Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Exclusive: KTVU HR Czar E-Mail Invite to Two Involved in Alleged "Inappropriate Behavior" Takes Shape; Anchor and Show Director; Bailey O'Carroll Targeted; Staff Outrage

THE HR person at KTVU was concerned enough that they took a vacation day off and came into the office to look into the matter.

Not only that, the boss sent a meeting e-mail invite to TWO employees: one, an anchor and the other, a show producer. The cryptic line had "discussion" in the subject field.

The male anchor, who is unknown, made a reference about "cloth between her cheeks", or something to that effect, an apparent reference to her underwear, believed to be reporter, Bailey O'Carroll.

The entire matter is making the rounds at KTVU and is significant enough that senior staffers in the newsroom are DEMANDING "action and accountability".

"They want to nip this in the bud," a Fox2 veteran source told me.

Indeed, The Firm is no fan of this.

I'll keep you up to tabs when I get more info.

***Developing Story...



  1. Discussion my ass! Here's your check, security please escort these two morons out of the building please. Problem solved.

    1. So you think ktvu should fire those alleged to have engaged in this grotestque talk without even discussing the allegation(s) with them?

    2. If HR was called in, this already escalated to point that any attempt at mediation would fall short. Sexual harassment lawsuits are not to be taken lightly. If misconduct was proven and statements corroborated then the only acceptable course of action, is termination forthwith. There is no acceptable punitive measure to redress the complaint and retain the employment of the offending parties

  2. Send them packing. In this day and age, we all know that there are consequences for conduct like that, ESPECIALLY anchors who get paid to read stories about these very things! Are these people brainless?

  3. People have become way too sensitive. If two men have a private conversation then so what? Unless someone made comments to Bailey herself then I don’t see the big deal.

    1. The real question is...... If the conversation was solely between these two people then WHO SPILLED THE BEANS?! He is to NOT be trusted.

    2. I don’t see where in Rich’s reporting does it say it was a private convo between two men.

    3. If you make your ;"private" conversation filled with misogyny within earshot of others, guess what happens.. Save your hatred for outside of the workplace.

    4. I save it for Rich's blog myself.

  4. See what happens when Frank Sommerville is gone ?
    A complete shit- show.

    1. Frank would have her bent over the copy machine and be banging her. Then they'd go out for drinks and he'd drive her home. Or into a pole.

    2. What are copy machines? Do they serve rockey road. 2 scoops please! Hugs, Bailee

  5. Cry baby baily welcome to news

    1. She's young. She'll grow up soon.

    2. Grow up soon and what? Learn to accept and tolerate disgusting remarks from men three times her age?

    3. Newsrooms aren't exempt from sexual harrassment litigation. Did you think they were?

    4. You're assuming Bailey reported this conduct. I wouldn't assume that. Bailey seems young and bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Even if she was aware of these comments I can't picture her making waves with her employer just as she's starting her career.

  6. How about KTVU focus their energy on important things like hiring credible people. Candice charles, Emma goss, la’monotoned peters, Bailey the list goes on

  7. "They want to nip this in the butt," a Fox2 veteran source told me.

    Fixed it.

  8. One night Vicki didn't appear to have any cloth between her melons. Headlights on full display. Must see tv!

    1. Bailey needs to stop wearing transparent clothing, this way the cloth between her cheeks isn’t visible.
      Out of sight, out of mind!

  9. Thinking of the male anchors and with the exception of maybe Andre Senior, all of them are at least 25-35 years older than Bailey. Gross.

    1. Senior is too. Why do you think he's so young?

    2. Senior’s ill fitting suits make him look younger than he is

  10. A few questions here...did this anchor play another Frank Somersville incident, an affair? I don't get the part with the underwear. Unless, the person had another Frank Somersville incident or the female is wearing see through tight pants, otherwise, why would someone comment about another underwear?? Sometimes it is the female anchor who should be careful what they wear and expose on television. I seen a few weather anchors showing too much and looks like no one said a word or else, possible harassment or termination, not the anchor, the person reminding the staff. This is local televison, not pay cable news.

