Tuesday, May 4, 2021

CBS NY Team Refused to Conduct Meeting at PIX Until Assured Only They Were Present; KCBS' Sovern Battling Vertigo; KRON 'Behaving Badly'

AS THEY CONVENED in a back conference room at KPIX, the CBS team of executives --in town for a secret, high-level discussion about PIX internal goings-ons--refused to carry on the meeting without 100 percent certainty that their meeting was being conducted without "any PIX suit and/or staff/rank and file person near the talk." Now that is something to ponder. Attention, lawyers

*Veteran KCBS Political reporter, DOUG SOVERN, has been off the air for almost two months; Sovern has been battling the effects of Vertigo; Sovern is scheduled back to KCBS in the next couple of weeks.

*KRON has a potential HUGE problem: their desire to be able to essentially RIP OFF the work of former "People behaving Badly" reporter/creator, STAN ROBERTS (he left in 2018 to go to PHOENIX TV) has Roberts more than a little irritaed --Roberts is mum about what options he might be considering, but KRON has been using his stuff on its social media page.


  1. Stanley's work is KRON's legal property, not his. So tough luck.

  2. KRON Has been using without permission or giving due credit Freelancer Work for a few years now! I stopped allowing them to use my work due to not giving proper credit. Not sure what Stanly's Contract looked like but if the PBB content was his by contract than KRON is just up to their normal tricks! But what can we expect from KRON the king of Stock Footage?

  3. 4:52....Waitaminute: YOU freelanced at KRON--and think everything you either shot/wrote/edited is YOUR property? Um...no.

  4. Why do I think that LITTLE AARON PERO has something to do with all this?

  5. Even if this favors KRON and its owner, expect Stanley Roberts to do his thing and find loopholes that could change this predicament. In Roberts' People Behaving Badly does include executives. He won't let this lie. Court time.

    1. Unless he was working as an independent contractor and has copyright protection for his idea, it makes no sense to sue anyone.

  6. 8:16 No I did not freelance at KRON but have sold them content in the past! When you sell your work than yes for the most part own it. However KRON also scrubs Social Media for content they can use and don't always get the owners ok or give proper credit!

  7. If KRON has to resort to old video in order to try and have any presence on social media, they're in deeper trouble than anything Stanley Roberts could do to them in court. Hey, I hear there's a great viral video of Darya being racist on the air they could share again to get some hits!

  8. Stanley was employed by KRON, what he did belonged to them and was on their dime. KRON can do whatever it wants to do with it. That said, the stuff is pretty dated shouldn't be much of a draw anyway. Who knows?
