Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Krukow and Kuiper Away from Giants-Dodgers Game in LA and It Sounded Awful

KRUK (Mike Krukow) and KUIP (Duane Kuiper) broadcast the Giants-Dodgers game in LA last (Monday) night.

It did not sound good. That's not just me--several of you emailed me and said as much; I agree.

Both Kruk and Kuip did the game from SF at Oracle Park. (NBC Sports BA studios)-- For health reasons, I guess, they're not traveling. I get it (sort of) but the broadcast lacked in every sense of the word. You could hear it with your own ears. And I'm being kind.

For one, Kuiper was way late on homerun calls. It sounded awkward and disjointed. It was a lousy broadcast. It was crummy at the very beginning because both of them sounded like they were away from the action in a booth a long ways from Dodger Stadium. Again, I listened intently and so did you.

The fact both Kruk and Kuip weren't at the game was a disgrace.

I know all about the health issues but I still feel the same.

And where was Jon Miller?

Oh yeah, on assignment.


The Giants have to fix this mess and they will, for 2023. Because their broadcasts now (on TV) are not worthy. Ask the sponsors.


  1. Kruk and Kuip have been such a great team, probably the best in baseball . Based on their unique insights and taking us through three World Series I would never criticize them . If they have health problems that is their business and shouldn't be the subject of comment on this blog.

    1. I agree that they at least used to be a great team. Baseball announcers need to be at every game. This rotating cast of characters and doing games from a studio hundreds of miles away is terrible. If they can't do their job at a level that a Major League game and fans expect, then they should either take a leave or quit

  2. The problem is not Kruk, Kuip, Miller, or Fleming - the problem is the team on the field. Terrible batting averages, stupid platooning, a lousy bullpen, aging overpaid “stars”, bad fielding, and a manager who appears to give a meaningless answer to every question posed to him. The team is obviously headed for a long off-season, and NO they will not be making any big acquisitions.
    Kruk n Kuip will soon hang up their headphones, Miller not far behind. Enjoy their reparteé while they can still yuck it up. It won’t be long before we were wishing they were still broadcasting.

    1. I stopped wishing they'd keep broadcasting @ 5 years ago.
      Yes, the Giants won three world titles with them on the mic,
      but the team's success had nothing to do with them. They
      are homers - unlike the great Giant announcers of the past
      - Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons, Hank Greenwald, etc.
      Krukow's gamer babe, in the squat, and grab some pine meat
      are old and tired.

    2. Can't wait for the broadcast team of Ryan Leong, Roxy Bernstein, Carmen "Don't Call Me Cartman" Kiew and Rich Aurilia & Shawn Estes on color donig games on radio and TV.

    3. I've never heard Ryan. Roxy is serviceable. Aurilla and Estes are decent, but still need reps. If any of the Sunday crew is included, particularly Carmen, I will never watch the Giants with the sound on again.

  3. I agree each has health issues which are significant. But the Giants have a responsibility to their fans and sponsors to deliver a TV and radio team on site home and away and hire the appropriate personnel. Maybe it is about time to farm out Larry Baer. The Oakland Athletics do a much better job announcing their games on TV and radio.

    1. Aside from Vince Catroneo and Ken Korach the others are HORRIBLE. Dallas Braden loves to listen to himself talk and never shuts up. They rotate Shooty Babbit and Bip Roberts and Dave Stewart and any other live body they can find.

  4. I thought they sounded great!

  5. Baer should have been out years ago.

    The giants need a superstar and some backup PBP guys.

  6. The Oakland A’s are on TV and Radio? Who knew?

  7. Kruk has had a debilitating muscle condition, similar to ALS so travel for him is impossible. Kuip is still in cancer recovery but I imagine the Giants feel that having their two best announcers on-air is more important than being physically on site. I get where you're coming from Rich but Kruk and Kuip working remotely is a better option than having Dave Flemming paired with someone else and having Joe Ritzo (who isn't a MLB worthy) announcer to fill in for him on radio.

  8. We turned the radio on - Dave and Austin Slater - Duane mumbled too much and spoke softly - the problem with not being at the actual game.

