Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dion Lim Gets (Again) CNN Love; ABC7 Future Up in Air?; KTVU's Haener Sudden Remarkable Attendance Record; Who Knew?; KCBS Fraud Heat Wave Coverage (Bay Area Media Too); Burns Overnight "Uh, Uh, Uh" Embarrassment; Jon Miller Factoid; Giants in LA TV Absurdity; Juliette Goodrich/KPIX Inside Dope Courtesy Scott Warren; Anne Makovec Non-Promotion; KGO Radio/Cumulus Exposed Again with John Rothmann Fake Passion; KGO Producer "Completes"; The Over-Under on KNBR's Dual Jokes: "Tolbert and Copes"; Frank Mallicoat Gets Jiggy with Pam Cook; Gary Radnich is Dating Again; Wednesday Nosh Extreme

IF Dion Lim is open to a new challenge and bored with the local mousies, then CNN is interested in her--and as you know, CNN's new boss has been making changes.

*Since I detailed her excess absences at KTVU, Julie Haener has seen a remarkable turn of events, namely her attendance; now she shows up to work almost everyday --I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

*KCBS spent the whole afternoon late on Tuesday night --a sweltering evening in the Bay Area--by touting its heatwave coverage--yeah, what a load of crap that is--the same mildew, alleged news station that ran a story, 7times!--about the queen of Netherlands visiting SF.

*Speaking of the "shit show" (as KCBS rank and file call it), boy did I blow it on overnight anchor, Carolyn Burns.

"Uh, uh, that freeway, uh, that accident, uh, uh, that jack knife, that, uh, uh, uh." What a total, uh, train wreck.

*Not to be outdone, the goofy, bizarre, giggle-voice herself, Alisa Clancy, another absurd, ridiculous hire, courtesy inept ND, Jennifer Seelig, star shit show supreme.

*Of course, Lim could have gone to ABC (and probabaly still can), but CNN covets her and they could really use a new coat of paint.

*Nice of Jon Miller to catch a flight down to LA to broadcast the Giants-Dodgers game on Tuesday night. "Adios more time off!"

*Miller's been busy lately, what with Wordle and Mexican history classes.

*By the way, the COVID/non-travel practice is almost an afterthought these days, the Portland Trailblazers the latest team to allow their play-by-play guys to travel on the road; the Giants apparently didn't get the memo.

*I like Miller; when he's on his game and broadcasts baseball, he's a HOFer--it's when he thinks he's bigger than the game and starts to kiss David B. Flemming's ass (for some reason) I no like.

*Juliette Goodrich wasn't all that in to switching her schedule and lifetime habits around; she's taking care of her elderly mom and is fixated on her kids and family. Good for her. But Scott Warren and CBS-SF suits basically told her to do the PIXers a favor and become its face-of-station --the Liz Cook experiment wasn't working and that's been evident for a decade now.

*This about Cook; while she may be a "nice person", ultimately you gain respect by being good and not taking advantage of your dad's significant juice in the industry. Cook is much better as an anchor at PIX, there's no doubt she's improved on the desk, I've said so long time ago; that said, Cook is not really loved at 855 Battery--she is perceived as a softie who got the gig based solely on daddy and is resting on her laurels. It's harsh, but so is life.

*I'm NOT gonna blow kisses at KGO Radio because they decided to detour on Labor Day and allow multi-millionaire John Rothmann --who has nothing better to do--to show up and talk news of the day. In the old days, KGO was a real 24/7 station that never ran "best-of" shows and was a treasured part of the Bay Area community.

KGO is a disgrace now, a Cumulus casualty that was KILLED by corporate greed and mass mismanagement by a bunch of Atlanta hillbillies and I'm never gonna forget it.

*Rothmanns' fake, disingenuous "outrage" and "appaling" shtick is just that, shtick. He told a radio guy that his argumentative banter with Trumpians like "Don from Salinas" was "great radio." Rothmann's nauseating act has been exposed as FRAUD that it is and continually expressing mock outrage with these yahoos has to be called out and it just was.

There's no place I'd rather be than right here telling you the truth.

*Sorry Lee Hammer, you really DON'T know radio, at least KGO. You may have a lot of dreams and project self-importance but you can't do the new KGO any justice and it's sad, really. Try assembling better talent and utilizing whatever means to make more prudent hires and quit infecting the airwaves with Midwest asses like this putz.

*The Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame has their big to-do this Saturday--I'm not attending, I'll be home watching Latvian soccer; slightly more interesting than the HOF proceedings.

