Friday, September 9, 2022

Larry Beil's "Dream On" at Circle7; Pam Moore Needs To Step it Up at KRON; Goodrich Shows Her Chops at PIX, But...; The Queen's Death Brings Out Lousy (and Funny) Bay Area Media Reporting; Hello KCBS; Laura Garcia Excess at NBC Bay Area; Black Women Anchor Pros Could Cue Local Sisters; Friday Might

Larry Beil hasn't figured out that the mouse house on the Embarcadero has no plans to promote him. He's eternally a tiered-4 anchor --Beil seems to think he's destined for someone else's gig if/when that job opens up.

But Beil doesn't understand that even if you play cutesy with Trixie (Tracey Watkowski-Silva, ND) even she won't favor you over the others who are not only superior, but well-liked and respected in the ABC7 building.

Bottom line: Beil is content to be an ordinary bread crumb.

Wise thinking.p> At Circle7/KGO, the interns and low-level staff are high-fiving.

*Pam Moore has built up thirty+ years of generally soild news anchoring at KRON and has seen all the goodtimes and bad times. She's respected and is liked by staff and viewers. Her unofficial decision to stay on and put retirement on the back burner is viewed as a positive for KRON.

It is.

But Moore has a small image problem. She's still a total pro and considered a staple. But she looks tired from time to time, a lot lately.

Moore gets a pass because of her news chops and she's easily KRON's most popular news anchors. But she needs to show a bit more energy; a jolt that helps her and KRON. Double pronto.

*Good, Bad, and the Ugly at KPIX, first good.

Juliette Goodrich looks and sounds flawless in her new 6/7-primetime solo anchoring gig. She is PIX's ace and it shows.

But she needs to pick up her interview technique. It's not evident now but there's time.

*The bad: just ditch the HORRIBLE "Lt" in the morning and start over: Jessica Burch is a fighter pilot down for the count. Andon radio too (KCBS)--she talks way too fast and she acts as if she's on a prom date with her rancid voice and awful delivery.

God, what a disaster!

*Ugly: Ryan Yamamoto --you can move him to 1-3 AM and have him read legal ads. PIX, he's a major NOTHING.

*God, Save the King and Bay Area news-radio listeners.

*KCBS sent Megan Goldsby to the Castro to "interview" a "pied-piper"--some obscure, wimpy guy who plays his instrument and waxes poetic for The Gueen--who passed yesterday.

It was downright unintentionally funny and good for a few belly laughs.

*The usual banality of searching for the dreaded "local angle" was in full intensity when Margie Shafer interviewed some British women sipping tea (what a concept!) at a SF tea shop. Oh god, spare me.

*The Queen lived a damn good life. Leave her alone. Including her legacy.

She'd be the first to say, "hey you people, get on with your life--I'm just fine now."

*When the word came she'd passed, every Bay Area TV News station stayed with regular programming. So please, enough with all the local angle shit.

*Laura Garcia is a major pain in the tuchus--especially if you have to deal with her behind the camera--as does the unlucky souls at NBC Bay Area, who experience Countess Garcia --who has all the grace and class of an Alviso Jack-in-the-Box.

Garcia seems to think she's above reproach--she probably is. Ask her ex-husband.

*The respected, fine and capable sisters at KGO in the morning (and elsewhere here) can take a cue from Abby Phillip (CNN) and others --professional Black women TV News anchors and correspondents, don't have to resort to any drama or unnecessary giggling; they make their mark on their work and credentials. They don't have to shock or be wild and wacky. It's kind of a foreign concept, I guess, but it works.


  1. Laura Garcia is a diva and first class beyotch. She is not liked at all at NBC 11 and many of us talk bleep about her & her "perfect life" she thinks she has. She went to St. Mary's College and wasn't liked by her classmates either. Be humble Laura instead of thinking your bleep don't stink.

    -NBC 11 Staffer and Laura Garcia "frenemy" (But who am I?)

    1. She’ll say she’s just being “assertive” like a man. Liberal feminist bullshit.

    2. Sorry, but if you aren't willing to identify yourself your post means nothing. Anyone could have written what you did so why should we believe you? No one needs to believe blind gossip.

  2. We realize that the ‘dish’ you serve almost daily about the divas and narcissistic people who are TV anchors may be interesting, but…
    In an age when there is so much else going on, don’t you think most of these folks are also kind of out of touch with reality? I worked alongside a news anchor years ago at a major market station and was disturbed the way he treated the ‘little people’ who made his job easier and helped make him oook good. Being a local news anchor isn’t really that important in the greater scheme of things.

    1. It takes talent to anchor well. Witness Rich's comment about KPIXs recent hires - even the 'little people' can't make them 'look good.' When it comes to a profitable broadcast news operation the anchors are as important as they come unless you think reporting on news with few / no viewers is important.

    2. “ When it comes to a profitable broadcast news operation the anchors are as important as they come”

      Wrong. Profits in TV come from selling ads. Right now most ads are bought and sold programmically, which means algorithms developed by tech companies tell advertisers the most effective advertising is on tech sites. The sheep who work in marketing believe this, or pretend to, even though there’s little proof most of the advertising on tech platforms is seen by anyone and only clicked on by bots. But no one ever lost their job going with the flow.

  3. Local news management should take lessons from my wife who runs her own business. She doesn't talk down to people, she's always available for problems, when they have meetings she buys food for all, she has little birthday parties for he employees, and provides their favorite cake (she asks). She has happy employees who do a terrific job and she acknowledges it. She also doesn't "diva."

  4. So did Sara Donchey get demoted? She’s been reporting on the 5,6 and 7 this whole week.

    You had Brian Hackney at 11pm on Monday and Andrea Nakano since Tuesday.

