Thursday, June 22, 2023

Goodbye Waco, Hello Bay Area. KPIX Adds Matt Lively as #2 Sports Anchor/Reporter --Hold Back Your Excitement

KPIX has added a 13 year-old second fiddle as its sports anchor/reporter--I'm just kidding about the age but the guy looks as much.

PIX adds Matt Lively --he replaces Charlie Walter--to sports gig, can you feel the excitement? Yawn.

Lively comes from Waco, Texas, that hotbed oasis of crowning jewels of anchorship. Goodbye Tegna, hello PIX.

Is this an uninspiring choice? Duh! Is this hire based on CBS cheapness and wonder-bread taste? Duh!

Here's his farewell to Texas...


  1. What about 16 yr old katelin collins at cnn?

    1. Kaitlyn Collins is in her 30;s.

  2. Wow. Market 82. Kudos to KPIX. They must have really put together some national search to snag this star. According to his Facebook post he’s waited as long as he can remember to work in a top market. Hope those 5 months out of college working weren’t too stressful for him. Good night and good luck Bay Area tv news.

  3. KPIX should’ve poached Jesse Gary from KTVU, their sports dude extraordinaire.

  4. What a joke to hire this clown and let Charlie go. The recruiters at CBS are to blame

  5. Wow. He even sorta looks like Charlie Walter...with a higher pitched voice, I guess. I guess PIX said to Charlie...'to the left, too the left...Don't u ever get to thinking you're irreplacable'. - B

    I'm sure Walter will land on his feet somewhere. Seems like a cool dude. Too bad he got sorta All About Eve'd. Lively...Younger and probably cheaper. PIX still tryna rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. Better send a submarine down there to view the wreckag....(Nevermind. Too soon. lol)

    1. And Carlos Ramirez is still over-pontificating with his grandstanding look at me behavior & over-analytical metric upchuck. What a clown show.

  6. Sadly, I think sports reporting has reached its zenith years ago and nowadays you're lucky to have any reporting; remember they used to cover almost all facets of sports in its entirety?

    1. Yup. It’s dying, as is all TV coverage except political name-calling.

    2. @ 11:05am. THIS. Totally true. That is ALL the "news" stations are doing.

    3. You can see its death by the number of young women doing the sports in our market. They're trying the eye candy route. Nobody cares.

  7. Carlos is still employed. What an abomination.

    1. That's giving abomination a bad name. I wonder if the wags @CSN Bay Area realize folks switch the whenever he's one. It took me 30 seconds when they opened with him flipping through the baseball rule book, grandstanding style as always.

  8. I Looked at Matt Lively's profile. He's paid his dues over the last few years in Arizona, Texas, and even served some time in Bakersfield. So it's a jump from Texas to San Francisco without having to hop through Fresno, Reno, or Sacramento. Who says white men can't jump?

    1. Yep. Same ol cookie cutter white guy. “So…”

    2. Why so racist? Have you seen his work?

  9. They could have reached out to Gary Radnich for an encore gig but passed him buy. Their loss.

    1. No it's not. Radnich is a puffy red windbag who isn't worth a fraction of what KRON paid him. He'll have to downsize from his Bentley into a KIA.

    2. "He'll have to downsize from his Bentley into a KIA."

      He couldn't fit.

  10. Cute guy. He'd better hide his MAGA hat if he's a product of Texas roots. Perhaps there's a reason he targeted San Francisco.

  11. I wonder if he's discovered this column. I don't think many other media markets has such a brutal media public forum (thanks Rich!)

  12. Who? This guy will be gone before the end of the year. We'll miss him here in Waco.

  13. Not bad. I'll check him out when he starts and get back to you with my final opinion.

  14. Who is an inspiring choice? People have to start somewhere.

    You started somewhere.

    1. Right? At least give him a chance before the hating begins.

  15. Very bland cheap sports hire. Not really impressed with his Sports Demo Montage. Why cant KPIX just pony up and get Mark Ibanez do team with Vernon Glenn just in time for the NFL season.

    1. I think they're looking for a hot young buck for the cougars in the building and in the audience. Grandpa types like Mark Ibanez and Vernon Glenn might not attract the desired audience segment, who needs more old guys in the audience?

  16. Don’t judge the new guy until we see him on tv.

    He does look a bit like Charlie Walter but I care more about his presentation and how he gets along. I look forward to seeing him soon!

  17. If it was Blake Lively doing the sports report, I’d buy a new hi-def TV. But the new guy is no BL so I’ll get my scores from yahoo sports.
    In the meantime, I encourage one our local stations to hire Blake Lively.

  18. For the 25 people who still watch KPIX news (at least half of whom are in nursing homes where only the head nurse has access to the remote to change the channel) this new kid is good enough. A dunking bird is good enough. Nobody cares about TV news anymore, at least not here in the Bay Area where people get everything from news to sexual satisfaction on their phones.

  19. Do the viewers in Waco, or any market for that matter, care that a person is leaving after such a short time. To me, those goodbye's are rather self serving. I don't think anyone is sad over him leaving. Now, if the person was there for a long time, like a Pam Moore, or JR Stone, I would say it is needed.

    Bay Area sports reporting is terrible. The super fans already know the score, the casual viewer may be only interested in the score, and the non-fan doesn't care. Most of the sports reports don't appeal to what viewers want. Here in a big market, the stories need to be different to attract the serious fan, something they haven't already seen for the 100th time, which is tough because local reporters get most of their ideas and stories from other news stories and just follow the pack. (this is also the case with general news coverage) The non-sports fans doesn't care about the in-and-outs of the 49ers but they might be interested in a unique personal story about one of the players. I would like to see sports focus less on highlights, scores and press conferences. Highlight the full scope of sports in the bay area to include high school, college, and other professional teams...and even with them, not the scores, but the human interest side of the athlete and event. Fewer scores, more stories. But hey, what do I know?

    1. JR Stone, are you fucking kidding? His thing is that his head is BIG, which is what looks good on TV. He hardly knows how to say the names of most NorCal names.

    2. @10:27 pm ha ha you got that right! Guy is full of himself

    3. Or will Tran

  20. The cheapness of KPIX news is glaring in their mechanical and electronic hiccups, and at least in the 11:00. PM edition, the double presentation of sports and weather and the lack of actual news, especially in the lead. Is everything a human interest feature? I guess they are cheaper.
