Thursday, September 8, 2022

Triple-Headed Obstacle at Circle7; Ashley Stalemate; Lim Insurance; Sze Anxiety--Not To Mention Daetz "What About Me?"; NBC Bay Area Not Ready For NFL Thursday Night Opener; KRON's Moore Staying So KRONvicts Happy

AT CIRCLE7 --what may appear to be a sea of tranquility is anything but...

Dan Ashley has still not signed his contract extension; while Insiders tell me it's only a matter of time before Danno does the deed, the fact it's Sept. and he's not signed is troublesome for the SF mousies.

There's a domino effect and it's complicated.

Dion Lim is hanging around the 900 Front premises; she's probably resisting off-ABC and other suitors because she genuinely loves the Bay Area and has been told by SF suits she'll be taken care of --probably as an insurance figure if Ashley were to bolt out of the blue --ABC7 needs both but their future is murky. Because no one has a clue as to their exact role at ABC7 other than anchors with purpose.

All that has station diva, Kristen Sze, mightily perturbed and looking from the outside in. Clearly, Sze knows her once-mighty influence has waned since Lim's growing presence at KGO and she's scared beyond reason; she also knows no matter what, her (Sze) dominant figure is rapaidly eroding.

And her only ally at the station, Ashley, could be planning his own future--eventually, away from 900 Front. Again, highly unlikely, but not out of the question.

*Meanwhile, guess who's beginning to say, sort of, "what about me?"

Ama Daetz has been at KGO for nearly a decade and appears to be having a professional case of menopause. Daetz has been a good soldier and working alongside Ashley, has developed a good chemistry--but now her stedfast loyalty is being tested.

Ama feels as if she's taken for granted and that's a major issue for the mouse house. She's easily replaceable (aren't we all?) but Channel 7 doesn't want to piss off one of their tenured professionals. In addition, Daetz has a good following among viewers.

But egos can be troublesome.

*Dumb and Dumber dept. --Tonight (Thursday) is the debut of NFL Football and the Sunday national crew (NBC) of Mike Tirico and Chris Collinsworth will broadcast the game (LA Rams vs. Buffalo Bills) at sweltering Sofi Stadium in LA; the game will be aired locally on NBC Bay Area.

You'd think they'd have planned a special newscast weeks/months ago to take advantage of the ratings-deluxe -primetime show, but NOooooo...

The EP had to plea for a regular staff to be on sight and one prominent anchor was planning on taking a vacation!

Even Raj Mathai knows that co-anchor Janelle Wang, is Ms. Suerficiality--as if all the co-workers at NBC San Jose are clueless and they're not. They see no guile and moxie and it's all aimed at Wang and her credentials-lacking presence at the station.

No chops, no leadership, no anything. OMG!

The troops are rudderless, right Raj?


*KRON staffers are delighted with the news (from me, by proxy) that Pam Moore is basically staying at her anchor desk and has put off retirement. Moore had "strongly considered" leaving and end her multi-decade tenure but KRON's recent ratings surge and respectability has Moore invigorated and ready to carry on.

Good for her; good for KRON and good for the Bay Area.


  1. Rich, Good morning. Have you heard the news about Queen Elizabeth? She has left this relm about an hour ago. I love being American. but at same time, I had great respect and admiration for her. She is now history.

  2. Can't wait to hear "tits on resume" opine on the Queen's death today between her breathless takes on how one political party is oh so bad while the other is just oh so good and even shits rainbows.

  3. Pam Moore is San Francisco's. Maggi Scura.
    Most respected, trusted anchors.

    1. She’s more like Charlotte Schulz. Propped up and clueless.

  4. It's not going to matter if KRON lets Moore do her best Johnny Carson imitation and takes Fridays off. KRON needs consistency more than it needs Moore.

    I don't know what "prominent anchor" was planning on taking a vacation unless it was Raj. Wang has been on and off NBC Bay Area almost as much as Haener has been on and off FOX 2. Aguirre just had a vacation from Hell two months ago and lost most of her baggage at the Paris airport.

  5. If Daetz would fix her hair like it is in the photo you happened to use here in this post, it would make a world of difference to her stature. I don't know who her "hair"dresser is, but they must be on the payroll, because Daetz' hair is constantly having things done to it, with only rare success, such as that in the picture you show here.

    1. I love her different hair styles. She’s awesome. Makes me want to tune in to see how Ama’s going to do her hair that day.

