Monday, June 12, 2023

Monday No Mundane at KTVU; Male Staffers Make Crude Remarks about Bailey O'Carroll; Scrutiny Coming; Haener Takes Off Another Sunday Night; KRON's Ken Wayne in Limbo; Back to 2?


Monday Open

I'm not a Bailey O'Carroll fan. She's become somewhat of a presence at KTVU --her on-air placement included an especially embarrassing sports anchor report last Saturday night.

A more disturbing incident involving a couple male off-air personnel is making the rounds at KTVU: both staffers allegedly made crude remarks about O'Carroll that are drawing pushback from KTVU's female senior staffers.

The suits at Fox2 are NOT HAPPY, (duh!) and expect an investigation.

*At KRON, Ken Wayne is in limbo...could he come back to KTVU? It's a rumor. But I highly doubt it.

Wayne was given the boot at Channel 2 years ago--signed on (with a 50% salary cut) at KRON where he began anchoring nights and hopefully, (in KRON's mind) make an impression) but Wayne hasn't moved the needle. He's not exactly an outspoken figure.

I would NOT be surprised if KRON told him to take a hike and soon.

*KTVU has another problem: Julie Haener wasn't on camera Sunday night--AGAIN! It's now a running joke at Fox2: how many more OFF DAYS will Haener take off and get away with it? She has KTVU by the balls!

MY QUESTION: does anybody care anymore?


  1. KTVU needs expose and fire anyone they conclude was or is engaged in sexual harassment behavior. One strike and you’re out. Full stop. Period.

    And since they’ve made it abundantly clear they don’t give a shit about the quality of who they put on the air AND that they’ll bring in anyone to fill open positions, then it shouldn’t matter who they have to send to the unemployment line.

    1. One strike and your out?
      In that case, here’s hoping Mike Mibach, Sal Casteneda, and Frank Mallicrap are the prime culprits. It’s time for The Firm to clean house and get rid of all the deadweight!

    2. "In that case, here’s hoping Mike Mibach, Sal Casteneda, and Frank Mallicrap..."

      You left out Dave Clarke.

    3. Enough with the stupid "full stop" shit, whoever started that needs to be gagged and not allowed to speak for one year.

    4. To all those commenters so eager to see folks get fired - there’s a reason they got the job and it still applies: they were better than the other applicants. You might be very unhappy with the B Team.

    5. 1:45PM, so you're suggesting that in this world of 7+ billion people, there is not a single person more qualified than Mibach, Castaneda, Mallicoat, and Clark?

    6. 1:45 PM, or they were willing to work for cheap or knew the right people.

    7. Laughable that the conversation is being shifted to sexual harassment when the bigger issue seems to be frustration boiling over about yet another inexperienced reporter who can’t cut it in the Bay Area. At KGO we’ve faced the same battle with Lena Howdidugetajob and her Bakersfield buddies. Kudos to the woke mob for distracting everyone from the bigger issue. The demise of the news industry by way of suits hiring me me me influencer idiots.

    8. People are always so quick to say someone should be fired without knowing any details of what occurred. Losing your job is kind of a big deal . If something truly vile and disgusting was said , than maybe so . But if it’s just “so and so is hot af “, perhaps a suspension and / or write up would suffice .

    9. In this day and age ANYBODY who will make a sexual innuendo or creepy comment should have their head examined !! It’s not like we haven’t been beaten over the head with the warnings !! If you’re not sure, shut the hell up. Getting fired for such talk is a lousy way to move along. Unless you’re Marv Albert.😳

  2. Bailey just won the lottery! Good for her! The two jackoffs that talked shit about her and got busted are going to find out that a sexual harassment termination will follow them like stink on shit! Good job morons!

    1. If these allegation are true then I also hope Bailey hits the jackpot. Sure, it's not always about money, but it's funny how a huge financial settlement has a way of getting an employer to clean up their act...quickly.