*August Radio Ratings and KGO is happy--we beat the SF School district!

*Remember, it's August so hold your fury and venom, but still, KGO is a disaster.

*That KGO producer in the morning and midday who thinks he's some important guy because he loves spying on the hosts, recently confronted Rothmann, I'm hearing, and offered his professional kudos--nothing says acceptance like, "you complete me."

*The over/under at KNBR: Copes (Adam Copeland) and Tolbert's (Tom) "exactly" and Copes hyena laughs)--first Copes (30 laughs in an hour --take the over--and Tolbert's "exactly" repeats, 20, take the under.

*Anne Makovec was buried in PIX's sister stations Death Valley CW--hardly some "promotion."

*OH, Just STFU!: Greg Papa's BS habit of saying, "John" to his imbecile host and radio bitch, John Lund. Pop, you're becomming unlistenable and kissing Lund's bloated tuchus is so vile and revolting.

*PHONY is as PHONY is; KTVU's insufferable BORE: Dave Clark.

*The heat wave lousy, incomprehensibly AWFUL, coverage by the local yokels (TV/Radio) was transparent to the max. This is a hopeless market with pathetic peons who wouldn't know any creativity if it hit 'em on the head. What a total abomination and so juvenile.

*Trending now on KNBR: mediocrity en fuego!

*Dear Frank Mallicoat at KTVU: I don't care if you hit on Pam Cook, just be advised that the TWOpers in the back saw it and went across the street and had a collective vomit orgy.

Some-ting wong.

*Gary Radnich is relatively happy in his retirement life in West Portal --but Gary has that annual half-decade urge lately and it's chronic; the wifey seems to have become an afterthought and, well, Gary is dating again. It's not a shock to me but it may be to some of you all.

*Pass the pastrami and coke zero.

*Lastly: that non-homerun call last night by Duane Kuiper? Just a plain, uh, wow.


  1. Lee Hammer the person who enginered the game where Barry Bonds Historic Hr game and missed the call on radio.

  2. I too am a little tired of Rothmannnnn's act. Trust fund baby. He said a few weeks ago that his children would like to "freeze his brain" when he died I guess because in his little social circle that involves Jan "Two Tons" Wahl he is the intellectual superior. That's sad. And a reflection on why S.F. as a city and California as a whole is a complete shithole run by ignorant dumbass politicians.

    Hey....don't forget to turn off every fan and light in your house because of this heat wave. California doesn't have the power to handle the demand NOW and is threatening rolling blackouts. But also HAVE to have an electric car charging in your driveway in 10 years no ifs and or butt's! Your Democratic leaders have spoken! Who elects these dumbasses? Oh yea, the types of listeners that tune in regularly to Rothmannnnn and Pat "Bra size on resume" Thurston.

  3. Unless the money is better at CNN and you get a TV show dont see any advantage as you just one of many hundred on call.

    1. CNN’s new boss, Chris Licht, is clearly moving to the right. Jake Tapper is CNN version of Chuck Todd. He fired Brian Seltzer. John Harwood left. Briana Keiler has already changed. Jim Acosta, Anderson Cooper & Don Lemon most likely will be silent or get fired. Dion would be wise to stay at ABC7.

    2. So you're saying Chris Licht actually has some sense and realized you can't package and sell shit as blueberry muffins and expect to make a profit?

  4. I think you just won the award for the longest headline ever.

  5. Why Circle7 is mot giving Dion Lim more air time is a mystery She is the best weekend anchor of all the networks, but I thought she would get more evening timeslots during the week. She would be a welcome change to anchor CNN or ABC national, but would have thought Circle7 would wake up and put her on air along with Dan Ashley.

    1. I don't know anything specific but I do know Trixie and it's not a mystery to me. She plays favorites, and she likes to be worshipped like Trump. And Dion strikes me as someone who won't do that shit.

    2. Anchor at ABC? She’s not ready for the big stage. She’s fine at KGO reporting the heat from Pacifica holding a Taco Bell taco.