  9. This is a failure of management, as in Larry Baer, who as a teenager played Screech in Saved By The Bell.

  10. I didn’t hear the game but, sounds like someone is being a drama queen because they worked remotely.

    Maybe if the Giants were within 25 games of the Dodgers they’d be down at Chavez Ravine.

  11. Yeah…Love Kruk and Kuip. Legends of Giants broadcasting. But the calling road games while watching a monitor at (what are they calling the $tadium now) Oracle Park is about as silly as those cardboard cutouts MLB used to fill in for fans during the pandemic. (Though they could place a Mary Hart one in her usual spot behind home plate in LA and no one would notice the difference).

    This year was a bust for the Giants on many levels. I foresee big changes in all areas regarding the Giants in 2023. From the broadcasting perspective they should have Kruk and Kuip announce as many home games as they want until they decide to hang it up or their contract expires. Trust these two vets know when it’s time to leave the dance. It’ll be incredibly sad but that’s life. The Giants are the best in baseball at honoring their legends in all areas. This broadcasting team will never be forgotten because they’re like old friends to so many of us. And the three WS runs and rings, of course.

    Now if the Giants could finagle one of those seven billion dollar Time Warner broadcast deals like the Dodgers have where they actually get to keep a lot of extra profits, life would be good. Then maybe old cheap Republican owner Charles Johnson would actually invest in some marquee players to put butts in the seats and more people watching on TV. That’s the name of the game in the end.

    Maybe they could also afford to have Carmen Kiew and all the Summer Sunday crew together for once instead of one always being ‘on assignment’ with Jon Miller. On the other hand…Nevermind. lol

    ‘Now batting for your 2023 San Francisco Giants…Number 99…Aaron Judge!!!’ - Renel Hey one can dream, right?? lol

    1. Renel has a better chance to be on the 40 man roster than
      Aaron Judge. Do you think a Democrat owner would invest
      in some marquee players?

    2. Oh boy, 12:32pm. Lots to unpack there. First, Judge is not coming to SF. No chance whatsoever. He's staying in NY. Nobody leaves the Empire. Second, start getting used to the fact that the 2023 Giants roster is going to look very similar to the 2022. Maybe 3-4 guys are swapped out but it's not going to change much. Hate to break the bad news but it's reality. As far as the broadcasters, hard to say but I don't expect much change there either. Most of them need to hang it up but they love the game too much to leave.

    3. Isn't it by definition SummerSuck Day has dribbled out it's course?

      Unfortunately, the SFG pre and postgame shows still have the ultra horrible Carlos Ramirez still lurching up his dubious presence. It also looks that he'll be mucking it up on the 49er pre and postgame shows this season replacing Joe Staley. Like water being wet, him on my TV, me spraining my thumb changing the channel on my remote.

    4. @6:26- Carlos Ramirez is doing everything for NBC Sports Bay Area right now. It almost kind of feels like they're forcing him on us. Carlos Ramirez may be the next Greg Papa at NBC Sports Bay Area. It's almost to the point where every time you tune in to Giants, Warriors, or Niners programming on NBC Sports Bay Area, you will see Carlos Ramirez somewhere. Nothing against Carlos Ramirez, he seems like a good dude, maybe a little goofy, but the guy does know his stuff and he's big on the analytics and is a numbers guy. It's just sometimes less is more. You would hate for a new guy to wear out his welcome or become overexposed where you see him on TV a little too much. NBC Sports Bay Area may need to decide at some point where he fits best whether it's doing Giants stuff, Warriors stuff, or Niners stuff.

      For the Niners TV pre and postgame show, I thought they had a good crew last year of Laura Britt, Joe Staley, Donte Whitner, and Takeo Spikes. Not sure why they took off Joe Staley and Takeo Spikes or why their contracts probably weren't renewed. I thought Staley did a good job last year, unless the media thing is not his thing. I can tell he seemed a little uncomfortable last year when he criticized Jimmy G during the down period in the Niners season last season when they were 3-5 and people were wanting Trey Lance to start at that point. Whitner was critical of Jimmy G, but didn't play with Jimmy G like Staley did.

