Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The New KCBS Anchor Business Model: Whack A Mole

There's a new anchor every other hour--every other day. No sane person can keep track. It's beyond a joke.

Welcome to the new KCBS business model regarding anchors: Whack A Mole.

And August vacation time is no excuse; this unintentionally hysterical MO has been an ongoing embarrassment for months now.

A combination of mass-MISMANAGEMENT and corporate incompetence --with a willing enabler, one Jenny Seelig.

Audacy owns KCBS and boy do they feel crappy these days.


  1. Sorry, KCBS is long dead, don't believe me? Try cursing when getting caught in a huge traffic jam because NO ONE reported comprehensive traffic incidents accurately and in a timely manner, remember the good ol days?

  2. You need a score card nowadays to keep up with the Whack-An-Anchor!

  3. How soon will it be before KCBS gushes about the near God like performance by Jake “The Cheese Steak” Haener? Inquiring minds want to know…

  4. Yeah -- I remember KLIV in San Jose & miss it. Can't expect SF stations to be right on top of local traffic in SJ but there was a hostage situation this morning that diverted traffic for hours at a major midtown intersection including a complex of big Safeway/MacDonalds/Walgreens stores. I luckily changed my mind about shopping there at the last minute, just because the weather was getting uncomfortably warm, but no thanks to any car radio alerts about the police problems. Since KCBS has become the default source for news of emergencies all over the Bay Area, it would be helpful if they'd actually handle that job.

  5. As long as KCBS gives me national news at the top of each hour....and a first-block recap of news...I'm OK with it. I don't really care...or know...who is reading it to me. I typically tune in at the top of an hour and listen to the first block or two. I don't need investigative news.

    1. The problem with that is that WHAT stories they report and HOW they report them is biased and partisan. Real reporting it ain’t. It’s a “We do our point of view” journalism.

  6. KCBS has the best commercials...Kars 4 Kids, Reece's, Reece's, Reece's and all the attorney spots. Gotta Love KCBS...NOT!

  7. Like others, I mostly just want the top of the hour CBS news and weather. Even the traffic these days is the traffic dude(tte) reading stuff off of But until I get get an AI to connect to the live CHP website and read out loud the accidents near me, I'm stuck with KCBS. Fortunately for me, unfortunately for Audacy, I give them 6-12 months before some college student puts an app together to do that.

    1. If your auto has bluetooth or wifi program 511 into the medium, it's interactive when you dial in and say "Road Conditions" and when prompted say "East bound 580 Livermore", you don't need KCBS anymore

    2. @4:27 Tried it, thank you!

    3. @8:51 You're welcome! Couldn't figure out why EB 580 Dublin Grade from Castro Valley and 511 informed us car fire top of the grade on the right side and SO ACCURATE!!!!!

  8. I could watch that little kitty for hours!

  9. But why is the audio quality of some of the anchors so bad? Some of them sound like they are using microphones they got at a Dollar Store. KCBS used to be such a much better station. Sad now.

  10. KCBS has “the foodie guy” with the British accent. Does he get paid by KCBS or are his spots commercials for the restaurants and wineries he’s reporting on?

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