Tuesday, May 4, 2021

415 Media Breaking Exclu: CBS Sends 'Secret Team' to SF to Inquire about PIX

A SECRET GROUP of "high-level" executives from NY (they were so secret even PIX bosses were unaware they met) descended on 855 Battery and wasted no time in taking over a conference room and placing their black briefcases on a table and shouting, wait, SHOUTING!

Seems BLACK ROCK wants to know what the hell is going on at CBS-SF. Why? Because the Bay Area O and O has been "under-performing" for several days and monthss and the EYE bosses are wondering why. So instead of an internal discussion at network hdqs. on 52nd street in Manhattan, the EYE TOP BRASS, decided to send their "mark team" (that's the term that I heard) to SF and weed out the excess and try to figure out what's happeing.

You would think a whole bunch of people were on to this, right? Nope.

Except, I know. And now, so do you.


  1. PIX on life support. Brass about to lower the knife and clean that haunted house. Since ratings suck they will insert younger cheaper and better looking talent, no downside.
    CBS did it at KCAL in Los Angeles this time last year.


  2. Middle management, middle management, middle management.

    Any underperforming staff in front of or behind the camera can be handled once Black Rock overhauls middle management. Keep fingers crossed, but don't hold the breath at the same time.

    1. Middle management--and far too much of it, more managers than reporters--was a problem at PIX when I was there...in 1997! The place was run by idiots, and probably still is.

    2. Yep. All the "middle managers" are morons. And most are real dicks too. But they always seem to dodge the bullet and instead fire the editors, camera operators, and writers (you know--the people who do the actual work) and kiss ass and slob knobs to stay in power, even though they do NOTHING. And I mean NOTHING...except get in the way and cause problems to justify their jobs. I was there, too -- for many, many years. I saw it with my own eyes. It would be so nice if THIS TIME the Black Rock Boys see it with their own eyes as well.

  3. Until the stench of Rosenheim is completely gone it will never get better. Look at KRON it's still F'ed up and how long has he been gone from there???

    1. The new head of PIX has his head so far up his ass he can't even breathe. He is a little hunched over man that was bullied in school so now he takes out his dwellings on everyone in that building. He is a SCHMUCK.

  4. It may be as you suggest Rich. However, the CBS stations group new top management began their new jobs yesterday. What may make sense if that the honchos are making the rounds of the owned stations and the tour began in San Francisco.

  5. Going to put VDLC in charge!

  6. Sounds like heads are going to roll!! Every once in a while you need to flush the toilet... Clean it out,so to speak.

  7. Staring at that "Breaking News" display makes me think of Wang Chung.

    1. I had to block it, nearly gave me a seizure.

  8. I hope some old school brass dude or dude-et can make a bay area news team worth watching.

  9. The actual problem is the woketards at black rock are at odds with the west coast woketards. Look at what has happened in newsrooms all over the country...Little leftist kids are now running newsrooms with no regard as to who the viewers are.

    "Woke" means Broke in TV now. When you have "east woke" fighting with "west woke", the you have a huge fight about REVENUE....and who is "wokier".

    It's liberal politics, versus making money and staying in business.

  10. When you provide a product people want, then you get money for that product.
    KPIX does not provide a product anyone wants.
