Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING your Bay Area TV/Radio/Internet QUESTIONS--as always, please, name and city.


  1. Sacramento is not and never has been the Bay area..Where's the bay?

    1. That's a complicated question. I'll defer to Amy G, she represents me in the fifth district.

  2. On Monday Justin Williams was in the KPIX studio during the am broadcast. He’s usually in the field reporting. My guess is he’ll take over for Len K. What’s your take?

  3. How is the New "Living in the Bay Area" on KRON doing?


    1. Greg, if I'm watching KRON infomercials, call the authorities --sorry, never watched it.

  4. So, the chatty, rambling, stumbling Melissa Culross has been on her own this week on KCBS morning drive. Where might Eric Thomas, her partner in broadcasting, be?

    1. He's sick I guess, I heard. Does it really matter anymore? KCBS doesn't have a clue--their morning zoo is a mess.
      And Culross, the antiseptic voice is nauseating --with or without Thomas.

  5. Any chances Brian Hackey going to replace Allan Martin when he is gone??

    1. No, for a couple of reasons.

      He doesn't have a big enough name to do weeknights and he's also supposedly very comfortable Saturday and Sunday.

      Another reason: Hackney and Juliette Goodrich are a good pairing and even woeful PIX doesn't want to screw that up.

  6. Don’t know if you heard ‘Paulie Mac’ on KNBR this morning, but….he was practically yelling and talking more about sports than we’ve ever heard him do. Usually he remains in the background while Murphy drones on, mainly because he knows ZERO about sports and is essentially there to yuk it up and contribute brainless ‘dish.’ One would assume that the current empty headed KNBR PD or the clueless Lee Hammer is putting pressure on Paulie Mac to be more of a relevant contributor to the show, ( something he hasn’t done for 15 plus years.).

    1. I wish Paulie Mac would move back to his fake Jersey home and thus, the Bay Area would be a better place to live not having to hear his mumbling and terrible voice.

    2. btw is Murphy on vacation? Keep him there.

  7. Hi, this is Paul L. from San Jose. I am wondering where are these old timer jocks on KOIT now?
    Tom Saunders, Larry Ickes, Scott Thomas, Vicki Jenkins....etc.

    1. Probably retired and grateful they don't have to do radio anymore.

  8. Rich, just curious about what you think of the morning ‘sports’ shows; Murphy and Mac on KNBR, Willard and Dibs on 95.7.

    1. They're both pathetic.

      Murph and Mac are an ongoing embarrassment --a "show" fit for drunk teenagers and mentally-impaired losers.

      And the Willard-Dibley manure is nothing more than punishment for San Quintain inmates on Death Row.

  9. I guess the appeal of radio voices is in the ear of the beholder. I personally enjoy having Melissa Culross as anchor. To me she has a nice folksy style and I can hear every word she says. It is nice that her voice comes out about the same volume as the advertisers and traffic reporters. I sure do miss Mary Lee doing the weather. Same as Melissa, I could hear every word. Jessica Burch talks way too fast and some of her words fade so it's hard for me (a senior) to follow what she's saying.

    1. Culross is fine just not on morning (or afternoon for that matter) Drivetime radio is not just news anchoring, it's evoking personality too and Culross has NO personality --she's sterile and robotic. Moreover, she can't interview worth a damn and she' s a terrible ad-libber.

    2. Hold on, Rich. You claimed above in your post that Melissa's voice was "nauseating". See that? Now you say, it's not the voice, but a huh? "sterile personality". In any event, she has a fine radio voice. You favor the talk host on KGO who goes from normal to screeching hen in two seconds, always. A good radio voice comes from a broadcaster who understands how to modulate what they utter, not to go into the ear-splitting upper decibels. Somebody has needed a voice coach forever, and it's not Melissa.

    3. I think you're overestimating Cuross's voice. Look, it's a matter of taste. I'm not a fan. Melissa, as I stated, is more than capable as an anchor, just not in the AM. She's basically vanilla and too bland for my taste. It's an opinion, not the law.

    4. I saw Jessica Burch for the first time this morning. She wasn't nearly as bad as everyone here says. In fact, I thought her voice was pretty relaxing.

  10. have you ever heard of Larry Glick?

    1. Isn't he the morning guy on Tel Aviv radio?

      Just kidding. I have no idea.

