Wednesday, May 5, 2021

415 Media Exclusive: KPIX/CBS Fires Producer over "White Power" Instagram Picture; PIX Staffers "Left in dark"; "Morale All-Time Low'

A CBS INTERNAL MEETING at the KPIX offices and studios recently, dealt with, among other things, an incident involving a station PRODUCER who POSTED an INSTAGRAM picture of him flashing a "White Power" "Ok symbol." The producer then placed the caption, "fucking loving my white sweats" on the picture and a song attached to the post, "we are the culture."

(NOTE:I saw the picture --a source sent it to me. I've decided from publishing it (for now) on legal grounds. Plus, now that the individual was fired from KPIX, there's no reason to publish it. It was authenticated by me.)

Co-workers at KPIX who saw the message reported it to management. The racially-charged picture stayed up over ten hours before it was finally removed. A screenshot was taken and sent to KPIX's HR dept, and CBS corporate. The producer has since disappeared and is off the schedule but has been bragging that he's still getting paid. PIX management, according to a source, left all employees in the dark before news of the picture began spreading fast not only at KPIX, but other stations.

As indicated, The producer no longer works at the station but the manner in which the incident was handled has, according to several people at PIX, was less than desirable. I spoke to a number of KPIX sources who requested to be anonymous --some said the incident was handled professionally and swiftly. Others were not so happy. A veteran staffer: "Morale is all-time low--this whole thing doesn't help matters."

But many said personnel were not happy with that it was hours (10 to be exact) the photo in question was still up and that the affair was muted to the extent that several felt they were kept in the dark and left to wonder what was to take place.

I REACHED out to KPIX News Director, Mark Neerman, for comments and he didn't immediately RESPOND to my message.

Both KPIX HR and CBS HR were aware of the incident and are dealing with the issue.

*Pending story...


  1. If you want to be in the public eye don't be a Nazi! Now the Company has grounds to shit can multiple people and grow the bottom line at the same time!

  2. Silly Hour continues for the Cancel Crowds. Meanwhile armed BLM threaten and harass outside diners with megaphones shrieking that all white owned businesses should leave town or be destroyed. But that's called
    a 'peaceful protest' don'tcha know?

    1. I was a diner involved in one of those protests in Walnut Creek some months ago. It was NOT peaceful, let me tell you, even though that's how the media described it.

    2. Like this...

    3. Go back to Idaho... or Munich.

  3. Personnel matters are typically handled behind closed doors. Info will eventually leak, but nobody should expect that they're entitled to be kept informed as the process plays out.

  4. The local Media as it is now is very stupid. Local Media should watch clips of Van Amburg, Jerry Jensen, and Walter Cronkite. These were REAL news people who had class and just brought it to you the way it was without trying to be your "friend". Maybe this Producer wanted attention....he got it.

  5. You may have this all wrong. KPIX is probably considering some "rebranding" right now with the low ratings and sub-par revenues. This producer was probably just trying out a new brand and on-air insignia for Channel 5, and it didn't catch on.
