Saturday, June 4, 2022

Warriors Still (and NBA Finals) Rule --Giants/Larry Baer Don't; Mums the Word at KPIX as Martin Retirement Looms; Jim Dunbar Would have had Choice Words on Dreck/KGO Radio; Lyanne Melendez Circle7 Plug; Saturday Schmooze

LAST THURSDAY NIGHT presented a problem for Larry Baer--the Giants and KNBR for that matter.

It was Game One of the NBA Finals and every sports fan in the Bay Area was glued to the TV (ABC7) and their streaming devices--even in shocking loss dept., the Warriors were/are the talk of the Bay Area.

The Giants? Like MLB (baseball) it's a tough game --a slow game to watch. Even in good, pre-pandemic days, baseball is a bore. And as the game gets slower, you have terrible ratings.

The local Knibber, flagship for the Giants and 49ers, the Niners--like the NFL--are king. The Giants are null and void. Even with a decent team, they have no star power and most of the player are boring. It's fairly evident.

Larry Baer knows it, so does KNBR.

*The impending retirement of Allen Martin--reported here, first (pay wall)--has not fired up the engines at KPIX for a replacement. A PIX source tells me there appears no urgency at 855 Battery "Nobody knows what's going on," said a contact to me.

Which should tell you all you need to know about how the new regime at PIX feels about anchors.

One thing you can bet on: Brian Hackney will NOT get the gig. He's not interested and even if he was, he doesn't have a big enough name. Neither did Martin but apparently KPIX suits didn't get the memo.

I like Hackney. I'm not thrilled about his smartest man-in-the-room vibe but he's clearly capable--just better on the weekend.

*If Jim Dunbar were alive, you know what he'd say about KGO? "Who's responsible for this shit?" --actually, Dunbar would use more choice words. He'd call it for what it is: a total disaster that is foisted on the Bay Area radio airwaves every day--no wonder no one is listening.

*The only decent, credible reporter that still exists at ABC7 (KGO-TV) is education/GSA correspondent, Lyanne Melendez.

She has Bay Area roots, for one. She also knows her geography and subject matter--oh, and she doesn't take any shit from anyone. I like her reporting quite a lot.


  1. Re: What would Jim Dunbar ... say about KGO? "Who's responsible for this s****? But what do you think former overnight host Ray Taliafarro would have said?

    1. OR Gene Burns or Pete Wilson or Owen Spann or Lee Rodgers or God Save Us Bernie Ward. The station is an abomination from top to bottom. BTW the answer is " Cumulus and its Cheap Talentless Management, and local puppets like Lee Hammer who will do anything to keep a job.

    2. aren't they all dead? except Bernie?

  2. Yeah, it's going to be hard for the Giants to compete with the Warriors right now, but I think after the Finals whether the Warriors win or lose, the attention will be back on the Giants, especially if they make a playoff push come August and September.

    1. Well of course the Warriors are the hotter thing now...they're in the NBA Finals. This is historic run with Curry, Thompson and Green. There's a lot of us out there who enjoy all of our San Francisco affiliated teams--Giants, 49ers, Warriors.

    2. @6:01- I'm one of those fans as well. I was just referring to what Rich was talking about regarding the Giants.

      But yes, I'm in the same boat as you as a Giants, Niners, and Warriors fan as well!

  3. As far as baseball goes yeah, it's a slower game and with all the analytics now, it's definitely ruining the game. A lot of people feel this way, but idiots like Rob Manfred don't understand. When you see highlights of old baseball games on Youtube, even games back in the 90's into the early to mid-2000's, baseball seemed more enjoyable back then. You didn't have stupid rules like bullpen games or having position players pitch in blowout games, or the universal DH. Major League Baseball is ruined, and hopefully one day, it can go back to the game it once was.

