Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Tuesday Spotlight: KPIX Has Two Stars That Could Move The Needle: Juliette Goodrich and Reed Cowan One-Two Punch at 855 Battery

KPIX BRASS has a decision to make, a very important decision at that.

For years, I spoke at great length about the need to get Juliette Goodrich off the weekend and into the weeknight time slot.

I said it was foolish to waste PIX's MVP and that she'd be far more useful Mon-Fri in primetime.

Good thing they finally concurred.

Now, I have another idea, something I wrote about in Feb. It's a no-brainer.

It's the decision that could rock PIX into the next level and make them a legitimate contender for Bay Area TV News standings. But it would require bold leadership and pragmatic planning.

It would create BUZZ --move the needle. Boy, would it.

Goodrich and Reed Cowan at 6 and 11 PM. That's the ticket.

This would be a dynamite duo. These are two outstanding news anchors who are both dynamic and infinitely watchable, which is a rarity in today's uninspiring TV News biz.

At a time when viewership is down and when many folks simply aren't watching local TV News, it would catapult KPIX into a newfound status and provide for must-watch, apointment local TV news.

It would also get that coveted A25-54 demo back at CBS in its Bay Area O and O home. It would finally lift PIX from the dreck status to the wow dept, something it hasn't seen since the days of Dave McElhatton and Wendy Tokuda.

Goodrich has been solo-anchoring in the evening 6 PM slot. She's quite solid and capable but after a momentary bounce, her spotlight has dimmed. Like KPIX. She would benefit BIG time by a news guy like Cowan.

I've seen Cowan grow comfortable at his Bay Area gig. I like his work. He elevates the program and provides a spark and jolt. He reads concisely and has a crisp, provocative delivery. It's not only a precise read but compact and significant. Pairing him with Goodrich makes her look/sound even better and Cowan himself would be far more effective than he already is. Talk about potent chemistry.

KPIX has been an under-achiever for years. They need something new and invigorating; they've teased the Bay Area market for years with mediocre talent and bread crumbs. They have the deep pockets of CBS to make an IMPACT on a news product that's been stuck in neutral for years on end.

They don't have to search and probe anymore.

They have the two forces right in their own newsroom.

Just do it, PIX.


  1. How tall is Goodrich ? She rocked some blue leather pants last night and has legs for days . She is pretty funny too. She and Heggen have a fun banter almost like the weekend days of her and Hackney .
    Cut PIX a break man . Sara is cool too .

    1. Taller than Peck for sure (and Peck is shorter than everyone maybe except for Vern) but I think Heggen is the tallest.

    2. She's around 5'10" w/o heels

  2. KPIX sucks. CBS should fire everyone and shut it down.

  3. Reed Cowan is better watchable for KPIX News Primetime than Yamamoto..,

    1. No kidding, Reed’s stories are great and some cases it’s not just the important news, it’s also a community conversation where he has guests coming in for a discussion of the issue at hand and really asking the deepest question, where do we go from here, or is there a solution?

      Honestly Reed’s newscast makes me feel like I’m in an English class but the discussions and insights are valuable.

      Glad someone stepped up to see who Reed really is from his professional career than just his past and making negative conclusions.

    2. 1:45, I wasn't aware that Reed had a "past". Has Rich covered this?

  4. keep Sara at 11pm-we want to see what she is wearing each evening!

    1. I have a better idea - Why not pair Sara with Andrea on weekends especially evening?

    2. Donchey is a train wreck.

    3. Donchey not everyone's cup of tea but she keeps it interesting. Rather watch her then the Indian Cronkite, Constipated Milbach or Building a better bay area where only non black people commit crimes

    4. Raj ain't too bad from an anchor perspective. What he does in his personal time (and I guess it may be affecting his work to a degree) should not tell the scope of him as an anchor. Just like the way we hear about Reed Cowan's past, but that hasn't stopped him from doing an outstanding job. But I don't like Mibach, that I can tell you. He has barely any emotion. And just the thought that someone compared Peck to Mibach was completely wrong. Both are completely different people; Peck has some emotion and a lot more personality, Mibach has nearly zero.

    5. Keep Sara at 11:00 and add Andrea for sports. Andrea is a great sports anchor and she is easy on the eyes, too!

    6. If on a weekend why not? Only thing is weekends would need one more anchor…maybe her & Betty Yu can anchor weekend evenings while we will hear Peck say “ladies back to you”.

  5. Hi Rich, I have a comment unrelated to KPIX.
    I've been a loyal reader of your blog for a couple of years, and I also read another Bay Area media blog (which shall remain nameless so as to not give him free promotion). Generally speaking, I've noticed that on both blogs commenters seem to be harsh on Gasia. The opinions seem to be strong, and they don't seem to be favorable.

    My work schedule doesn't allow me to watch KTVU on weekday mornings, so I rarely get to see Gasia as most do. The last time I watched her with any regularity is when she anchored evenings with Frank Somerville. However, this past Sunday she anchored Mornings on 2 with Claudine Wong so I was able to watch. I found her to be professional, competent, and she did a solid job of anchoring.

    I feel like I'm missing something because nothing about her presentation or demeanor on Sunday seemed off-putting or worthy of criticism, let alone harsh criticism. I might feel differently if I saw her 'in her element' (M-F mornings) more often. Until then, I just don't understand all the Gasia hate.

    1. I think Gasia is fantastic, I also don't understand why some negativity, she's understandable and professional, just wish she's paired up with Senior, Clark has to much SSSSS when he talks

    2. I'm just waiting for the day when Sara say's...
      "Join me at 11:35 on my "Only Fans" site for a closer look at the days news. My special guest will be Amanda Starantino and Natasha Zouves..."

