*If Dan Ashley is at Circle7 beyond Jan. 1, he's a LIFER, but I just have a hunch Danno is looking at East Coast real estate.

Btw, Dan? THE HAIR!

Ashley is still the Bay Area's HIGHEST-PAID anchor at a salary north of $650K a year but Disney doesn't like paying its anchors that much dough.


  1. Fehely is good, in the field and at the anchor desk. Solid work, and a great voice. South Bay native, too.

    1. Went to Bellarmine in San Jose. I remember him well.

    2. For me, the KGO Urge was when Ray couldn’t hold it in anymore and let it go right before 5am. The 5am morning news crew got what Ray left on his chair.

  2. Speaking of kpix, last night Sara Donchey wore baggy pants with rips on both knees and bright orange tennis shoes with oversized laces.
    While her wardrobe style is certainly unorthodox by news anchor standards, I'll admit I like her affect and delivery. I'm a fan.

  3. Of all the possibilities to replace Moore (Heenan, Liviakis, Sogomonian, Lin, Bellow) Waldman is the absolute worst option KRON could pick.

    1. Guaranteed they will then.

      I worked in TV news for years and constantly saw that the poop always, ALWAYS rises to the top.

    2. She's terrible as an anchor and has an "I'm better than you" attitude. Watch for a ratings drop if she does indeed become Pam's replacement. Waldman should stick to being a reporter.

    3. Disagree.
      Heenan: Too old.
      Liviakis: Year or two away from a villa in Greece.
      Sogomonian: Attractive and good but not ready yet.
      Lin: Not very attractive.
      Bellow: Nice but needs to drop a few.

    4. @7:06 All your points are about age and physical appearance. I'm talking pure anchoring ability which is what is needed most in primetime.

    5. KRON will replace Moore with NO ONE....they are losing hours of News as it transitions to a CW. Jim Rose is incompetent and needs to save expenses as they head into a huge ratings and revenue loss. Just play the bench and stress them out . They will be laying off talent soon

    6. Things over at 4:00 are not good. The ship has been sinking since the day they moved to front street. It got bad when they lost their NBC affiliation. That's when the legendary Channel 4 died. The shadow of its existence from then on. Became nothing more than a technical debacle. The chief engineer walked out. They hired anybody who claimed to have engineering experience who came through the door. The replacement chief for their move to Front Street with a guy who's only transmitted experience was in short wave. He was kept on just long enough for them to bring up an old school crook from Fox in Los angeles. Although having a heavy hitting and illustrious background his technical understanding stop somewhere in the late 90s. And did not go into that of digital television. Their engineering staff is comprised of one guy that's been there so long you can find pictures of him in the RCA trade magazines another guy that came over from Grass Valley. A college intern with no engineering experience and now the chief and assistant chief our buddies brought in out of Washington state. If you're a reporter there there is a morale problem second only to "the beatings will continue until the morale improves".
      There is very little technical Talent left in the facility. The new Chief and the assistant chief are just dealing with it's good enough. We have a picture that's all we need. Their energy microwave system hasn't functioned in over 3 years. They have multiple mountain top sites sitting and collecting dust. None of the news trucks even have microwave transmitters in them. They just sort of actors parking space fillers in front of the 900 studios. The only time you'll see field reporting is when the new story is so big if they didn't show up people would question why and then it will be of the utmost minimum. The last decent old school reporter that remembers how to do the job, KH has been relegated to doing political shows and the occasional KRON on. Frankly she should be promoted to news director and the current one shot. But with the current landscape of broadcast media regardless of television or radio. Going back to anything that resembles what we all remember of good broadcasting and broadcasting standards will never happen. There is no federal law that will force them to do it there is no care amongst the General Public to push them to do it. So other than occasionally shining up their new set adding some more glass, and spinning graphics that's about the best we're ever going to get. At one time Channel 4 was considered to be the most Cutting Edge station in the Bay.

  4. Reed Cowan is overrated. He gives off big Raj "My poop don't stink" Mathai vibes every time he's on the air. But Goodrich absolutely needs a co-anchor. Just not him.

