Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Gloves Come Off (Again) --Hello Bay Area Media

KCBS, as long as you make a FUCKING FOOL of yourself and as long as I write this blog, I will lambaste you. You make it easy for me.

That crazy woman who halted traffic on the Bay Bridge last (Tuesday) night? Your alleged "news" station basically IGNORED it, again leaving it to the traffic people.

Even KNX folks in LA think KCBS is a JOKE!

It is.

*SPEAKING of JOKES: KTVU and Julie Haener, it/her the zeitgeist of POSERS.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the future of this PATHETIC/LOSER OPERATION. Eternally someting wong.

*Parenthetically, Mike Mibach? What a complete schmuck.

*The "retired" Mark Ibanez--he who said he wanted to spend more time with his family, is now all over the local media (sports) landscape--good for Mark. Family? Get outta here!

*Dan Ashley, seriously, dude, that hair? Get the plugs back, quickly!

*Ray Ratto, the forever curmudgeon, will be filling in on KNBR today thru Friday, proving there is a market for fat, balding, retreads who say nothing, are nothing, etc. Welcome back, Ray, and courtesy KNBR, shoutout Alameda.

*YAWN PATROL: "Tolbert and Copes", about as juicy as a Berkeley 7-11.

*Damon Bruce: who?

*Professional women in local media know my story, the vast majority of them --they all do. But some still continue to HIDE and seek cover because they're AFRAID and FEARFUL of getting flack from the vocal minority who rule the terrain and wreak havoc and FEAR--it's blatant terrorism in a unique 415/510/408 kinda way.

*Ming Sze: lightweight.

*Lisa Argen: who cares?

*Larry Krueger: phony.

*Sal Castaneda: speaking of phony, in a more dignified manner.

*The crazed, giggle man: Greg Papa.

*GOOD PEOPLE: the interns and Uber drivers at KNBR working as producers and board ops who like to write me anonymous love letters.

*KCBS reporters: vast majority are about as compelling as a Vacaville boutique shop.

*Don Bastida: has pictures up the ying-yang.

*Jenny Seelig: see above.

*Attention, CRIMINAL: commit a crime on Bay Bridge, tell the cops, later, jury, it never happened: how so? Refer to KCBS as defense: "they didn't report anything!"

*Steve Moskowitz: I got your ERC RIGHT HERE!

*Lurking: a Jan Wahl phono with Pat Thurston soon.

*Tim Sika: celluloid excess.

*Reggie Aqui: building a better asshole.

*KTVU reporters: about as interesting as a Rohnert Park Arby's

*Mickey Luckoff: you make Jim Gabbert look like Peter Pan.

*Jack Swanson: call Kevin the Rat, tell him you have a plan. Even if you don't

*Brian Sussman, speaking of another PHONY and latent Trumper.

*John Lund: putz, schmuck, jerk, any more suggestions?

*I HATE everyone, yes, I do. Gotta problem with that? Sue me.


  1. looks like Sara Donchey has ditched the short skirts-its all long skirts and pants-she's still attractive though!

    1. I've been watching KPIX for months. Never seen her in short skirts. Baggy pants and odd-length skirts in puke-green yes, but nothing "revealing."

    2. When she first started it was a pretty good show-someone must have got to her to tone it down-our loss!

  2. On behalf of all of us who have family who have dealt with suicide, please do not refer to the lady on the RSR bridge as crazy. We don’t need another stigma attached to our pain. Use whatever words you want for the coverage, but please, not for the lady who was in distress. Merci

  3. Hi Rich: Missed ya and welcome back, love your rants, keep going!

  4. Dickie: You don't hate everybody. You're telling the truth.

  5. Yeah. I put on KTVU and the Grim Grinner was on there so I put on Building a Better Toilet and there's Ashley and his hair. I was like WTF and turned the TV off.

  6. Rich... You forget to include clothing diva err.... weather person Rosemary Orozco and Roberta Gonzalez!

    1. Those are two lovely latinas!

  7. Come On Rich
    pickin’ on KCBS is like complaining there are too many trees in Muir Woods. When they go to their top of the hour news, it’s like the CBS Laxative broke the dam - the BS flows like lava out of Mt Etna. Their bias is over the top - kind of like a Mitch McConnell brain fart.

  8. Julie Haener’s son is an outstanding NFL quarterback. It’s only a matter of time before she ditches ktvu and travels the country, watching her son throw a football.

    1. Let’s analyze this: NOLA Saints training camp started yesterday, and Jake Haener is a great NFL quarterback? In one day he is the next Tom Brady? Whatever drug you took, give me some. That’s some outstanding sh*t!!!

    2. “It’s only a matter of time before she ditches ktvu and travels the country, watching her son throw a football.”

      Here, let me correct that: “It’s only a matter of time before she ditches ktvu and travels the country, watching her son hold a clipboard and spray water from Gatorade bottles into the mouths of his teammates, all whilst wearing khakis and a Saints ball cap.”

    3. Let's settle this debate about Jake Haener being a 'great NFL quarterback' once and for all.
      Can someone please post his key NFL stats? I googled it but had no luck finding anything. It appears he's never thrown a pass in the NFL or even appeared in a game.

    4. Jake “The Great” Haener’s NFL stats:
      0 games played
      0 snaps taken
      0 pass attempts
      0 TDs
      0 clipboards held

    5. 4:12 hahahaha!

  9. Hey Rich...that's why we love you!! Don't ever change!!

    1. Nobody loves you …..or as G Rad would say “nobody cares” … times ….u r slightly amusing ….Bye Bye Salinas

  10. " the interns and Uber drivers at KNBR working as producers and board ops who like to write me anonymous love letters." I could be wrong but this statement sort of breaks their anonymity doesn't it?Either way today's rant was hilarious as usual!