    Regarding the Giants, unfortunately Rich, you may be right. As great as this Giants team was last year with the 107 wins, there still isn't that star as you alluted to Rich. The Giants don't have a Bonds, or a Lincecum, or a Brian Wilson, or a Pablo, or an Angel Pagan, or an Andres Torres, or a Mad Bum, or now with no Posey, to market the team around anymore. Crawford and Belt are still around and are the holdovers from the championship years, but Belt is always hurt and Crawford is an older player now. The Giants have a good group of guys now, but the Giants turn the roster around so much with the small moves that they make almost on a daily basis and with all the injuries, that it's hard to keep up sometimes. It almost feels like once or twice a week, they're making some type of roster move.

    I still like baseball and enjoy the game, but I understand how it can be a much tougher sell nowadays when locally we're coming off the excitement of football with the season the Niners just had almost reaching the Super Bowl, and the current excitement of the Warriors now reaching the NBA Finals.

  4. I HATE Lynne Melendez. During COVID pre-vaccine, advocated in her reporting for an end to distance learning. When reporting on last week’s reparations report said the US became a superpower BECAUSE of slavery. Bitch.

    1. Whoa, she said that? Saying stuff like that could get someone cancelled. Wow

  5. "...It was Game 1 of the NBA Finals and every sports fn in the Bay Area was glued to the TV..."

    It's not just the Bay Area; it's the nation. Playoff and finals matchups with the Warriors have always drawn huge ratings. They move the needle like no other team in the NBA. The league knows it as do all the networks and analysts who all milk any aspect of the Warriors' success or loss for $$$$.

    1. That's true, the NBA is fascinated with the Warriors. There was a reason the NBA ratings were down during the bubble and into early last season. Yeah, part of it was the pandemic, sadly some of it may have been some who may have been turned off from the BLM stuff, but a lot of it probably had to really do with the Warriors having 2 down seasons in between their Finals runs.

      Yeah, the Warriors do move the needle. The Warriors are doing things that not even the Kobe-Shaq Lakers and the Jordan Bulls didn't do, as dominant as those teams were. What the Warriors are doing is on another level. The NBA in some cases is still LeBron's league, but with LeBron missing the playoffs this year, and the Warriors making it to the Finals again, the NBA is doing just fine ratings wise now.

  6. One problem KCBS has is a lack of energy in the voices of their anchors;. After every story she reads, Susan Kennedy lets out a big sigh, as if to say, "I'm so tired of being here. When does my shift end?" No energy. Not even a good attempt to fake energy and interest. Is there no one in management who goes over the air checks of talent to help them improve?

  7. It was lowest rated game 1 final in 15 years. 11.9 million or 238,000 people per State watched that WOKE brick show. The NBA is garbage.

    1. And thats with an iconic franchise like Boston in it...

    2. @12:01 and 11:43
      Embarrassing that you both failed to comprehend the overall picture. Fact is, within that 15 year span, there have been lower Game 1s and current ratings are actually higher than the previous two years. But, of course, these inconvenient facts don't fit your agenda.

    3. 12:01 Have fun watching neKKKcar...and Golf.
      Oh wait...I forgot: Trumptards hate sports: "Too many negroes...and Mexicans." (what they call Dominicans/Venezuelans/Puerto Ricans). Seriously--what sports DO Trump supporters like???? (not the NFL--"too many kneelers"...even though no one has kneeled in two years).

    4. 9:31 AM - You are an idiot.

  8. Some Jim Dunbar trivia: before coming to KGO, Jim was a rock jock at WLS in Chicago, from 10 to noon. (After Don McNeill's Breakfast Club)

  9. I don't think Dunbar and those other dead dudes would've been this way today. Times have changed. There aren't a lot of radio-host jobs...and the pay is lower. I bet they'd be suck-ups like Ronn Owens, because they'd want to keep their jobs. And I bet cranky ol' Dunbar would've been a strong Trump supporter.

  10. If Dunbar could say f*** you to Joe Montana, he’d probably tell others what he really feels.