  3. Haener being on or off the air doesn't make any difference to me whatsoever.

    1. Same. Look up the words irrelevant, phony and has-been in the dictionary and you'll see a photo of Haener next to each.

  4. I don’t know why anyone would care if anchorbot Julie is not there. She’s boring anyway. Just cash her out, save some money, and promote Heather or Christina. Problem solved.

  5. Are you sure Haener is still a ktvu employee? I saw a comment on another post that she's currently in Europe (per her own social media), but that doesn't address if she still works for ktvu.

    1. I haven't heard that she was fired or quit, so I suspect we'll see her again at some point, whenever she decides to return to work.

  6. When you have a slacker employee who constantly misses work and phones it in, other colleagues have to step up and fill the gap. In the case of Julie Haener's erratic schedule and ongoing drama, Cristina Rendon and Heather Holmes are the 'stepper-uppers.' In most normal workplaces, they'd be rewarded with promotions and/or other meaningful recognition of their efforts, while the slacker would be sidelined and de-prioritized and eventually pushed out.

    But we all know KTVU is far from normal.

    1. Yup. I'm sure both have resumes out all over the place. But it's a tough market in TV these days, and looks like it will be from here on out.

  7. Man, times sure have changed. Back in the 80s I worked at one of the shops (I'm not gonna reveal). We would all joke around...even women--even a couple of big-name female reporters & anchors...referencing "packages" "Wanna see my shotgun mic" (photog got a new Sennheiser ME80)... doing another "gang-bang" (interview) with so-and-so...ramming another package down our throats, etc.

    MAN--We would all be fired today.

    1. As well you should be. Just do your job.

  8. A fellow parent at my son's school works for ktvu and turned me onto this blog several months ago. He's previously told us some stories that are VERY consistent with this reporting. Not about Bailey but other incidents and statements involving blatant sexual harassment. To this day it's interesting to see some of these (married) men on TV acting professional and buttoned-up.

    Getting back to Bailey, I'm not a fan (I feel she's not ready for the job) but I do empathize with her if she has to endure inappropriate comments or innuendos in the workplace. I can't imagine it's easy for any young female breaking into the business, but to have to deal with sexual harassment is really unfair and unfortunate.

  9. Promote Heather to prime-time anchor and Christina to a more prominent slot/role effective immediately.

    Terminate Haener for cause. If that's not possible for whatever reason (Union, contract, etc.), then take her off the schedule or give her a non-on air role until you can give her a pink slip. Regardless, take her and her criminal salary off the books at the first possible opportunity.

    Problem solved.

    1. Sure, Heather, i'll get right on that.

    2. "Terminate Haener for cause."

      For what cause? For using the vacation time she's earned?

  10. You know why Julie takes so much vacation? Because she GETS so much vacation. She wouldn't be off if she didn't have the time.

    1. 95% of her time she's on vacation. That's not PTO. That's abuse and a complete lack of regard for her colleagues who have to pick up the slack, and who, btw, have young children and families of their own.

    2. 12:57, you’re thinking as a normal human being who is considerate and has regard for others. But you must remember, in Julie’s world the lives of everyone else revolves entirely around her.

  11. To quote Drowning Pool, the great lyricists from the early-2000's:

    "Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor!"

  12. Since Haener is posting about a family European vacation I doubt she’s AWOL. Someone has to know.

  13. MY QUESTION: does anybody care anymore?

    Only you Large Vincent.

  14. Note to all male ktvu employees who need to hear this: stop saying Bailey has 'Buns of Steel' and stop speculating about her femimine hygiene habits. Even if you aren't saying it to her face it's disgusting and degrading nevertheless. How do you think it makes her feels when she hears that some perverts more than twice her age (married with kids) are talking about her like this?

