Saturday, August 19, 2023

Mildew in the Broadcast Booth: FP Santangelo, the Giants Fill-In Radio Broadcaster on KNBR, is Real Torture

I KNOW FP Santangelo is a jerk...this and many other instances are proof-positive.

I'm concentrating on his work as a fill-in Giants broadcaster. Santangelo is working in Atlanta filling in for Jon Miller.

FP is a fill-in for many reasons. He's a terrible pbp broadcaster.

For starters, Santangelo won't shut up. He talks and talks and talks, apparently thinking by constantly saying something, he adds to the broadcast. But he doesn't

His cliche-ridden nonsense is an assault on the senses. He frequently interupts and makes his partner, Joe Ritzo, a sympathetic figure. And that's hard to do because Ritzo himself is a third-tier announcer. But at least Ritzo is tolerable.

Santangelo, by contrast, is an utter BORE.

Even when he makes salient points, and sometimes he does, FP then pollutes his own comments with dumb, jock-riddled cliches. It's an attempt by Santangelo to show humor and depth. Too bad he has neither.

This crap on radio that, I guess, the Giants are OK with is further proof they, Giants) don't give a damn about their radio product. It's been that way for years now. And it's not going to get better anytime soon. The Giants gross well over a HUNDRED MILL a year. It's a shame they don't invest any money in competent fill-in broadcasters.

And FP Santngelo is heavy-duty mildew.


  1. It's not the crap on the radio we should be complaining about, it's the crap on the field that we are subjected to day after day thanks to "Gabe" , the Krap in Chief.

    1. Are “ANALytics” just another way of saying Shee-Tay Manager?
      Give Kapler the Heave-Ho

  2. 100% True, Rich.
    Giants cannot hit and FP can’t shut up. 3 innings - Click. And while “Joe” ain’t bad, he is 3rd String at best.

  3. When Santangelo and Ritzo are broadcasting Giants games I find them unlistenable. I just turn off the radio and don’t listen to the game at all. It’s a real shame. First the Creamsicle uniforms, then the idiotic rule changes, and now unlistenable play by play announcers.

  4. To be fair, FP is very self deprecating and recognizes that he talks a lot and isn't a professional broadcaster, but he does bring on some good guests to his show. The problem is his employer, who decided to hire him despite all his flaws.

  5. It runs in the Bay Area, Fitz is unlistenable as well. Sound been off for years. Lacob has a world class orgainaziztion and a blow hole who says nothing important in each game but feels sorry for him.

  6. I really like Joe Ritzo. He was great as the SJ Giants announcer and when he is with Flemming or Miller he really shines. FP does not fit in well with others and he talks and talks and talks. Poor Joe is in a no-win situation.

  7. Doug Greenwald anyone--who sounds like his old man. Oh, that's right, Larry Baer was in a tiff with Hank,

  8. “Jerk” is strong unless he is intentionally interrupting his radio partner but I see where you are coming from reading his Wikipedia page. Not sure if Wikipedia is accurate but it shows a mediocre at best short MLB playing career with a few teams including Giants, steroids, fired by the Nationals for a sexual harassment allegation while an announcer, and though not relevant perhaps 2 divorces including 1 to a Playboy playmate. So Larry Baer and his puppet KNBR hired this guy (twice in the case of KNBR) based on what? Hope they don’t apply similar standards or lack thereof to the players they field.

    1. Larry wanted someone in the organization that made him look good by comparison......

  9. Fleming is a boring phony and Javy Lopez is puts me to sleep. Management does not care-makes it worse

  10. Absolutely the truth. Giants can't hit and really are not very good. I can't stand "Gabe". Not a top level manager. F.P. with his horrible history and lack of talent should not be on the broadcast. Joe Ritzo is fine as a fill-in. The Giants HAD a great product and talent on and off the field. Now they are lacking quality all around. They are giving us hamburger, but telling us is it prime steak. Fans will pay for stars, but leadership can't figure it out. The Padres and the Dodgers have the same state tax issues as the Giants, so that excuse doesn't fly. It's the team isn't good enough to attract quality players.

  11. Rich, you’re wrong. FP isn't heavy-duty mildew.

    He’s heavy duty milDooDoo.

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  12. F.P....Not as bad as Jeremy Affeldt was in the beginning. Affeldt used to literally talk as the pitch was being thrown and non-stop thereafter. To his credit he has gotten much better and is proof you can teach an old dog new tricks.

    The real standout to me is Hunter Pence. Dude's a natural on the field and in the booth... and a just a likable guy in general. Giants should invest in him in the future. After all his speeches helped the Giants win two of their three WS wins. I agree...Javy Lopez is nice, smart but kinda boring in the booth. Giving me J.T. Snow broadcasting vibes. Yawn.

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