Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Oakland A's Fan-Revolt: TV/Radio Coverage. Barely Adequate at Start; Improvement Later On; Cotroneo/Braden Meh; Korach/Doskow Better on Radio; KNBR Meh

Oakland and the A's had a ball last, (Tuesday) night--in case you missed it.

The protest was not only on the local radar but national too.

I wanted to hear the actual live account of the game; how it was described, from the protest angle, (the game was secondary even though it was exciting).

TV: NBC Sports CAL broadcasters Vince Cotroneo and Dallas Braden were less than stellar--I'm being very kind.

At the very beginning of the telecast, Cotroneo, while acknowledging the large crowd and its LOUDNESS, failed to even note the protest. Braden was equally oblivious as to why it was so noisy and treated it as if it were a simple, ordinary loud baseball game.

Only later did the two hint at some sort of statement by the Oakland fans in attendance. But by then, it was too late. I should note both Cotroneo and Braden are paid by the A's.

ON RADIO, Ken Korach and Johnny Doskow, (pictured with Cotroneo) were far superior but they too were late to specify why the crowd was so loud, noisy and angry.

Korach, also an employee of the A's, alluded, several times, to a fanbase, "quite emotional ane eager to make a statement." In repeated references later in the game, Korach said he was witnessing "something I've never seen and heard before." A good comeback by a solid pro who worked under extremely difficult, professional circumstances.

Did any of the four mention John Fisher, embattled A's owner and Scrooge, by name? No. And I got a problem with that. A quick, professional nod to acknowledge the source of the crowd's wrath would have been easy and simple enough. Nobody would have been fired or killed. But I guess I'm expecting too much.

The hell with that.

*KNBR, the alleged sports leader, chose to barely mention the Oakland uprising; only did the morning morons devote time to the protest this morning and by then, they really had no choice.

KNBR is a daily joke. A sophomoric hodgepodge of beer boys, Giants booster club participants and radio amateurs. Nobody takes them seriously.


  1. Cowards who ignored the obvious.

  2. “ Did any of the four mention John Fisher, embattked A's Owner and Scrooge, by name? No. And I got a problem with that.”

    I don’t. It would probably mean their jobs. They don’t want to join Glen Kupier in line at the unemployment office.

    1. That is what I was thinking.

  3. You are so off Rich, its pathetic.
    Of course the broadcasters (as you noted are paid by the A's) are NOT going to make a direct comment about the "Reverse Boycott'. Its because they would be fired! They dropped hints ALL night about the event. If you truly think they wouldn't be fired, you're kidding yourself. And anyone who watches the A's knew exactly what the huge crowd and noise was all about. Its not like someone would randomly turn on an A's game on a Tuesday night and think "Gee... I wonder what is happening there."
    Also of note... its interesting that you didn't make any mention of 95.7 The Game. They talked about this MULTIPLE times this week on each show. Given their history with the A's, I have to commend them for talking about this event. And every local station talked about this as well. KTVU, KNTV, KRON, KPIX, and KGO. Props to them for covering this as well.

    1. Agreed. I watched all of that Tv coverage as well.

    2. I can't tell if Rich was being serious or being sarcastic. Of course the broadcasters wouldn't talk directly about the reverse boycott. They are fans as well, so I'm sure they're just as upset as we are offline. I wasn't a big fan of the event when I heard about it, but it all came together perfectly.

  4. It was fun to see, and hear, the crowd's response/protest (on Tuesday night). PIX devoted quite a bit of time to the story.

  5. I support the fans protesting the A’s attempt to move to Vegas. Fisher has done his best to undermine a once proud franchise. He wants Oakland to give him everything, despite the city’s lack of funds for basic services.
    WHERE are those Civic-minded Billionaire$ who could grab the A’s and make them relevant again? The SF Bay Area has several billionaire$ who have the mean$ to buy the A’s and make a bundle by doing so.
    Fisher clear-cut a beautiful forest, and now wants money because he created a super-fund site. He helped push the Raiders out, and now he wants to be part of the Vegas mafia.
    Oakland deserves a healthy Major League Baseball Team, not the money grubbing Fisher syndicate.
    Sell the team to some local buyers who have the best interests of the A’s and Oakland as their goal.
    I am with you Rich. Thanks for speaking truth to powerπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  6. "Nobody would have been fired..." Did one of your insiders tell you this, Rich? Or did you get it directly from John Fisher?

  7. They got their Vegas money. They're gone, this is all moot.

  8. The Game did talk about the A's fans reverse protest all day. I would expect nothing of substance from KNBR, however, since it's all about sophomoric chatter and self aggrandizement around Giants worshipping.

    1. @12:34 You are Correct Sir !!
      Once I weaned myself from the KNBR teat, my IQ went up 40 points (gifted!).
      KNBR is a desert, with vacuous morons babbling ad nauseum. How they get advertisers is beyond comprehension. No wonder “Clowns for Cars” is so frequently sung. (F-rating)

  9. The A's broadcasters are paid by the ball club. They are not journalist. All play-by-play broadcasters walk a very, very fine line. I have known Kenny Korach for a long time. There's no finer human being. You can't expect him (or the other members of the crew) to commit career suicide for a lost cause. He wants to keep his job even if it means moving with the team to Las Vegas.

    1. I believe Korach maintains a home in Las Vegas -- that disclosure should be made with any reporting on the move.

  10. This really has nothing to do with your post...this is about 95.7 The Game. I listen on the rare occasion when I am driving (I work at home so this is not very often). Well, today, I am listening and I hear repeatedly about watching Twitch or YouTube to get the key word to enter a contest. Now, those listening ON THE RADIO could not enter because you had to SEE the word. Well, I made it home and checked Twitch and there were fewer than 25 people watching. They were doing a little better on YouTube with 215 viewers. Now, I didn't watch to enter the contest, just to see how many were in their audience. I don't get it. Why not give your largest audience a chance to enter. On top of that, why drive traffic to a site, Twitch and YouTube, that you cannot monetize. I don't get it. Why not drive them to your website to enter? Why not stream your show on your website. At least there you can use it to sell ads and traffic. Can somebody please explain why The Game does this. I don't get it.

  11. Even with a winning product and spectacular fan base, Lacob knew there's no future in that cesspool. Same goes for the Raiders.

  12. knbr is ya ya puppy obedience talk.