    2. Larry Glick was A famous radio talk show host on WBZ during the 70s and 80 s in Boston ...his famous line was... Is this Larry? ..he would say Let me was funny when he said it ...Mark Thompson would come out in his stool!

  11. Why did Kim McAllister switch from afternoons to mornings on KGO?

    1. There was a job opening for one and second, she escaped the patronizing and fawning, John Rothmann.

      A double win for Kim.

    2. Bret Burkhart left and the position pays more.

    3. What you call fawning some of us call politeness and class. Isn't that better than being mean. Why are you so cynical?

    4. If mean was sincere, yes, it's better than fake --and honest too. I know too much, I'll leave it at that.

  12. Scott from Concord--Any updates as to possible sale/format changes for both KGO 810 and KSFO 560?

    Also, is anybody watching the Giants AAA broadcasts of the Sacramento River Cats on KBCW (44 Cable 12) on Saturday evenings? Nice little alternative IMO.

  13. First question is they're both safe --KSFO makes a lot of money without any real expenses and literally 4 employees --KGO is in far worse shape but unsellable --for now.

    The Giants ratings on cable 12 no idea but Saturday night during Summer is a tough draw, Scott.

  14. Rich- KPIX is a mess for the most part. I stopped tuning into the morning newscast any longer and switched to ABC. Starrantino is not watchable, the orange tan and all (I'm sure she's nice tho). I do enjoy Brian Hackney and Juliette Goodrich on the weekend and Betty Yu too. Why does KPIX underutilize its "A Team"???

    1. Because they have universal incompetent leadership. They would be fired anywhere else. They have a new GM, Scott Warren who, so far, hasn't changed the furniture. Maybe it's a CBS edict--maintain dreck.

  15. It's almost July, it's time for a tv station to get a new News Set. Which station do you think will get a new set???

    San Jose

    1. Oh, hands down this is easy, Terry: KPIX has a terrible, old, grainy look. Deep cleaning is needed.

  16. If you were running KGO Radio what 4 talkers would you hire?
    James in West Sacramento

    1. Pat Thurston (midday) Bob Sarlatte morning drive; Chip Franklin, afternoon drive, and Steve Somers in the overnight.

    2. Chip can't go three minutes without talking about growing up in Baltimore, his fake comedy career, or trying to sound as knowledgeable as any guest he "interviews". Four minutes into an "interview" and there's still no question. Uh, uh, uhm, well, so anyway!

    3. Everything you said is true but he's able to move from topic to topic and he's more diversified than John Rothmann. He's also more adroit in pop culture and interview savvy.

      Franklin is no day at the beach but he's far more superior than Rothmann across the board.

    4. Rothmann doesn’t understand radio and doesn’t care to get it. He plays extended clips from a bygone era during PM drive. That’s a PPM ratings killer. Everything he does is in service of his ego. SF school board, the murals, Nixon, Trump, a long-term favor to give Jan Wahl momentum.. and no political guests to outshine him in any way!

    5. You lost all credibility with me when you said Chimp Franklin. If assclowns had cash, he would be the face on the bill.

    6. SF Schools, murals, Trump etc. These are subjects radio listeners care about, the first 2 is local and was very controversial. Of course, a San Francisco host would bring it up. Lot's of talk show host don't have guests on, I don't think Limbaugh did, if so rarely. The late Gene Burns had very few guests on. Most conservative hosts spend their entire show bashing liberals and democrat politician, just listen to Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, all boring and predictable.

    7. You're missing the point. These are the only local issues he discusses because he's personally involved as President of the Washington High School Alumni Association. He's had his fellow board members on countless times and there's not enough interest or importance to warrant that.

      He doesn't program to a general audience. Gene Burns wasn't myopic or doing drive-time. Also, Gene had real talent and could debate intelligently without abruptly cutting people off and exclaiming "I won't have it! I won't let you!". If you're going to get ratings in drive-time, you need to have a little more versatility than Trump, Trump, Trump.

    8. Gene Burns often lost his patience with callers, he call them horses ass, having said that I loved his show, and he was reasonable, but like Bill Wattenburg (who was just cranky all the time I think) he didn't suffer fools. John have talked about Oakland schools, the recall of Chesy Boudin, and the closing to cars of JFK drive in Golden Gate Park. John talk about the supreme court, Ukraine, Nato, Covid abortion school shootings, all more than once, I think you are myopic. Of course he is talking about Jan. 6, the only people who are not interested in Jan. 6 hearing are those who refuse to acknowledge that Trump did something wrong.

