Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Spectacular Possibility at KPIX: Juliette Goodrich and Reed Cowan Devour The Bay Area TV News Scene; Pairing Makes Too Much Sense; Could Give Fits to KTVU/KGO; Tuesday Open


It would and could move the proverbial needle. It would be creative and uber-pragmatic.

Yet it probably won't happen.

AT KPIX/CBS Bay Area, it would PAIR Juliette Goodrich and Reed Cowan as permanent co-anchors at 6 and 11 PM. Make too much sense? But of course.

Goodrich is fine as a solo news reader but with Cowan alongside, he helps her and she helps him.

The two work well together, most importantly, they both possess BUZZ and STAR quality, a must at a place that most certainly could use it.

Cowan, a relative newcomer has worked the ropes and knows his stuff. He sounds it. I thought he looked and sounded way too robotic when he first started but I very much like his work now. Yes, he's grown on me but I'm hardly alone as I've heard from numerous PIX contacts that Cowan is the real deal.

Comebine that with the grace and substance of a Juliette Goodrich and you have a solid fixture at 855 Battery--a definitive duo that could give KTVU and KGO a serious challenge not just at 6 PM but late night too at 11.

Again, this would involve a decision far above the head of news boss, Lisa White. It would, most likely, take a cross-management team headed by GM, Scott Warren, to get it done. There's several issues to explore; the urban demographics; the cost; the idea of not only making it happen but promoting the heck out of it.

KPIX, most notably, CBS, has an opportunity to make a SPLASH, a MOVE.

Then again, creativity and innovation are something of a foreign concept at 855 Battery.


  1. SF Bay Area news: "Hey! Let's keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and expecting different results!"

    1. That is the definition of insanity.

  2. “A definitive duo that could give KTVU and KGO a serious challenge not just at 6 PM but late night too at 11.“

    At this point, a six-year-old or even a dead houseplant would give KTVU a serious challenge.

    1. If ktvu brought on two six year olds to read the news each night I guarantee the ratings would be higher than whatever they’re currently getting with Beavis & Barbie.

    2. 12:37, calling them Beavis and Barbie is incredibly rude. If you’re going to refer to them at least have the decency to use their correct names, which are Botox and Butthead.

    3. Get Mibach an Exlax and he'd be better

  3. I agree with Cowan and Goodrich pairing. I would definitely tune in more. The spacing between Daetz and Ashley on the desk looks tacky looking like boys vs girls on the desk especially on the closing shot with Biel, Ashley, Daetz and Sandyha.

    1. Out with old and in with the new

    2. Same here. I feel they would work great together. If they are there at 11, even better. Just name the weeknight 11pm newscast to Evening Edition & it should all be good.

  4. He would be better with Liz Cook.

  5. Reed Cowan no matter his past is such a great anchor. In fact I really also like his community stories and especially now yesterday he showed a segment he did on the mental health impact on kids these days. You can see despite him working less than a year really cares deeply about the community and many really like him. One thing I also like is how he takes this very seriously and asks very tough questions, and he often balances what he does with a good sense of humor.

    If both of them were on the 11PM newscast instead, I would be fine with it. Reed has filled in at 11PM before and he’s pretty good.

    His statement on KPIX being a community station shows how much he deeply cares and wants to do everything he can to bring awareness to the audience at home.

  6. I agree about Juliette. Speaking of KPIX, Elizabeth Cook is severely underrated. She’s good at what she does, has a nice smile, and she’s hot. The other day she wore a tight blue dress that showcases her silouhette perfectly.
    Sure, Donchey is also sexy but I believe she’s better suited for the Naked News.

    1. Liz has done the 11PM news for a decade and often times does a great job. Remember those days with Bastida? He still made sure the ship was running and helped Liz along the way. Those were the days with actually decent newscasts at 11PM.

      Liz also dresses quite nicely, really pretty to look at. Her on air choice dress is far better than Donchey any day.

    2. > Remember those days with Bastida?

      Yeah, I do. That guy was dumber than a paperweight. But he thought he was The Smartest Guy in the Room. Was really happy to wave bye-bye to him.

    3. 6:42PM - That’s your opinion & I respect that. I grew up watching Bastida and my family and I loved him. He had charisma and energy and generally did a great job doing the news from the studio and the field. Yamamoto isn’t that bad but still miles further away than Bastida. I know many have said Yamamoto is the worst anchor and no wonder he got demoted to the noon newscast & 5pm instead of doing full evening.