    1. Reed is already anchoring on the morning show, it will certainly not be him as he’s anchoring with Nicole & Gianna.

      For Jules, bring in Hackney or pair her with Andrea Nakano or Devin Fehely. But Hackney would be suited since both have chemistry.

      Is this going to take a few more weather fill-ins with Hackney to see how he and Jules get along on primetime set before they move Hackney to primetime?

      Remember, seeing Hackney fill in for weather during the week is extremely rare. That is usually Darren Peck’s duty if Heggen is out.

  5. I missed Dan Ashley’s performance at Outside Lands. Bummer.

    1. His band will be on the stage at Walnut Creek's Walnut Fest in a few weeks. Catch him then.

  6. PIX's main problem isn't that it doesn't have the right pieces in the right places. It's that they almost all of the pieces they put on the board shouldn't have been placed there in the first place.

  7. Ashley used to be decent ( never good or great) but now he’s a nothingburger with a guitar.

  8. Will Waldman’s ascent let her give Lodes the Heave-Ho? Or is the pay raise going to create smooth sailing for the TV tryst?

    1. Lodes has no personality and communicates awkwardly when carefully worded scripts aren't in front of him. Notice no one paid attention to his Bay Area Backroads segments, so they quietly made it disappear.

    2. Lotus has the personality of something close to a brick painted black. Without a prompter in front of him he's lost. The day that we lost prompter is, he froze like a deer in the headlights. Unfortunately without being wrapped in their technology the reporters there can't read a story God forbid we have another incident like the 89 earthquake. Yeah Channel 4 did kind of drop the ball. Some of that was due to mistakes made by engineering some was due to problems with getting permits from the city of San Francisco to keep diesel fuel on site for their generator. Now unfortunately if the power goes out the only thing that will stay on air is the equipment room the cameras will go black and so will the prompters funny enough the wireless microphones will operate for about 20 minutes. So you'll get to hear the anchors confused and bewildered before the UPS battery is die. But there is currently no system that allows them to cut around it. The only reason that they're keeping him around is it his wife is there and the two of them make up about the youngest on air Talent with the color of seniority that you have. Finding somebody in that building over 35 is next to Impossible at least on the third floor.

  9. I haven't been able to watch KRON for a few months because of Att.

    1. @11:46 Crikey, get an antennae and get it off the air, you may wanna to eject at&t and save a ton on money in the process, I did, it's not rocket science

  10. I hope Devin Fehely can be put on the Primetime Edition. He is just that good in his report and delivery and generally comes as personable.

    That also eases the potential for him to fill in at 11PM & be promoted further in the future.

    I’ve seen Devin on the Morning show on a few occasions. Stellar job as always and on the Morning Mix keeps the conversation going not just with his opinion but about the topic in general.

    He is the definition of anchor material. I think KPIX is starting to see that now.

    If Fehely is off the weekends, it may be replaced by Max Darrow in the weekend mornings; he is also great too as far as his demeanor and presence on and off the anchor desk. I did hear somewhere from Reed that Max got promoted to anchor. Wondering if there is any more news about that in this regard.

    The only few people left that I want to see potential placement on the primetime anchor desk are Andrea Nakano, Brian Hackney and perhaps Betty Yu.

    Pairing wise, I wish Brian Hackney & Juliette Goodrich can anchor together at 6 & 7. He should also do 11 on weeknights but yesterday he was like it’s 11:20 past his bedtime 😂

    The current anchors like Yamamoto & Donchey should be moved to the weekends where no one will watch. Liz Cook can remain where she is and pair with someone like Anne Makovec that gives her some more primetime leverage.

    1. This is all better than the current managers are doing. You clearly have a brain. You are DANGEROUS, at least as far as KPIX is concerned. They're just looking for the next gimmick. I hear next it will be roller skating from flatscreen to flatscreen and doing the news in pajamas.

