Sunday, September 11, 2022

Bay Area Anchors (Male) Need a History Lesson

The so-called stars --the posers, really, anchors who claim to be big shots but are nothing more than a bunch of amateur-hour actors from the Walnut Creek Rotary club.

what slobs.

These middle-aged guys look like they got clothing accounts courtesy Ross. Must have been a sale.

Hey, you schmuckos, have a little class and dress like you mean it.

Wait, they're simply pretenders. Posers to the max.

They need to study history.

Rat pack?

Giggle time.

Hey you schmooes, take a look below and learn a little.

These morons haven't a clue.


  1. Kinda like how Raj Mathai's standard uniform is a cheap suit with dirty sneakers.

    1. He wears dirty sneakers with a suit because someone told him that’s what the ladies like.

    2. All aligns with Raj Mathai's pronunciation of Edinburgh...called it 'Edin-berg'. Oh vey.

    3. Raj has no time to learn how to pronounce common words, he has co-workers to flirt with!

    4. Or, maybe Raj dresses like a hobo because Janelle Wang has a fetish for men in cheap suits with dirty tennis shoes.

  2. Have you taken a good look around you? Americans are slobs! Yeah, I said it. Most people look like they just rolled out of bed when they go out in public. Taking pride in ones personal appearance, seems to be to much effort for many. People are lazy. A disheveled looking individual speaks volumes about that person.

    1. Is the costume, i.e. the facade, really the true indicator of character? Plenty of well-dressed well-coiffed abusers, shysters/fraudsters, politicians, and other abominable, reprehensible, and idiotic monsters out there. But they LOOK good, though! People are suckers for the superficial, and that speaks volumes about the propensities toward shallowness.

    2. This guy looked like he just rolled out of bed. He must have been a lazy stupid slob:

    3. Got your panties in a bunch 10:42? Hey Dickhead, you are obviously are a self loathing paranoid. Looking good is feeling good! Simps like you are better off in your "safe space".

    4. So now we're comparing clowns like Ryan Yamamoto, Raj Mathai, and Jesse Gary to Albert Einstein? LOL!!!

    5. Sounds like you're.the one with the panties in a bunch, 8:01. I, and most of my family and friends, have worn suits in our careers. It's a fucking costume; one that we couldn't/can't wait to shed, at the end of the day. If your "feelings" and sense of self-worth are based on what costume you wear, coupled with the associated ridiculous "play acting," then you're a pathetic hollow shell of a being.

      Now go play dress up, and feel better.

    6. > Americans are slobs.

      That’s how Europeans can always tell the yankee tourist. And Americans are shocked the Europeabs can always tell…

    7. As we entered my church yesterday, I got really excited initially (I usually hate going; I just go because my wife drags me)...because I noticed seated in front of us were Tony Romo, Jerry Rice, and and Tom Brady! But then I realized it was just a bunch of dads wearing NFL jerseys. I told my wife I want to buy a #51 Chicago Bears jersey (Dick Butkus--my childhood idol). She shot me a death stare that I'm surprised didn't burn right through me and burn down the church.

    8. Dress shoes, not sneakers, go with a suit.

    9. Pretty narrow interpretation, 8:58, of a response to three generalizations about: "Americans," "most people," and "people." I wouldn't compare you to Einstein, either.

  3. Maybe Mike Mibach, Ryan Yamamoto & Raj Mathai can recreate that picture? The new "Sad Pack".

  4. Saw Raj at Starbucks... "Hey! You look familiar? Don't I know you?" Raj responds... "Yeah, I'm the anchor from NBC 11 in San Jose. I'm kind of a big thing." Me: "Nope. That's not it. Aren't you in the IT at Netgear?" Dead silence! Like I hit him in the face with a flounder. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Raj is a clown with his dirty white sneakers. Can't he go to Florsheim & buy a pair of dress shoes? Raj! We'll start a Go Fund Me page.

    1. Raj may want to start at Buster Brown...that's where Ryan shops for his shoes.

  5. What do you want? The bay area and the nation has embraced ghetto culture and the lack of class that comes with it. No place for old time class anymore.

    1. Jesus wore hoodies.

    2. “ The bay area and the nation has embraced ghetto culture and the lack of class that comes with it.”

      THIS is the truest statement ever to appear on one of Rich’s pages.

    3. 100% agree about the “ghetto culture” comment.

      Litter, graffiti, crime. The way we talk to each other. The way we drive. The lack of respect we have for one another.
      Wardrobe is just a teeny tiny example.

      It becomes very apparent when you leave the Bay Area and realize most places haven’t become ‘ghetto-fied” the way we have.

  6. How long before bib overalls become a thing?

    1. The Red Rescuers from Fresno and Bako, will all be wearing overalls, when they rescue the bay area from itself.

  7. @150 you are absolutely correct. I am a teacher and some teachers (ones under 40) dress like they are going to a club. Dressing like the students has become ok because admin does nothing. By the same token I have seen women at for profit businesses (banks,law offices, tech) look like they are selling more than the company product. Its sad Ca doesnt value decorum or style. When I go to the East coast or South of Mason Dixon,its nice to see man look like he looked in a mirror before he left home!! People in charge need to grow a spine.

  8. Some of that Slave-4-Slovenly look happens because the majority of people are unchurched these days. I recall getting a pair of crystal Cufflinks for my Confirmation Day, back when I was 11 y/o. The average man had a good reason to dress in his "Sunday Best" back then. Some still do, of course, but not as many as in the past.
    I am guessing you must dress correctly to enter the Temple or Synogogue, at least for certain Feast Days.

  9. Julie Haener is at work tonight. That alone is usually news but it’s especially remarkable because from her social media it looks like her son had a football game last night. This might be the first time she didn’t try to use a Saturday football game as an excuse to miss several days of work.
    And yet some people will keep insisting it’s all just a coincidence that she began to show up for work again immediately after your exposé.

  10. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Peter Lawford was mega star, all pretty good looking, especially Peter Lawford, almost any clothing would look classy on them. Their personalities outshined their clothes.

  11. Funniest comment 9:00 I've read on this blog; spit out my cereal this morning.
