Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day -- a Quick Item and a Nudge

YES, a good day (heat and all) to celebrate all those who have to lift and exhort --even old TV News anchors and reporters.

Today is Labor Day.

I feel for the street-side reporters who have to go to the airport or do a live shot from the Walnut Creek fountain. It's high time they got their due. If they perform extra credit, assignment editors, then someone else has to go to Livermore and interrogate the roofer.

*NBC Bay Area is prepping for a 4: 30 PM newscast --starting Sept. 12th--which very few will watch--but revenue is revenue and so, here comes more news.

*I'm slumming today but a fresh post nonetheless; you have come to like me (heck no), and my site--even the haters (and there's lots of you)--but you bombard me and tell me you enjoy reading 415 Media even if I get way too cranky and god forbid, ask you all to DONATE and make this 100% sustainable.

I (415 Media) is all reader-supported --without you all, there's NO blog and then you have no one to bitch and moan to--so celebrate a true worker (me) and Make a Donation --go to the "Pay Pal/Donate" button and make a contribution and I'll contact you back THANKING YOU for your donation.


  1. “ I feel for the street-side reporters who have to go to the airport or do a live shot from the Walnut Creek fountain.”

    I feel for the emergency workers who have to rescue people in the heat, and even the outdoor workers (gardeners, construction workers) some of whom for Good knows what reason, are actually working today.

    Reporters can do their live shot and run back into the nice cool news van. Unless it’s been carjacked, which is more than likely if they’re fool enough to report from Oakland.

  2. Watching KPIX 5 with Ryan and Liz, shame on the station demoting the 2 just to promote the weekend anchor at 6 and 7. For Liz, she can spend more time with family.

  3. OMG! Your worst nightmare Rich! Ryan Yamamoto, Liz Cook AND the Lt. we're all on the Noon news. Yamamoto would be better working the drive-thru window of a Starbucks then trying to read off a teleprompter. It's downright embarrassing!. Then the LT tried to give a weather report but stumbled and fumbled over her words. Do better PIX! It's embarrassing.

    1. How dare you critique the LT's on-air performance? Remember, because she knows how to operate a helicopter, we're supposed to treat her with kid gloves and further enable her incompetence by showering her with excessive amounts of disingenuous praise.

    2. Like General Motors in 2009. You dump all the toxic assets into one place and write them off.

      The LT looked sad that her gal pal Starrantino was not there at noon.

    3. Poor LT... No one to go out with for drinks after. Starrantino's star seems to be dimming. I think KPIX should change their name from Eyewitness News to "The Salt Mine".

    4. Can your star really dim when no one was every watching PIX in the morning anyway?

    5. KPIX's response to Anne Makovec and Andrea Borba continuing to pack on pounds at an alarming rate was to hopefully 'stop the (ratings) bleeding' by hiring Dumb and Dumber, the duo of blonde airheads.

      The only thing Starrantino and the LT have going for them is that they're thin, blonde, and young. Neither one is good at their craft.

    6. I like Starrantino and Burch. Refreshing, pretty, interesting. Good for them.

    7. 7:14, don't you diss the zaftig. Remember Sara Sidner is one of Rich's favorites....rubenesque to the max

  4. I really feel for the Firefighters.......jf

    1. I feel sorry for the firefighters too...
      Where will they charge their electric fire trucks during the next big fire in the Oakland hills?
      Will the TV reporters be allowed to run the air conditioning in those new electric live vans?

      Sorry action news live reports between 4pm and 9pm.

    2. Poor, pitiful 2:51 doesn't understand that even during a heat crisis like we have now, one can still drive electric cars and trucks. The issue isn't about driving them. It's about charging them. There are,brace yourself, 24 hours in a day. During a heat crisis, much like the public is asked to cut electric consumption during the peak hours, folks are asked to charge their cars at other times,not during peak hours. Peak hours are between 4-9p. That leaves 20 other hours in which to access charging stations. This is not difficult.

    3. @8:39am In your zell to be pompous to "poor pitiful me" dodged the question about electric fire trucks and electric live vans.
      They don't exist...thus they cannot be charged at all.
      But you already knew that.

    4. google electric trucks...have some vision

  5. Its hot! Its damn hot! Its Africa hot! Even Tarzan can't take this kind of hot! It's like walkin through soup out here!

  6. It amazes me how much local new there. Both KRON and KTVU start the day at 4AM, really? PIX has news at 3pm followed by national news at 3:30PM, KTVU and Channel 7 at 4PM, then everyone jumps in from 5-7. KRON is back at 8 and 9, KTVU at much is too much? I get it that people have various schedules and cannot watch at specific times, but isn't that the point of getting news from the internet whenever you want? You watch any of these newscasts and they all have the same stuff, just repeated...and same stuff across the stations. Sure, there will be some differences but for the most part, it is all the same. I just don't see why local news OTA (over the air, cable, wherever one gets it) is still a thing. Who is watching? Does it really make money? Must, I guess.

    1. My dog is a huge consumer of mid afternoon news cast when she falls asleep on the remote. One of Sze 5 viewers at 3PM

  7. 112ยบ in Walnut Creek right now. I should go to the fountain downtown and see if any of them jump in to prevent heat stroke.

    1. GERONIMO!!!! Cannonball in the downtown WC fountain.

    2. Maybe you’ll see Julie Haener at the fountain wearing one of the micro bikinis she wears on Instagram.

    3. Right on cue, Elisa Harrington did a live report from the Fountain at the beginning of the 10pm news. 90°… woohoo!

    4. Mumbles Martin said it was 99 in Brentwood at 10pm, warmer than Walnut Creek.

      Looks like they’re gonna have to find a fountain in Brentwood to stupidly stand in front of.

    5. Watch out Brentwood, Jana Katsuyama is coming to a fountain near you!

  8. Looking at 4pm KTVU newscast. Why does Roberta feel need to wear a weave?? I really liked her on kpix, what happened?

    1. Major mid-life crisis. She thinks she's hot with the right fitting outfits and hairdo. Bleh! She needs to ask the Fashionista or LT for style advice.

    2. Mid life passed Rogo about 15 yrs ago

    3. I turn the channel when Roberta is on. Not attractive al all.

  9. and 3 cheers for john francis rothman who sacrificed what was left of sitting at home with his wife on labor day to trek into the kgo studio and give everybody 3 hours of donald trump talk on a day they thought it was it either going to be the best of chris merril or a doug andrew pre taped seminar from 2014 ..

  10. I will be watching the NBC Bay Area News at 4:30 with Audrey Asistio ๐Ÿ˜

  11. Roberta needs to go away.

    1. Yeah @2:11pm.... Hey Roberta? ABRA-CA-DABRA! Disappear! No one likes you or your lame weather reports. Or like they say in Harry Potter... "Into Non-Being!"

  12. It's slim pickings in the AM between the airheaded Paris Hilton wannabe's on KPIX (Starr and the LT), the crotchety landbeasts on KTVU (Cook and The Gas) and Donny Aqui playing grabass and acting like a total buffoon on KGO.
    I'm gonna give NBC11 a shot. It can't possibly be worse.

  13. Any chance Greg Papa might be interested in doing Giants play-by-play?

    1. STOP on Papa, I'd rather date Christine Craft than listen to him

  14. Yesterday KTVU lost power due to the heat.

  15. Rich major kudos to you for single handedly forcing Julie Haener to stop calling in sick 80% of the time.
    Since your reporting a few weeks ago she has completely changed her ways.
