Friday, August 18, 2023

Respect, If Not Admiration: KPIX; KCBS; No Respect; But Jennifer Hodges in Maui Powerful Reporting, Until Anchor Clueless; The RL/415 Media TV News Dress Etiquette For Women/Men Anchors Fresh Friday

RESPECT, if not admiration...

I don't always agree with KPIX and their personnel decisions, but I do respect their desire to at ;east try new things. Be it anchors, reporters, new looks, camera angles, story ides, yes CBS/Bay Area, you have a little more gusto.

I wish all that new vibe could translate into better emphasis on local news and Bay Area-centric coverage but it's still early, I'm patient.

*NO respect: anything/anybody, KCBS, just an inherent waste of time.

They've destroyed every ounce of what was once a heritage station, news presentation and all.

They've allowed a few incompetent buttheads to RUIN a news operation that was once a Bay Area powerhouse of news and information with a penchant for traffic, business and sports.


The inmates are RUINING the asylum and the idiots have DESTROYED the palace and turned it into a sloppy-joe cafe; today's special? burnt melba tpoast.

*Jennifer Hodges, the KCBS anchor/reporter, was dispatched to Maui this week to cover the fire/disaster zone; her reports have been both compelling and powerful.

Hodges was describing a particularly poignant story involving a Maui cafe's woman owner on Friday morning when some anchor schmuck asked her to "hurry, please" the story, why? So a commercial could run and we all know, KCBS needs all its commercials.

*TV News anchor etiquette, dress-wise as suggested by MOI/415 Media:

Women anchors: blue jacket, beige/white blouse, white skirt, heels.

Men anchors: ALL wear blue ties, black jacket, white shirts--NO TENNIS SHOES!

Any deviation from fashion directive will result in mandatory suspension and forced to watch Reggie Aqui for over an hour.


  1. CBS is a woke station, pure garbage

    1. Actually, it's KGO that's the WOKE station.

    2. I'd rather watch Woke...than Christian-leaning, White-America-First crap spewed by Faux news.

    3. @10:21 Woke means person didn't take Relaxium Sleep

  2. I agree with you on the tennis shoes. Raj Mathai is the worst offender of them all. He often wears dirty tennis shoes with visible grass and dirt stains. To make matters worse, he wears them with an ill-fitting suit, resulting in a sloppy and unprofessional look.
    On the other hand, I've seen Sara Donchey in tennis shoes, and they actually looked good with the outfit she wore. While her on-air style is unique, I do think she has good fashion sense.

    1. At least he wears his suit pants unlike some ex KTVU sports dude reportedly didn't.

    2. Raj has been doing this for a few years. Maybe Janelle Wang has a dirty sneakers fetish?

    3. @3:12 Reminds me of the person breaking into hotel rooms just to lick foots, eewww eewww

    4. If Raj Mathai fancies himself as the “Indian Walter Cronkite” then perhaps he should start dressing like the late Mr. Cronkite. By that I mean a well-tailored, quality suit with appropriate footwear.

  3. I get no respect. Last night a girl called and told me to hurry over because no one was home. So I went over - no one was home!

    1. Good one! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I get no respect, no respect. I come from an ugly family, when my son was born, the doctor took 1 look and slapped me. I tell ya no respect!

  4. I disagree on the women's wardrobe as your classification is wayyy to dull and restrictive. But male anchors should always have a tie and never have tennis shoes.

    And one hour of Reggie Aqui is just not enough. At least a week is fair.

    1. @ 1:32 Read Rich's post again dimwit. He was referring to getting an hour of Reggie as punishment. 12:05 said an hour of Reggie as punishment wasn't enough.

    2. I'm pretty sure there are strict international limitations on the amount and type of torture one is allowed to inflict. Foisting any more of Aqui on the public clearly violates those standards...

    3. @3:56 Ok, Reggie

  5. *TV News anchor etiquette, dress-wise as suggested by MOI/415 Media:
    Women anchors: blue jacket, beige/white blouse, white skirt, heels.
    Men anchors: ALL wear blue ties, black jacket, white shirts--NO TENNIS SHOES!

    Now if you'll excuse me I have to get home for our fondue and swingers party. - Signed, The 70's.

  6. Never thought of PIX as a palace.....

  7. "Jennifer Hodges, the KCBS anchor/reporter, was dispatched to Maui this week to cover the fire/disaster zone; her reports have been both compelling and powerful."

    They'll probably get wind of it and fire her next week.

  8. "Any deviation from fashion directive will result in mandatory suspension and forced to watch Reggie Aqui for over an hour."

    Wow, that's really cruel, Rich. Even the Taliban doesn't resort to things like that.

    1. @1:18 No, the taliban would rather waterboard you

    2. actually the US did the waterboarding.

  9. Hodges received a free plane ride on a family ticket, is staying with a friend who is loaning her his car.

    1. You know an awful lot about her - almost stalker-level of information.

  10. Could this (particular blog entry) be a precursor to another entry linking Aretha Franklin's "Respect," Rich?!

  11. No tennis shoes especially with suits. No jeans period.

    1. For years, anchors were "anchors." They sat down during the entire news segment, so no one knew what they wore on the lower half. Now they stand for some segments and walk around for some segments, so they need to look professional - that means no jeans and no sneakers. That weather guy on KPIX always had sneakers on even though he's always walking around. It just looks unprofessional.

