Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Saturday Schmooze; Missing Carlin; Giants Minor League Radio Guys; Jon Miller Still Wearing SF Cap


George Carlin would have been 85 last week. Miss him. Could you imagine how Carlin would have been in today's cancel world? I think he would have thrived. I could be wrong.

Carlin would have said the obvious: "why is everyone so pissed off?" In the old days everyone wanted to laugh. Today, everyone seems agitated. Looking for a reason to get angry. God, what a weird world we're in.

Pass the pastrami.

*The Giants broadcast duo on KNBR Friday night was infected with some guy named Joe Ritzo, a minor-league broadcaster who sounded minor league. And should tell you what the Giants think of their radio division.

Ritzo was paired with ex-player, Randy Wynn, who sounded just like Ritzo. Double the mediocrity, what a bargain.

Pass the mustard.

*Vin Scully was also paid by the Dodgers. Did he ever wear a Dodgers cap in the booth? Never. Bill King was paid by the A's. Did he ever wear an A's cap in the booth? Hell no. Lon Simmons and Hank Greenwald got paid by the Giants. Both never wore Giants caps while broadcasting in the radio booth.

Jon Miller obviously doesn't give a damn about history. And as far as broadcast ethics, screw that too, it appears Miller is saying.

Miller wearing a Giants cap won't ruin my life or yours but speaks volumes about his respect for the craft, or lack of it.

Pass the seltzer.


  1. HI. You couldn't be more wrong about Jon's choice of headgear. He likes it and I (and most of the Giants fanbase) could care less what's on top of his head. He's not doing a national b'cast. Every time he cracks open his mike he's showing respect for the craft. If you don't like it, don't listen. Quit beating the dead horse.

  2. Great octopus shirt and I don't understand your hatred of a Giants hat.. Why is that so awful, exactly?

  3. If George Carlin was still here he would still make people laugh. We saw him at the Circle Star many years ago.

    1. Carlin material is timeless, you would not know if he died 15 years ago by hearing his material today. As far as I'm concened the greatest stand up ever.

  4. I don’t understand the big deal. So he wears an sf cap. Nba changed the rules for coaches to dress down and no longer wear a suit. Get with the times

    1. A cap looks fan-ish although I've also seen broadcasters wearing team logo polo shirts.

  5. Rizzo sounds like guy in the stands broadcasting with a crackerjack box dropping popcorn and saying,''whoops ,dropped one...oh... base hit...down the line!.."'. but WHO got the ''base hit''. he was mumbling something about a game 5 years ago and all of a sudden an unknown player gets a hit. you had no clear memory of who was at the plate. only Kuiper follows the game.not that backtalk memories stuff.

  6. Lighten up, Richie.

  7. George Carlin was a comedic genius who would absolutely lambast any and all for their foolishness

  8. John Miller a man deeply in love with the sound of his own voice and apparently deeply vain enough now after a number of years to cover up his bald head

  9. Rizzo keeps with the aspiration* 'h" and "uh" before many of his words, like what a kid thinks a broadcaster should sound like "uhh Joc hPederson up to lead off the hhfourth inning, looking for his ugfirst hit of the uhgamMMmme." Impossible not to hear it once you are aware of it! GRRRR

    *linguistics a: audible breath that accompanies or comprises a speech sound

  10. Stop picking on Jon Miller. He's a gem and constantly berating him for wearing a Giants cap is petty. You're better than that.

  11. Seriously Rich. WTF is your problem with the Giants announcers? Your shtick is getting old. Although, to be fair, I guess this is what happens when the local media market implodes. There ain't nothing else to talk about.

  12. In the last 20 years (or so) of his life, Carlin was increasingly critical of the tends toward "political correctness." I can't even imagine the levels of derisiveness that he would be demonstrating, if he were alive today!

  13. Did Miller lose about 200 lbs?? Doesn't look like him.

  14. Joe Dipsto is the voice of the San Jose Giants. So he is minor league. Bag of Bones (formerly the Fat Man) thinks he's broadcasting in the Midwest during the times of Jack Buck and Harry Caray. But even though those two were homers, they dressed like pros and didn't look like your neighbor Harley. Vin Scully bled blue but he always carried himself like a pro. But that's OK, it's the Giants and the local media will treat them with kid gloves. They can't do anything wrong.

  15. Only people of a certain generation wax poetic for Carlin. Todays kids couldn't give a shit less.

  16. I love Joe Ritzo. Always positive, great with San Jose Giants too. Someday he will be a permanent big-league announcer.

    1. Indeed -- I listened to him over the years with the SJ Giants. He's solid, gets the play well described and I feel like I know what's going on in short order with him. The shift to always-a-two-man booth with some heavyweights in the next chair can't be easy to negotiate to maintain the branded sound of the broadcast.

      As to Miller's headgear -- seems to me that in the old days, the PBP & Color were employees of the broadcaster. Now I think they are employees of the club, so they are part of the marketing function. It's not what I like, but under these circumstances, I'm not going to question journalism ethics because this no longer functions as a journalist's job.

  17. Late-stage Carlin was truly watching a genius at work; just brimming with outrage and no longer capable of giving a single fuck.

  18. OMG!!!! Listening on the RADIO, that cap disturbs me. I can't concentrate hearing the game!!!

  19. John Miller is dumber than Joe Biden. I’m pretty sure he throws like a girl and never played baseball.

  20. I think Rizzo has been filling in for Duane Kuiper who is "on assignment" with case of laryngitis. I still wear a suit and fedora to games so I don't know what Miller's problem is.

  21. If you look closer, you'd see he's wearing a Tokyo Giants cap, not the San Francisco version.

  22. If you look closer at @357, you'll notice that the person's lights are on, but no one's home...
