Friday, May 20, 2022

Jessica Burch is Underwhelming So Far on KPIX; Credentials Sure, But Awkward Look; Raj Mathai/NBC Bay Area Covid Issue; Ashley-Finney Contract Status Murky at Circle7; Orozco and Gonzales Weather Or Not at KTVU; Randy Hahn Kills it on TBS Hockey; Martin Still Bumbling; Martin (Keiana) Shines from 49ers Video to MLB Network; "Dave-FM" is a Bore; Friday Media Extravaganza

GREAT, she has military, fighter-pilot gravitas and she appears to possess an edge...but she's less than stellar on the air.

KPIX made a big fuss, both internally and externally, about its new AM weather anchor, Jessica Burch. They weren't alone, she did too.

Only Burch, so far, seems --looks actually, uncomfortable on the air. Her persona isn't so much she looks and sounds awkward, (clearly she does), it's that she has a sort of "deer-in-headlights" appearence that is unsettling, at least, to the average viewer. It's a trait that hasn't disappeared and remains a constant a good almost-month since Burch's on-air PIX debut. And that's worrisome for the Bay Area CBS crew, another high-profile flop that hasn't warmed and looks to be another disaster.

Burch has weather chops and takes her meteorogical skills seriously but that doesn't necessarily translate (for now) on air. And the military stuff, while good for her and indicating she's more substance than style, also seems hollow because, for now, Burch's weather bits seem un-focused and out of sight and out of mind. She has talent but I haven't seen it yet. The early reaction from viewers isn't so impressive either. Clearly, this isn't what PIX expected but that's PIX.

Are we shocked? Nope.

*Raj Mathai has been been positioned away from fellow NBC Bay Area anchors because he's been either close to and/or near infected Covid recipients. Of course that presents a problem --most especially, looks wise. The virus hit the local NBC O and O with authority and is still an issue with several anhors/reporters doing their broadcasts from home.

*THE PC decision would be easy: I could say I think Lester Holt is one good anchor. He is good, very solid, but about as OVERRATED as they come. Nothing to do with politics and everything to do with jut basic on-air pedigree. But that's NBC at its best (worst).

*TWO of the HIGHEST-PAID anchors at KGO (ABC7) are Dan Ashley and Michael Finney and legitimately so...yet both haven't been signed to long-term contract extensions. There's nothing to fret about now (at least I'm told by various Circle7 sources) but if Disney doesn't take care of these invaluable parts, then we'll know Mickey Mouse is a bit dopey.

*When she isn't busy posting arrogant, ridiculous help-wanted ads on Linked-In, Amber Eikel should level with Roberta Gonzales and Rosemary Orozco. Why is one not obviously ready for prime time (permanently) and the other, an Elvira wannabee who was brought in as a hedge for Bill Martin's continued employment at KTVU.

By the way, I like Rosemary. She's fine. And pleasant to observe. It's not me that is snubbing her, it's KTVU. She'd be far more compelling to watch at night than the bumbling Martin. Common sense.

*Another thing: I actually like Martin too. I don't know what happened with Bill. He went from smooth operator to bumbling weather schmoozer. Bill, remember, we talked a few years back. I told you that I was frank and honest and you were cool. I thought (think) your on-air presentation is bizarre. Totally uncomfortable is more accurate. I don't know what's happened but maybe you can rearrange the furniture, Bill, because you look and sound kinda out there. Just me, Bill, everyhting else is cool.

*Keiana Martin went from the 49ers video dept. to the MLB net. She is a spectacular presence and she knows her stuff. One of the very best I've ever seen and I've seen a lot.

*Remember it wasn't that long ago that the Bay Area was thought to be some cosmopolitan, literate bastion of great talent and on-air glamor. Now it's become a vagabond of Modesto oatmeal and velveeta cheese minutiae. I haven't seen nothing this bad since the days of early Channel 2 crud and KQED auctions. Remember that time period? It was unintentionally funny to watch the auctions and giggle when the big board items were described by the various yahoos with telephones ringing.

*So that Dave-FM new radio station, Im supposed to be excited, really? It's a wasted frequency unless you like old Joe Walsh and Eagles/Fleetwood Mac replays. Who's idea was this? Really, that's how bad we've become when we get this dreck littered into our cars and homes by corporate dicks like CBS and Cumulus.