    2. Nope. AMA’s hair is beautiful just the way it comes out of her head naturally. News stations have had a loooonng history of discrimination against ‘ethnic’ hairstyles that don’t fit a certain mold. In fact KGO TV was involved in an embarrassing hair scandal the early 80s with then anchor Dorothy Reed and her decision to wear cornrows on air. Black women in particular have been damaging their hair for decades in order to appear on air in some sort of beauty standard that has never been their own. Even Ama discussed this struggle in interviews recently. Thank goodness for The Crown Act. Let people be who they are. I personally enjoy watching ABC 7 in the mornings and wondering what wonderful hairstyle Jobina Fortson is going to sport this morning. She has women like Dorothy Reed and others to thank for paving the way. And for those who are bothered by it, too bad. There is more than one standard of beauty when it comes to dead keratin.

    3. Ama is fine! 🥰

    4. @6:43 I agree. She’s cute.

    5. Daetz is biracial and she chooses to wear her hair natural rather than flat ironing it straight. It is a lot of work and she has a lot of hair. Unless you know something about hair and the challenges woman face you shouldn't be commenting.

    6. 2:56 - If you have to go all the way back to the early 80s to cite discrimination then there’s no discrimination.

    7. Pahleeze! I mean, the "crown act" was stupid and it infringed upon businesses not being able to hire who they wanted, or limited them telling people to wear their hair a certain way, for AESTHETIC reasons. There is no discrimination here, for example a secretary or the first person in the door of a business, sets the tone of the business and impression of one who first enters the business. It is only NATURAL that a business would want someone there who is somewhat attractive. So OK, just because there is a "law" stating that people are allowed to wear their hair the way they want to, that doesn't mean that it looks GOOD that way. It doesn't. Again, one can only look at the pic good old Rich posted of Ama Daetz and it is VERY CLEAR that she looks WAY better in that pic than she usually does on a nightly basis with hair all over the place sticking out, folded back, etc. I don't care what race or half race she is, she is ON TV, for goodness sakes! I mean, how many people get that chance, to be on TV? So if you are on TV, shouldn't you look your most presentable?

    8. First of all you’re implying that Ama doesn’t look attractive with her natural hair and she most definitely does. Just because u don’t like it doesn’t mean that others feel the same way. In fact I think she looks BETTER with it naturally curly along the lines of a Sunny Hostin from The View. People should be able to be themselves naturally and not live up to some standard of beauty that is definitely not their own.

      This goes back to the old example of when Bo Derek wore braids on the beach in a movie and everybody oohed and awwed. But let a sista rock a hairstyle that’s actually indigenous to her culture and all of a sudden it’s a problem a la Dorothy Reed back in the day. The double standard was and still is palpable and we all know why. Some people just don’t wanna hear it. Systemic racism. Meantime some of these non melinated anchors got spray tans, fillers in their lips and secret extensions in that mane of ‘straight’ hair.

      There have been tons of examples of discrimination and lawsuits filed over the years based on hair bias in the media. Even Olympian Simone Biles got criticized for her natural hair!!!

      Bottom line, leave people of color alone and let them define their own standards of beauty as they always have. What u may define as unattractive is actually quite glorious to them. The Crown Act is a step in the right direction. People are tired of conforming to YOuR standard of beauty. Viva la difference!! (And curly haired Ama is foine!!)

  6. Professional case of menopause? WTF? Dion Lim is a lightweight compared to Ama Daetz and Kristen Sze. She’s not in the same league. I think Dion would be good for a mid-day happy show.

    1. I agree. Her weird voice and strange speech pattern wouldn't seem so out of place in that type of show.

    2. Are you kidding me with this? Dion Lim can run circles around Daetz and Ming Sze. Dion looks good, reads well, is well liked among MOST of her coworkers at KGO, except those who are threatened by her, which would be Daetz and Sze. I still say that Lim should get it while she can get it, meaning, that she should take the money offered to her by either ABC or CNN, while she can get it, because even Dion Lim has a time limit, and will one day be in the predicament that Daetz and Sze are, with someone else younger and more beautiful, coming along...

  7. The Bay area has a large Vietnamese (and Mexican and Chinese and African-American) population. All of these ethnicities should have a seat at the News anchor desks. Our newscasts should reflect our varied population, all of us will be better off for it.

    1. Why does a person's skin color matter whom should be at the anchor desk? Shouldn't it be based on the person's skill and ability to read the news from a teleprompter? The person sex or race doesn't matter to me just as long as they can report the news coherently and without a liberal bias.

    2. There should be diversity at the anchor table because just look at Barbie (Tarrantino) and Donkey and wait for it, the Lt who are all pathetic but I guess they fit the demographic. Len Kiese was great. Surely they can find someone worthy of the position.

