Monday, September 12, 2022

After The 49ers Punted The Day in Chicago, Comcast Post-Game Shows on TV and Radio Sucked Too; NBC Sports Bay Area (Yawn) and KNBR (Yuck); Cliches, Boredom and Giggles, Yes, But No Insight

OK, Monday Morning QBs, we know the 49ers were a MAJOR dud at the Chicago pool known as Soldier Field.

Bears: 19, 49ers: 10.


Their media after the game was EL SUCKO! too--by a wide margin.

Let's begin with the post-game mess on TV, a stunning case of the mildew screen.

NBC Sports Bay Area riled up its dreck coverage with a bunch of PC mutts; maybe the most unexciting, banal, BORING and frankly LOUSY observers. If this was supposed to be analytical, I'm dating Halle Berry.


The after-game BS was hosted by useless Carlos Ramirez, some curious guy on NBC's list of "football experts"--Ramierez is useless and nothing more than some yahoo host-- I have no idea why Comcast places this bozo on its coverage other than to satisfy a mandatory quota system but that's another story.

Speaking of useless, we bring you ex-KNBR doofus, Rod Brooks, picked up on the waiver wire and is also useless unless you like guys who say little (literally) and make phony smiley faces on camera--a demeanor so fake and insincere. Brooks scowled on radio (if you can do that--he did) and at KNBR was known as a complete jerk. That would be fine here if Brooks added any decent analysis, but Rodney, as I said, says nothing of importance on the PG show. Talk about a smoke screen.

Then we have another low-light, Donte Whitner, an ex-49ers jock who likes to YELL and SHOUT! and makes cliche-driven points --not exactly an inviting character and often times, repetitive and rigid. Whitner, the current flavor-of-choice on radio (KNBR) and TV is supposed to have cred because he played the game but he's merely just added furniture in the living room that gathers dust. Oh sure, every now and then he (Donte) spouts worthy material but it's way too late.

Alleged "insider", Matt Maiocco, another fraud, is supposed to provide viewers some post-game nuggets but Matt's only insight is his sandwich delis in Chicago and Walnut Creek.

I didn't see Jennifer Lee-Chan on the show Sunday and it was just as well because Chan, like her other buddies, offers nothing but perhaps a show at attracting the women demo to an otherwise male-dominated house of cards, in this case all face cards in a game of 21.

*On radio, the post-Chicago inferno was its usual pile of manure --there's no there, there on state radio (KNBR).

The proceedings were hosted by yuckster, Adam "Copes" Copeland, who continues to hyena-laugh for no apparent reason other than to make it appear as if he's funny and wacky --if you cackle at your own jokes then you got issues, as "Copes" does. But whatever.

Then there's ex-Niner, Dennis Brown, who uses the word, "football" a hundred thousand times per show and might be in a contest to out football Whitner--it's a close call. Whatever the case, it's also a hard listen. If Brown aborted his overuse of football, he'd be prime to be a pretty good NFL commentator, but he's immersed in jockular talk and cliche-ridden phrases, football being his biggest verbal offense.

Finally, KNBR's perpetual windbag, chief imbecile John Lund, who says nothing, repeats himself with his own dumb analogies--on Sunday's progran, Lund compared his golf game, (twice) to the 49ers' play against the Bears--"Sometimes I hit the ball and I know it's going in but the next shot, it goes out."

Brilliant analysis.

Lund is only there because he's a body and might have pictures of the KNBR PD.

All in all, these shows are nothing more than added layers of propaganda from the client and aren't supposed to offer any real sports journalism insight--they try to be entertaining and provide some intrigue into the previously-seen athletic fare on the Sunday/NFL gridiron --in this case, soggy Soldier Field.

Only these two puny offerings were about as interesting and insightful as a Santa Clara Motel 6.


  1. Why did Donte Whitner wear a raincoat for the entire postgame show? He looked stupid and sloppy.

    1. @9:46- I noticed that too. Maybe it was a metaphor because of the weather for the game in Chicago?

      Whitner is into fashion and I think sometimes he tries to make a fashion statement with some of his outfits on the Niners TV pre and postgame shows.

  2. Four of the five pre and post game TV personalities are way beyond bad. Full of nothingness. I do like Donte. I did not as a player but as TV contributor I like. Any way he could do both shows by himself? Donte is the only one with any original thoughts. The content would lose nothing and NBC could save a few bucks. These shows are almost unwatchable. Getting very close.

  3. Easy on Brooks he’s been without a paycheck for a while.

    1. And if he keeps up his mediocre performance, he may lose this one too.

    2. And yesterday we got to see firsthand why he’s been out of a job for so long.

  4. The NBC Sports Bay Area PG show felt very hollow. Like a shell of what it once was. Rod added absolutely nothing. Donte did a wee bit of analysis on the big screen but that's about it. They tossed to the Matt 'The Insider' Maioco once and he didn't provide any information that a casual viewer didn't already know from watching the game.

    Say what you will about Greg Papa, but I feel like 49ers PG shows over the past years had much more depth and actual insight.

    I won't be watching it again.