*I LOVED watching Sharks pbp broadcaster Randy Hahn do national hockey TV broadcasts for TBS. Hockey has grown on me, more like playoff hockey and Hahn is just a phenomenal voice, a true talent who brings it and now the rest of the nation knows it.

*If the talent in this town were to be able to improve on one thing, it's ad-libbing. Don't have to be great, just basic performance would do and boy is it lacking.

*The Summer internal audits will take place soon and a time for the corporate boobs to fully understand what most of us already know: Bay Area radio/TV/Internet media is at its worst. Diminishing numbers. Marginalized audiences. Unimaginative programming and lack of creativity and that's just for starters. We have NO leaders. ZERO interest. Dumb idiots running the show and all the interest of a Daly City Arco station. We deserve better. You all do. But incompetence and amateurs rule the day. What a crock. What a TOTAL ABOMINATION.


  1. "Remember it wasn't that long ago that the Bay Area was thought to be some cosmopolitan, literate bastion of great talent and on-air glamor. Now it's become a vagabond of Modesto oatmeal and velveeta cheese minutiae."

    30 years of Democrat control will do that to an area. Gotta cater to the brain dead minions to stay in power!

    1. Exactly. They don't report, they propaganda.

    2. Because of course, this is all about politics. Give it a rest.

      The premise that the Bay Area has somehow lessened in terms of media talent is false to begin with. I don't disagree the talent isn't as good as it was 20 or 30 years ago - but that's nationwide and has nothing to do with this area. It's because of the change in media consumption and economics. If you were a talented journalist with the look and talent for TV, TV news was a very highly sought-after place to be. Start at a local station and try to get to the top at one of the big 3 networks.

      Not so much today. Yes, it's still a profitable business, but this isn't where the most talented people are striving to achieve greatness and fame anymore. There aren't the same number of eyeballs looking at the TV for news. So there's not as much money in it. Pretty simple.

    3. That's right 11:33, so go back home to Southwest Left Bumblefuck where you're from and really want to be. Leave the rest of us to savor Rich's elegantly-crafted velveeta cheese minutiae.

    4. Greg B…right on the money! Many don’t realize how things have changed since the 80’s. Radio, TV…once prestigious jobs, now don’t pay squat and there are tech based hosting jobs that today’s grads prefer. Sadly, local news (add newspapers too) are suffering.

    5. Remember, Folks, Lez Krautz is on this weekend to save us. Go Lez!!

  2. Man, Rich, you hit it on the head with this Jessica Burch at KPIX. She does seem to know what she is talking about, but as you said, she looks unsure of herself and somewhat scared. For me though, I think the thing that bugs me most, is that they put her military rank out there on the screen at the bottom when they display her name. It reads LT Jessica Burch. Now, I am a veteran myself, and I give her full credit for being a Blackhawk helicopter pilot, and in fact, she has had her airplane pilot license since she was 15, yes, 15, before she even had her drivers license! But she is on TV as a civilian and it is NOT appropriate for them to list her as LT Jessica Burch. When using titles, and t his goes back to grammar school, when they taught us about etiquette, If you use a title for one, you use it for all. They do not display MS Amanda Starrantino, or MR Len Kiese, so they should not list Jessica Burch as LT. She is NOT a LT on the show. As far as I know, KPIX does not have military ranks. Or does this mean that Len Kiese and Amanda Starrantino should be listed at Capt Len Kiese and Capt Amanda Starrantino? It just looks like she is showing off and really, considering how long she has been in the National Guard, and that she is a pilot, she should have made Captain herself by now, instead of still being a 1st LT.

    1. Dude, you should be proud of your service, and proud that Jessica is representing all of you have served our country, just like she is. She’s now serving her country and her community. As a veteran I’m glad she displays her rank. And I’m glad KPIX feels it’s important to honor her and our service as well.

    2. Agree with 12:26. If she's not wearing a uniform, why is she still going by Lt.? She or KPIX looks like they're just showing off. Should we addressing every former PFC as "Private" in their civilian life?

    3. It's pandering plain and simple. It's being used as a gimmick. If she were up flying while broadcasting that would be one thing but I totally agree with you, it's just very out of place and makes no sense in this environment. Also agree that she is very awkward and that frankly is because she is a beginnner not a seasoned broadcaster and this market is too big for that so it looks odd. They should have started her on weekends, they're not doing her any favors by pushing her into a spot she's just not ready for yet.

