Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Morning Mildew Madness: ABC7's Duo of Dreck and Disney Fluff, Reggie Aqui and Kumassi Aaron


I'm being diplomatic.

I just watched a little bit of KGO (ABC7) morning show, really more an assault on the senses.

I watched in horror, the SILLY, PATHETIC and totally useless bore known as Reggie Aqui. Why is is this moron still on local TV? Is it some kind of joke Disney has placed on the Bay Area? Whatever, what a TOTAL ABOMINATION!

And Kumasi Aaron, my goodness, I had such high hopes for you.

In terms of banality and outright fluff, Circle7's morning mildew takes the cake. It's a mindless cesspool of nothing . News? Are you serious, hell no! Information? Yeah, if you're a diseased canary. Entertainment? Sure and unintentional comedy too but folks, they're pretending to be serious!

KGO should be ASHAMED. Disney/ABC? Never mind.

The station that used to be a heritage outlet and Bay Area TV icon, is now a hotbed of MORNING MILDEW MADNESS! Are you serious, Circle7?

They are.


  1. They make KRON 4 look very good.
    So I watch KRON 4 now.

  2. The "Bud Light" drinkers choice for news.

    1. The choice for the woke mob.

    2. I'd rather watch the Bud Light Woke content....than that KKKonservative KKKristian republiKKKan KKKrap put out by foKKKs news.

  3. Reggie Aqui would be kind of an interesting (off-)balance to Darya Folson, wouldn't it be a kick if they could be teamed up together? Maybe KRON and KGO could work out a "guest star" exchange.

  4. I enjoy Reggie and Kumasi and make it a point to watch whenever I can. My dream team anchors, however, are Julian Glover and Kumasi Aaron. I wish KGO would pair them together permanently.

  5. ABC7's news is all about "Building a Better Bay Area." So, the emphasis isn't on NEWS, but on items of human interest. The real journalism is gone. It's like watching the Chronicle on TV -- no real news, just fluff garbage.

  6. Replies
    1. Seems they are all bottoms. What happened to all the tops?


    I'm being diplomatic."

    You are!

    Worst morning show I've ever seen. Nothing else comes close.

  8. I find the between the story commentary between the anchors and Drew Tuma, the "weather guy" especially nauseating. Who cares what their personal opinions are? We don't need vapid snarky quips about what they would do, wear, or buy added to the fluff. The SF news scene is the laughing stock of the country. So sad when you consider what it used to be.

    1. That's actually my favorite part of the broadcast(s). They make me laugh. Lord knows there are plenty of other stations for those who want everything delivered straight no chaser.

  9. What is wrong with Liz C and her fashion sense? I've never seen a woman dress so haphazardly

  10. Reggie drags whomever he is paired with down to his idiotic level. The ABC7 morning show is simply unwatchable.

    1. Not to worry. In the news business there is undoubtedly someone out there who will make even Reggie look good. Bide your time, we'll see them one day, likely at KRON but could be most anywhere.

    2. Could they move michael thomas to abc7 news with aqiu?

  11. I think once Reggie Aqui contract expires (hopeful soon) @ abc7 then they already should promote Julian Glover with teaming him with Kumasi and Jorbina...

    1. Julian is a bore. Nice guy. Great race and justice reporter. But to quote The Brady Bunch...'He's not Alice' when it comes to anchoring the news. ijs

  12. Would watch KRON, but NexStar is, apparently, feuding with Direct TV. So no 4 for me

    1. All about greed and $$$ as Nexstar and DirecTV battle off while television get the shaft. Thank goodness for YouTube TV

    2. Get KRON off the air, no big deal
