Monday, February 27, 2023

KNBR's Imbecile John Lund: "I Got a Chill Up My Spine Listening To Jon Miller and Duane Kuiper"; MLB a Tough Sell; Too Much Weather on KTVU/KRON; Haener-Mibach: Zero Chemistry on 10 PM News; Monday Mundane

MONDAY on "Papa/Lund" --KNBR

The imbecile John Lund said this: "I had a chill up my spine listening to Jon Miller and Duane Kuiper."

A chill up your spine? This is a 56 year-old man, Lund. He was joking, I thought.

I thought wrong.

*In a perfect world, baseball is a hard sell. It used to be the grand old game. Now it's the old man's game, at least with advertisers, hence all the rules being changed to speed up the game.

On radio, it's even tougher. KNBR barely broke even on Giants' broadcasts and it becomes even harder when you're the flagship of a star-less SF Giants. Just the facts, ma'am.

Lund's "like you said" to Papa 100 times an hour and Papa's repeated "John" every minute, OMG indeed.

*If you took the amount of time CONSUMED with weather reports on KRON and KTVU, you'd be in The Weather Channel territory.

Yeah, we've had a little weather this winter but nowhere near the volume of coverage. Truth is, KTVU and KRON don't know how to cover news, remember that age-old relic?

*AMONG the multitude of issues as to why the KTVU "10 O'Clock News" numbers are continuing to nose-dive: THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY between Julie Haener and Mike Mibach.

To have a successful, cohesive team, you have to have a good working relationship. Mibach has zero with Haener and vice-versa. And when there's any kind of fluidity, it's rare.

KTVU thought it would be an easy transition post-Frank Somerville. There was a general feeling that the 10 PM cast was bigger than the people who work it. Including anchors.

Haener doesn't exactly warm the senses and Mibach is a toothy nothing burger who wouldn't know sincerity if it hit him on the head. The two news readers give off ZERO ENERGY and both don't help each other out. At Channel 2, it's an ongoing disaster.

KTVU delivered, as it always does in the morning FEB Sweeps but was DESTROYED at 10 and 11 PM. It's gonna get worse before it gets better.


  1. Perhaps next week he can find his thrill on Bluberry Hill.

  2. Lund and Paulie Mac are zeroes. How do they keep jobs?

  3. Papa and Lund, Murph and Mac, Copes n Goofy, can all belabor a minor point to death, yet none of them have the breadth of sports knowledge one would assume they’d need. For instance, the San Jose Sharks traded a top line star this weekend to the New Jersey Devils. Losing Timo Meier is a huge loss. Lund and Papa were chatting about how much they “love the underwear Olympics” (pre-NFL draft showcase).
    IF the SF Giants think their off-season pick ups, and $9 buck beer, will move the needle, they are delusional. Vegas has them 74-88. Worse than last year.
    Blow Up KNBR. Tis a Sheet-Show

    1. KNBR doesn't give a rat's ass about hockey. Smurph has openly said as much. Other than Tolbert having Drew Remenda on from time to time, there's no hockey coverage on The Sports We Feel Like Covering Leader. Someday the Bay Area will have an actual sports radio station again . . . sigh . . .

    2. 4:15 NOBODY in California gives a rat's ass about hockey. Hell--nobody in the Pacific Time Zone (probably Mountain, too).Go down to LA--ESPN LA and the other minor sports outlets don't talk LA Kings. The TV stations don't, either. And fuhgeddaboudit up in Seattle (even though they have the Kraken), Portland, or San Diego. I have sports-mad cousins living in Denver; they tell me it's the same over there--despite the 'Lanche being there for so long. Hockey is a Canadian/east coast thing...that, out West, is only followed by Canadian/east coast transplants, or locals who want to be cool/different than their non-hockey-loving Cali brethren.

  4. I think you’re a bit hard on MM. He hasn’t been paired up with the right co-anchor. Gasia is extremely dorky and Julie makes robots look fluid. You can tell he is not at ease with either. I remember him from years ago- He was fantastic on the Giants parades, walking up to everyone, talking with players and fans. He is really good when he can show off his personality. Perhaps he shouldn’t be an anchor or maybe he just needs a more engaging and less robotic co-anchor. Or maybe it’s the weight of filling the shoes of Dennis and Frank. Two guys who took the job very seriously. Neither were exactly the epitome of warm and fuzzy, so I’m not sure what, exactly, you expect from Mike. People don’t watch news anymore. When a 2.2 wins the night and the rest are hash marks, I’m not so sure it’s an “anchor problem.”