  5. The Rodfather was vacuous and uncomfortable on camera. What an odd hire. Donte is fine, but he can only do so much with two stiffs sitting next to him. The 49er insider doesn’t have much insider material.

    1. Agreed. The Rodfather looked totally uncomfortable, as though he didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing or saying up there. So instead he just stood there like a dunce and agreed with everything Donte said.

    2. Maybe should have talked about LSU Football and Brian Kelly alonh with losing to Florida State on a missed PAT. LOL

  6. You should do one on Kamala sounding like a hyena every time she says something.

  7. Typical KNBR homer coverage. Don't piss off the rights holder. Twist the message. It's the way of the world these days. Money talks.

  8. Papa continues to call the game on radio like he's doing a TV broadcast. He needs to drop all the jargon (that's what his partner is for) and add "right, left, middle, sideline & flat" along with yardage to his calls. All you know is that it's a run or pass and then you have to calculate how far the play went if he happens to give you down and distance at the end of the play - which he only does about half the time. With Ted Robinson, you could see the action in your mind. With Papa, you're left wondering what happened. Total disservice to his audience.

    1. Let's just call it for what it is. There hasn't been a decent 49ers PBP announcer since Lon Simmons made his second run with the team. If Pompous Poophead and Man Bun Ryan annoy you, listen to the opponent's broadcast on Sirius XM or NFL+.

  9. Yep,then theres Joe Starkey who is retiring at least five years too late..he can't identify players,needs his color guy to also do play by play for him, never gives the score,never gives a recap of the scoring,no insight,I'm guessing his eyesight must be failing or he has defective binoculars

  10. I can't tell you how many times I heard Idiot Lund and Hyena Copes repeat like a broken record. "It's just one game people. Give Trey Lance time. The weather played a large factor in the game plan." Great insight! Most of the people listed have little to zero knowledge about football. At least Whitner played but he does see stiff and uncomfortable in front of the camera.

  11. Maybe Carmen Kiew can come over and tell us how Brandon Belt can help the Niners? Jennifer Lee Chan and many other female reporters state I was a fan of the 49ers. How does that make you more qualified then me to dicuss football on air? Also, riddle me this Batman.... why are there zero female NFL play by play announcers on television? Beth Mowins doing one game back in 2017 doesn't count. After a loss not really interested in any of these people's takes. I don't need to be told things as a well informed and educated fan know more then these clowns. Better not lose to Seattle on Sunday at Levi's Kyle! Betta don't!

  12. Starkey calls plays AFTER they occur. Has for years. And yet he is often incomprehensible.
    A screaming boob.

    1. Starkey is leaving, which is way over due indeed. But be careful who comes in. We could get Rich Walcoff, remember that narcissist? He called some Cal games years ago and you could've given him a megaphone and he would've been a yell leader for Cal. Such a blatant rah-rah.

    2. Anonymous 3:28, a friend of mine and I were saying the same thing the other day. Starkey, as much as people like the guy, he is surely a very nice guy , is a terrible football announcer. He has to correct himself on most every play. "It's complete. No, it's not. There's a flag. They picked up the flag." etc. He's simply the local guy who in four decades has never developed or progressed with his broadcasting style.

  13. I Agree, that postgame show was terrible… I stopped watching the Giants PG show Because of Carlos Ramirez and will do the same with The Niners if he is going to be there, he is just awful…. What Happend to Joe Staley and Laura Britt?…. They were great with Dante, not sure why they changed….

    1. Laura is busy with the Giants pre- and postgame shows.

  14. Carlos is on both the Giants AND 49ers shows. Why? These programs are marketing junk and utterly useless. State TV for the teams. Zero journalism cred.

  15. What is it with Dumas at KRON constantly rubbing his hands during a sports report? Weird mannerisms during a 💩 report.

    1. I heard Dumas on 95.7 The Game. Embarrassing. Do not invite him back.

    2. Probably to relieve stress and anxiety.

  16. Anyone know why Joe Staley and Takeo Spikes weren't brought back? I really thought they had a pretty good Niners TV pre and postgame show on NBC Sports Bay Area last year with Laura Britt, Joe Staley, Takeo Spikes, and Dante Whitner.

    Yeah, some of it probably had to do with money, but kind of odd they would break up a pretty good pre and postgame crew

  17. The long, long, very long Bay Area nightmare scourge that is Carlos Ramirez continues to resonate with bursting appendixes and the forgotten bag of potatoes left in your camper. And on we suffer with no apparent end ever in sight.
    "Oh, the humanity!!"

  18. Regarding the Niners pre and postgame show on NBC Sports Bay Area this year, I checked it out for a little bit yesterday, and I agree it is kind of bland for now.... I'm happy that Rod is back on his feet after being let go from KNBR, but I do agree that he doesn't seem comfortable. We do have to keep in mind that he doesn't have much TV experience at least here locally, and maybe it could take him some time to get comfortable. I'm willing to give Rod a chance and I think he will get more comfortable as the season wears on. Rod is a pro and he will eventually get on track with the TV thing.