    4. I'm a veteran and hate it when people make a big deal out of their service. They're trying to pretend they're war heroes, when they're not.

    5. I’ll take Jessica over any met at any other station already.

    6. I’m a vet and I don’t think anyone is claiming to be a war hero. Just proud to show they serve their country. TV identifies doctors as MD and PhD. Police officer as Capt. and senators as Sen. Someone currently serving shouldn’t be criticized for showing a rank - especially from others who have served.

    7. Its just more tiresome pandering to women, showing how awesome and "empowered" they are. CBS is the the CBS Evening News. Despite having only around 20 minutes of actual content to air, they manage to throw in some random feel good story at the end about something awesome some woman or group of women did at Podunk, Nebraska. Yawn.

    8. Lame gimmick showing Jessica's military rank on the graphic. As others have mentioned its pandering

    9. People actually believe this girl is a Blackhawk pilot? Come on! I smell a rat here

    10. YES! There is most definitely “Something rotten in the state of Denmark!”

    11. I feel that whoever is advising Jessica Burch has NO Taste when it comes to dressing. Who wears a sleeveless dress with white shoes in the middle of winter? She totally looks out of place. I find rather embarrassing to KPIX.

  3. Oh, thank goodness, Rich is back. I feared that he was reading the latest dispatch from the SFGate burrito editor, and after the third unnecessary reference to the author's groovy lesbian aunts, he just couldn't take it anymore.

  4. Hey Grumpy! Give Jessica a break! Yes, she speaks in quick clipped tones, of which I can forgive. Why? It is her training! Orders are given and executed, no questions asked. She could stand there and read the damn phone book and any red-blooded STRAIGHT male could care less. Would you rather have R.G. to look at? Yeah, thought so.

    Dave FM? Haven't checked it out, but old Joe Walsh ala James Gang "Funk 49" is cool with me. The kiddies are minding the store now and all of those participation trophies stifle creativity.
    Dems are good at one thing and one thing only...blaming someone else for their inequities. That's why this country is circling the bowl and the media is the Ringleader!

    1. Nobody blames others for their inequities as much as your hero Trump.

  5. Please Rich. Keiana isn't all that. She is just another pretty face and tight body that roams the sidelines now a days. You are turned on because she's a Sista...thats all.

  6. "Remember it wasn't that long ago that the Bay Area was thought to be some cosmopolitan, literate bastion of great talent and on-air glamor. Now it's become a vagabond of Modesto oatmeal and velveeta cheese minutiae."

    Oh, you got that so right. Our news is now embarrassing, all of it. there are no bright spots, not in print, radio or TV. Or even web.

  7. Jessica has only been on for one week. Give her time. It’s clear she knows her stuff. Rich you’ve been doing your gig for more than a few years and you still miss the mark at times. We all do. If she sucks in a year? That’s on KPIX.

    1. You hire a 20 something straight from the metropolis of Redding and you have to expect that she might not be ready for prime time.

    2. Gotta say I agree with Rich on this one. Awkward.

    3. One more issue: Why does she stand in front of the weather graphics ALL OF THE TIME! I want to the temperarures, but she blocks the shot EVERY TIME! Try to watch the forecast numbers. The evening met was on this week and he knows where to stand. I see this an a sign that she does not know how to do her job. Her bland delivery and appearance aren't appealing, especially when she failing at her job, providing information. Time for a competent hire.

  8. the late nite ESPN guy ,a new guy on radio, he's another ''nyah'' guy. after every highlight he says ''nyah ,and they scored'', or ''nyah ,it was a rout''. the hired a new ''nyah nyah guy''. radio goes off if you hear another snarly ''nyah!''.

  9. Velveeta...the pride of Chico!

  10. I like Bill Martin.

    1. Me too. And whatever else anyone thinks about Rosemary Orozco, she simply doesn't have the professional meteorology chops to carry the evening weather report.

    2. Bill's fine but he just doesn't care anymore and it really shows. Can't blame him, he's been at it for too long. In my opinion, KTVU really Shi* the bed when they let Kyla Grogan walk out. She was the only one there who could have taken over for him without any issue. She was on for him when he was out and it was a natural fit. I feel like with all of their anchor changes at KTVU they don't do very well in grooming good replacements.

