Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Bullying Amy G; Giants Inner Broadcast Wing Anger Over Jon Miller's Absences; Ann Killion and Susan Slusser Outright Fear Factor; Sal Castaneda is Bored at KTVU; Larry Baer Circle7 Smarm; Juliette Goodrich Can Save Ryan Yamamoto And KPIX Too; But New GM, Warren, Late to Game; Kristen Sze Waning Influence at KGO; Lamonica Peters/CNN Love?; 101 California Massacre Anniv. --Images on PIX 29 Years Later

AMY G, Larry Baer's internal countess at the SF Giants web portal, was personally congratulated by a local sports figure in the Oracle Park Press Box recently--Amy responded with a very well and pronounced dirty look to the guy who walked away in shock because the cold stare and angry Amy G response was a surprise.

Not to me.

Amy G is a petulent, authentic, small town poser who uses the little influence she has to try to make life miserable for her many naysayers, of which there are many.

*The inside dope from the Giants' internal media dept. is outright ANGER and HOSTILITY over one Jon Miller--why?

Miller's continued absence from games of late--he missed the Detroit series--Miller was given permission to miss the recent Miami series because he was moving--but Giants people have given him notice his frequent MIA status is not cool considering the Giants are paying Miller north of $500G to broadcast their games.

*Ann Killion and Susan Slusser of the SF Chronicle are fairly talented and I'm not necessarily talking about their writing gigs --both use their gender and political metal to scare various members of the local media.

Killion, for one, tried to blackball a radio host who tonsils on the FM sports dial and Killion has made it known, if she even questions you, your life (professional) is pretty much over.

Slusser, the Giants' beat reporter, is more like a writer from the booster club and Larry Baer's agent from the Hearst corp. She too can and will make sure if you dare question her acumen, bye bye baby. And while it's fairly benign, it most also surely is quite problematic too.

Both have a lot of fear factor from a majority of the male SF sports press corp.

Not here.

*When he was the #2 sports anchor at KTVU, Larry Beil marched into GM Kevin O'Brien's office and flat out said he wanted the #1 job--Mark Ibanez was already the tenured anchor at Channel 2--to which O'Brien told him to go pound salt.

With Dan Ashley's contract extension still murky, Beil has pretty much made it known at 900 Front, he's a "team player." Translation: He'd be a fine candidate to take over for Ashley.

Beil is not only a bad actor and HATED at Circle7, he's despised by Ashley himself and low-level staff at KGO. We now know why.

*THE ONLY person at KPIX that can save god-awful anchor, Ryan Yamamoto, is one that can save the station itself: Juliette Goodrich.

Goodrich doesn't like the Monday-Friday limelight and is quite content and happy on weekend nights.

A good GM with a knack for creativity would make his first move by talking to Goodrich and convincing her to move to the weekday grind.

He'd meet with CBS bosses and clear money to PAY what it would take to move Goodrich to primetime. It would help PIX's case across the board and would also help solve its massive indifference at night. And in turn make life a whole lot more pleasant for Yamamoto and Sara Donchey.

Scott Warren, PIX's GM, has so far been a zero. A total NOTHING. An utter failure. Which is nothing new at 855 Battery, the house of INCOMPETENCE.

If Warren put as much effort into his new gig at PIX as he does with some of the 415's social women, he'd be a certified star.

*Kristin Sze's so-called power at KGO has been vastly overrated and marginalized. She continues to try to INTIMIDATE and rule by fear. Only her allies are diminishing and she's being perceived as a controlling outcast diva. And that's the good news.

Sze is not respected at KGO much less even acknowledged. Her only bud is Dan Ashley and he only puts up with her because Dan is a company man and tolerates Sze because he essentially has to. Ashley loves everybody including the tempermental Sze. It's not that big a revelation at 7 but it's definitely on the radar.

By the way, don't invite Sze and Ama Daetz to dinner.

*BORED SAL--Really, Sal Castaneda? Posting superficial pictures on Facebook? Good lord.

*If KTVU's newbie San Jose bureau reporter, Lamonica Peters wants a gig at CNN, they'd hire her in a Ted Turner/Warner nanosecond.

*The KTVU ratings continue to PLUMMET--it's more serious than first thought. And it continues to be be even more worrisome at night. KTVU inner management knew there'd be a slowdown at 10 when Frank Somerville was let go and Ibanez was told to retire.

But so far, Mike Mibach is a TOTAL DUD and 10 PM is losing viewers by the droves.

The FIRM is not hppy.

*Friday marks the 29-year anniversary of the 101 California massacre--10 people (including the shooter) DIED. Many more were wounded and traumatized. The massacre and its disturbing images and video were captured here--on KPIX with anchors Hank Plante and Anna Chavez--and a bevy of reporters you may remember.

