Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Point Counter Point

Rich, you really still down on Heather Holmes as Julie Haener's eventual replacement on KTVU, she's such a tremendous anchor and vital force. Jane, you ignorant slut! Heather Holmes is just OK, average at best, nothing but ordinary and has been for over two decades. If she were that good, she'd have been a #1 years ago, it's really that simple. I'm just stating the obvious.

Rich, you're still just a cold-hearted misogynist loser! How can you comport yourself like this when women are the centerpiece of the anchor universe! Jane, women are more than that. They provide life. They make awesome contributions to society. They are very special. Like, say, Darya Folsom, Bailey O'Carroll, Mother Teresa, Tracie Watkowski, Jan Wahl, Nikki. Medoro. It's a special world we live in and I'm well aware of it.

Rich, you complain, complain, complain, about Ryan Yamamoto, can't you just acknowledge he's a pot of gold for KPIX? No, Jane, I can't/won't. Ryan is a complete nothing. He's there to check all boxes. A demographic hire who has a terrible voice, NO presence, no passion, no authority whatsoever. CBS knows it, PIX too, everyone under the sun knows it. Why this guy is still on primetime is a running joke, Jane.

Rich, Greg Papa is a wonderful PBP broadcaster for the 49ers and KNBR's top personality, you're just SO WRONG! Jane, you ignorant slut! Greg Papa's TD call is so over the top and ridiculous. What an utter travesty and embarrassment! If Papa had any broadcast style, he would have aborted that trash long ago. And he's horrible on KNBR with mumbo-jumbo garbage and doofus football jargon, as if he's talking down to us --what a jerk! That's right, I said it.

Rich, you always loved Pat Thurston and made a point of saying so almost every day. Now, look at you. Jane, yeah I did. I liked Pat. Her KGO talk show was pretty good. The problem is she's still in KGO mode on KCBS. Not that KCBS is so special these days but Pat forgets she's delivering the news, not doing an hour with Tim Sika on movies. I wish Pat would just read her copy, toss to traffic and conduct basic interviews. Plus, Jane, Pat seems to think everyone wants to hear her giggle/cackle, we don't. I don't. Pat is cool, she just needs to tone it down.

Rich, you slobber all over Juliette Goodrich but wreak havoc with Julie Haener, do you understand how pathetic you are? Really, Jane? You mean, because Jules is so superior to Julie and how OVERRATED Julie is? Julie is a decent news reader and deserves props for making it this long. But she's just plain ordinary and vanilla. There's nothing more to say. Ad yeah, Goodrich is by far the more accomplished anchor, in more ways than one. It's you, Jane, that needs to open up your eye and ears.

*Rich, you are such a MEAN asshole, Darya Folsom is still a rock star, easily KRON's #1 personality. You just don't get it. And see, Jane, that's the problem. You're right about that aspect of KRON: Darya is the top kitten but that says it all for all the wrong reasons.

*Richie, speaking of way over the top, your infatuation with Noelle Bellow is really just disturbing. Jane, seriously, you IGNORANT SLUT! Noelle Bellow is a superb, gracious, friendly and vastly entertaining anchor, a breath of fresh air in a market of mass dimwits. I love her work, so there!

Richie, it's alarming, your constant putdowns of Sal Castaneda; he's a Bay Area treasure! Jane, I'm aware of that. Nobody has been a bigger fan of Sal than me. But Sal,lately, has lost his soul. He used to possess a little passion but now all he's consumed with is a fender-bender on 880. He's lost his zip. He's also become so wonder-bread and tame He needs to open it up, maybe have an affair with Amber Lee, you know, smell the roses.


  1. Who's the gal in gold?

    1. She is bigger than my house

    2. @2:21PM No one cares about the chicken coop you live in. 12:04 asked who she is.

    3. Right, and 2:21 made his/her own separate point that the person in the photograph is bigger than his/her house. Not sure why that triggered you.