  6. I guess Radnich’s new girl is getting Jiggly with him.

    Does that pompous guy still drive a Rolls? 🤦‍♂️

    1. He never drove a Rolls, he drove a Bentley. And yes.

    2. He got rid of the Bentley years ago. Prior to his retirement on KNBR. He talked about it on air.

  7. Someone tell Gary to lay off the Viagra®

  8. Dion Lim going to CNN would be a win-win for me. I never watch CNN and I'd be able to watch more KGO-TV news.

    1. Amen! Good riddance Dion, don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

  9. Apparently one of the previous writers still denies Climate Change. 118 in Livermore. 10 FEET of rain in one day in Pakistan.
    Probably the same nitwit I see parked in his SUV with the engine roaring to keep the A/C going. Apparently he has enough money to pay for gas, but not enough brains to pay attention, and simply Park in the Shade!
    Of course all of this is happening because his buddy Trump is looking at Prison time.
    America the land of Willfully Ignorant Angry White Oafs!
    Radnich is ‘the playuh’ - you can take the kid out of San Ho, but you cannot take the Playuh outta Vegas.

    1. How are you going to charge those electric cars then when they're having rolling blackouts and gridwide failure now due to a little heat and some air conditioners running? And yes, lets talk about "climate change deniers" while ignoring the fact that the largest countries in the world aren't going along with our little song and dance. While we're virtue signaling and "boycotting" Russian oil, China and India have been buying it up hand over fist at a 30% discount. You won't see that on your beloved CNN or MSNBC. Doesn't fit the narrative.

    2. Ok boomer. "Word"?


    3. “The narrative” is a lie. EV charging is a tiny fraction of demand. The vast majority of electrical demand is from two sources: industry and HVAC systems. But you won’t hear the corporate shills in media admit that.

  10. Pastrami demands Dr. Brown's cream soda

    1. Used to agree with that...but man tough to do Dr. Brown's after reading the label. Sugar content is through the roof.

  11. Dion should consider leaving when she doesn't get any of the M-F prime time spot. For KPIX, I have been watching the station since Monday, shame they move Ryan-Liz at 12 and 5, the jerk who was accuse of something at 3, 6, 7, Juliette get the fame at 6, 7 but 11PM, isn't this suppose to be Sara timespot on air. She is still doing field reporting and Brian, Andrea is doing 11PM. What up with that??? KPIX should never hire that reporter from LV and Sara. Put Ryan-Liz, Brian-Juliette and you get the ratings back. For Liz, she should be happy taking care of her kids at night, but demoted badly. Not sure did she pissed someone off or why why why???? Ryan doesn't seem to care when his wife just join him in KPIX. 11PM, please find out more is this going to be an any anchor timeslot.

    1. So far in a way I’m happy Sara is not on at 11PM. Rich did say Ryan Yamamoto’s wife is joining KPIX but could this be a possible sign that she may be in the 11PM timeslot?

    2. Let’s watch tonight and rest of the week to see who is coming in at 11pm

    3. No thanks on Ryan. He is FUBAR. Juliette Goodrich is excellent and Andrea Nakano is quite good at 11:00 pm. She is underutilized at KPIX. Allen Martin, white courtesy telephone.

    4. No wonder they dumped him at noon. Yesterday he was solo anchoring. There is only one thing I will give Ryan credit for…walking us thru a tutorial for us to find out if our block is having a power outage. But for reporting I have to agree, nothing compared to Bastida.

      It’s good to see Juliette actually has her own news show, it’s not the generic KPIX 5 News at 6pm on weekdays it’s “CBS News Bay Area with Juliette Goodrich”. She is a great anchor no doubt, but one thing I notice and not sure if you too is that the movement is almost identical to the morning show on weekdays and thats one thing some of us complained about. But its at least her & Paul Heggen.

      Andrea is good too, I agree. Hopefully she continues anchoring for the 11pm show, glad we did not see Sara at 11pm (thus far) but she is doing field reporting during the evening timeslots.

  12. Jon Miller and your highness Julie Haener are on pace to work a combined eleven days this year while robbing their employers of over $1million in salary.

  13. Imagine the beer goggles Frank Mallicoat must've been wearing to find Pam 'The broomhilda landbeast' Cook even the slightest bit attractive.
    You've gotta be at least 24 beers in to be that level of intoxicated.

  14. Radnich, yuk! Can't that tired old bloated goat just fade away?

  15. Be careful Dickie, Pam Cook might send around another email about you to her co-workers that'll get laughed at and sent straight to the circular file, kinda like the time she got all butthurt when you posted about attractive women in Bay Area media and rightfully didn't include her name within 5,000 miles of that list.