    2. Whoever hired Yamamoto & Donchey should be fired. Yamamoto has as much personality as stale bread and his voice is just plain hard to listen to. Donchey has improved, but still comes across as fake. It's a crime that she gets a prime time anchor spot, while Liz Cook gets screwed over again and again. Cook is not top shelf anchor material, but far better than Donchey.

    3. @5:49 Donchey doesn't come across as fake and that's the problem. Fake I can handle. Donchey's problem is that she comes across as too real. She's a wild child and it comes across the air in her delivery, personality, and, yes, her wardrobe. If she toned it all down it would be a lot more palatable.

    4. 5:49 I agree but the key difference between Donkey and Cook is Donkey rocks those short mini skirts or the ones with slits up to her buttcrack. Cook is a beautiful woman who wears professional attire and doesn't dress like she's going to the club after her shift.
      The reality of the world we live in is that overt sex appeal sells, hence Donkey's prominence.

    5. @3:59pm - Dangerous or not it’s something I’m wishing it would happen. And take it from me, it’s all for the better. I mean the 11PM news should really be about the news and there should be attire standards on how one projects themselves. I’ve seen Liz Cook wear a red looking pajama on a few occasions and it was fine with me.

      For Donchey, that’s all I want from management as far as her wardrobe style is concerned. Now I’m not saying she should move to the mornings (weekday OR weekend), but imagine she was, there should still be some appropriate decorum on how to dress. Especially when you have someone like Brian Hackney filling in for weather; that guy is old enough to be her father (or even mine) for God’s sake.

      @5:49PM - They should be fired or their boss’s boss should be fired. Fired by whom? Hackney or Devin I wish but again.

      Another way I am looking at it is that the ND is making some strides in his effort, the changes are gradual. At some point or the other it’s only a matter of time more changes could be pronounced, maybe pulling Hackney away from weekend duty. If I remember correctly I think it’s been probably at least a decade since he was the weekend anchor. He deserves better.

  11. If Ashley moves to another station he'll have more success in the hunt with darker hair. If he want to keep his gray maybe he'll be limited to the PBS Newshour.

  12. Who cares about a cage fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, let's see Dan Ashley and Frank Somerville in the octagon!

    1. Somerville already beat Ashley to the Punch !!

    2. Opps, @12:13 You and the Hulk

    3. No, Aaron Pero and Trixie Watkowski.

    4. ok 1:27, I’ll have a cage fight with the hulk.

    5. @3:00 Ok, be sure your insurance info is up to date, would you please state your name so I can purchase insurance?

  13. Red’s burgers are awesome, they are reminiscent of the Round House burgers that was next to the Sea Scout Base at the foot of Muni Pier, both served hot enough that you have to give them a minute before you bite into them.

    1. Red's is/was always a manageable brisk noontime stroll along the waterfront from the Financial District. Circa 1980-'85, a "double burger on a sourdough roll and a beer" I recall was around $2, possibly a little higher. Dining outside, you'd deposit your empty bottles in a cardboard box outside the front door.

  14. Was VDLC considered? Probably asked for too much moolah

  15. Speaking of Pam Moore. Check out this goodie at the 45-second mark — Pam anchoring the news in Louisville, KY 43 years ago. That’s 1980 folks.

  16. uised to have doggie diner hamburger onions only .

    1. @6:51 Doggie Diner, Clown Alley, Hippo, and my favorite: Zims Char Broiled Burgers, so Juicy!

  17. Always liked Dan Ashley. He's like one of those politicians you could 'sit down and have a beer with' and feel o.k. about it. That's probably why he's the highest paid anchor in the Bay Area. Think about it. Raj. Mibach. Wayne. Or Ashley? I'd say Dan would have the most interesting stories to tell. Anchor by day. Rock & roller by night. And he's actually kinda talented. Love his multi-ethnic band. Maybe Raj would be second with his tales of Janelle and T.J. Holmes. And I....Oops.

    Juliette Goodrich doesn't need a man, as a co-anchor that is. She's just a likable personality and anchor all on her own. You can't teach that. But all these newbies could take a lesson from her. Solid and professional. One of the few things holding CBS 5 together at this point.