    1. In regard to Donchey: I was wondering the same thing. I was also wondering about her new rasta-esque hairdo.

  5. Funny, I’ve always come to think of Larry Beil and Raj Mathai as sports guys who got a leg up at the main anchor desk when management got lazy and decided to just promote from within. No knock on them they’re both capable at their job. But it’s like when you find out Jamba Juice also makes decent sandwiches. Not the best because their specialty is juice. Larry and Raj’ are glorified sportscasters in a nutshell (or a smoothie…Sip sip..Janelle. lol)

    Juliette Goodrich is a refreshing change at PIX. Main reason being she’s a likable familiar veteran who knows what she’s doing.To say recent hires have not panned out is an understatement. Show those kids how it’s done and get paid accordingly Juliette!!

    The tag team of Kumasi Arron and Jobina Fortson is a refreshing thing to watch over at ABC 7 in the mornings. You’re right, Abbey Phillip is a solid presence at CNN. But these girls at ABC 7 know how to let their hair down and at least make dreary news fun to watch. Unlike the stiffs over at KTVU and PIX I find myself laughing at their banter and interplay with (I know u hate him) Reggie Aqui. He not be your cup of tea but that entire crew cracks me up on the daily. And this is why I keep watching. (Shout out Drew, too!)

    And finally Pam More is a staple of Bay Area news in the vein of the great Belva Davis. KRON really got the shaft when NBC dropped them as an affiliate years ago. Now it’s Inside Edition and Dr Phil reruns for programming. Yawn. Glad to see their resurgence recently in spite of that. They put on a good newscast. Of course Fox 2’s recent dive into the toilet didn’t hurt in sending people looking for alternatives. Hello, Amber Eikel…lol So glad pam is sticking around for one more year. Cue her boyfriend Frankie Beverley’s Before I Let Go…lol

    1. The other week I decided to give KGO and KPIX a try.

      KGO: it’s all bad but in a good way. I normally have the TV on in the background while getting ready and their banter made me sit down and not realize I was going to be late.

      Yes, Reggie can be a but too obnoxious but we all have that one “annoying” coworker and deal with it because at the end of the day, we are all getting paid.

      You can really see they way they all interact with each other and it seems too real and yes they do hang out apparently and they always post on their social media.

      With Reggie and Drew out this past week, you can see how the vibe is with Liz or Julian filling in. Liz has been improving, Julian is okay but still trying to be that serious prime time news reader.

      Frances filling in for Drew, she’s always giggling and to make it fun…you have to take a shot of Expresso every time she says “As Well,” in her weather reports.

      With KTVU, you’re absolutely right. They are stiff. They have that “I just work here vibe.” Obviously they don’t hang out when off the clock. You’re going to have News Director Amber or that HR broad do welfare checks since they don’t have 200 cameras focused on the anchors homes.

      However, Steve and Sal have good banters. You might as well have them anchor. They hold it down.

      I’m not liking the new KPIX morning format. I feel like I’m wearing a Virtual Reality meeting headset and you got the whole morning team doing a 180 hovering over you while you stand there.

      I mean are we here to watch the News or to see what Amanda, Gianna and LT are wearing as a fashion demo reel.

      Why end the morning news at the weather center standing over that desk. Don’t you have that couch still that Sara and Reed used to sit on at the 3pm show???

    2. “ and yes they do hang out apparently and they always post on their social media.”

      Yeah, no one else on TV does this, just them.

  6. Moore tired from *time to time*?

    What news chops? When was the last time she hells a mic and went somewhere? When was the last time she asked someone a question on air?

    Other people write her stuff and put it in front of her and she reads it. I could do it, too.

  7. Garcia is one of the mist evil women on TV. Terilyn Joe must wonder why she got bumped out…

    1. Terilyn is more evil throwing eggs at people

  8. Is Lisa Chan gone for good from KCBS? I hope so. Eric Thomas is a big improvement over her any day.

    1. She's still on their talent list on the website, but often it takes a while for them to update it. But I never thought it was her vs. Eric Thomas. They are both there simultaneously; he isn't "replacing" her.

  9. Burch is a 1LT in the California Army National Guard, flying Blackhawk helicopters in a MEDEVAC Unit based out of

    1. And she also buys Instagram followers. Pathetic.

    2. As a veteran, I find anyone who plays up their military service to be somewhat irritating. And I've never known anyone in the Guard or Reserve to use their military title in their civilian jobs.

    3. @11:57am, you took the words right out of my mouth.

    4. I would think that the California National Guard would have a policy or regulations restricting the use of using their military rank as a promotional too for advertising.

    5. I just discovered the Lieutenant. I was concerned for her, and let her know it was all going to be okay. She isn't a strong or commanding presence in front of the camera.

  10. Juliette Goodrich is confident and she commands the studio like Kate Kelly. She does not need a co-anchor. I quit watching Dan and Ama at 6:00 & 7:00 pm. Raj, Jessica and Raj are toast.

  11. Rich has a case of "jungle fever." Nuthin wrong with dat....

  12. With that whispery voice, I think that the Lieutenant would be better suited calling golf tournaments.

  13. Where’s Jan Wahl? She wasn’t on the John Rothmann Progrum tonight. I’m astounded!

  14. Biel strikes me as such a self-important dork who was a bit player at espn decades ago.

  15. Biels best performance was one Christmas holiday evening years ago when Cheryl and Spencer Christian were smashed! Cheryl was slurring her words and giggling while Spencer had blood red eyes and swayed back and forth while doing the weather report. The looks on Biels face were comic gold. Best news cast ever.

  16. Enough with the local media coverage of Queen E. already.

    1. Your TV has a power button and another one that changes the channel. Try using them.