    2. @4:34 & @6:19 - Right on! No tie is okay but jeans is not okay for TV. You can wear jeans whatever you do in your personal life.

      Today Heggen who normally wears jeans on Fridays is not. He’s tieless but just wearing a suit and black pants like he would any other day or every other Monday on occassion.

    3. the "walking around" bullshit is just beyond stupid. If you are actually a journalist, you would have documents, and papers, and standing up makes it impossible to have or do anything substantive.

    4. At least the weekends they don’t do that walking around bullcrap. That’s how it should be on the weekdays too besides just at noon & 5pm.

      Here’s the bright side of this - The morning show with Nicole now there, I didn’t see any walking around. They are standing but at least in 1 place.

      I’d like to see this change be more pronounced at 6, 7 and 11. Something tells me the GM is trying a few new things to see what works and what doesn’t. It may take some time but it should get back to normal eventually.

  12. As much as I like Liz Cook, what the hell is with her fashion sense? I've never seen anything like this either on or off the air. Fascinating

    1. She wore some lime green outfit this week, and I had to do a double take. To me, it really doesn't matter what she wears, but the color caught me off guard.

    2. I've seen faaaaar worse. (Julie Haener, Sara Donchey)

  13. I've no problem with color combinations on the news presenters, whatever works for HD TV is fine. What I look for is professional attire. You're working, look like it. Too many dress as if they are heading out to some soiree or after party and wanted to save a couple of minutes changing out.

  14. Rich wrote: Hodges was describing a particularly poignant story involving a Maui cafe's woman owner on Friday morning when some anchor schmuck asked her to "hurry, please" the story, why? So a commercial could run and we all know, KCBS needs all its commercials.

    This crap happens all the time. When they are interviewing someone they always cut them off. They never get the full story the person is telling. Slam Bam Thank You Mam...but they always have time for kar 4 kids and reese's, reese's, reese's...commercials.

  15. I get no respect. At her high school my daughter is known as FederalExpress. Whenever she goes to a guy's apartment she absolutely, positively has to be there overnight

    1. Was that supposed to be a joke?

  16. so how about making the male anchors wear heels?? What's the "heels" nonsense/?.. it's western style female foot bondage, causing prolapsed uterus, deformed feet and back problems that cause excruciating pain. It's also much harder to run from sexual assault or rape if you have to mince along in high heels...there is nothing about a heel on a shoe that makes someone more professional or a better reporter or anchor. The only profession that requires heels for women is "hooker".

    1. @5:29. Dear oxygen starved at birth. You wear the heels during your segment on-air. Kick em off like Adele when you're done. Back to tennies, slippers,whatever. Profession requiring heels for women? That would be porn star and preferably stilettos. Stockings and garters are a nice touch.

    2. 7:07PM - Since most of the news is shot "above the foot," why do you even care?

    3. Exhibit A - Sara Donchey

      That is exactly one of the points I agree with

    4. So your journalistic efforts on air have to show your footwear and they have to be foot bondage and you think that's fine?No wonder fewer and fewer and fewer people watch tv news.

    5. Sara Donchey needs to learn how to dress. What is with her outfits? Sleeves to long, crazy nails….

  17. nobody but undertakers wear black suits anymore

    1. Huh? Then there must be an awful lot of nobodies around wearing black suits. And they are not undertakers.

  18. Tennis shoes look like trash as bad as the slang some news people use.

  19. Anyone watch Circle7 news today? Both anchors In BRIGHT red! It was jarring….now, Sandyha…..mmmmmmm

    1. Never thought much about Indian women, but Sandhya is one fine looking woman, and she doesn't age much.

  20. Meanwhile, KTVU has a ZipTrip this morning touting Novato to visit then features a story tonight with interviews on News at 10 about its Lucky store closed down by the health department due to an inundation of rats and filth. Hey KTVU, I am confused.

    1. What does this have to do with anything? What's the correlation between ZipTrip and a store being closed by the health dept.?

    2. 10:31, so because they did a zip trip in a particular city, does that mean they shouldn’t report (non-fluff) news from said city?

  21. I get no respect, my girlfriend said "Come over quick, nobody's home!" When I got there NOBODY'S HOME!

  22. Jennifer Hodges has been brilliant in Maui....the perfect blend of compassion, and objective reporting. I hope KCBS will "recognize" her appropriately....

  23. “Innovative”? Wandering all over the set for no reason, wearing jeans, no tie, and sneakers, or a dark suit and tie with bright white sneakers (unbelievable), let alone Sara Donchey’s godawful outfits, looking like she just came from 70s themed disco party. You call that “innovative”? I call it pure GIMMICKS.

    1. Or, as is the case with Mr. Raj Mathai, dirty sneakers with grass stains (as someone else pointed out).

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