Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday Spotlight: Ask Rich Lieberman



  1. So it’s been a year since we’ve seen Andria Borba on KPIX, has she left the business entirely or is she going to go work for another network?

    1. I think she's taking a breather from TV but she'll be back on another station next year, my guess.

  2. Hi Rich Enjoy the blog. I heard Mark Ibanez on the Morning Roast a couple of weeks ago and his opinions were sharp and critical especially when it came to The Giants. Nothing like the milquetoast sports reports he used to do. Any chance he does some sports radio in the future with TV seemingly cost cutting-maybe guest hosting? (better than recycling Ratto). Thanks Tom from North Bay

    1. Yeah, remember he used to work at KNBR years ago and he seems to like radio,

  3. What do you think of the new sports anchor at KPIX?

    John in Piedmont

    1. Not seen him yet but I guess people say he's OK,

    2. Matt Lively is almost a male version of Jessica Burch. He has a lot of great personality and shows he has tremendous knowledge of sports. He is just as good as Charlie Walter, if not better.

  4. KNBR let Murphy and Tolbert vacation at the same time - Didnt think a station would let the AM and PM hosts off the air at the same time. A simple mistake? A way to try new lineups? I respect Ratto's baseball knowledge, but his fake act of violence against those who disagree with him was stale a long time ago. Does anyone think he'll rip an arm off someone and beat them to death with it?

  5. Hey Rich. Should AM radio be mandated for all new cars ? Yay or nay?
    George in San Jose

    1. Georgie -- "Mandate" is a bad word. What about "standard"? It should be standard as an AM signal, depending on band position and radio station power, covers more ground than an FM station. In the event of an emergency, it's good to have. Even with radio stations as bad as KCBS, KNBR and KGONE.

    2. I think the reason he asked is new EV's are dropping AM radio. I believe that I heard it was because the AM signal or radio interferes with EV technology in some way.

    3. My guess is the opposite-- that EVs generate enough electrical noise to make AM listening unbearable. But even spark ignition engines can interfere with AM reception -- but judiciously selected capacitors and resistors can suppress it.

  6. So what prompted Heather Knight to bolt the Comical for a real newspaper, the NYT? What's the real reason? And what's your take on the future of the Comical? -- Jerome in Tiburon

    1. Money and security of which Chronicle has neither --well, pit it this way: NY Times has more rope than Hearst.

      Future of Chron? Print edition days numbered.
      Online seems more stable.

  7. Why are you always so angry?

    1. "I have no idea, dammit!"

      That made me laugh!

    2. @2:34 Lololol!!!!!!!! Great sense of humor and wit! Lolololo!!

  8. Hi Rich,
    Do you know if any of the top brass from KCBS, KTVU, KGO7 etc. read 415 Media and peoples comments from your blog? All these stations need a complete overhaul if they read the comments on your blog. I think they just don't care as long as they are getting a check.
    Great Blog!!!
    Kick'n back in the East Bay.

    1. If top brass reads this, I'd like to let KGO how tacky and embarrassing, and off-putting "Building a Better Bay Area" really is. It actually was enough to make me stop watching KGO news altogether.

  9. Hi Rich, Kaye from SF. What do you know for real reason they kept Green and dumped Poole? Only in pro sports can a man committ a crime,that we all saw on video and keep their job!! Wasnt a Green fan before but he moved to assh@# status as a result!! Wish they had dumped him!!

  10. Poole wasn't both player they thought he was both on/off the court and Green, as much as a hothead he is, basically is more valuable.

    1. @3:06 You're right, Poole was a disappointment, under performed when he's needed in the playoffs, still don't like Green and I think Warriors would be better off letting him go, IMHO

    2. @8:51 PM
      Now that the Warriors no longer have Poole around to scapegoat, they'll be exposed next season.

      Klay's erratic shots as well as Dray's numerous turnovers and failure to defend--especially during the Laker series--is what cost them the playoffs, not Poole.

  11. Hi Rich, When is Reed Cowan moving to the morning show on KPIX? Do you know what impact this will have on the 3PM news? Will they bring someone like Brian Hackney to anchor it?

    1. My guess on Reed Cowan is Septmberish --no impact on 3 and Hackney will stay on weekend.

    2. Same here, I’d guess it be Labor Day like last year.

      Moreover, I think by then the 3PM newscast should be just the Afternoon Edition, not surprised if it happens that way.

  12. Any updates on how Glen Kuiper is doing? Hope someone will give him a second chance

    1. Good riddance. He was riding his brother's coattails anyways

  13. You referenced Gary Rebstock, in a recent blog entry. I seem to recall that he was once married to Colleen Williams (who did a brief stint at KPIX, before her longtime standout tenure at KNBC Los Angeles). Is my recollection correct?

    1. I'm not keen on his family background but I'm sure someone knows here.

  14. Is Ama Daetz pregnant? I watch the news last night and notice her waist is wider.

  15. And the latest on Frank Somerville is?

    1. Nothing to report, probably good for Frank,
      For now.

  16. KPIX says "stories we care about" or whatever the tag line is,why?? They must think we are stupid or are not listening?? Why run a tag line that isnt true. Also where did VDLC end up? Havent seen her onlocal tv and you said she was coming back or you thought she was? Thanks for the blog, Emily in Santa Rosa

  17. Kristen and Dion anchoring the Midday Live together today. They seemed so cordial together. I guess age has mellowed Ming since she sent Janelle Wang packing to NBC years ago.

    Speaking of pregnant...Wouldn't it be a hoot if Ming's husband was the secret father of Dion's baby?? ESCANDELO!!! Bay area news could use a soap opera like that for ratings, no?? lol