    4. @ 1:53 & 4:32 Because 2:21 lives in a 3X3 cubicle, all person could afford, outhose just a few feet away

  2. “If she were that good, she'd have been a #1 years ago, it's really that simple. I'm just stating the obvious.”

    But there are others you think are terrific who also aren’t number one in their respective areas.

  3. Papa strongly resembles a rat...

    1. Good call , he actually does look like a rat . John Lund strongly resembles a turd .

    2. Another good reason to turn off KNBR, “THE DORKS LEADER”: Papa
      Such a boring boor.

  4. Rich. I don't always agree with you, but I still enjoy reading your personal opinions, a right to which everyone is entitled. Keep it up.

  5. you could post pink floyd's ''not now johh'' (you tube) with this caption: For Papa and Lund and their morning funfest. ...now john...not now. or something like it.

  6. I disagree on Heather. She was so easy on the eyes.

    She's getting older now like the rest of us.

    1. Heather is very pretty. She’s a great news anchor and reporter.

    2. Wrong. Maybe a 4 on her best day.

  7. The photo of Jan Wahl almost made me puke in my soup !! Hasn’t the Bay Area suffered enough??🤷🏼‍♂️

    1. Since it is soup you won't be able to tell the difference.

    2. Can I have one of her hats... so I can puke in it. Bleh! Kan knows here audience. She recently wrote an article for the SF Bay Times and had this "memorable" quote. "Liam Mayclem and I are practically orgasmic when we discuss our favorite movies costarring food" in a brief review of The Menu. Jan still thinks she's a sex kitten. Double bleh!!!

  8. FFS, Rich. We all know Papa sucks. No need to pile on.

  9. Noelle Bellow is a decent anchor. Heather Holmes is definitely a MILF and superior to Julie Haener, an aging beauty Queen.

    1. Personally, I find Julie H. very attractive, but if she can afford to retire, I'd recommend doing so; but retiring is a personal-issue/decision whether it's financial or how one views oneself identity-wise.

  10. Rich, I'm lost. Who is Jane and why is she a slut?

    1. Jane (Curtin) and Dan Akroyd used to have a "skit" on SNL (Saturday Night Live) who both played a point-counterpoint as newcasters/commentaries.

  11. It is "Jane, you ignorant slut". (Popular phrase on SNL in the early days of Weekend Update's take on "Point/Counterpoint" spoof with Jane Curtain and Dan Aykroyd.)

  12. How Dan Aykroyd referred to Jane Curtin, in SNLs parody of a 60 Minutes feature.

  13. I prefer Gasia @ 10PM. Heather too Texas to be @ 10PM, she should she is from her native hometown of Texas

    1. Gasia has always been a reliable afternoon/evening anchor she moved to the mornings. Then she became somewhat buffoonish. Move Gasia to 6:00 and 10:00 pm and Julie to the mornings.

  14. “Hey hey…Ho ho…Julie Haener has gots to go!”

    1. Keep telling yourself that, Heather. Whatever makes you sleep at night.

    2. For the past week, ktvu has been touting this Friday’s “zip trip” to Danville.
      Since they’ll be in Julie Haener’s town, I’m wondering if she’ll use it as an opportunity to re-emerge from the unlimited and prolonged PTO she’s currently on and make a rare appearance on the airwaves again?
      Im sure she’d love if they did an entire segment about her and the lifestyle she lives.

  15. LOL Rich rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

  16. You are wrong about Heather Holmes. She is a really good anchor with poise, class and smarts.

  17. There’s certainly a double-standard with respect to the pressure placed on female anchors to look a certain way, not to mention the comments they have to endure.
    On the other hand, ktvu male anchor Greg Lee looks like he’s gained about 400 lbs in the last three weeks yet no one says a word about it.
    I’m worried he’ll explode if he gains any more weight.

    1. Funny. My wife noticed the same recently!

  18. Julie Haener has been “on vacation” for weeks now and I guarantee not a single person misses her on the airwaves.
    Ktvu needs to give her a pink slip and reclaim the 600k salary that they’re paying her to take vacation 51 weeks out of the year.