    3. I am SO tired of hearing about DIVERSITY! If one looks at commercials on TV nowadays, one would think every household in America had a white guy with a black girl, with little mixed race kids. By the way, blacks ONLY make up 15% of the total population, and yet, people want to have one white and one black anchor. What about the Asian and Hispanic populations? So are we now going to have to have FOUR anchors, representing these four groups? Oh yeah, what about the Native Americans? Make that FIVE anchors at the desk then! The country has gone nuts, which is why we are a divided country now, with the nuts on one side and those with common sense, on the other.

    4. 12:18 PM: Exactly right!

  8. Sze is only a heavy weight in the literal sense! Saw her at an event and she fills out her plus sized dress. Dion walks circles around Sze. There's a reason national networks consider Dion an on air talent with presence.

    1. Riiiiight...which is why she's still at KGO and not on a national network...

    2. "Riiiiight...which is why she's still at KGO and not on a national network..."

      There's plenty of good people not on a "national network." And there are a lot of awful people on a national network.

  9. Lim would be good in a role like Janelle Wang was 15 years ago when she did the mid-day show with Spencer Christain. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe pair her up with Mike Nicco. I really can’t see her doing in-depth reporting on CNN or ABC. 🤷

    1. If she goes to MSNBC or CNN (which I highly doubt she will) she'll no longer be allowed to be a 24/7 ambulance chaser looking for any victims of crime with even the slightest bit of asian ancestry.

  10. Sick of watching Ming Sze when she laughs on air, Dion and Ama has a natural welcoming smile. Sze should move back to morning news or on weekends.

  11. I guess I must be the only one who has never warmed up to Dion Lim. Sometimes her attempts at banter make it very obvious she has no idea what she's talking about and it's a real turnoff. And I'll never get over "Hello, Friends." I much prefer Sze to be perfectly honest. But Ama is far and away my favorite.

    1. Agreed. I’ll never forget when there was Larry Biel, Spencer Christian and Dion Lim on the screen. Larry and Spencer were joking about something and Dion chimed in she was the “grown up” in the room. Both Larry and Spencer rolled their eyes at her condescending demeanor. Ama and Kristen are much better. If they weren’t Dion would be anchoring. Just like the musical anchors at KPIX.

  12. Dion Lim has become a lot better from when she first started on KGO. She wouldn’t breath while she was talking then take a deeeeeep breath after 15 seconds of talking. It was so noticiable. Now she can breath and talk at the same time. It was like she was being waterboarded.

  13. Hey Rich, can you ask Pam Moore why KRON ( won't show mugshots anymore? They ask for the public's help but they claim racial bias... Apparently they didn't learn anything from the Cronkite, "and that's the way it is".

    1. It’s kind of like KTVU who will no longer mention the race or skin color when providing a description of a wanted suspected. The most recent example is when they did a story about a murder suspect. They said 5’10, 175 lbs, dark hair. Yeah, so helpful.

    2. "It’s kind of like KTVU who will no longer mention the race or skin color when providing a description of a wanted suspected."

      They don't have to. Just like you don't have to check out rain every time it falls from the sky to be sure it's wet.

    3. "They ask for the public's help but they claim racial bias"

      I'm not really sure how TRUTH can be "racial bias." The only explanation I can think of is they're claiming, with a straight face, that whites commit more crimes but there's a conspiracy of the police not reporting them. And the looney left would believe something like that, apparently.

  14. It's time for ABC/Disney management to give Ama and Ming the Merciless their walking papers.. Veteran "tenured professionals" is just code for people who make a lot of money & are expendable. Buh bye Ama & Kristen... time to hit the road. Heard PIX is looking for "talent".

    1. Are you serious about Ama? She is an extremely competent anchor, reads the teleprompter with ease, can handle impromptu interviews and shows she has a great sense of humor. Lastly, she stepped in after management screwed Carolyn Johnson who bolted to KNBC giving the middle finger after management.

  15. Ratings 'surge' at KRON. I don't know about that. Plus, I don't know if it is good that Pam is staying (while that sounds like it is nothing official, just your proposing it). She's fine, but it is obvious by past performances that she does not bring in the viewers and it does seem like she is phoning it in. Who should retire is Catherine Heenan. She's looking a bit worn.

  16. Reading about Sze's reaction to Lim in Rich's post....immediately brings to my mind that hilarious Key & Peele skit about the existing black dude (Peele) in that otherwise all-white a capella group...reacting to a new black guy (Key) joining!

  17. I've been a little harsh on Dion Lim. I stand corrected. I can see her doing the ABC news reporting from the field. After watching a reporter interviewing people in London after the Queen's death that would be perfect for Dion Lim. Nothing to hard hitting but, she's perky and is quite capable in a role like this. She may do weekend fill in anchoring on KGO but, Kristen See and Ama Daetz aren't going anywhere in their weekday time slots so, Dion is on the outside looking in on the local anchoring scene.
