Wednesday, June 14, 2023

SF Radio Ratings May; KNBR Gets Humiliated by 95.7 FM, "The Game"; KCBS Drops Nearly a Point; Audacy Stock Delisted; KOIT #1; KRON Beginning Nexstar/CW Programming Sept. 1; Anxiety at 900 Front

The Game/95.7 FM all-sports KILLED KNBR in May. It's another reminder how BAD KNBR is and a TOTAL REPUDIATION from Bay Area listeners on KNBR's BS.

About time.

KNBR is in deep trouble.

And KCBS managed to drop almost a FULL POINT! --the only news station in the region.

As Audacy stock is delisted.

The FULL numbers.

*KRON's parent, Nexstar, plans to carry the CW programming starting Sept. 1 --that could mean KRON's 8, 9 and 10PM news blocks would be WIPED OUT.

Thus, the nervous nellies milling about the KRON studios at 900 Front.


  1. Dump the 8-9-10 PM news, pickup the CW programming, save lots of money.

  2. Is that the same 95.7 that you've been predicting for years would fold?


    1. Yeah, have you seen this?

  3. Currently, the CW just has 2 hours of prime time programming so KRON’s 10 pm news can stay on after KRON switches to the CW unless KRON carrys CW programming from 7 pm to 9 pm.

    I’m guessing the My Network programming will go to KICU.

  4. KGO-AM News/Talk Cumulus Media N/A 0.1 0.2 0.1

    KGO now compared to back in the day...

  5. This party is just getting started. Like musical chairs, should be interesting to see what's left when the music stops?

  6. Craps, like KRON the way it is, good thing we have KTVU to fall on in case CW do drop KRON news, double crap, don't like the CW

  7. The younger generation is killing sports spectating and radio listening as we know it, it's all about the ratings for financial survival, RIP KNBR, KCBS's on oxygen

    1. @ 6:43 I see you're part of the last few Mil, GEN Z generations; you're part of the ones tearing down this great nation; yes, the Greatest Generations was the last great one, unfortunately we boomers were the ones producing snowflakes like you

    2. Boomers ruined America. They did nothing to solve future problems. They sat back and Road the coattails of an actual great generation.

    3. @6:46
      How does one solve “future problems”?
      I believe you meant to write “rode” rather than “road”.
      Thank you Ms Gen Z for giving Boomers a good review - most of them can spell and write a complete sentence that makes sense.

    4. @ 6:45 You're an IDIOT

    5. @ 6:46 You're an IDIOT

  8. It be interesting to see what KRON does with their tv evening news 8-11pm. They could do a copycat version like KTLA does in LA 10-11:30pm newscast but will anyone watch?

  9. Y'know, I have to say, after reading so much stuff on here about 95.7, over the last couple of months I have been listening to it almost exclusively and find I really like it.

    The final straw for me was one morning when listening to KNBR there were SO MANY MOMENTS when two or three people were talking at a time it made me wonder out loud WTF I was doing with this. It was non-linear in the extreme, inside jokes being re-hashed (sadly, most of which I knew), and then the "shout out to Spam," "shout-out to Thin Lizzy," "shout-out to penicillin," "shout-out to ice cubes" routine that I had heard seemingly hundreds of times but that day I just decided that was it.

    Also happy to be free of the Papa-Lund creepfest, where sexual topics, bowel movements, and all other assorted lurid and un-classy bits show up every day (every hour? every half hour? more?) that makes me feel like I need to bleach out my ears over what I'm hearing. It doesn't show how sexy and devil-may-care you are, guys; it's fifth grade (no offense to 11 year olds). Greg does know the NFL, I'll give him that, I liked it when he was breaking down topics and giving 49er insights and not doing schtick.

    Tolbert and Copes probably the least offensive, but between their tired topics and then FP's ego, delivery, and tired attempts to sound like the coolest cat in the cage, the end of the day had no draw for me either.

    Kerry Crowley is honestly the only voice/show on there that I think was always worthwhile, and I hope he keeps growing and not being afraid to be a thinker, a classy broadcaster that elevates thought and the audience, and planning out his evening, it shows respect for the listener and is easy on my ears. One time I rang in and called his show "The NPR of Sports Radio," and I meant it as a compliment for his erudite and calm sound. I like him taking calls too, his producer is on it and very professional.

    I have grown to like 95.7 a lot, the hosts do their homework and while the shows have a certain feel and habits, it hasn't gotten old. That Steiny/Guru show is very good, they give topics room to breathe and relate well to each other even when disagreeing and it does not feel forced, Morning Roast fits the bill for that time of the day by being easy to listen to and thoughtful, and Willard and Dibs force the kvetching sometimes but still, listenable.

    95.7, you won me over! Thanks!

    1. Agreed @5:36, less stupid fckn songs and over talking, creepy double entendres and lazy takes is good for mental health. Guru yelling and Dibs fake arguments notwithstanding, 95.7 a more solid product.