  11. I work at a tv station (not ktvu) and hearing this doesn't surprise me for two reasons: First, talk like this is not uncommon in newsrooms. I'm not condoning it but it's just reality. Second, comments like these are especially common when a new and/or young female joins the team. So hearing this comment was directed toward Bailey comports with my experience as well. After a while, the novelty and newness wears off and they become just another co-worker but there is always that initial period of time when inappropriate banter seems to be at its peak.

    1. only from really stupid people who shouldn't be pretending to be journalists if they haven't figured this out.

  12. It's never good when you get a meeting invitation titled "discussion" from your boss. It's even worse when it comes from HR.

    1. Worse subject line is "See me immediately."

    2. It gets lonely in that newsroom. lol

  13. A lot of children work in newsrooms that have authority. Blame the child's mother their behavior and fire them regardless

    1. "Family men" are getting arrested for misconduct everyday. Politicians...preachers...youth pastors...and on and on. And none of them are drag queens. Quel suprise. (Sarcasm.)

      "Family man" means nothing. Men will be men is more to the point, unfortunately. Well some men that is. I wouldn't expect this behavior from Sal just because he's been there forever and comes across as a sincere individual who understands boundaries. The other one...I don't know him personally so I'm loathe to cast aspersions. He just comes off as not the most likable on-air at times.

      Either way I'm sure HR will handle it all in house and keep it hush hush. So when a certain male anchor is off for a few weeks we can deduce why. (Unless, Rich's insiders can provides us with the scoop.)

      When I read the allegations I don't understand why any man in his right mind would say such a thing in the workplace. But I wasn't there. I don't know what went down. And times have changed. I won't even tell a woman 'nice dress' these days for fear of being offensive and getting hauled into HR.

  14. Speaking of KTVU, Betty Ann Bruno (93 years young) was in The Wizard of Oz. True story.

    1. @ 4:09 First I thought you were kidding; checked Wikipedia and you're spot on; Wow, I remembered her and it seems like yesterday, retired I think in 1994

  15. My money's on Mibach. He just seems like a cad. Nice way to show him the door (and not get sued). All the others seem like gentlemen who would know what lines not to cross in the workplace.

    1. I agree. The only guys there I could imagine talking like this are Mibach and Castaneda (assuming he’s considered an anchor).

    2. You’re nuts. Sal AND Mike are both the dictionary definition of a “family man.” They’re god-fearing men who are devoted to their families and would never do anything to disrespect their wives, children, or any female.

    3. “They’re god-fearing men who are devoted to their families and would never do anything to disrespect their wives, children, or any female.”

      Yeah. Ok, Mike. Keep telling yourself that.

  16. While it’s good this conduct is being investigated, I have zero confidence in ktvu’s ability to do the right thing. If their hiring practices and who they choose to put on air is any indication of their competence, then we should assume the sexual harassment will keep happening and those responsible will not just be retaining, but also be promoted.

    1. I hope HR’s investigation involves a discussion with Bailey to understand how, if at all, she may have contributed to said commentary. While the many of the key facts of this matter are still unclear, there are certainly instances of woman using their wardrobe to gain advantage. This includes wearing see-through clothing with skimpy panties. I’m not saying that’s the case here, but if it is, then Bailey bears at least some responsibility and should be disciplined accordingly.

    2. Please don’t victim blame.

      On a separate yet related note, many moons ago I had a colleague who had a penchant for wearing tight sheer skirts with lace underwear under. I loved it and it made going to work enjoyable but I also made it a point to never discuss it with my co-workers. Even back then we all knew such remarks were a no-no.

    3. Um yeah it is. All over her public insta yall. Skimpy as shit. Girl wanted to play a tv reporter. Not sure why all my girls in the biz are pretending like shes anything else.

    4. 6:51 is right. On Bailey’s Instagram she has multiple bikini pics including ones where she is sitting in such a way that the cloth between her cheeks is very clearly visible.
      It’s possible that those talking about the cloth between her cheeks were referring to these photos that she has chosen to post on her public page.

