Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hostile Takeover at KCBS: All Three Wednesday AM/PM Newscasts Anchored by KGO Radio Retreads

EMBARRASSING KCBS --just another day at The Shit Show --only worse on Wednesday.

All morning, midday, and afternoon news blocks were ANCHORED by ex-KGO Radio RETREADS! Nikki Medoro, (5-10 AM) Pat Thurston, (10-2 PM)and Bret Burkhart (2-7 PM), were broadcasting on the 740 AM/106.9 FM news outlet.

Did it dawn on Jenny Seelig (VP/ND) that a good portion of her staff were ROYALLY PISSED off at this distasteful milestone? Probably not because Jenny gets a daily pass from Audacy. They have enough things to worry about and contemplate.

Even with all that, it's another reminder that KCBS, once a heritage station, has fallen deep into the abyss and now has been taken over by a fallen station of its own.



  1. I think you are wrong about Bret Burkhart. I think he is good here. I do think you were right about him at KGO, as a talk radio sidekick. He is good at the news. He was good at the news at KGO, when they did news.
    Thurston, seems a little breathless when doing news. Like she is trying to do a news voice or something. Not a fan here.
    As for Medoro I did not like at KGO, but she is okay here. Not saying much though.
    My quesiton about her, should a "hard" news station allow fake names? As a DJ or talk show host, okay. But as a news person... Is this normal.

    1. Susan Kennedy is actually Elizabeth Hernandez.

    2. I agree about Brett Burkhart, l think he is fine. I like much of what Rich posts, but l think he could be more balanced and objective.

  2. @2:25 PM It's more common than you may think. People who have name recognition in the market need to stay with their air names. If a familiar voice uses a different name it can be frustrating and distract from the content.

  3. Medoro is her maiden name, just like Jan Black wasn’t Jan Owens.. or Jann with 2 Ns…

  4. Just turn KCBS into a daytime talk-show format and seal the deal. I we really need an all-news station repeating the same stories every hour on the hour?? Especially in this age of cell-phones were all the news you could want is literally at your fingertips and in your notifications if you choose to turn them on.

    Just make the switch already. At least for drive-time. The only time KCBS is going to be useful for 'news and information' is in the event of a natural disaster such as the inevitable earthquake. We can then rely on Erik Thomas to keep us uninformed from the KCBS bunker. lol (Quite frankly it's going to be such a 'sh*t show' if the big one ever hits I don't think even a local radio station could help us.)

    1. For decades, the entire point of KCBS was not to listen to it for hours on end unless you're stuck in catastrophic traffic or catastrophic disasters.

      There's even less point to daytime talk, which would cater only to people who are ten years outside of being relevant to advertisers.

    2. Turning KCBS into a talk and need station makes a lot of sense. Talk from 9 am or 10 to 12 noon.Then news, talk from 2 to 4 pm.Then news to 7 pm and then talk to 10 pm. Pat already have a following other possibilities, John Rothmann of course. Chip Franklin and Brian Copeland other choices. I wouldn't listen much to Niki Medoro, her doing news is fine, but not talk

    3. You lost me when you mentioned Chip

  5. KCBS the bay area Wack-A-Mole station. Time slot musical chairs.

  6. KCBS - the go to station for Traffic and for weather. If you are driving, the traffic updates help. KCBS gives Ball Scores better than the KNBR Klowns, who seem more focused on playing grab-ass and dumb banter “shout out shit show!”.
    For all the irritation about KCBS, it is 2,872 times better than the buffoons on KNBR.

  7. Nothing like walking into your neighbors house and diddling his wife in front of him while he does nothing. No sympathy. F em!

  8. I find Pat Thurston unlistenable on KCBS....she seemed much better back in the KGO days...

    1. Nope, she's always been that way.

  9. When all-news radio station WNUS debuted in Chicago in 1964 (Thx Gordon McLendon), that was the same reaction: why listen more than 15 minutes? Four years later, GmcL threw in the towel and it became a beautiful music station, I guess bc there weren't enough outlets for Hugo Winterhalter. (W-NUS...W-MUSIC)

  10. KCBS as we know it will soon be history. Audacy will create a nationwide CBS radio news service with two inserts per hour for local stories. Those stories will be prerecorded. They'll fire all but maybe three news people at KCBS. More successful stations like WCBS or KNX will be able to keep their local format during drive time. Audacy will make this change because it's cheap and they can't sell locally. Local ads have dried up.

  11. Here is why I find KCBS unlistenable for more than a few minutes.

    What has happened to their audio quality? Do they no longer employ an engineer? The reporters pieces usually sound fine, as do the recorded commercials, but what happened to the anchors? Some of them sound like they are using toy microphones. My landline phone has better audio quality. Muddy sound. What happened? Didn’t used to be that way.

    KCBS is not really a news station anymore in any case. They used to be, but no more. What they report and how they report it is 100% filtered through a liberal Democrat agenda, except for emergencies, weather, sports, and traffic. That is not reporting, it is propaganda. They should apply to the FCC to change their call letters to KDNC.

    1. Well, they do broadcast out of SF after all. Can't expect them to show any diversity of thought. It is really hilarious when they continue to use liberal sources to define what they allege is the conservative narrative, though. I expect Bernie Ward to be on their staff any time now.