  10. Rich, will KRON carry News Nation if they drop 8, 9 and 10 News? Repeating the same story every hour is ridiculous!

  11. Darya could always start an Onlyfans.

    1. Besides Pero, who would pay?

    2. "Besides Pero, who would pay?"

      The same people who currently subscribe (up to $19.99/mo) to the OnlyFans page of a former Bay Area reporter who left the news industry to become a 9-5, corporate desk jockey.

    3. That is disgusting! Do you have a link where I could review the tasteless page?

  12. KNBR “hosts” have been mailing it in for years. They truly do not give a flying flamingo about Bay Area sports. This is easily proved by their constant chatter about the big 3 - MLB, NFL, NBA. They do not mention NHL, MLS, tennis, local college teams, sailing, fishing, auto racing, horse racing, or track and field.
    Like several others on this site, I cut out listening to the nonsense on KNBR, and what a pleasant relief I felt no longer listening to babbling morons.
    The Niners and Giants should get off the sinking ship called KNBR, at once !!! It’d be great if they could combine with the Sharks and the Warriors to have a real spirts juggernaut.

    1. Especially if the Giants or the Niners are not winning, the morning show with Smurf and Smoked would not talk sports. They don't talk Sharks or A's (or roller derby) to begin with.

  13. CW has 14 hours of programming a week, 2 hours every night. So I would think KRON would keep maybe the 8, run CW 9-11, then do news again at 11. I kind of wish KRON would air News Nation. I would rather watch that than the amateurish stuff currently being pushed as local news. Have you really sat down and watched it? It is filled with crime stories, news that was in the paper/or on SFGATE, stories that every other station also has, national news that is ubiquitous, more lame national news that is gimmicky and has not relevance here, and weather. There is no enterprise storytelling, nothing unique, and no personality. It boggles my mind why people still watch...beyond having some background noise in the house.

  14. Knbr I’m here in Sacramento. We have a lot of folks that tune into that particular station when we sit around and shoot the crap load of the guys quoting stuff they heard on KNBR, I suspect we do not appear in the ratings.

  15. Warriors were still playing the first part of May. Let's see whether 95.7 can maintain things into June. If so, then KNBR will need to make some changes.

  16. Does this mean CW 44 will go bye. No one watches CW shows and I don't see how putting their shows from 8-11 will boost ratings when other 3 network already struggling with competition

  17. "KRON's parent, Nexstar, plans to carry the CW programming starting Sept. 1 --that could mean KRON's 8, 9 and 10PM news blocks would be WIPED OUT."

    Maybe Pam knew that something was blowing in the wind...

  18. Wikip says Nexstar was in negotiations to acquire the CW since early 2022, closing the deal in October. Some very popular shows were on the CW and its predecessors like Buffy and Gilmore Girls. It will be good to have entertainment content to bring eyeballs to watch the 10 o'clock news. And good to bring network programming down from 44, where I would forget it existed. Though the WGA strike is messing up what is essentially a relaunch.

  19. The Morning Clowns on KNBR can always fall back on preaching to Dead Heads and Little Leaguers.
    Murph always talks over the other speakers, apparently neither Tam High, nor his parents, did not teach him basic courtesies.
    I’d swear Copes gets paid by the word - can the wee fella say any less with any more words? Tolbert is a lousy spokesperson for higher “edyewkashun”. Lute did not teach him that being crude is funny, but enough about Tolbert’s class-act. Thankfully Round-Ball prevented tommy from being a ward of the state.

  20. How long will the brutal BIN (black information Network) continue to take up space? Good spot on the dial for talk.

  21. I hope KRON Adds a 2pm AND 11pm newscast!!!

  22. Maybe FRY’s can buy KRON and make Liviakis their main Newsreader? Or is there another candidate to be featured?

    1. Fry's is out of business due to covid

  23. 44 already carries UPN. That means we'll now have TWO Bay Area TV stations carrying shows no one watches.

  24. Three legacy station, KNBR, KCBS and KGO, SF’s three legacy radio stations have been ruined by mega media companies Cumulus and Audacy. But let’s face it, radio is a dying medium. How many people actually listen to the radio anymore? It’s a shame because this is a 100 year old institution that peopkecisedctondeoebdvonbfir news, entertainment and sports. Now, most people rely on things such as Twitter, Facebook and other entertainment virtual outlets that have no credibility. Untrained people can go on YouTube or do podcasts and can say virally anything they want. It’s the world we live in. Miss information from social media and from entertainment outlets such as FOX are only interested in ratings and “stirring the pot.“ Real journalism? That’s an arcane practice. Is it any wonder that Americans are so misinforned. Young people in general and many others today seem want noise and nonsense, sensationalism and gossip. SAD!!

  25. 95.7 the game is far superior to knbr . I think they have considerably improved over the last year or 2 , while knbr has gotten worse , if that’s even possible . Switching to 3 4hour shows and cutting out the worst show on the station (Bruce and Ratto) was a wise choice . Stieny and Guru are the best best duo on Bay Area sports radio , they are actually quite good . The biggest weakness for 95.7 is the strength of their signal . If they could improve that and find an upgrade for Dan Dibbley they might be able to further widen the gap with knbr. It is hard to listen to Dibbley talk as he pauses every other word and just has a terrible cadence and delivery .

