Thursday, July 27, 2023

Impromptu Meeting at KTVU's Off-Station Crisis Zone Sets off Uneasy Buzz

A GROUP of about five senior staffers--news personnel, writers, editors, producers--casually walked out of KTVU's Oakland fortress around noon, today, (Thursday).

They were anything but casual when they met a few others in the condo lot across from the studio. It was important enough that only a few peeps at KTVU knew about the impromptu meeting.

I got word OF THE CHAT from an innocent participant who told me of the event but that was it. They didn't want to talk further or elaborate.

Weird, but not entirely.

KTVU is anything but tranquil these days. The place is FREAK-OUT central. Morale is supposedly the worst it's ever been. That's no surprise.

The relationship between rank and file and management is fraught with tension and despair. Nobody is in a good mood and it's a constant around the newsroom.

A good GM would call a meeting and try to clear the air. If only KTVU had a real, visible GM but she has other priorities, I guess.

The Firm is a hard sell in the 510.


  1. There's no There There, everyone's looking to cut cost

  2. I don't watch KTVU. Not sure if their slogan is still...
    "There's Only One 2"

  3. There's no way any of the "senior staffers" was a writer. Writers are poop at the base of the totem pole.

    1. Completely agree. If it was writers and editors then it was basically a peon gossip session.

    2. @5:17 Aren't they on strike?

    3. No... The SAG-AFTRA bargaining unit which covers broadcast news and information workers is not on strike..Actors are on strike and the Writer's Guild is on strike.

    4. No. Although the writers are part of SAG, they are under a different type of contract.

    5. KTVU writers and producers are SAG/AFTRA members, however those of us who are AFRTA members have contracts with each individual company, so we aren't out on strike. We are encouraged to support the SAG part of the union, but the actors strike doesn't affect us.

  4. This is called “ strategic planning”, they are plotting to place a tacticsl Nuclear Whoopee Cushion under the boss’s aeron chair.
    When said Boss arrives - with great fanfare - and sits down, POP GOES THE WEASEL !!
    It is amazing what low yield nukes are capable of doing these days.
    We will know the plotters by their absence on the Day of Reckoning.

  5. Fox Corporate doesn't care about employees. It's employees are just steer to be cut up and only the scraps that aren't consumed will survive. In others words, damaged people when fox is finished with each employee. This is corporate behavior.

    1. @9:06 FNC is nothing but dumb asses, they can't wait to screw everything up, see: O'reilly and Carlson, also can't wait to dish our money,see: Dominion; KTVU was tops until dumb asses FNC took over

  6. When will the new fall TV season begin? Any expected revamps to Bay Area TV new lineups that coincide with new season?

  7. Is your blog impacted by the writer's strike?

  8. Who do you see as the next up-and-comer anchor that will replace Lester Holt at NBC news when he retires?
