Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday Bagels/Coffee; Bob Fitzgerald, El Schmucko; 49ers Papa/Ryan A Little Better on KPIX; Relax, Vern Glenn; SF Standard Buzz; KRON's Mysterious Femme Fatale Greets Darya Folsom

Bob Fitzgerald is a smarmy, egotistical, petulant jerk--other than than that, he's fine.

When I heard Fitz was doing the 49ers practice game with Denver, I turned off the radio.

And on to KPIX for Greg Papa and Tim Ryan, not as LOUD as I anticipated, but way too happy for a pre-season game in August.

Best news? None of hese guys are Frank Paul Santangelo.


*Hey, man, settle down: Vern Glenn.

*PIX pays a lot of money for those 3 practice games but I get what they get: even a middle-August practice game OUTDRAWS the Giants/Braves real game. The NFL is KING.

*The SF Standard: a very good online news site with a mysterious owner who must possess a TON of cash to burn.

*The Standard is getting tons of BUZZ --and probably by extension, bad news for the Examiner. But Clint Reilly doesn't care, at least I don't think.

*A more PROFOUND issue AT KRON that's the talk of the newsroom: the chatty, very intense, ambitious woman in the morning who stared down Darya Folsom and basically told her to SHOVE IT! And management too.

She's still at KRON.


  1. Thank You Rich !! Bob Fitzgerald is a pompous ass, and a lousy broadcaster.
    Little Bobby Fitzgerald is much like Murph n Mac, Colbert n Topes, I hear their voices and the channel is immediately changed.

  2. You've gone down this road numerous times with the sports mouth breathers. They all suck. Now, as far as the loud, obnoxious midget at KRON with the bolt ons? Long overdue. Poor thing "Hit the Wall" many years ago and the old grey mare ain't what she used to be.

  3. F’gerald is full of himself for sure, but he does know his sports! I could listen to him always and indefinitely over Murph and Hack, especially the latter. I still like TT and Copeland is young and still learning the biz. I do find him pretty sports knowledgeable. KNBR fired their most knowledgeable sports personality, in Larry Krueger.

    1. I have said this before, I don't pretend to be a basketball expert , but anything he says or comments, I already know, so he is not some guru of basketball knowledege, now Jim Barnett, who they almost shoved out the door, he says things that I didnot know and have learned many thing about the game from him.

  4. Thank God Radnich is retired, when he and Darya Folsom whooped it up I changed channels

  5. Greg Papa and Tim Ryan would be okay if Papa would stop trying to act cool by calling himself “G-Pop” and Ryan T-Ry”. That’s about as original as his stupid touchdown call. If Papa would act like an adult professional, he’d be much easier to like (and listen to).

    1. Ryan is the sorriest type of 'homer'. Translation: He's a Jed York guy. You know...York is the reason for the Jed York Curse. You may get close but...NO SUPER BOWL TROPHY FOR YOU!!!

    2. T Rock..that's our guy
      But let's not forgetThe Man with 3 Names Carlos Ramirez!!

  6. Vern Glenn’s whole schtick has always been to do Gary Radnich.

  7. Watching the Giants this morning. Nice win. The postgame show came on. Three youngsters -- two females and a male. First thing
    they said was that Cole Kuiper was "on assignment."

  8. When Ralph left TT went down hill. Now he is a shell of what he was back with Ralph. TT barely mails it in these days. He is hard to listen to because he just doesn't care. Papa and Fitz are both very knowledgeable, but their personalities suck. Is it the backstabbing, over-sized ego or the extreme ass kissing?

  9. Speaking of independent rags like the Standard... Berkeley Scanner ASCENDING... East Bay Express DESCENDING Oakland/Berkeleyside EVEN

    1. The Marina Times puts them all the shame. They have reported countless times on SF city corruption. If local or national media picked it up it would be a game changer not just here but national politics as well.

  10. Yeah, I've been thinking Vern needs to start getting decaf too.

    It's about time someone told Countess Darya to shove it.

  11. Haven't watched KRON in 2 months. ATT dispute.

  12. The KRON tidbit is exactly why I don't respect or always enjoy your posts. Too cryptic and purposely not going into details you already know...either that, or you are just making it up.

  13. Amazing Vern Glenn is still at KPIX. And Darren Peck for that matter

  14. Vern Sucks! Get him off the sidelines. He asked some dumb ass questions during the game. He thinks he’s funny, but he’s not. I can’t believe they paired him up with a ex-raider (he sucks too!) to do a 49er post game show. SMH
    The best part is .. Every time I see Vern pop up on the TV. I change the channel.
    The post game show was no different ..

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