Dateline: SF, July 1, 1993:


  1. Slusser’s breathless Giants coverage is embarrassing. She did the same on the A’s beat.

    1. Susan is a hack, writing for a rag that's best for homeless people to sleep on

  2. How much more would CNN pay than a featured reporter,you would get less exposure as you would be just one of hundred reporters on staff?

  3. "By the way, don't invite Sze and Ama Daetz to dinner."
    You have my word, I won't. And btw, why in the world would I ever WANT to?

  4. Rich -

    You ran through a list of Bay Area TV news “personalities” and how they are all duds/not moving the needle, etc. It’s pretty clear from the number that you’re right.

    But it seems like your suggestion is that different people could have different results.

    Is it possible that the situation is infinitely worse than what you describe, and *nobody* can improve the numbers? I’d argue that what we are seeing is that when long-standing news personalities leave stations, a substantial portion of that station’s news viewers leave, as well, and they aren’t going to other stations. They just stop watching local TV news period. Add to that the fact that young people don’t watch local news and never had, and you have a sinkhole.

    I’d argue that the only person right now who could potentially move any local news ratings needles is Frank Somerville, regardless of his foibles, because he’s the only one anybody remembers these days.

    1. I mostly agree. I don’t know anyone under age 45 that watches the local news. I stopped watching KTVU when Dennis Richmond left. I stopped watching KPIX when Ken Bastida left. I’ll leave KGO if Dan Ashley leaves. Goodrich could pull me back to KPIX, but I may add to the local news death spiral otherwise.

  5. Killion bullying seems to be a trend. No wonder you don’t see or hear from her on electronic media.

  6. Accurate description of Amy G.

  7. Go to hell, Jeff. Won’t miss you one bit.

    Peter Felch

  8. Rich, thanks for the 101 San Francisco tape, it was followed by Dennis Richmond and Elaine Corral. Sad situation but first class reporting.

    1. I was working as a staffing coordinator for a home care agency in Palo Alto, the husband of the owner of the agency was a lawyer at 101 California street (I think it was California Street) anyway he called the office and I picked up the phone and I could hear the shooting in the background. Fortunately, he was okay, but if I remember correctly it was his office that was the target, so several of his co workers died. Scary and sad and unfortunately we still have mass shootings.

  9. If Kristen Sze is so hated she would have been gone a long time ago. You don’t get that high up the food chain by being liked by everyone.

    1. Watched the entire Pride Parade on ABC-7. Reggie Aqui was near tears when saying how much he enjoyed working with
      Drew, Jobina, and Kumasi. No mention of Kristen.....

    2. Reginald is one hot mess. I don't need to see him in the morning for sure. I'd rather watch Big Boobs on KRON4. And that's saying something. Good thing GMA comes on at 7, but that's not saying much either. Gosh, everything just sucks on TV doesn't it?

    3. Actualy Sze has got the only person that matters.. Trixie to be her buddy. As long as she is narking on everyone else and Trixie is there.

    4. Karina Nova is the new backup anchor at 3:00 & 4:00 for Kristen Sze. She is very good!

  10. Susan Slusser thinks she's the bomb. Stanford educated and full of smug. She's no different than Hank Schulman, the preceding Giants shrill who covered the team. There's no objectivity in covering the team. You have to treat them with kid gloves. The Giants can't do wrong. What a joke.

    Ann Killion is all about Ann Killion. She doesn't care about anyone else but herself.

    That frigging Chronicle is a daily joke. Once known as "The Voice of the West," it's now the bully pulpit for the teams and also drug companies as never a day goes by that they love to dump fear on everyone with Covid-19. It should just go away.

    1. Killion fawning over Tara Vanderveer is nauseating.......

  11. Wasn’t Killion the one caught reading Tanya Hardings emails during the Winter Olympics a while back? I stopped reading her columns after that.

  12. I support Ama all the way with a nice welcome audience beautiful smile adding on Sandhya the weather beauty. Ming, I see fire and anger on her face and she should retire early to save some aggressive energy, too much aggressive and jealousy, bad for her health

  13. Rich, you’ve got more axes to grind than an entire town of lumberjacks!

  14. Re Amy G: If there was a poster child for entitlement, she is it. She gives false hope to many children that if you have no talent, you too can be part of an Emmy winning team (ignoring the fact the Giants broadcasters and control room did the heavy lifting), be a correspondent for MLB Network (everyone else didn’t want to do fluff pieces) and be a field reporter for YouTube’s MLB broadcast (now all of the internet gets to be acquainted with #muteamyg)

    1. Amy G is a MILF. That’s why she was a field reporter to NBC Sports Bay Area. I did not know she also worked for the MLB Network.