      Staley probably still has friendships and relationships with some of the current players on the Niners roster as he was just on the team a couple of years ago, so maybe he didn't want to jeopardize his friendships and relationships with current players on the team if he at times had to criticize them on the Niners TV postgame show. At the same time, it is kind of hard to get ex-players to commit to stuff like this unless they really want to be in the sports media game and cover games. Joe Staley was good last year on Niners TV pre and postgame show, but at the same time, not sure if he really wanted to do it. It was probably a job that Joe Staley didn't really need.

      On a side note, it's nice to see Rod Brooks land back on his feet after KNBR let him go. He will be on the Niners TV pre and postgame show as well. I think he may be the one replacing Joe Staley and Takeo Spikes as Carlos Ramirez will be the main host. Carlos Ramirez is replacing Laura Britt. But yeah, good to see/hear Rod again.

      But yeah, Carlos Ramirez man. He will still be in our lives during football season. LOL

  12. Kruk and Kuip honestly should've called it a career a couple seasons ago. If you're health is so bad that you can't travel, focus on yourself and enjoy your life. Fleming and Miller are fine. Lopez gets better with every rep. It's time to move on and heed the words of Bill Walsh... "it better to dump a guy a year too early rather than a year too late."

  13. The delay between the action on the field and their calls was annoying. It was clear they were detached from the action. Plus, I noticed Kuiper mumbling more than usual - not sure if it's health-related or what. I understand they're no longer able to travel due to their health issues, so maybe this is the time for them to hang it up. They've both had long, illustrious careers, and there's no shame in walking away.

    It's not fair to anyone to expect them to continue to make a spectacle of themselves as their health continues to deteriorate in front of our very eyes and ears.

  14. The Giants broadcast situation is a mess. Miller is getting old and is missing a lot. Flemming is off doing other games more and more every year (See Little League). Kruk and Kuip are both sick and tired and it shows. Love them all and they make a great team from time to time but it is just not the same any more. They are still hanging on to the past and they past is way gone now. It is going to be bad when these guys finally move on.

  15. As much as they are loved for what they have done - this should be their last year being full time analysts and doing their morning drop ins. They are Kruk and Kuip, and should exit together.

  16. Any chance that Greg Papa might be interested in doing Giants play-by-play? With Kuiper's career nearing an end and Fleming a total joke, now doesn't seem like a bad time to explore other options.

    1. Yea, sure once the 49ers can “Mr. Touchdown San…Fran…Cisco!” He can’t be too bad... unless he coins some crazy ass home run call to make his mark vs. Miller’s call in his egotistical mind.

    2. No Greg Papa! I cannot stand the guy as the 49er PBP announcer. He would phuck up the Giants broadcast.

    3. Greg Papa 💩💩💩💩💩

  17. Hate to say it, but if they can't travel to LA they must be in pretty bad shape. They should probably just retire. I watched the game last night but didn't know they weren't at the game, which explains the delayed calls. Hard to do a live broadcast by watching TV.

  18. See you corrected your error on the location of last night's broadcast. All of them through Friday will be from NBCBA studios because of the Poison-Def Leopard and Lady Gaga concers at Oracle Wednesday and Thurday.

  19. didnt hear much logan webb rah rah from krukow.like not the usual pitcher boosting he does. tomato can with string broadcast quality.

  20. "This is an insane asylum." -- Sally Kellerman as Hot Lips Houlihan in the movie version of M*A*S*H

  21. It's a shame what has become of the broadcast booth for Giants games. It used to be one of the greatest now its seems to be almost and after thought

  22. Let's hope Pat Thurston and Don from Salinas will be calling the Giants in 2023

  23. Almost like a late president, governor, actor and sports announcer who used to call Cubs games reading a telegraph strip at the WHO station in Des Moines, Iowa.

  24. What broadcasters are you listening to? Dave Flemming works baseball, football, and basketball for ESPN national broadcasts. Someone thinks he's a pretty good broadcaster. Roxy Bernstein works MLB for ESPN Radio on a regular basis plus does football and basketball for "the Mothership". He's more than serviceable. Get on the internet and listen to some of the "horrible" sports broadcasting that's going on out there. It might make you appreciate what's going on in your own backyard.

