Thursday, May 6, 2021

Disney Has a Decision on Dion Lim Status; Circle7 Star; KPIX Dreck Patrol; Especially in Morning; Nightly Newscast Yuck-a-Thon; John Rothmann Excess; Thursday 415 Media

AT CIRCLE7 the new slogan should be: "Building a Better Newscast." I say that because it's now a lively topic in the back offices: how do we incorporate BUDDING STAR, DION LIM, into the news platforms? Lim is being, at least trying to be, a modest anchor but she clearly commands the screen and is destined for a NETWORK GIG; ABC tried to tempth her with a nice offer to the LA office but she wouldn't bite. Now in the coming months, she has many decisions looming. As they say, stay tuned.

*MORE OMINOUS than a producer that was canned for placing a white power post on his social media, KPIX has far more pressing issues: like, how do you deal with a growing RANCOR of nrews staff that is more pissed off by the day and I'm not even talking about the producer picture on Instagram. Simply put, PIX has a personnel problem: its morale could not be any lower. Especilayy in the early morning.

*Lim had a standing offer from ABC last year: it was modest by network standards. Try 4 years, $4 MILL. Lim loves the Bay Area but if DISNEY adds some extra mouses, she may go down south to a real "happiest place on Earth."

*When KRON beats PIX at 5 then you really have a lot of network meetings.

*CBS HR not only discussed a number of employee issues at its secret SF meeting recently, its HR boss had a chat with KPIX's HR gal, a woman named "Wendy", who wasn't exactly munching her salad later on, trust me.

*MARK NEERMAN, PIX ND, a guy that takes NO RESPONSIBILITY --for ANYTHING. Marco? When you HIDE in FAKE, made-up meetings, not only does staff blow you off as a management weasel, you're not trusted by local media bloggers too, especially one with 415 in his title.

*KEN WAYNE: the KRON overrated face of the half decade.

*KPIX: mornings are MUSH. Maybe, what, 5 people watch? And that's counting relatives. GRIEGO must have pictures.

*Then there's PIX at night with a whole bunch of people OUT of PLACE. BASTIDA took a MASSIIVE pay cut to stay on but that's only temporary; MARTIN (Allen) still has the look of a man with a stick up his butt and it shows on TV; my god, what a DISASTER!

*If PIX was serious about its nighttime newscast, it would have gone to JULIETTE GOODRICH long ago and sort of made it impossible for her to turn down the 6; A. she'd have helped out LIZ COOK, B. Bastida too, and C., Martin would have sailed away to outer Siberia, maybe KRON.

*MARK TAMAYO is good at KTVU, but he's got a problem: he's WHITE male and approaching 40 something and un-FOXY if you know what I mean and I think you do.

*ERIC THOMAS and JEFFREY SCHAUB: the transition from TV to RADIO is harder than you think. Thomas is at least adapting more even if his KCBS glitches continues to be a problem. Schaub was so AWFUL and HORRIBLE at ad-libbing, he was a one-trick pony.

*I've given up listening to JOHN ROTHMANN on KGO RADIO because I can't stand the faux outrage. I also have TMP fatigue: "Too much TRUMP."

*89.1 FM, the bastion of BIG BAND and a DELIGHT to listen every day only I wish the SIGNAL was better.

*RAJ MATHAI: NBC BAY AREA anchor has a different persona othan than the Mister Nicee, according to knowledgable sources.

*If you take a look at the Bay Area EVENING NEWSCASTS of late, you'll understand why the VIEWERSHIP NUMBERS continues to DWINDLE. It's an obvious case of broadcast malpractive. NO CREATIVITY too. An abundance of misdirected malcontents run the show. There is NO SHOW. It's a mish-mash of aborted CRAPPY content and the usual DRECK. There is no real "Investigative" reporting, only several boring sports and 500 weather reports. Nobody dares to take a chance and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! KGO is too busy building a better Bay Area when they can't even build a better audiene. KRON is stuck at its 100, 000 weather boards and RIPPING OFF Stan Roberts. KPIX has more POO than the Livermore cows. KTVU has become FOXED in addition to everyone at 10 PM HATING each other. And NBC Bay Area is haunted by a suddenly overzealous ND and EGO-INFESTED lead anchr. No excuses though; if this all keeps up, you might as well watch KQED and pledge breaks.

