Friday, July 1, 2022

Len Kiese Leaving KPIX Ignites Doom and Gloom at 855 Battery; Trouble and More Trouble; Another Sad Day at Inept KCBS (But What Else is New); Circle 7 Mildew; Inmates Running the Asylum; Friday Get Away

Len Kiese leaving the morning show --which I repoorted here, first--is yet another blow to KPIX's troubled station status. And it's getting worse.

People are leaving in droves, be it retirement (if you want to call it that) or early departures. Whatever the case, the natives can't wait to leave the place. Including Allen Martin, who retired (out of the blue and probably was pushed) last month. Again, I had it first.

There's a method to the madness. There's a system-wide failure at PIX that spells doom and gloom.

No leadership, no direction, no belief that things are going to get better anytime soon. And it starts at the top. The new GM, Scott Warren has done little to install confidence --so too, ND, Lisa White, --maybe there's a reason why White has been an assistant for more than a couple decades.

In any event, the rank and file is down and out. The newbies at 855 Battery are pretty much skeptical. There's is tremendous uncertainty and mass indifference.

From civilian to military. Yeah, don't get me started on that act of desperation.

BOTTOM LINE: It's depressinbg to be at KPIX.

*KCBS DISASTER ZONE: On Friday morning, the circus known as the all-news, all-commercial 740 AM (and 106.9 FM) continued...more blase and glitches across the dial and out over the air.

Boring Melissa Culross was solo (with equally boring, incompetrent, Eric Thomas gone, again!) --dreck bread crumbs Kim Wonderley on traffic telling people "there is no traffic" every 10 minutes. Great, thanks Kim.

Sports vanilla from the Lafayatte High school senior, Joe Hughes (yawn) and 190,000 commercials--what a complete abomination.

Send in the clowns.

*That scene outside Grumpy's on Thursday involved a key ABC7 producer who let it all out and was rather BLUNT in her portrayl of the current goings-on at Circle7, another misfit station with rampant rancor and confusion and desperation. It's a sea of chaos and despair and it centers around the diva news director who's seriously looking for a new job because her mildew is getting more stinky.

And her snitch let the folks know at Grumpy's: It's a wonderful life.

*I'm beginning to think, indeed, the inmates are running the asylum here but it's the inmates that have at least a quarter brain and the so-called managers have all the leadership prowess of a Modesto strip mall.


  1. Something's up with Eric Thomas....he missed 3 days or so, then came back on Thursday - and out again today / Friday. Hmmmmm

  2. Next one, Andre Senior, he complain about high cost in the Bay Area on Mornings on 2 yesterday along with Frank and Sal. Maybe, Florida is right for him, he is from Florida with Dion Lim

    1. I agree that Andre doesn't seem like he's here for the long haul. And as far as Dion Lim goes, she needs to go. Send her back to Florida, or wherever she came from.

    2. Doubt it, even she admits Bay Area is expensive compared to other states

    3. I laughed when I heard that...his relatives ask him how he can afford to live here?!? Not that he's the top earner at KTVU by a long shot, but the dude IS a prime time anchor. It's the the dental hygienist, the assistant manger at the Whole Foods, the school teacher, the landscaper, where I wonder how they can afford to live here. And the always-brilliant Sal said something to the effect of, "We're reaching a point where some people just won't be able to afford to live here." REALLY, SAL??? We reached that point 20+ years ago! Go out on a limb there as you drive away in your Mercedes AMG.

    4. Andre is the best anchor KTVU has. Hope he stays.

  3. Wait - didn't Len Kiese just do a set of commericals with Starantino gushing about how much he loves working with his colleagues on the KPIX morning show? LOL

    1. He got some of Starantino's Bronzer on him while shooting. He said that is it. I'm out of here

    2. Yup, it was airing a few weeks after The Bronze One joined on the air. And it lasted weeks before Mary Lee announced her departure. Ooof. Also, that commercial didn’t have Anne M. in it. Like, wtf? She not part of the morning team? It couldn’t have been being THICC… the other thicc-one, Gianna F. was in it.

    3. "...That commercial didn’t have Anne M. in it. Like, wtf? She not part of the morning team? It couldn’t have been being THICC… the other thicc-one, Gianna F. was in it."

      Yeah, they really ignore Anne and take her for granted. I'd love to see her up and leave next. Maybe KNTV San Jose is in her future? She used to be a morning reporter for KGO back when most of the gang now in San Jose were there (before Frau Trixie's putsch).

    4. Oooolala... if NBC Bay Area can grab Anne Makovec and team her with Kris Sanchez in the mornings, that would be da bomb.

  4. Hmm, let's summarize. In you opinion, KTVU, KRON, KPIX, KGO TV, KGO radio, KCBS and KNBR suck. Brilliant analysis!~

    1. 10:54 am, Are you of the opinion that each of the stations you mentioned are models of perfection? If so, put down the crack pipe and come back to reality :)

  5. We came across a memo for five new career paths for Professor John Rothmann if KGO tanks
    1. Deli/Produce manager at Cal Mart
    2. Become Liz Cheney's official biographer
    3. Open a hot dog stand with Steve Moskovitz
    4. Become an intern for Jan Wall
    5. Go undercover as a far right wing radio talk show host in another city, and do research by living with "ron in richmond" and " don in Salinas" for six months so he can expose it in a documentary

    1. Someone should forward this to Aaron Pero.

  6. Rothman is beyond phony. The man disgusts me.

    Peter Felch

  7. So now you hate Kim Wonderley..How dare she report that the roadways are clear at any given moment? Did you want her to make up accidents and road hazards?

  8. Warren is the ultimate light weight. Complete case of just showing up gets you promoted. He has ZERO news sense and was a complete disaster at KTVU.

    1. Not to mention he dated the help at KTVU too. And he was married at the time. Keep an eye on that one. Drama ahead!

  9. REAL news died a long time ago. All you have now are propaganda machines reading the same script.Field reporting is done in absentia and stories created via the internet. Critical thinking and questioning authoritarian figures, calling them out on their bullshit no longer exists. Edward R. Murrow would be disgusted by this fakery calling itself journalism.

  10. Can they please get rid of the bad wig wearing Donkey, Yamamoto and that horrible weather person with the bleached blonde hair?