      I like to watch.
      (ummm yummy)

    3. Gasia is a competent anchor and she was consistent when she worked in the afternoon and evening. She would be my choice to replace Julie at 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00 pm.

    4. Gasia and Claudine did very well Sunday morning anchoring Mornings on 2. Both are very professional and easy on the eyes.

  6. I enjoy Goodrich by herself, but not Donchey by herself. This is a holistic view -- I haven't tried analyzing it.

  7. Liz Cook - all day, every day.

    1. Liz Cook is a total hottie.

    2. But seriously, who did Liz piss off to get totally sidelined?

    3. Liz Cook > Sara Donchey any day. I wish she was still on at 11PM, she did a great job even then too, but I guess the fact she has very young kids to take care of is why she is there at noon & 5PM.

    4. "I guess the fact she has very young kids to take care of is why she is there at noon & 5PM."

      You really think management gives a shit about things like that?

      They make decisions based on who they think masturbatory college kids will watching. The thing they don't get is masturbatory college kids don't watch TV news...never have and never will. They're constantly chasing the wrong audience.

  8. Seeing Reed & Goodrich at 6PM & 11PM would be great. Both are solid in terms of their delivery and inject humor actually making the newscast fun. Plus both professional.

    But if that happens what will happen at 7PM? Can it be something like Brian Hackney doing something like 3 & 7PM paired with someone like say, Devin Fehely or Anne Makovec? That would make the newscasts more watchable. Pairing him with Sara could be awkward.

    The only thing that they would have to do is make the 3PM news the Afternoon Edition & the 6, 7 and 11PM news the Evening Edition like they would at 5PM.

  9. I like Goodrich but I might stop watching her if she were with Reed Cowan.

    1. Agree. Don't find Cowan that appealing to watch. Rather watch Goodrich by herself or with Hackney.

    2. If that be the case, why not put Reed on weekends and put Hackney with Goodrich at 6PM and 7PM? I've seen Reed fill in on weekend mornings & weekend evenings in August, September and even October. He can take Hackney's place instead and anchor with Nakano or even Fehely in the morning.

      Only catch of Hackney paired with Goodrich if this happens on a weekday is that Heggen will still need to do the weather, Peck will be his backup and Hackney (rarely) a secondary meteorologist backup. Mostly he will anchor.

      If I was managing KPIX, I would do something like this if this slowly came back to a pair during all news hours:

      Reed can do weekend mornings, Sara & Andrea can do the weekend evenings (5, 6, 11). For weekdays, the morning team would be left unchanged and so would the Noon & 5PM newscasts. 3PM & 11PM why not bring in Devin Fehely (great anchor but severely underutilized) & pair him with say, Betty Yu or Anne Makovec. 6PM & 7PM can go to Hackney & Goodrich.

  10. Reed is the smuggest white man in local news since Pete Wilson. Obnoxious.

  11. Until Tucker Carlson was fired, I didn't care about his bio. I don't watch Fox. But i just read a piece about his father, Dick Carlson, and it says he was a reporter at KGO 7 in the 1960s. He also did some other things like write the Look magazine piece on SF Mayor Alioto that said he was tied into the Mafia. That resulted in a libel suit that finished Look. The guy was also in the Reagan administration.

  12. KPIX "dream" primetime news team:
    (Anchors) Cowan, Goodrich
    (Sports) Glenn and (weather) Hagen. Keep Donchey @ 11pm...

    1. > Keep Donchey @ 11pm...

      Send Donchey back to Corpus Christi.

  13. I could not agree more, Rich. I've really liked Cowan since he arrived, and Goodrich has long been underutilized.
    Anonymous 3:30, I had no idea Dick Carlson was Tucker's father. I remember the Look magazine spread which linked Joe Alioto to the mob. Carlson and Lance Brisson (Rosalind Russell's son) wrote the article, which went south really fast. The Chron and the Ex came down on it hard. Carlson was 28, Brisson 26. Letting these guys do this was indeed the end of Look. It seems that Dick Carlson had his finger in a lot of unsavory pies.

  14. Brian and Liz need to look for a new job, the station is promoting two old folks vs the other two

    1. Liz should but Brian is at retirement age (65) until unless he wants to have his own business of science editing outside of CBS. Otherwise he should call it a career.

  15. Ming Sze's 11am report on the writers strike was just dripping with hate for anyone not walking in lock step with management. she must be a real nark.

  16. At least in the 11 pm slot there is a very little news. It is features, weather, sports, and a chat afterward. About 5 minutes of an half hour broadcast is actually news. Is this a financial thing?

    1. Yes. The new GM hates news and views their news programs as entertainment vehicles a la TMZ and Extra.

      Interesting thing is KPIX has tried this tact before--they hired Dana King from Extra in the mid 90s and tried a celebrity-sprinkled "infotainment" approach. It piqued interest for a while but quickly bombed.

  17. So why the lack of news at 11? Features, weather, sports and chats, that's it. Oh, I forgot endless time getting into and out of shots from one side of the set to the other.

  18. Cowan seems full of himself.

  19. Hate on the white guy (Cowan) even though he is competent at his job. It's the new trend today.

    1. Finding smug, mediocre, knowitall whiteboys who have failed upwards obnoxious isn't a new trend, you guys just recently started taking notice.

  20. Goodrich and Cowan should be moved to weekends…both past their prime…

  21. @11:10 - Cowan might but he is standing up to the community in light of the events on what impact it can have on him, his children or even us. He is just as concerned as us. If I remember correctly he also does Bay Area Focus on some weekends like what Len Kiese did last year. Which is why I was thinking if Hackney moves to the primetime lineup, Reed can take his place on weekend evenings.

    The only thing I don’t like about Cowan is the way he acts among meteorologists. Darren & Paul sometimes can’t put up with what they may consider BS. Hackney just goes along with it.