NOTE: PLEASE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to 415 MEDIA; Go to the "Donate" icon on right; if you make a sizable contribution, I'll personally call you and sing my fav FRANK SINATRA tune to you. As JOE STARKEY would say, WHat a Bonanza!


  1. Hear hear on Rothmann. I turned it on after 2 months of not listening and within 15 seconds it was "Trump! Republicans!". And the sheeple that call into the show are even worse. Low information voters at their finest.

    He did however have a fantastic show last Friday night with an investigative reporter from a Marin newspaper talking about all of the corruption in SF city government. The tentacles seem to go very far into our state and national leadership. Corrupt Democrats, who would have thought?

    But if you've given up on him why haven't you given up on Thurston or Chimp? It's the same drivel.

    1. Craig in San CarlosMay 6, 2021 at 2:42 PM

      Couldn't agree more.

    2. I have stopped listening to Rothman and Thurston. Rothmann is a know it all name dropper and Thurston is too screeching now. The others - memories g. Chump F and marry Mark with his silly laughing hyena partner a long time ago. Kgo has ego problems. Ronn Owen's not even the least bit relevant

  2. I always figured Tamayo was part-Japanese.

    1. What's interesting is that the name "TAMAYO" has Japanese AND Latin roots. The plot thickens.......

  3. Dion Lim is just SO HOT! I can certainly see why Ming [Kristen] Sze would be a little worried, because Ming is really showing her age lately, and Lim is the hot up and cummer. [did I spell that right?]

    1. The end is near for Ming.

    2. I can't watch her. Her voice, and new one sided hairdo- creep me out. Especially her voice.

  4. I wished I had married Dionne Lim so I could be an unemployed "Professional" poker player.

    Mark Tamayo is probably only half white....he can play the Asian card.

    1. > Mark Tamayo is probably only half white....
      > he can play the Asian card.

      Asians aren't dealt the same deck as other "people o' color."

      Why do you think so many mixed race individuals, when one of the races is black, prefer to identify as black"? (Kamala Harris is a great example.) Some minorities are more equal than others.

      Jews are 2.6 percent of the entire U.S. population. Look around: Who is the most successful "minority," who has the highest income and wealth levels, who has all the accomplishments, who has never benefitted from minority programs?

      Oh, and who have the highest IQs in the world? Ashkenazi Jews, who are most of those who came to the U.S. during the first half of the 20th century from Europe. Their accomplishments, a hostile country that often put signs out front of their shops that would read things like "No dogs or Jews allowed," are beyond comprehension. Second highest group? Eastern Asians. Second highest level of accomplishment.

      Racism my ass.

    2. Every word you say is true and provable, but facts don't matter, only emotions do.

    3. Judaism isn't a race, it's a religion. Oy vey.

    4. > Judaism isn't a race, it's a religion. Oy vey.

      Semantics. They don't deserve protection too? Why not? Six and a half million murdered in five years. Even the most horrible scourge of slavery wasn't that bad.

  5. Rothmann has always been a bore and a fake. You are the one telling us he's great. You were the one telling us Thurston was bad and now she's good. You told us Lee Hammer was a dolt but then he's a great programmer and we all know he's clueless.

    You need to realize that KGO is terrible and has been for 10 years. Podcasts are the answer, Rich. Not this garbage.

  6. "Lim is being, at least trying to be, a modest anchor but she clearly commands the screen and is destined for a NETWORK GIG."

    For the life of me I don't see it. She's just another ethnic mouse; the Bay Area mediascape is full of them.