  15. All the Comical "writers" are bad and those two are Dumb and Dumber

  16. How is that cretin creep Baer still CEO of the Giants? That alone keeps me from the games.

    1. Yeah I thought the same thing. I guess it’s OK because he’s our creep. NOT!!!

  17. Amy G. is horrendous. Her interviews are terrible and the stuff the Giants are posting on YouTube is just bad. Her stuff with Gabe, especially. That said, your post is another one of those ambiguous, confusing things you post every now and then. It is so cryptic. What was the reason the person congratulated Amy? What is the story?

  18. Amy G is a puppet propagandist, which is what Larry wants, I wonder if he's doing her?...the Chron sports writers are basically the same, rarely any real criticism of local teams...except the A's of course, which seems to be low hanging fruit, much of it deserved of course, at least as far as ownership goes...

  19. I get that the Giants are a business, but they so aggressive and manipulative when it comes to media/marketing that they stopped being a baseball team to me a long time ago. It's like rooting for a used car lot or laundry detergent.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I'm a lifelong fan going back 40 or so years but I've tuned it out since the WS wins because of the huge bandwagon and pandering that followed. And now we have the wanna be Steve Kerr in Gabe Kapler. No thanks. No-one gives a shit about your views on social issues, Gabe.

    2. The Giants are a PR company that happens to own a baseball team

    3. What really started it for me is that they knowingly trotted out a roided-out of his mind Barry Bonds for over a decade. I felt like if they didn't really care about the game, why should I?

  20. Amy is a hot steaming pile. Legend in her own mind. Giants deserve the season they have for being CHEAP! The team is vanilla and boring. What is with the useless and clueless GM's and CEO's of this country? Soy boy cucks.

  21. Sounds like they all need to get laid. Unsatisfied by their partners.

  22. Krukow and Kuiper are privately relieved that ‘Amy G.’ ( what a lame nabe,) Is no longer interrupting their broadcasts with her vapid, pointless interviews from the stands. I’m sure Larry Baer helped set them up because he wanted to talk about all of the ‘important’ work the Giants were doing in the community. Now we don’t have to listen anymore to her annoying, nasally voice which sounds like a Valley girl. You would have thought after ten years of doing this, she would have gotten even slightly better, but she didn’t. She acted and sounded like some breathless high school girl when she did her annoying post game interviews.
    “ Gee Evan, could you tell us what you were thinking when you hit that home run?” SO glad she’s off the broadcasts. It was like putting an amateur musician into one of the more highly regarded symphonies. But Larry Baer didn’t care. He wanted to do something politically correct while also getting some airhead to breathlessly pimp the message he wants to get out there.
    All those years she was interrupting the broadcasts must have caused Krukow and Kuiper to grind their teeth!

  23. Giants are smug, arrogant, entitled organization, top to bottom. Their announcers can't even call a game without complaining about balls/strikes calls.

  24. Glad Ibanez is finality gone. He always wore a fake smile, tried to play the ‘nice guy’ card and if he worked in someplace such as Philly or Boston or NYC, REAL sports towns not full of the phony front runners we have here in Califorbia, he would have been run out of town years ago. He was also the ultimate vanilla lightweight on the air. “ And that’s the Sporting Life” was his lame exit line. The ‘Fonz’ isn’t much better. Time for some new ‘young blood,’ on KTVU’s sports segments but it better come from outside of the Bay Area. People such as Grant Liffman and Laura Britt may be the future, but right now the 2 of them belong in someplace like Boise..L

  25. Any post here is a good one, but I'll pick this one to say again what I'd thought for a long time. Does the major-market television-news-anchoring business make neurotic, raving egomaniacs out of people? or are those already that way the ones to seek -- and thrive in -- the profession?

  26. While you were putting down Jon Miller for his numerous absences, you forgot to whine about him wearing a baseball hat while he broadcasts baseball games. I think sometimes he doesn't wear a tie. Who cares what he is or isn't wearing? I only care about hearing the broadcast. You probably didn't like Lon Simmons because he once wore socks that didn't match. Your blog continues to lead the league in bad grammar and misspelled words. Good job.

  27. Don’t forget the great Bill King famously wore shorts and sandals while broadcasting A’s games (and also conveniently “missed” road trips to Arlington). And today, Uncle Townie broadcasts wearing green and gold “aaaaaaaaaand” if Townsend is on YouTube, you see a “studio” full of Athletics swag. Yet, Rich doesn’t complain about that. What’s up with dat, Bay Area Media Daddy?
