Tuesday, July 5, 2022

CBS (Again) Sends Suits to KPIX To Try To Figure Out Why It's So Crappy; 855 Battery on Edge; Circle7 Leads the Pack; Garbage Bay Area Morning Radio Noise; Thumbs-Down Across The Board

CBS, once again, is FED UP with its "under-performing" O and O in the Bay Area. "Massively disappointed" is another phrase from the suits in NY--how much so?

The bosses from BLACK ROCK will send another team to SF and KPIX and try to figure out the goings-on at 855 Battery. How this latest attempt to fix the neanderthal governing will help is anyone's guess.

We've been down this road before.

Scott Warren, who took over as GM in March, might be happy that he's renting an apartment in the East Bay.

*Current Bay Area TV News Station Leaders --5, 6, and 10/11 PM (Overall)


2. NBC Bay Area

3. KTVU (at 10 PM)




I barely listen anymore--if I do, it's just out of habit, here's why:

This morning (Tuesday) on the day after one of the most depressing, violent July 4th holidays (mass-shootings in USA) I decided to give a listen--what I heard was, as usual, abysmal.

On KGO, the screamer and permanent fill-in schmuck, was at his all-time low. Filling in for Nikki Medoro, incompetent Chris Merrill (Lee Hammer's man crush) was talking with an author who's written a book about animal sexuality. It went on and on and on. Merrill did mention the holiday shootings and tried to tie in both subject matters. Merrill is a major reason why KGO is dying only Lee Hammer doesn't care at this point. Merrill is an imbecile, whih qualifies as host on the 810 AM albatross.

*On KCBS, Melissa Culross was solo because (curiously, Eric Thomas is on vacation)--and Culross proved yet again, she's NOT a morning drive anchor. Culross doesn't have any personality and when she tries to inject any humor, it falls flat--as it did when she tried to engage with boring sports tonsil, Ted Ramey, about an exciting Wimbledon tennis match. Culross is OK when she's anchoring from 4-7 PM on a Saturday. Morning drive? NO. But KCBS is BRAIN DEAD. Got it? Ok.

*The morning zoo midgets on KNBR were at their gruesome selfs--and the pompous, privileged, Brian Murphy, his absolute WORST! Murphy told his audience (4 timnes) about taking his kids to a Giants game on Sunday (nobody cares) and the cost of buying hot dogs --combined with the Giants' mess. His co-hort asshole, the un-talented Paulie Mac, is a ZERO. Worse, when the morons tried to bring up the weekend tragedies (without mentioning them by name) it came off as shill because Murphand Smack are about as genuine as a Dublin Shell station.

*KSFO had on the disgraceful "Armstrong and Getty"--who sound like a couple Midwest hacks--and I immediately turned the channel when I heard sound effects of cows groaning--maybe the cows were listening to Armstrong and Petty.

*KQED was running some NPR BBC propaganda-I don't know the difference--about American polkitics. It was uneven and out of place.

*Bay Area radio used to be a place of dedicated craftsmen and a showcase for talented individuals. Now, it's a cesspool for lightweight posers who wouldn't know creativity if their life depended on it. What a total disgrace.


A TOTAL abomination.


  1. So you don't like the BBC reports on KQED radio, because they are about "polkitics". No wonder you are so perennially angry. Radio and television as you once knew them are gone.. Get a clue

  2. I only heard the last few minutes of Chris Merrill while brushing my teeth, gag worthy. Man is a real dick. Who decides to keep Hammer?? Very odd decision. Oh well. But I no longer listen. My bluetooth radio with Bloomberg while in the shower has saved me. Davis Westin is EXCELLENT. And my god Carol Massur later in the day is a treat, intelligent, beautiful woman with a great voice

    1. Agree totally about 960. Westin and Masur are a great team. Smart and fun but I have to stream them as their on-air signal does not reach me.

  3. In case you missed it every day for the last 15 years, Paulie Mac likes the Grateful Dead and smoking marijuana.

    1. At least he’s enjoying the ride.

    2. Smurf & Smack suck so bad! Why are they even on the air? Their stupid parody songs are worse then Parody Larry, a guy from Oakland who calls the Jim Rome Show For the love of God, Cumulus Radio take Murph & Crap behind Oracle Park & fire them!

  4. Who knew that show "Armstrong and Getty" was still on. I remember hearing them in the early 2000s, and they were entertaining. Sometime after that, they took a very right turn and were militant. No wonder they're on KSFO. Where all militant fascists go to die.

    1. Yeah, but they're number one in Barstow, pretty much number two everywhere else, if you catch my drift...

    2. Armstrong and Getty, have always been conservative, but they had a libertarian bend, and yes I agree they use to be a lot more funny. Now the echo too much of other right wing hosts, can't listen to them too much.