  18. I have commented on how great Devin Fehely is many times here. The guy OOZES Anchor material. He is in the classic style of Walter Cronkite, and he delivers the news without any bias, which we sorely need in today's news.
    Now, regarding Juliette Goodrich and Brian Hackney, I still say that Goodrich is over the hill, and watching her wear open toed shoes when she substitutes for Sara Donchey during the week, is pretty pathetic. The thing is, Donchey has wonderful feet and toes, while Goodrich, in comparison, has HUGE WIDE feet and her toes are way too big. Hackney is good at whatever he does, be in doing the weather or an anchor. Still though, his vast knowledge, sometimes still overwhelms in the way he shows it. And regarding Sara Donchey, yes, her wardrobe is a little crazy, especially when she wears tight pants that show her stomach sticking out, along with as someone else here mentioned, her wearing pants with cutouts or torn areas. I mean, she is not a "spring chicken" anymore, although she is still attractive in a MILF sort of way. She does exude sex appeal though!

    1. Foot fetish alert!

    2. Fehely doesn't ooze anchor material for me at all. He's a good reporter and commentator though. Goodrich is not over the hill. Donchey just doesn't hit the mark. And what's with the feet and shoes when the focus should be on the news? If you could, you should turn off the video and listen to the audio to learn what's really important.

    3. Brian Hackney is good as an anchor and meteorologist. Not disputing that (and he smiles a lot doing the weather), but the messing around with Jules if he fills in for Heggen is just a turn off.

      On Wednesday he even openly admitted that Goodrich was “ripped from me on the weekends”. When Darren Peck fills in on weather it’s better.

    4. If Devin is indeed on the Primetime Edition, this is a great win for him. I really enjoy his personality & reporting. His reporting is honest and has confidence. As many said, he needs to be the face of KPIX, and KPIX is overlooking that.

  19. Last time I went to Reds was Saturday, March 14, 2020. There was all the talk of a pandemic and I thought its a good idea to go to my old haunts in SF in case SF changed forever. Unfortunately I was right.

  20. I was just watching The Minute on the CBS Stream, and I have some confirmation that Devin Fehely is going to be the anchor on the Primetime Edition on 9/1.

    Basically, he said at the end “join me for the Primetime Edition starting 9/1”. This is a great win for him as he is one of the only few anchors who excels at what he does. It allows him the potential to be a fill-in at 11PM on weeknights since the shows are near each other so that Jules doesn’t always have to be her fill-in.

    Now let’s see if they slowly begin doing the same with Hackney or Nakano. I hope the new GM will recognize their talent no matter the smartness.

  21. Andrea Nakano was not there this entire weekend. Is this another sign that she will slowly be moved onto the primetime slot? Even Hackney didn’t acknowledge Nakano’s absence with him solo anchoring and Peck as his weather pet all weekend.

    If she does get moved, this is a win for her. She is wasted on weekends and only comes a few times nightly reporting on the field. She is great in everything but I want to see more of her at the anchor desk during the weeknights.

    I’ve seen the case when Andrea was only out one day but not the other. When she anchors alone she does acknowledge Hackney’s absence.

    I think Liz & Andrea would be great together if not with Anne Makovec. The GM is probably taking it in strides and maybe in due course it may be pronounced, who knows?

  22. So for the primetime edition beginning tonight on KPIX+ (KBCW), it’s not solo anchoring, it is an evening version of the Morning Edition.

    We will have the following anchors:
    - Juliette Goodrich
    - Devin Fehely
    - Liz Cook
    - Sara Donchey

    Chief meteorologist Paul Heggen (anyone like Darren Peck filling in as needed).

    For Liz this is great too. We commented last year on how she got demoted to the Noon newscast but I guess it was temporary. I guess this is why she is no longer on at noon. She is a very good and professional anchor. Since that news cast is not far from 11PM, it even allows these to be potential fill-ins which will make them eventually look at the 11PM news differently.

    All that is missing from primetime is to offer Brian to be a primetime anchor.