  16. Note to John Rothman: Stories about the Ukraine and abortion rights are not exactly a topic most people want to talk about much less listen to while stuck in traffic at five pm on a Friday. That’s where his show misses the mark sometimes. Timing of topics is everything. Chip Franklin had a much better grip on balancing entertainment with political news. Nikki Medoro was better as Franklin’s sidekick as well. (And no Jan Wahl.) Don’t dislike Rothman…sometimes interesting and well though out topics. But the far right wing callers he gets are sometimes insufferable to listen to in their allegiance to TFG. He lost. Get over it!! If the off the rail calls he gets are real then we’re in a heap of trouble as a country.

    In other News ABC 7 investigative reporter Dan Noyes is going viral with his recent exposure of the San Rafael Police Department’s alleged police brutality against a migrant worker busted for drinking a beer in public after work. Straight up harassment and abuse. Almost a million views on YouTube. Thank you, Dan. He really doesn’t get enough credit for his solid journalism skills and fearless reporting.

    Also Dion Lim is formidable. But she is gonna have a long wait to advance at the ABC 7 anchor chair with Ming and Ama currently at the helm. Circle 7 is number one for a reason. Would seem silly to rock the boat with prime time changes at this point. Lim may very well be fitted to ‘build a better career area’ with CNN.

    1. Astounding! I’m astounded by what you say about our beloved John Rothmann. Don’t confuse people with the facts. Let me be crystal clear. I want to know what you really think.

    2. "But the far right wing callers he gets are sometimes insufferable to listen to in their allegiance to TFG. He lost. Get over it!! If the off the rail calls he gets are real then we’re in a heap of trouble as a country."

      The calls are cherry picked to put them in the worst light possible. They conveniently don't let the "progressive left" callers that sound kooky/off the rails through because we can't have that. Only the kooky callers from the other side so that the then level-headed leftist callers can call in and they have someone to mock. It's all smoke and mirrors/orchestrated. And it's been proven and commented on by insiders on this very blog.

    3. you mean to say that don from salinas, bob from palm springs, curtis from santa rosa and mike in milpitas are givin priority even though rothmann constanly claims he takes calls in the order they were received? my friends, im going to take my c crane radio now and send it to steve moskovitz and boycott cal mart

  17. Re Gary, nobody cares!

  18. The influence you’ve had on Haener’s schedule is impressive, nothing short of remarkable. But now that we’re in college football season let’s see if she continues to play by the rules and show up to work.
    As others have pointed out her M.O. has been to use a Saturday afternoon game in Fresno as an excuse to miss 3-4 days of work, sometimes even a full work week.
    Regardless, I’m sure her co-workers are enjoying some normalcy in their schedules again so they can spend time with THEIR families.

    1. Do you honestly believe he had any influence on her schedule. Of course he didn’t.

    2. 10:11: Sure. Whatever you say.

  19. Meanwhile…
    Copes laughs all the way to the bank. And Gary still has some gas in that old tank. As the world turns.

  20. Rich I hate to be ‘that guy’ who calls out typos but you appear to have made one when you suggest 30 laughs an hour for Copeland. I routinely hear him do 30 laughs in 5 minutes.

  21. KNBR worst two on air FP interviewing Eric Byrnes.

  22. Gary lives in West Portal, not Pacific Heights nor Sea Cliff? I thought the guy was flamboyant and loaded! Hope things work out with his wife as he seemed like a nice guy. He put on a good radio show though lacking somewhat in sports’ insight. He entertained us and actually took callers. I see he has or I guess maybe had a similar liking for pretty ladies of a certain ethnicity as do you Rich!

    1. He actually lives in St. Francis Wood but is a regular on West Portal Ave.

  23. Dear sweet lord, whoever was running the board at kcbs today needs to be fired immediately.
    Technical glitches…like, holy shit man, college stations produce better radio. It was the fisher price radio hour. Brought to you by a 3 year old.

    It would be funny on April fools day, for about 5 seconds. The joke would be that they actually knew what they are doing.

    I had been out of town for work. Returning to kcbs was… unfortunate.

  24. Wait, what, Gary Radnich has a new girlfriend?!?... I thought he was/is loyal to his wife Alicia? Remember all the times he had her on KRON? I thought they were/are a great couple

  25. Regarding Kuip's home run call, on the Brandon Crawford home run, to be fair, the ball looked like it was going to go foul, but it was fair upon further review. I think even if Kruk and Kuip were at Dodger Stadium calling the game, Kuip may have had the same call. You really couldn't tell just by looking at it on TV.

  26. When Copeland is on with Marty Lurie on the weekends, he is all business. He doesnt chuckle, laugh or suck up at all and he talks w a much faster cadence.