    3. Agree with that. Kyla was really good.

    4. Kyla Grogan was the perfect replacement when Bill retired. Roberta had her gig at KPIX when she left for her production company. She is not the same and Rosemary is weak.

  11. I have no idea why you rag on Martin. He sounds the same to me when he was a guest on Ron Owens show. I like him. And speaking of missed calls. Your favorite mistreated Betty Yu filled in for Goodrich last Saturday and she was real underwhelming. Of course, it didn't help that arrogant prick Hackney kept fucking with her.

    1. Exactly the kind of off-putting behavior that Hackney is infamous for and something that has been mentioned on here a bunch...what is it with this guy and his obvious insecurities masquerading as a superiority complex to do jive like that to a colleague? Snide, abrasive, condescending, and rude!

    2. I disagree. I saw that show and Hackney wasn't rude. Yu was stiff and humorless, hope she doesn't anchor again.

  12. Sounds like "Alice FM" gave "Dave FM" ...... audio herpes.

  13. No one cares about KTVU anymore. Their Fox-ified news is done in the bay area. Play em in Peoria!

  14. Any idea how much Roberta is getting paid for her job at KTVU? She is already at a retirement age, just curious how low or high is she accepting this job.

  15. Seriously? Randy Hahn a legit hockey on-air PBP? That is the ultimate insult to all true hockey fans past, present and future! You may want to brush up on a true legend like Doc or Clement beforehand....

    1. Doc Emrick was not aware there were teams west of the i-95 corridor.

    2. Never ids who scored just says and scored. Then mentioms players name .

  16. It might help if Jessica stopped bleaching her hair.

  17. I like the new hires at KPIX. I’m getting used to Ryan Yamamoto and his quirky ways, Sara Donchey, Amanda Starrantino and Lt. Jessica Burch. I think they all add a newness to the news and it’s very refreshing. I’m so tired of seeing the same old news women wearing their same old dresses that they’ve worn for years. They make good money so they should update their wardrobe with clothes that don’t look cheap (Gasia, Pam Moore) The new hires present news very professionally and look very professional. I can see some resemblance with the KPIX news team (excluding the 6pm and 11pm) with the Southern Cal news shows and I like it, they have a fresh look.

  18. The lieutenant, from Redding, should be IN the air, not ON the air
    San Francisco

  19. I like Bill Martin. Always have. The morning crew at KTVU forget they are in Iakland

  20. Burch definitely looks more comfortable - and happy - in the pilot seat than she does in front of the camera.

    Totally agree with you about Bill Martin. I often wonder if something [tragic] happen in his personal life that caused the personality shift. Or does he have an undisclosed health issue (a la Denis O'Donnell) that's causing his issues? It's almost like two different people - from the person/personality he was to what he is now.


  21. As a veteran who served two tours in Iraq, I’ve gotta say I’m turned off by KPIX’s decision to refer to Jessica Burch as ‘LT Jessica Burch’. This isn’t a matter of pride in one’s service or respect for the military, rather, KPIX is not a branch of the military and Jessica has not been hired to provide analysis of military conflicts where display of her military rank would be relevant and appropriate. Instead, she is paid to stand in front of a green screen and point out temperatures and wind speeds.
    Because her LT rank has absolutely zero relevance to her weather duties, it ends up looking confusing, at best, and gimmicky and exploitative, at worst.
    And I’ve also noticed Jessica’s uncomfortable look while she’s on-air. I’ve suffered from IBS the better part of my adult life, and her mannerisms, expressions, and movements are very familiar to me as they are hallmark signs of IBS. For her sake, I hope I’m wrong. Maybe it’s just nerves of being in front of the camera.

  22. I find all these arguments that Rosemary isn’t ready for ‘prime time’ to be quite ironic and mostly comical, given that KTVU has made it abundantly clear that any standards they once had were thrown out the window long ago. Pretty sure everyone minus the night-shift janitor has been called on to do anchor duties. They don’t take a talent-based approach to staffing. As long as you’re a warm body with a pulse, then you can do the job. With KTVU’s bar as low as it is, it’d be almost impossible for someone to argue that Rosemary isn’t ready for prime time. Her failure to get promoted is either the result of her telling the bosses she doesn’t want Bill’s job, or it could be the result of a personality clash where she’s fallen out of favor with the bosses, or perhaps the bosses are jealous of her.
