Monday, June 12, 2023


They were close.

Real close.

Now, the friendship is over, not that the existing bond was close to what it once was and that was years and years ago.

Mark Ibanez is livid. Angry. Downright DISGUSTED..with his fomer bud and workmate, the disgraced and personally tattered Frank Somerville.

Ibanez was the first to lambast Frank w hen he gave his BS response to a question as to was he still drinking.

He was.

Only Somerville was less than genuine. And Mark knew, (as did I) that it was only a matter of time before Frank would be in trouble again.

Mark will never talk to Frank again. Ever. It's all over.

He's done. Livid indeed.


  1. Did Frank not listen to Mark, or did Frank make a promise to Mark that he could not fulfill? Did Mark pay his bail? Did Frank sell the photos he had of Mark to Sequential Twizzler Magazine? Does Frank have issues with JH? Does Mark know who shot JR?

    1. Mark paying the bail…you may be in to something

  2. I watched KRON's morning report the day after Frank was arrested twice (it's on YouTube) and the dumbass reporter repeatedly called him "Frank Sommersville."

    1. Kron gonna Kron.


      The video in case anyone's interested. Reyna mispronounces his last name not once but thrice. Don't think any other anchor would have done this on KRON or anywhere.

      0:20, 0:23, 0:40,

    3. Could it be shade and mispronounced deliberately?

    4. Lol wow 3 times

  3. I guess Frank will never get an invite to the Vinyl Room now...

    1. Is there even room for three people in the Vinyl Room? I know Julie Haener has already all but moved in so I doubt there’d be room for Frank.

  4. Sounds like trust waa broken somehow. Really too bad FS hasnt hit bottom yet. I do hope he listens to someone,maybe his daughter? Cant help an addict until he/she wants to help themselves.

  5. "And that's the sporting life...." Mark Ibanez

  6. I thought those two were finished a long time ago. I believe you said IbaƱez even switched gyms so he wouldn't be with Somerville. I can't imagine more finished than that.

  7. Be easier to juggle chainsaws blindfolded than treat an alcoholic with a narcissistic personality disorder.

  8. That's probably why Frankie threw his phone into Lake Merritt, because Mark won't call him anymore.

    1. With the phone in the lake...
      Mark will have to now call Frank..."Gill."

  9. I was expecting to be reading that Frank's brother Mark has requesting a Restraining Order demanding that Frank stay away from his 92 y/o Dad's home completely. No 2AM knock-knocks pretending to be 'looking for a phone' or anything at all.
    Our Elders are somewhat fragile. They don't need their nerves jangled in the middle of the night for another round of verbal abuse from their 60 something Son.

  10. Somerville had many chances and he still threw it away.

    1. "If you love something...Toss it in the lake."
      "If it comes the cops."
      (I will be here all week)

  11. unfortunately, this may be terminal for Frank, literally.

  12. This all started with him playing "hide the hot dog" with an intern.

    1. I thought it was more like "Find the hot dog." And then put it in your mouth.

  13. I never knew it would be this bad and I always thought he would listen to his friends and family and try to go in a better direction. Alcohol just kills. I'm 30 and have never ever had alcohol and just can't stand the smell of it. We always knew him as a great reporter, anchor and person in the past.

    I hope that if he chooses to get help, he takes it seriously. It's very sad what alcohol can do to your relationship with yourself and friends and family and shocking he would stoop that low. Even if he gets help, I don't expect any station to hire him anytime soon.

    The sadder part was in the KRON 4 interview, he really struggles to answer about alcohol and giving it up, despite him wanting him to change and be a better person.

  14. I had an uncle who passed away to cirrhosis of his liver. He was addicted and knew he was ill. He went through a difficult divorce and his son moved to Seattle with his mother. He isolated himself and died alone. He was a delightful person who had passion to baseball and I never saw him drunk or mean. It’s sad.

    1. Frank Somerville: the reality show

  15. Hey Rich

    , it's well known you're bias and will not publish any comment that don't fit your bias, agenda and prejudices; I know you won't publish this because I know how you are, where do you get off calling Females "Sluts?" I love Females more than anything, Do you love your

    Mother and Grandmother?

    1. @ 8:31 A lot of people was wondering the same thing but if you channel up a newer blog Rich finally explained it (Rich, you could have saved a lot of comments if you would explain it beforehand) It's a parody of SNL skit between Ackroid and Curtin, funny as heck

    2. @ 8:31 Everyone has biases, anyone who said they don't please cast the first stone, it's only bias when the narratives don't fit your idealogy; Rich is a fantastic guy whom entertain us ala Herb Caen style, RIp, Mr. Caen

  16. Uh, Ok, I like this blog but I get triggered by the word "slut" because I absolutely love females but I think Rich can prevent negative comments by pre-warning viewers it's a parody , love your blog Rich

  17. Frank was and still is a pompous ass. On the news with his gold pen in hand, hair plugs, most likely girdle, and now after these duis won’t even get help for his alcoholism. He is a clown that deserves all he has coming to him. Ho Lee fuk forever

    1. @ 6:04 Dear jackass, Do not desecrate this bog with your BS; if RL is an ass why are you here? It means you're a bigger jack ass

    2. @ 8:52 Yup, I couldn't said it better