  25. Maybe That Fletch character can do in addition to his janitor job.

  26. Krukow and Kuiper are great--now doing a good job calling games for a boring team. Good stories and analysis. What do you want--Fleming and ??? talking about disgusting food at the Mn State Fair as they did for 3 innings last week. Jon Miller focusing on launch angle and the MPH ball was hit at. Only fault in broadcast was that background mike vol. was way to high and endless crowd noise rolled over the broadcast.

  27. Did I see pApa jr on the nbcbasports station? Good grief.

    1. Nepotism at its finest. Why do you think Kuiper's kid is on the air? Or his brother calling the A's, Glenn is brutal.

    2. @1:46- Derek Papa? Last I heard, he was on NFL Network

    3. @5:56- Glen Kuiper is ok. At times he can be boring but overall he's ok. Not great, but not terrible. I remember when he used to be the sideline/dugout reporter for Giants games years ago. He even filled in for Duane Kuiper a few times calling games, and he was solid.

      I wouldn't be surprised if Glen Kuiper eventually comes to the Giants when Duane Kuiper retires, if the Giants consider outside options. I could also see Glen Kuiper coming to the Giants if the A's end up moving to Vegas. It would be like when Greg Papa went from the Raiders to the Niners.

      Cole Kuiper actually isn't bad on that Giants Talk podcast he does with Alex Pavlovic. I know he gets flack on here for the Summer Sunday show, but overall, Cole Kuiper is not bad. I think it's safe to say he will be on NBC Sports Bay Area for years to come.

    4. Otis and Stan can’t quit. They always have something to say.

  28. The Giants in general are a team mired in malaise, top to bottom. Team roster, broadcasters, ownership, coaches. They all seem distracted or living in the past (2014!).

  29. Does Oakland still have a baseball team? I never hear anything about the A’s.

    1. @11:12- Sorry to tell you but that's the way the A's want it. They don't market their team well locally, and they trade away all their stars. There's no point in giving them coverage until their stadium situation is cleared up.

      Brodie Brazil and Chris Townsend are your go to guys locally for A's coverage though.

    2. The A’s has a radio broadcast team? Who knew?

    3. Give it a rest...

  30. John Fisher, the A’s owner is a spoiled little rich boy who expects the city of Oakland to stuff a new ‘play-pen,’ plus housing and buildings for commercial use into a tiny footprint just north of Jack London Square. The Port of Oakland, which anchors more container ships than any other port other than Long Beach is not happy. Nor is the Snitzer Steel Co which is not exactly environmentally friendly. And if somehow, some way this new ballpark gets built, they better have mass transit because
    a.) parking down there is practically non existent. And
    b.) the nearby freeway interchange just west of downtown Oakland is one of the bay area’s busiest freeway stretches, especially around 6-6:30 when people would be trying to get to the games.
    This project looks like a long shot, kind of like Gavin Newsom’s unreality can hope that the 49ers would get a new stadium out by Hunter’s Point,

  31. It’s truly sad to see what the A’s have become. Since 2000, they’ve been to the playoffs, what, about a dozen times? But because they turn over their roster every couple of years and bring in new and mostly young players, they rarely make it past the first round. On top of that, the last 3 hree owners if the very really pale in comparison to the Haas family which owned them from 1981 through 1995. Walter Haas Senior and his son Wally Junior hired some of the best people in baseball; Sandy Alderson, Walt Jocketty, Andy Dolich and of course Tony La Russa. They put together great ball clubs. But more importantly, that ownership reached out to the East bay community and as a result, Oakland enjoyed regular crowds of well over 30,000 a game. Before and after the Hass family, there hasn’t been a single owner of this proud franchise that has done much of anything to reach out to the community. That’s one of the reasons that they’re averaging less than 10,000 fans a game. Until John Fisher sells this team, they’re not going to be more than a 500 club. They are lucky that Billy Beane is constantly picking up and that his minor league system, now replenished with the off seaso