    5. So unprofessional.

    6. 5:52PM, unless what she was wearing was illegal as indecent exposure, you are off base in my opinion. It is Summer time now; Bailey was wearing probably what young ladies her age wear. Men are contributing to the bad behavior of guys by suggesting women wear something not within their rights as an employee or in public. She was not wearing beach attire and if the station thinks she is revealing too much to be legal, have the cops asses and watch the $ lawsuit coming grow. I highly doubt her clothing was completely see through. Women can be as provocative as they want within the law as it should be but guys need to shut up / be respectful as if nudity were the new norm in society.

  17. Excuse my ignorance, but who is Bailey? Is she involved? And the He-Man who is alleged to have said it, who could it possibly be? I do not pay attention to the anchors, I only know a few of them. My guess, with absolutely nothing to justify it, is Mibach the sway-back. He has those beady eyes and goofy smirk. Of course, the odds of it being “my guess” are less than 2%. Sorry to impugn your stellar reputation Mike, but those beady eyes threw me off.
    Was someone dancing “cheek to cheek?”

    1. I believe you’re underestimating your guessing abilities. If you think of all the on-air (non-reporter) males most you can reasonable assume aren’t involved in such discussions, especially with co-workers. Do you REALLY imagine Dave Clark, Frank Mallicoat, Bill Martin, Steve Paulson, Greg Lee, or Mark Tamayo talking like that? I don’t.
      Alex Savidge? Not likely. Andre Senior? Possible, but again it seems unlikely, he seems very buttoned up.

      I may be missing someone but that leaves Mibach and Castaneda, as another commenter pointed out.
      Between the two it’s definitely a toss up but if I had to put money on anyone I’d suspect Mibach.
      The only reason I might suspect Sal is the phrase cloth between her buttcheeks sounds like a term a man in his 60’s or approaching his 60’s might say.

      But I could be wrong. Maybe Dave Clark is the culprit and he has us all fooled.

    2. Okay mikes colleague at KTVU. Christina. Cough cough.

    3. He or they/them

    4. IMHO, 100% Mike Mibach. I have no doubt about it. IIRC, before he became 10 pm anchor it came out that he had been making "jokes" about jock straps to females at work.
      We'll know for certain if he's mysteriously off air for a few weeks or decides to "spend more time with his family."
      Time will tell.

  18. I know that Bailey is fairly new on reporting on a newscast but it looks like she has been writing online stories for KTVU since Nov 2022. Why is this happening now if she’s been around for over 6 months?

    1. Who said it just started now?

  19. "The Cloth Between Her Cheeks" sounds like an acoustic Ode performed by either Phil Collins or Ed (Ginger) Sheeran.

    1. Lol! whichever macho man anchor used that terminology has earned some serious man-cred in my book. I’d totally buy him a beer and thank him for the laugh and not giving an eff.

    2. Anyone got her deets? I need new strings for my violin

  20. Anyone found to have made these statements should be disciplined accordingly, up to and including dismissal depending on the circumstances. I've seen some on this blog make reference to "sexual harassment." This conduct may or may not meet the criteria for sexual harassment. For example, there is a difference between comments directed at or said to Bailey versus comments made by two men in the parking lot or during a smoke break or at a bar. It's all wrong and gross but the response from an employee relations perspective would be different.

    As far as Bailey, most employers have dress standards, especially for employees in front of the camera. If Bailey is found to have violated ktvu dress standards then she too should be disciplined. In my experience, the first offense is almost always a verbal warning and reminder of the policy, typically requiring the offending employee to sign a copy of the policy as a remediation.

  21. I may be missing something, but how do we know “the cloth between her cheeks” is a reference to undergarments?

    1. Better than 'string between her cheeks". Thank you. I'm here all night. Two drink minimum. Snowflakes, snowflakes everywhere. - Anonymous Dice Clay lol

    2. One of Rosemary’s creepy photographersJune 22, 2023 at 2:41 PM

      Bailey cute. Me like Bailey. Me want take picture Bailey.

    3. 2:41 PM, your comment is meh but your display name is pure comedy.