  27. Pam Cook and Anne Makovec: a ton of fun. Literally.

  28. Juliette...and TB12...each putting work ahead of family?
    That don't sit well with me.

  29. John Miller looks like the white Al Roker. When did he drop all the weight?

    1. @8:39- He lost the weight a few years ago. I think he does more walking now? He does some IG Lives, and I think one time during a road trip, he showed the distance that he walked. It was a quite a distance, but I think walking longer distances/working out has contributed to his weight loss.

  30. Watched Andrea Nakano do the Late News show on KPIX...I liked her there......jf

    1. Agreed she is good. Hopefully she will continue doing the 11pm newscast on weeknights.

  31. Agreed. She’s a good anchor.

  32. Two important things J Rothmann has going, live and local. KGO's programming 7 pm to 6 am doesn't have that. That's the main problem killing KGO's ratings; not JR's imperfections. Irrespective of folk's opinion about his genuineness, which admittedly seems doubtful at times, JR's willingness to host on Labor Day makes him an asset to the station, not a liability. As far as his family's financial balance sheet, plus or minus, immaterial. There are a few things JR could do to improve his show. (1) When scheduling a phone-in expert interview, prerequisite is expert is using a land line and absolutely clear audio quality. If not, cancel interview before it starts. (2) When listener calls in and instead of polite conversation, rants & talks over host, JR says "Ok, since you won't allow me to talk, I'm going to pipe you down". JR mutes caller, JR says what he wants to say, then turns up caller's volume. If caller has calmed down, allows them to continue their point. If still ranting, bye bye. (3) If normally scheduled guest (such as Jan Wahl) isn't appearing at the normal day/time for some reason, explain. Don't force the listeners to guess.

    1. He ignores constructive criticism, regardless of the source (including PDs). Ever notice that he rarely involves his producer beyond superficial and disingenuous gratitude? Ask any former producer and they’ll confirm it. It’s all about appearances and reputation with that guy. I’m getting flooded with emails, the board is full, blah blah blah!

    2. Personal landlines are an endangered species. The vast majority of experts don’t have one, outside of the older generation. The best you can do is ask them to get to a quiet and stable environment.

    3. And tell the caller to get off the speaker phone. It always sound like they're in a tile-lined barrel.

  33. I am watching KPIX News with Juliette Goodrich. She is outstanding! I used to watch NBC Bay Area, switched yesterday. Management made the right decision moving Liz Cook and Ryan Yamamoto.

    After watching Andrea Nakano on the 11:00 pm news, management should promote her to the broadcast if they decide not to use Sarah Donchey.

    1. Same here. It's good to see that Juliette Goodrich has her own show, she deserves it, being a veteran anchor since the 97 (when I was 4 years old). She can enjoy her weekends more, which is nice. Many of the veteran KPIX anchors have done an outstanding job reporting compared to many of the new anchors (not all are bad, but some like Ryan for example).

      It's sad she is no longer anchoring with Brian Hackney, but the only time Brian Hackney **could** come in during her show is if he is filling in for weather for Paul; but Darren Peck will fill in for Paul, only if he is not filling in for Burch in the morning within the same day, such as today.

      I'm sure that if Andrea is continuing every weeknight for the 11PM newscast, this will no doubt be good. Really enjoy her reporting, just an outstanding anchor. Let's see if she continues tonight, tomorrow and from early next week onwards.

    2. Andrea is on for the 3rd night tonight. I think this weeknight trend at 11pm with her will continue (Mon-Fri) and anchoring well.

  34. "Pipe you down" was a line from Ray T show. Sad it was stolen from the halcyon days of news talk eight one oh. It would be far better of rothmann to have a Al Dolphlerson from Bangor call in like Alan
    Colmes did back in the day

  35. Sorry but love John Rothman and Pat Thurston. Love listening to Kuiper and Krukow just for their banter. Hard to watch Giants because they’re so damn bad, not the announcers fault.

  36. Yesterday evening (6PM and 11PM only), Anne Makovec filled in for Brian Hackney.

    Also on another hand, KPIX has a new 9AM format of morning news that started today, with you guessed it…Amanda Starrantino (who doesn’t anchor at noon anymore) & Jessica Burch (who is also there at noon).

  37. Also wanted to add that since most of us really don’t like Ryan Yamamoto, let me tell you the worst part. At 7PM he was taking over the Red & Gold Report during sports time. I thought he did a pathetic job at it. You can correct me if I am wrong.

    Andrea Nakano and anyone else who knows sports still does better than Yamamoto