  11. Dear Mr. Leiberman. I am a woman in the broadcast field for over 20 years. I've weathered my share of "Hey. Honey...," being the "girl in the office," etc. Most of us know not to sweat the small stuff, do our best and carry on. But we also know that if you act like a pig, squeal like a pig you may indeed be a pig of the major misogynist kind. When your faithful male readers comment on content and ability rather that skirt length, breast size and weight, we'll talk. Otherwise, be advised that no woman feels pressured by any popular social dictates to keep mum. We just know assholes when we meet them. Back to the trough sir, back to the trough.

    1. First off, it 's "Lieberman."
      If you think, Ms. Anonymous, I'm your problem, then you got issues.
      Write the GOP and rail against their anti-women issues agenda.
      Write your congressmen/women and condemn the Supreme Court overturn of Roe V Wade. Let 'em hear your outrage.

      For the record: I voted for Hillary Clinton, twice.
      I voted for President Obama, twice.
      As a ten year-old, I wrote my local pols for passage of ERA, the Equal Rights Amendment.
      The ramblings of a few lonely souls on this blog and occasional flippant points from yours truly is the least of your problems.

    2. @4:35 does the carpet match the drapes?

  12. colbert and topes

    1. I have always been a Fan of Tom Tolbert but I Can’t even listen to Tolbert and Copes anymore because Copes is just so bad… I have switched to 95.7 during that show….. Copes is just awful with the laugh and the fast talking…. I still listen to all the other KNBR shows but not from 2-6 anymore…. The show was better when they had 3 people…. Really like Tom, but I just can’t listen to it anymore….

  13. Is Reggie Aqua still on tv? It’s been awhile since I watched the Mickey Mouse Club in the morning. Last I remember, Reggie was posting photos on social media of himself cross-dressing.

    1. Hey dummy (aka 5:07), Reggie did the cross dressing videos and photos as a JOKE. He was being silly and having fun. Life is much more enjoyable when you’re lighthearted. Give it a shot sometime and thank me later!

    2. Could you imagine Van Amburg "doing a cross dressing video & photos" for fun? C'mon! It's amazing how the lifestyle that was the one you didn't talk about to the one that is now in your face. No pun intended.... I don't really care what anyone does. Just report the news.

    3. Reggie Aqui is a certified dumbass. What else would you expect?

    4. Reggie has been very open and proud about his cross dressing and transvestism. If it doesn’t bother him, then why does it bother you?

    5. @6:09 Ok, Tuma

    6. @7:51 AM: I'm not "Tuma" nor am I Reggie. I'm just a normal schmuck who doesn't understand why people give two shits what type of attire Reggie Aqui chooses to wear in his personal time.

  14. Mark Ibanez phoned into to The Game and loved his opinions he rarely shared on the whitewashed sportscast. More Mark on the radio-less cheesy, creepy Viynil Room remotes.

  15. LOL Ratto is back on KNBR.

  16. He had to mention Jan Wahl - I threw up in my mouth!

    1. Did you use one of her hats Negin?? LOL

  17. Hey Rich, You lambast KCBS... no it's no longer the all-newser of the Al Hart days but I want to give a shout out to Kim Wonderly. I enjoy her traffic reports as she sounds like she actually drives around the Bay Area on her spare time to get a feel for areas in her reports.It's refreshing to have someone who knows the Bay Area. While I rather Victor Zaragoza be behind the mic of an R&B station, he also does a decent job.

    OAN, I didn't care for Jose Martinez on PIX, but he's grown. He is obviously a thorough reporter. His "NPR Cadence" is a little different on "regular" TV news, but I've come to appreciate his dispatches.

  18. Tell us how you really feel Rich. 😝

    Now if you want to see something truly soporific and insipid, if you are able to stream it, check out the morning news show on FOX’s Las Vegas affiliate.

  19. Tolbert and Copes- Tolbert is the stuff on this team. I remember when he was riding Ralph Barbieri’s coattails. When Ralph went on vacation, Tolbert on interviews was and is putrid.
    When Copes worked the
    5 AM he was funny and did a good job and he can carry an interview better than Tolbert. There are just so many interviews on beer that can be interesting. The signal of 95.7 is hit and miss
    as opposed to 50k wattage of KNBR. I would like to hear Mark Ibanez in the afternoon with Copeland

    1. I’d rather not hear either Copeland or Tolbert, or both. Tolbert has been mailing it in for years - “I like cartoons.” Thanks Tom, that is real radio. Copes babbles like a Kookaburra, but adds NOTHING to any conversation, his staccato blah blah blah is like the filler in toothpaste, it does nothing but fill space.

  20. You forgot to opine on Loooooooooooooth Peña!

    1. @6:32 Leave Luzt Pena alone; she suffered a bad skiing accident and don't need your BS

  21. Does Copeland giggle like a schoolgirl nonstop when he drives his Uber or does he save his immaturity and buffoonery exclusively for KNBR?

  22. Couldn't agree more 6:15. I really like Tolbert, but Copeland is unlistenable. Willard is worse, so that's not an option. Podcast time.

  23. Rich, it would be a fun blog to invite all these folks to express their opinions about you!

  24. ***NEWSFLASH***
    This just in: Rookie Quarterback Jake “the Snake” Haener has just been anointed the Saints starting quarterback, and promises a Victory in next year’s Super Bowl, 42-10 !!
    From ClipBoard holder to Chairman of the Board, Haener looks to be the Saint New Orleans has been praying for ever since the demise of Bobby Hebert. Vegas has changed the odds for New Orleans: 100% Lock to Run the Table!!

  25. Hey, Henry Lee has been a real crime reporter since he wrote for the Chronicle
