Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday Minutiae; Bob Melrose KCBS Royalty; Add Barbara Taylor at City Hall; Rita Williams KTVU Heritage; Crazy Week; KRON Has Reporter in London; Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame Small Ball

WHEN I THINK OF GREAT STREET REPORTERS, I think of retired KCBS legend, Bob Melrose. Nobody could paint a picture like Melrose and nobody was as tenacious as Bob.

He was first on-scene at the Caldecott Tunnel inferno; he described in detail the Fox Plaza sniper; he reported on the Bay Bridge closures and Loma Prieta earthquake.

One of a kind.

*Barbara Taylor at City Hall. Also a KCBS star in a time when brevity ruled the day.

*Rita Williams would give London Breed --da mayor--fits and we'd all like to see that but we don't get that anymore because we don't have that anymore. Disadvantage to all.

*Hey, Amber Eikel at KTVU: Williams would have saved the entire newsroom all of your BS and internal crap by simply not dealing with your ways and means. You should know that.

*And Fred Zehnder would have laughed at you.

*Between the woman in the peninsula who was beheaded and that Deputy Sheriff in Dublin who (allegedly) murdered his lover and her husband, what a crazy, sweltering week.

*KRON, of all stations, had its very own reporter in London covering the Queen's death and ongoing news --other stations relied on its network affiliations. Nextstar has money.

*Eric Thomas is slightly better of late (at KCBS) but he still touches the wrong buttons --he can't run a board, simple as that.

*Then again, no Lisa Chan, advantage Bay Area.

*If the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame (which holds its honorary lunch today) knew how to play ball and tout its being, it would make for a broader audience and get more press. But it doesn't and can't. Whole lots of ego involved here.


  1. Replies
    1. If Dr Bill was still here, he’d be telling us again how he built BART. He has blood on his hands from the Apollo 1 Fire. Remember that.

      Jim Amoson
      Rohnert Park

  2. Dick Leonard at KGO was also great.

  3. Bob Melrose Number 1...

    When Eric Thomas does reporting he sounds more relaxed.

  4. Radio Hall of Fame - Yeth Thir! as they say...

  5. Bob Melrose is a prince and one of the great ones in Bay Area radio. Great baritone voice too! He would contact my dad when he was the Public Affairs Officer (P.A.O.) for the California Highway Patrol (San Francisco & Oakland CHP offices) in the later 80's. Especially if it was a slow news day and Bob wanted to do a positive stroy about law enforcement. Bob interviewed ,y dad at the collapsed section of the Bay Bridge after the earthquake.

  6. Melrose was another KCBS master and a great Bay Area listen, sorry that so many of the real pros have retired

  7. I got to meet Bob Melrose a couple of times. Great reporter, nice guy.

  8. Anybody know how Bob is doing? No social media I don't think.

  9. Unfortunately, we were re-visited by Lisa Chan early this (Sunday) morning....perhaps because Eric Thomas was caught in traffic and it was not clear when he'd be in. They co-anchored. She has not improved......

  10. The sister website to BARHOF, which is for the California Historical Radio Society need some serious help. I know someone what belongs to the CHRS who offered to make it better, but was told "no thank you."

  11. The BARHOF site hasn't been updated, and doesn't have the 2022 Class, and still has the nominees listed.

  12. It's insane that KRON sent a reporter to London. For that cost they could have hired some really great Brit reporter who wouldn't need to look up Buckingham Palace on their IPhone map. Want a true San Franciscan's take on the whole thing. They could have had former AP reporter and author Armistad Maupin file for them! He's lived in London for the last few years and is a major Angophile. He'd met the queen and would have had something witty and fun to say. Sending a very local reporter all the way to the UK makes no sense.