    Regarding Carlos Ramirez, he's a good dude, maybe a little goofy, but the guy is becoming overexposed. I'm sorry. He's doing everything. First the Warriors with that Warriors Drip show during the NBA Finals, then Giants TV pre and postgame, now Niners TV pre and postgame?!? It almost feels like they're setting up Carlos Ramirez to be the next Greg Papa on NBC Sports Bay Area where he's on most of the programming for Giants, Warriors, and Niners related shows on NBC Sports Bay Area.

    I'm happy Donte Whitner was brought back. Feels like he's been through 3 or 4 different iterations (to use a Dan Dibley term. LOL) of the Niners TV pre and postgame show.

  19. Rich, I know you're not a fan of 95.7, but you forgot to mention them. They had a pretty good postgame show with Allen Stiles and one of their behind the scenes guys. They also had a postgame show after the postgame show with Dan DeVone and Shomari Block. Both shows did a great job breaking down the game and taking calls.

    They also have a new Niners pregame show this year with Larry Krueger who's role is starting to increase a bit on 95.7, and Lorenzo Neal, the former fullback, who used to be on 95.7's morning show.
    But yes, don't forget about 95.7 and their Niners pre and postgame coverage for this NFL season.

    Also Rich, sorry to say man, but you have to give all of these shows a chance. Week 1 is kind of quirky, but these shows were probably put together the past month or so regarding who's going to be on Niners pre and postgame on KNBR, 95.7, and NBC Sports Bay Area. I'm sure through the season, you'll enjoy them as the NFL season wears on.

    Rich, if you don't mind me asking, if you don't enjoy these shows, where do you go for Niners pre and postgame coverage? Do you have a favorite podcast?

  20. All the KNBR shows today talked about is excuses for why the 49ers lost and how they should have easily won but for this and that; plus, of course, the same lousy conditions they forget the Bears also played in, blah blah blah. How about some credit to the Bears’ quarterback who actually looked good, got the job done, and any of their players? This is an example of their excuse mantra whenever the 49ers lose games every year. Ex-49ers guests chime in with the same. The Lame 95.7 was probably the same gibberish. We rarely hear criticizing the home team on these sports stations just like only recently for the already tanked Giants. This is why we need knowledgeable (screen for that) non-homer callers challenging these group think radio hosts and their rah rah ex-jock guests.

  21. Donte next to Carlos and Rod looks like he wants to say, "I didn't sign up for this!"

    1. @12:07- haha. It's probably just his game face but now that you mentioned it, he does kind of give off that look, or maybe the I got the short end of the stick look out of him, Staley, and Spikes. LOL

    2. What doesn't make sense about the current team is Carlos, Rod, and Donte have nothing in common. Last year's team were all former 49ers.

    3. @12:01- I think in the promo, their backgrounds as far as their relation to the Niners is mentioned. Dante Whitner is of course a former Niner player. Rod has of course been covering the Niners for a number of years, most notably with KNBR. Carlos Ramirez, I think did/does the Spanish language broadcasts for the Niners and/or Sunday Night Football?

      They all may not be totally related as far as them all being former Niners players go, but they do have Niner ties one way or another as far as not only playing for the team like Whitner did, but covering the team locally for many years like Rod, or broadcasting games for them like Carlos Ramirez.

      Yeah, it's kind of a weird mix but we'll see how it goes this year.

  22. Tell the guy in the middle of the photo..just because you found tour 8th grade graduation suit coat in a box in the garage doesn't mean you should wear it on TV.

  23. I watched about 10 minutes of NBC Sports Bay Area after the game, at that point it became unwatchable, simply's a clown show with a bunch of clowns.

  24. Why watch the pre and post game. If they win, the focus will be on winning next week. If they lose, its not time to panic. Other than last second injuries, the pre game shows are filler for the ad$.

  25. They should hire Lowell Cohn so that insecure Rodney can yell at him again

  26. ryan's yeahh yeahh 's are back as expected.seems like they cant tell whats going on the field.''nyahh, and he should have caught it''. ...''nyahhh , and he was late on the kick''.''nyahh,and he was also offsides...''.all he says to every greg papa comment is ''yaaaah''.

  27. You have to remember that you get what you pay for. NBC Sports bay area and KNBR are paying minimum to these guys and gals, so they’re getting low quality. Our Anerican media as a whole has less quality than it ever has had in
    our year of 2022. This is because of the Deregulation and consolidation of stations and newspapers. About 10-12 HUGE mega-media companies bought almost local every radio and TV station in EVERY town and city and That’s the big problem. They consolidate and overwork mostly youngsters. Like most businesses, they cycle through people in their 20s abd early 30s like potato chips. They hire people who don’t have enough experience or training in radio or TV other than a year or two here or there. . And again, compared to what used to be a respectable salary, today it’s mostly a pittance . There’s a few of these ‘talents’ who are pretty good, but compared to 20-30 years ago years ago when our media wasn’t run by huge national corporations and management actually believed in public service to the community by hiring experienced, highly qualified pros who were paid well, we now get mostly junk food for the mind. Too many ex jocks, former writers and newbies,

  28. Where's Hugh McElhenny when you really need him, the old Forty-Niner great, who was paired with Lon Simmons on KSFO for a long time. When the team was really taking it on the chin, as they did more often than not in those days, he didn't hesitate to say so.