    1. Rosemary? Is that you? Sounds like a KTVU insider to me. See you in the parking lot...

    2. Please...check out her Instagram full of bikinis, legs and behind. Just another influencer wannabe reporter

    3. Lol no one is checking her out she's frumpy. JJ and HH are hotter than that college girl

    4. Hi Bailey's friends! She still sucks

  15. Wait until football season starts. Julia will follow the Saints whenever they are on the road or at home in NOLA at the Superdome. Have to watch Jake holding the clipboard and sending in signals to me. Who Dat?

    1. And that boy better count his lucky stars that the Saints are willing to pay him $750k (NFL rookie minimum salary) to hold a clipboard during games and scrub his teammates' jock straps afterward.

    2. Now Jameis! You stop that foolish talk boy!

  16. As someone who has never worked in the news industry, i have to wonder if this sort of behavior is common. By no means am I excusing harassment or justifying it, but i'm just wonder if it's a KTVU problem exclusively or one that is pervasive across the industry.
    When you have a bunch of men around a bunch of beautiful well-dressed women I feel like it would unfortunately come with the territory.

  17. It is not just the Bay Area that legacy stations are failing. It is the same in LA.

    Changes at KABC

    I’m hearing rumblings of changes and staff departures at KABC, but nothing official has come from the station yet. So stay tuned.

    But something does need to be done. It has been decades since KABC was truly relevant; too many syndicated programs and a woeful lack of promotion left the station so low in the ratings that many industry watchers were wondering when, not if, a change would come.

    Personally, if I owned the station, I’d switch it to music. Perhaps a full-service format backed by the oldies — or mellow rock — that you no longer hear on the radio.

    But if management wants to keep it talk, start with the strengths: primarily midday son John Phillips. Phillips has a way of making politics and local issues entertaining and informative without preaching to the choir, and is definitely, by far, the best show on the station.

    Also, it is imperative to clean up the on-air presentation. Too many programs sound like a bad college or high-school station, with volume levels uneven, unclear sound, music played too loud over the host making it difficult to hear, and an overall sound that screams low-budget. Additionally, promotional announcements sound too much like they are talking at listeners not to listeners.

    Strange that the station that launched full-time talk in Los Angeles does it so badly today.

    It could work, though. Once mostly live and local hosts are in place — you can keep a few of the syndicated podcast shows — then it’s time to clean up the sound by dumping all pre-recorded promos and making them all read by the hosts themselves. I don’t need to hear the deep-voice guy say “Dan – Bon – Gino” exactly the same way multiple times each day, every day.

    Just a thought, anyway. Let me ask you this – what would you do with KABC?

    Richard Wagoner is a San Pedro freelance columnist covering radio in Southern California. Email

    1. KABC has been in worse shape in recent times than KGO ever was, and I assume it still exists only because Cumulus has no other local signal to park its syndicated programming. John Phillips is I think a thoughtful and skilled host who has survived a lot of firings and buyouts of other personalities. It was rumored years ago that KABC would flip to sports-talk, but the L.A. market, not really a sports-fan hub, didn't need another.
      Sad to say, the station that was a pioneer of talk radio has been going downward for twenty-five years and has never had an answer to KFI's obliterating it. A music format on an AM signal is not a promising idea, and Saul Levine's Mount Wilson pretty much owns that idea locally.

  18. JH and HH are still hot!

    1. Julie Haener is the Instagrandma!

  19. I have always liked Heather Holmes. She is really loyal, smart and does great and interesting interviews.

  20. I don’t give a shit about Julie Haener staying or leaving KTVU. Claudine Wong is sitting in her chair tonight’s broadcast. KPIX moved Ryan Yamamoto to the 5:00 and noon news so KTVU should move Julie to 5:00 and noon. Promote Heather Holmes to 6:00 and 10:00 pm.

    Bailey O’Connor is still learning the on the job. For the morons at KTVU that engages in sexual harassment, management would be wise to counsel, educate, suspend or terminate them before a civil lawsuit.

  21. Ken is irrelevant. KRON is irrelevant. Local TV news is irrelevant. I am not sue why I am here. I am irrelevant.