    9. Not suffering fools is not the same as immediately shutting down people who disagree with you, which John has increasingly done in the past year. What Gene did was entertaining and only happened when idiots tried to spar with him. That was not a regular occurrence and I think you’re just being obtuse.

      How many times has John had his good friend Lope on to talk about the murals vs. how many times has he talked about those other issues you mentioned. Again, you’re missing the point. He fixates and allots a disproportionate amount of time to his pet issues instead of programming to a wider general audience. He rarely addresses local issues and when does it’s only what interests HIM, not what’s important to a general audience. It’s why his ratings suffer.

      In the case of the murals, he’s talked about it on maybe 5-10 programs over the past year or so. That’s a tune out and his anemic ratings makes that clear.

  17. Rich you are always talking about news chops. For those of us that dont remember the glory days of local news in the 70's 80's what exactly does that mean?

    1. It's a phrase that is commonly used today, not just the 70's and 80's.

      It generally means grounded, news savvy, authentic --as in being qualified and having the "chops."

  18. Do you miss listening to ‘the Razor ‘ ( Ralph Barbieri?). Hard to
    Believe it’s been over a decade since the clueless Lee Hammer fired him. At least Ralph was Entertaining, unlike Tom Tolbert, who’s “ guy at the end of the bar” persona has gotten stale. I understand why they fired the nerdy Larry Krueger and the vacuous Rod Brooks but this rank amateur ‘Copie’ who replaced them, and is probably getting peanuts compared to those 2, sounds like a screaming, fast-talking kid with an attention deficit disorder! How on earth did even a clueless company such as Cumulus hire this no-talent hack who belongs on Modesto? What has happened to the broadcasting industry Rich? Love to hear your thoughts. It sounds as if KNBR is now requiring very few basic qualifications to go on the air on ‘the Sports Leader! ( NOT! If instead, you’re good at making lots of annoying noise and talking nonsense while trying to act as if you’re some kind of comedian, you might have a chance to get your own talk show. KNBR has NOT hired a professionally trained broadcaster in years.Your thoughts Rich?

    1. Bummer Ralph Barbieri passed away about two years ago.

  19. I only listen to KNBR out of habit not because I enjoy --Ralph was definitely a good listen even if he went overboard and tried to outdo himself.

    But that's just it. Even when he went off topic and he did that a lot, it was good radio.
    Better than the shit they have today.

    Tolbert is old news and I hardly listen b/c he's simply not interesting anymore and his "Copes" partner --with a obnoxious giggle every 30 secs is simply a bore.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Peter G From San JoseJune 29, 2022 at 2:42 PM

    Rich ... Did we ever get the final word on what really happened to Ray Taliaferro ? I seem to remember some discrepancies concerning his death.

    1. Lots and lots of discrepancies and still, in my book, mysterious even today.

  22. What the deal with Eric Thomas - He regularly sounds befuddled - it can't be that bad there at KCBS can it?

    1. Eric Thomas the instant he landed at KCBS said coming from TV that radio would "be easy." His words. Uh, I don't think so.

    2. I've done both. Radio is generally harder, because you have to do more yourself. You're a one man band in radio.

  23. Best classical music station?

    George, San Jose

    1. Locally, KDFC but you can find so many literally thousands of options on YouTube.

  24. Hi Rich,

    Dave Benz was doing the Giants pregame show on NBC Sports Bay Area earlier today. Do you know if he was just temporarily filling in for Laura Britt or is he back permanently at NBC Sports Bay Area (in some capacity)? According to an article in The Athletic (5/5) he was let go by the Minnesota Timberwolves as their Play By Play announcer on Bally Sports North.


    1. Laura Britt had a day off--so Benz was filling in.

      I don't watch those shows because there really just house/PR shills for their teams and I'm not a big Benz fan.

    2. Benz is a solid veteran and a former NBC Comcast employee. He's light years better than Carlos Ramirez who is miscast hosting pre and post game. Laura is doing a good job though

    3. @3:40- I was surprised that the T-Wolves let Dave Benz go.

      If Dave Benz is officially back to NBA Sports Bay Area, it wouldn't surprise me if he does Niners TV pre and postgame again, like he did years ago back for then CSN Bay Area. They need a new host for Niners TV pre and postgame now that Laura Britt is doing Giants TV pre and postgame.