    1. Agreed. And the whole constipation thing is juvenile.

    2. If I wanted to see constipation face on every anchor I would turn on CNN.

    3. 3:43pm, do CNN anchors appear more constipated than Mibach?
      As for Mibach, he seems to be in a chronic state of constipation. I know some people find the topic humorous, but constipation can be a sign of serious medical issues. While I’m not a Mibach fan, I certainly hope he’s not experiencing any health issues.

    4. 3:43pm and 6:10pm, I already made it clear I find your constipation talk juvenile. Grow up.

  5. John Lund is the biggest kiss ass around. Nobody listens to him, so I guess he needs to pump the KNBR tires. And as 3:49 pm mentions, the local NHL team makes a big deal and no one cares on KNBR. Sports station my ass. Again, local radio is a driver -- to make people buy a Sirius XM package.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The SF Giants are the KTVU news of sports.

    1. KNBR is Giants pravda headed by Minister Baer

  8. Next from Fox 2 Weather Authority - We have a report that 1/10th of an inch of sugar has landed on Rich's breakfast doughnut. We are sending our crack weather team for more coverage!

  9. Ktvu is what happens when you have an incompetent witch surrounded by ass kissers and enablers.

  10. Papa “I was skiing up at Tahoe for a week!”, Lund, “I just got back from Hawaii! That was so incredible, you sending shots from the snow and me sending shots from a warm beach!”
    And they pay these schmucks to do what??
    Have some class and humility and refrain from telling us about your vacations while most of us can barely pay our PG&E bill.

    1. I seriously doubt they go where they say they go or do what they say they do. Lund has been doing the Modesto Toyota spot for years talking about all of the Toyotas he has bought from there. I doubt he has one. Why? Because him and Greg have been pushing that vision correction eye surgery advertiser for months telling us how great it was and how great their vision is. And who was wearing glasses reading scripts when they do live ads during the Super Bowl? Oh yea, the guy that supposedly had vision correction surgery and can now see 20/20.

      These hosts reading spots are full of shit.

  11. what kind of "chemistry" are you talking about for news anchors, sexual chemistry?

    1. Human warmth. Like they're a team presenting us the news. Juliette Goodrich has chemistry with everyone she's paired with.

    2. 8:04, you mean the much younger female anchor looking up adoringly at the avuncular aging male anchor as if to say,' Oh biff, what a big penis you have!"?

    3. 11:17: Tho Juliette is v. youthful, neither she nor Julie are in the staring-up-at-avuncular-guy age bracket.

  12. I hope these rules work. I used to go to 20 - 30 games a year back in the 70's and 80's. I hate what todays game has become. Its home run or nothing. Batters don't care if they strike out or can't get on base. The endless rotation of relief pitchers in a game is mind numbing. I want to get back to the small ball, steal bases, hit and run, keep the game moving days. Back then games lasted about 2.5 hours. Last year games lasted well over 3 hours. I don't know if I will ever like baseball like I used to but I would be more likely to go to games if they got back to basics

  13. Does Mr. Mike Mibach lift or bodybuild? I ask because I’ve heard some of the muscle and performance supplements that juicers and meatheads take actually can lead to constipation.

  14. Is Julie Haener on vacation yet again or has she been demoted? Last night Rendon was in for her and now Heather Holmes.

  15. 🎶Where have you gone, Dennis Richmond, our station turns its lonely eyes to you 🎶

  16. No talent, unlikable people on all fronts. Cut the cable. Woody Harrelson just laid it out for you.Real TV news? No such thing.

  17. While Lund may not be my cup of tea, as a baseball fan, I still get chills from the first spring training broadcast, and it is a thrill to get hear both Miller and Kuiper.

  18. New idea: Let KTVU go dark. Find some sullen Goth girl to pair with Mibach.

  19. I usually fall asleep when I listen to Miller and Kuiper...

  20. Mike Mibach looks good from the waist up sitting at the anchor desk, but when he stands up he shows off his ill-fitting pants and ugly shoes.

    1. Agreed. Mibach wearing pants that are 6” too short looks stupid. Isn’t he married? You think his wife would say something rather than let him look like a damn fool each night.
      On the bright side, at least he doesn’t wear dirty sneakers on air like Raj Mathai.

  21. You mean two dipshits that think you have value? Zero chance, ass face

  22. Let’s face it, 75 percent of the “sports fans” in the Bay Area are front runners, who simply want to
    “ be there” when the clubs are winning, because it’s the “ in thing” to do. Have you ever watched the brain dead idiots who scream and jump up and down while wearing their Giants or Warriors or 49ers regalia? They behave like bunch of kids with attention disorder, with their annoying and distracting histrionics in the background of those useless post game TV shows. The poor announcers stand in front of them and try to talk over their incessant screaming. . It’s embarrassing and juvenile. These “fans“ are a joke.

  23. the changes made to the mlb have not sped up the game and have made it a total bore. i no longer care about the mlb and wont listen or watch games.