  5. KSFO has higher ratings than KGO, so maybe Armstrong and Getty have an audience even in Nancy Pelosi’s backyard.

  6. I don't care about Murphy's kids, but I am glad to see someone on sports talk radio finally starting to point out how ridiculous concession pricing is at sporting events and concerts. And this was happening before the pandemic, inflation, and "supply chain issues". Attendance is down, for the most part, across the board and fans being priced out is a significant contributor.

  7. Murphy is such an entitled shit. At least Mac tries to be humble. I quit on knbr a few years ago, and don’t miss it an iota.

    1. I stopped listening to KNBR about 8 years ago, I don't miss it...

  8. Bloomberg is the only good news on radio, sad but true....

    1. I tried to watch them on cable TV and it was hard and I did not get it so I dropped them. Now I listen on the way to work and at work on streaming. Completely different experience with no commercials and traffic/sports/weather. Now I am hooked.

  9. So how many UCLA references did Smurph make?

    1. You cant take away the one non golf sports thing he knows

  10. KCBS Simon Cowell says it all (as pictured above).

  11. I generally like KGO's Chris Merrill as an occasional fill-in, good sense of ironic humor, keeps his own right-leaning political persuasions to himself for the most part; but I concur the segment about animal sexuality had run its course after 2 or 3 minutes, went far too long. IMO the show's producer is at least partly responsible for not curbing that segment much sooner. A lot of speculation, & not very interesting.

  12. Everyone talks about how crappy the SF media is, but NO ONE does anything about it. Will ANYONE do anything about it? Probably not. Most of the people are zombies and just go along with whatever is fed them. That's why the Comical can get away with promoting UC Medical Center and their daily dose of Covid-19 fear and their reporters just troll social media for Tweets from "experts." Sad state of affairs indeed.

    1. So you thought covid wasn't real and couldn't kill you or leave you with limp dick? think again The newest variants are harder to detect, more contagious, also lethal. Cases and hospitalizations are up, now down.

  13. baseball is over...lemonade and chips time.exhausted.miller doesent even need to be there anyway.to the rescue!...Brandoni Crawfordo!...basta pasta ,ed mc mahon.

  14. OK Rich. You hated Bunger and Taylor in the morning who were always trying to be personalities larger than the news. Now, Culross just does her job as a ring master reading intros and asking lead-in questions as tosses to reporters and you complain she has no humor. She's not supposed to have any humor! She's a news presenter who tosses the ball to reporters. What is Ted Ramey supposed to do? It's 90-sec straight read sportscast. They don't want Gary Radnich. Granted these people don't have the decades of experience in broadcasting that others had before joining KCBS in the past, but that is not their fault. It takes time to build seniority. Also, you are comparing them to anchors that had board operators and in studio producers to help them every step of the way. Those days are gone forever baby. Plus, people are listening and don't give me the monopoly crap. If people don't like what they hear, they will stop listening. Is there room for improvement? There always is a need for improvement, but be glad you live in a market that still has an all news station.

  15. Here's a song about the suits coming to KPIX, sung by Frank Sinatra:


  16. Most people in Mill Valley don't like the Murphys.

  17. Could Eric Thomas be on "permanent vacation"? Asking for a friend.

  18. I don't like Chris Merrell but I can't listen to Nikki frequently.

    The dolt they have on with Pat Thurston now is mucho annoying.

    Kim McAllister is GREAT. Needs her own show. So enjoyed her filling in for John.

  19. I am confused. You have mentioned before that KRON often beats the other stations. So why is here they are last? Don't get me wrong, it deserves to be in last.

  20. I used to enjoy reading Brian Murphy when he was a sportswriter. Now he comes across like some smug know-it-all who tries to be hip with his constant: “ Hey Bro!” exclamations. His absurd sidekick ‘Pauley-Mac,’ adds ZERO to the show which is bad enough. But the guy sounds like a second rate DJ, (which he was,) And the only reason he works mornings is because cumulus is too cheap to pay a reasonable talent.

  21. Chris Merril I not as bad as Rich makes him out to be, he has gotten better since he was first on. Besides I actually like him better than Niki. Use to listen to Armstrong and Getty, because I couldn't stand Niki, they use to be funny, but they have gotten more political and more rightwing, so I got tired of them. I think Niki has improved it bit since Kim has taken over from Brett. Not sure who 1:05 is referring to who was on with Pat, could be David Katz, if so, I have to disagree, I love when he is on, he really explains the legality of what is going on in a way that most can understand.

  22. Do the KPIX suits need to look any farther then the latest hires. Yamamoto, Donchey, Starrantino and the LT are all ZZZZZZZ.

    My theory is Liz Cook's daddy is a secret consultant at KPIX doing all of this to make his daughter look like a star.

  23. Well....there's Da Lin, which is good.....
