Saturday, June 4, 2022

Another KPIX Exit: Len Kiese Leaving Morning Show

KPIX will be losing another air talent: Morning anchor, Len Kiese, wants to be closer to his family in Baltimore, and is soon, gone from 855 Battery, according to my PIX spy.

While the latest PIX departure won't be a significant bye-bye, the loss of Kiese isn't exactly welcome news either.

The low-key anchor was a steady presence in the morning and offered a breath of fresh air in a time slot that could use some --not to mention a solid, if not overly great news person who could read the teleprompter and not sound and look utterly horrid.

Kiese's run at PIX was just over two years. There's no replacement on the horizon, at least for now.


  1. That's too bad. He wasn't the best on air but since he got married he seemed more steady. I was starting to warm up to him. Its too bad Amanda isn't leaving, she wouldn't be missed.

  2. First, they replaced Michelle Griego with a blonde. Next, they replaced Mary Lee with a blonde. The replacement for Len Kiese is going to be interesting.

    1. It has to be another minority race, right? Ryan Yamamoto comes to mind.

    2. KPIX has tried to keep it diverse to reflect the Bay Area melting pot, especially the morning team, but people keep leaving. They let go of Gonzalez or she left. Choi wanted to go back to being a reporter. Griego left and there was the woman who wasn't there that long and then moved to San Diego. Lee wasn't there that long and then she bailed right after she got engaged. I know that morning shift is rough hours but the SF market is highly desirable. I understand Kiese wanting to be with family no matter what the weather. I think he's done a good job. Good luck, sir.

  3. Len was a solid morning anchor. Sorry to see him go. Now Amanda is another story.

    1. Oh my God, Amanda isn't ready for Duluth, let alone San Francisco.

  4. If he’s heading to WJZ it’s a big step up - dominant station in Baltimore

  5. Too bad because I really liked him.

  6. Man, Rich; I'll admit that when Kiese first came to KPIX, I couldn't believe they actually thought he would have chemistry with the other coanchor at the time, and I believe it was still Michelle Griego. But, having said that, I have to admit that Len Kiese has grown on me. He is a solid anchor in the morning, reads well, and actually seems to enjoy what he is doing. Of course, he could also be a great actor too! BUT, having said all of this, KPIX already has a supremely GREAT anchor that they just seem to not even know about, except on the weekends, in Devin Fehely. That guy has ANCHOR written all over him. He seems authoritarian, speaks well, no nonsense, and when you just look at him doing the news, he seems like a classic anchor. I think he definitely needs a new agent because the guy is SO overlooked, it isn't even funny.

  7. I love the anchor, he is best as a sports anchor. Put Kenny Choi back in!

    1. Kenny Choi wanted to be a field reporter. He didn’t like the anchor gig.

    2. Choi has really come on his own when he went to field...

    3. Choi made the right choice.

  8. Kenny Choi would be a good choice, but Ryan Yamamoto is perfect fit for the morning.

  9. I liked Roqui Theus a few years ago when she was the AM traffic reporter at KPIX. Roberta Gonzo just bullied Roqui on the air. Roqui unfortunately went back to Sacto.

    1. Roqui is now in Las Vegas as an entertainment reporter

    2. She needed to go…she was nervous, didn’t know the roadways, and I watched every morning…it became a coffee drinking game for every flubbed report she gave…let’s just say I was highly caffeinated EVERY time she was on the air

  10. Brent Cannon is getting his hopes up again!!!

    1. his nut job ex will make sure he never works in bay area tv again

  11. @4:29am, I agree bring in Devin. He is overlooked and really good. Please God no Kenny Choi. Leave him in field where he wants to be. Teleprompter reading and warmth, not his strong suit!

  12. When is Len going to announce his departure? Is he going to do a Mary Lee and leave the same day he gives notice? I would like to see him one more time. Thanks

  13. Too bad he is leaving, he was a nice balance - not a big fan of Amanda - she has a tough time reading the teleprompter and seems a bit too into herself

    1. She is the worst. Too giggly and self absorbed

  14. I watched Len Kiese this morning crying, I had no idea he was leaving. He was the glue that kept things together. I will miss his calming presence, his handsome sweet face, and total professionalism .
    I wish him the very best and a successful future, and many blessings. And,he left footprints on some of our hearts.🥰

  15. great anchor--sorry to see him go--very gentle man