      Okay, what about Allen Martin? He did anchor the 11PM at times too and he was pretty good, too. I know folks said Allen & Liz had a love-hate relationship, but they still kept the ship running.

  7. Visiting SoCal and caught Colleen Williams on KNBC last night. Wow still a great presence after all these years. She was awesome back in the day at PIX and a reminder how far Bay Area news departments have declined since she left. (Juliette and Vickie excluded)

    1. A lot of former Bay Area news women in LA thriving. Don't know about the men though.

    2. True. Williams, Carolyn Johnson, Marla Tellez, Evelyn Taft, Jasmine Viel (Salinas-Monterey), for instance. As for the men, the most recent is Paul Deanno, just as sharp on KCAL /CBS as he was at PIX.

  8. Time for Liz Cook go to another station, big big big demotion for Liz and Ryan adding on Amanda doing outside work during the day. Too many reporters and as a matter of fact, they don't even need permanant reporters, just pick someone on camera at random, do the news and job done.

    1. Yes like Choi, Nakano, Betty Yu, Wilson Walker, Devin Fehely or Max Darrow for example. They all do a solid job in their news delivery.

  9. He's literally nuts (see his Vegas background) and she wears no makeup which.is not good. No thank you.

    1. How do you know she wears no makeup? She did when I was there and she looks no different now.

    2. She sure doesn't look like she's wearing any makeup when she's on tv.

  10. If they put them (admittedly a winning combination) on at 11, they'd have another lame anchor who was a pointless hire (Donchey) to add to Yamamoto, Starrantino, Veronica de la Excuse, and so many others.

  11. How about ABC7 ships Dion Lim away and brings in Donchey to replace her? Then Donchey would be at an O&O, with a more direct path to a national field reporter a lot.

    1. Channel 5 is an O&O

    2. Yes, ch 5 is an O&O. As is 7 …and 2.

    3. Donchey's already at an O&O, what are you talking about?

  12. (I mean ‘national field reporter slot.’

  13. The Governor of Utah recently insulted every Californian, saying “Californians Are not welcome in Utah”. I wonder what “Mormon Foreman” Reed Cowan has to say about that? And why hasn’t there been a “Boycott Utah!” campaign? Enough is enough! Californians fiscally support Utah with our federal taxes, not the other way around.

    1. That is no big deal and Reed should not be concerned. You hear that all the time from other states...Californians are not welcome. You hear it from Oregon, Nevada, Texas. I don't find it insulting, I see governor's and others who say similar to be uninspiring and irrelevant.

    2. I'd just ignore anything coming out of Utah. It's such a friggin' irrelevant state. I lived in SLC for three years back in the 90s....and was GLAD AS HELL that my wife got a job here in the Bay Area. We are here to stay--never again will we leave.

  14. llike you said'' is just like ''exactly'',the constant backslapping buddy boy talk.

  15. Both appear solid but let's be honest, nothing will move the needle. Traditional local TV news and the ratings will only go down or stay flat, no matter what. Try all you want, ain't happening. Ain't nothing going to get me to turn you on. That said, stealing viewers from those who are already watching other stations is possible. It is just that pool of fish is getting smaller every month.

    1. You hit the nail on the head. Truly. Local news is not gaining any new viewers. Month-to-month, it’s a net-negative. And while I agree there is a finite pool of local news viewers that gets smaller each month, and it’s possible for a viewer to ‘jump ship’ to another station, I’m inclined to believe if you’re a local news viewer then you almost certainly have ‘your’ station and are unlikely to up and leave for another station.

      Within our market, I feel like KPIX is at least trying to do the best they can given these circumstances, eg, putting Donchey directly before Colbert.
      On the other hand you have KTVU, whose ‘news’ programming is about as appealing as stepping in a pile of fresh dog shit.


    2. "On the other hand you have KTVU, whose ‘news’ programming is about as appealing as stepping in a pile of fresh dog shit."

      Unless you're a woke liberal. Then you eat that crap up. Ditto KGO Ch. 7.

  16. I think Goodrich is overrated and is better suited for 11pm. NBC3 has a better program at 6pm. KPIX has lost its way by leaning against HARD news stories.

  17. Amanda Starrantino should wear a Fitbit watch to keep count of her steps. No news anchor has ever done that much striding around a set; you can't keep up with her. Paul Heggen has taken to suit and tie lately. Maybe he reads the blog. On some nights Sara Donchey dresses like one of the dancers in a 1986 Duran Duran video.