  25. Do you think Pat Thurston and John Rothmann can really vouch for their "dear friends and trusted advisors" like "sherod" and "kevin" from anchor funding?
    Sound like scammers

    1. I agree with your sentiment but they are paid advertisers and KGO needs the money.

      At least Pat just does the spot and doesn't get as chirpy as Rothmann and his "best friends" BS.

    2. oh please...they are shilling and pretending to be true believers..go pop some alleged dehydrated vegetable pills.

    3. Anchor Funding is a legit mortgage based in San Diego, but Kevin Lyons is Chip Franklin’s friend, not John’s. That’s just more disingenuous bullshit.

  26. Why is KGO running a conservative syndicated talk show after Rothmann on weeknights? Doesn’t that cut against the station’s branding as “live, local” and liberal?

    1. It's cheap, that's why --conservative or liberal doesn't matter.

    2. It’s because it’s the only live national show during that time slot that is owned by Westwood One (Cumulus). They could tape delay someone else, but then they wouldn’t be live for a breaking event. Since national ratings research shows that talk radio listening drops off a cliff at 7pm, it’s clear that they weren’t bringing in enough revenue to pay SAG-AFTRA scale. Cumulus forced major budget cuts on local managers, so it clearly wasn’t a local choice.

  27. Lisa in Los Gatos: when is Len going to announce his departure? Did I miss the annoucement?
    Also what is Elaine Corral doing now? I know you said she and Dennis didnt get along off air but I miss them on screen!

    1. Len Kiese is leaving soon (to be closer to his family back east) --don't know exact date but probably before the fall.

      Elaine Corral is in Walnut Creek --don't know her status.

    2. Elaine Corral is in SoCal, not WC.

  28. from Z in Emeryville
    Hi, Rich. Zennie Abraham (Zennie62) does Oakland news on YouTube and he says that he went to high school with you. I like to see you do a YouTube interview with both of you, and maybe some other independent Bay journalists. Any interest?

  29. Len just announced his last day is today - June 30

  30. Why does KPIX continue to show Jessica Burch's military rank on the chyron? It's beyond ridiculous and others who have served our country agree she's not an active service member.

    1. Because they want to milk the military angle. KPIX is desperate.

    2. I would think the CA National Guard would tell KPIX to stop since is not on active duty and it also a junior rank. A Lt. Is a dime a dozen in the army.

  31. Any update as to what Larry Kruger and Rod Brooks are up too? I would be surprised if Brooks ever found a new sports radio gig.

    1. Both are still dawdling on social media --YouTube and no one is watching.

  32. I hear Amy G. Is going to try and “ make a comeback” on air in TV in Fresno. I’m sure with the help of her benefactor Larry Baer, she’ll have a shot. Her network quality talent is being wasted running the Giants’ web page. We Amy G. fans ( and there are thousands of girls in the Bay Area who look up to her,) miss her cute in game interviews and penetrating post have questions:
    “ Evan, are you related to Eve Longoria?” ( giggle!). What a solid talent! How could the Giants let her walk? BRING BACK ‘AMY G’!

    1. She must be related to Becky G., the whiny-voiced no-talent who is doing all those supremely annoying Xfinity commercials these days.

  33. Keep doing the great job Rich! Always enjoy the news items you have that news one else seems to know about, or the opinions that no one else has the guts to write about.

  34. Mendel in Marin here... Have you ever watched GRIT which took over the old KOFY? It constantly goes black and silent for long periods of time and frequently freezes, even on commercials. It's harder to watch than a copy of 1937's Man Without a Country film with broken sprocket holes played on a elementary school Bell & Howell projector.

    1. Hi Mendel--yeah the few times I watched I saw the crap and I feel your pain. Good news? No one is watching GRIT shit.

  35. To June 30 @ 5:05 thanks! sorry I missed him! Did he say he was leaving to be near family or did he give no reason? I really started to like him.

  36. Why are Bruce Jenkins and Ann Killion still relevant?

  37. Hello, I recently stumbled on your blog and find it really interesting. I'm a news junkie, including local Bay Area news. I was wondering what happened to a young, black female reporter on KTVU. She was on late last year or earlier this year. She was incredibly bad, and her delivery was such that I truly couldn't understand what she was saying. I couldn't believe KTVU would hire someone like that. So many other talented people of all backgrounds. What was her name and what happened to her. Thank you. Oh, and I love the Hackney / Goodrich weekend news. They are one of the few teams that has chemistry and seems to provide the right touch when delivering the news.