    1. @11:54- I agree that 95.7 is far superior to KNBR. KNBR is unlistenable. Sometimes I try to give them a shot, but it's a rough listen after a few minutes. Also, KNBR not taking calls during their main weekday shows might've contributed to them not being as good anymore either. How the heck do you not take calls on a sports talk radio show?!?

      As far as 95.7 switching from the 3 hr shows back to 4 hr shows, at first it was a struggle because the hosts kind of ran out of steam that 4th hour, but it looks like now they're getting used to it and having content that lasts for a 4 hr show; Warriors offseason discussion/speculation, the Giants, the A's pending move to Vegas, the Niners QB situation, etc.

    2. @11:54- I disagree with you on Damon and Ratto. They were doing numbers and were getting better ratings than Tolbert's show on KNBR. I like Damon and am still a fan of his show. Not sure if you've checked out Damon's Youtube channel, but it's pretty good. He has a Youtube show every weekday at 11 AM on his Youtube channel, Damon Bruce Plus. Damon is more unfiltered there and is the Damon Bruce we all remember, back when he was a solo host.

      I never understood why 95.7 gave Damon a co-host when he was just fine as a solo host... Ratto, I wasn't really a fan of. Yes, he's a Bay Area sports media legend, but he hated everything and kind of brought down the mood of Damon's show. Yeah, it was his schtick, but most days it got tiresome. Plus, he didn't want to be there half the time. Kind of ironic he complained about work (even though I understand part of that was schtick), and ended up being let go anyway. 95.7 shouldn't have paired up Ratto with Damon, even though they had success, but Ratto ruined Damon's vibe. Damon had a style and Ratto almost single-handedly killed that style, and the structure of what helped make Damon's show popular.

    3. @11:54- Steiny and Guru are a weird mix personality wise, but they balance each other out well. There's a reason 95.7 has kept them paired up despite the constant weekday lineup changes the past 4-5 years. At times they could use a 3rd co-host though. I kind of miss when Bonta was on with them. Bonta, Steiny, and Guru aka BS&G, was one of 95.7's most underrated pairings/trios over the years.

      I would say Steiny and Guru have the 2nd best show on 95.7. The Morning Roast is probably the best show on 95.7 currently. Even Rich acknowledged The Morning Roast a few weeks ago on here. They're doing the unthinkable and are getting better ratings than Murph and Mac. Bonta and Shasky keep up the energy in the early morning hours, and their show is never boring, even on slow sports days. Selfishly, I kind of wish they were on in the 10-2 timeslot, but they're perfect for a show from 6-10 AM.

    4. @11:54- As far as Dibs, he's cool. Yeah, he may do too many bits every now and then, but Dibs is a Bay Area sports media legend. It's hard to be mad at Dibs when Dibs will make you crack up. LOL. Dibs is hilarious. He has that morning drive humor. Yeah, he's a different fit for afternoon drive, but he can still make it work. I don't think Dibs is going anywhere, especially since he has a newborn. 95.7 already made a big mistake letting Damon go. Letting Dibs go would be another colossal mistake for 95.7.

      With that being said, 95.7 does have guys coming up that they could put on the regular weekday shows; i.e. Allen Stiles, Evan Giddings, Shomari Block. You could even make a case for Larry Krueger as well, but I think he's cool with doing Youtube for now and filling in on 95.7 every now and then. JD and Whitey Gleason are good fill-ins as well, but you can make a case for them getting a regular weekday spot on 95.7 as well. 95.7 is filled with on-air talent and we're seeing it in the ratings now.

    5. 957 is far better. Dibley is a weak link for sure. The Morning Roast isn’t that good but it’s better than Murph and Mac. Problem with the roast is they’re not funny AT ALL. Passionate, knowledgeable, seemingly connected and they get along. But just wholly not funny. Lucky for them KNBR has an awful show. It would only take a new morning show at KNBR to change the entire dynamic.

  26. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion , and you all make valid points . I’d like to see Stieny and guru in the afternoon drive slot . I like Stienies sarcastic humor , and Guru’s over the top enthusiasm matches perfectly. Dibbs has changed in the last year , he sounds like a cheesy morning zoo radio host with the pausing and upticks . Larry Krueger or John Dickinson would be an improvement, but yes , Dibbs has a newborn while in his 60’s , so probably not going anywhere. He’s better as a 3rd guy for the comic relief . The morning show is solid , I like Shasky and the producer guy Joe is good as well. Bontay isn’t bad , but a little too cocky and full of himself , and he sounds as if he has a permanent sinus infection. Still far better than Murph and Mac . Knbr made a mistake getting rid of Krueger and Rod Brooks yet retaining Copes and Mac . Mac has surpassed both Copes and Lund as the absolute worst on air personality in the Bay Area and perhaps the nation , perhaps all of earth .