    BTW, somehow you've got your blog stuck in italics mode...

  7. Viewership numbers are dropping because people are tired of slanted woke liberal broadcasts. It's that simple.

    1. Awards shows too. I saw an article in, I think, the LA Times where they talked about what the Oscars have to do to win back viewers. It called on them to be even more "woke," nominate more blacks in all categories, and basically do everything that is causing people to run *away* from the Oscars.

      Take that advice and it will be streaming to YouTube soon.

  8. AMERICANcarsonlyMay 6, 2021 at 4:24 PM

    People are tired of Rothmann's socialist politics.

    1. I doubt most people who use the word "socialist" even know what it means (or have traveled outside this country).

    2. Americans throw the word socialist around very liberally. I'm from Denmark, and Denmark is a social democratic country, we do have lot's of social programs, and pay high taxes. However, we also have private ownership of houses (yes you can own more than one) and businesses. US has some "socialist" programs such as social security and Medicare, I wonder if those throwing the work socialist around are willing to give those up. By no mean is John Rothmann a socialist, he is a liberal democrat that believes in capitalism, there is a difference.

    3. John is just paying attention to the incubus who refuses to accept his loss, fade into the woodwork, and stop dividing a country. It would be talk show malpractice not to talk about the former president's serious strategy to own the Republican party. Have you not been following the attempt to ouster Liz Cheney? Like it or not, Trump is still a dangerous enemy of democracy writ large.

    4. 10:16 I agree with you. John talks about politics most of the time, that is his forte, he is not just talking about Trump, he is talking about the republican party, as he well should. Since we only have 2 viable parties in the US, what happens with the parties is very important. He also talks foreign politics, local and covid, plus other subjects.

  9. Hey Rich, from what you're saying, everything is going gangbusters in Bay Area media. Who would have thought that they would self-implode as they can't wait any longer for the viewers/listeners do it for them and stop tuning in. Great Scott, what a calamity!

  10. I turn on the TV late in the afternoon just as a gag to see how many "woke" stories they're doing on the news. Its really getting pathetic and tiresome...I don't know how sensible people in the newsroom can just keep going on like they're doing. Yesterday, the top story on KPIX News at 5pm was about a 10 year old black kid who was falsely accused of stealing a sandwich at Safeway. The claim was racial profiling, but no evidence was given. The kid's classmates took to the streets carrying signs and shouting "Black Lives Matter" over and over.


  11. Who in their right mind passes up on a 4 million dollar contract? I guess it's true what they say, we all live in a different reality.

    1. Jeff Bezos makes something like $190 million per *day.*

  12. That producer who was fired by PIX for making a white pride symbol with his thumb and forefinger was merely trying out the new Circle 5 logo. If it caught on, they were going to put the CBS eye in the circle for a national rollout.

  13. Mark Tamayo has Peruvian ancestry. Not only is he a serious meteorologist, he's also one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I also happen to think he is quite foxy. But then I'm a woman.

    1. Hey there Mark's wife, you're back! A serious meteorologist. Is that a thing?

    2. Errrrrybody tryin to play the race card now. Mark is a CalPoly surfer bro. Serious meteorologists don't come out of California. They chase tornadoes and Hurricanes. Here we have fire season and sunshine the rest of the time. Serious meteorologists in California work for The National Weather Service, not the teeveee. And if you don't know that you've never left California.

  14. I wonder what the plan is at KPIX with regards to who will replace VDLC, if at all. I think Julia would be a great addition to the weeknight cast. Less Elizabeth, she's not as polished and appears to be fake, especially during banter.

  15. Not his wife, but I was once lucky enough to work with him. What I meant by "serious meteorologist" is that he knows his stuff. He takes the science of meteorology seriously, and he isn't trying to be an entertainer.

    1. Well he might want to try because he's very dull. Sorry your crush didn't work out not Mark's wife.
