Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Respecting The Few Bay Area Black Women TV News Anchors; Disney-KGO-TV "Building a Better Bay Area" BS Campaign; Expose the Fraud Time

I admire the struggles of the few Black women TV News anchors and I will always respect their fight to gain acceptence here, of all places, in the so-called Bay Area progressive zone.

There is hardly any progressive elements here. It's a farce, really. You know it and you see it every day, or in this case, you don't see it enough.

I respect these Black women even if I don't necessarily like their work every day, but they need to be praised for their fight. Each and every moment.

And I don't need Disney to tell me how I should handle this matter.

*KGO-TV (ABC7) is the single most BS TV News station in the Bay Area. I may have lost a few friendships inside 900 Front because I've CALLED OUT the "Building a Better Bay Area" BULl and that's what it is, complete bullshit.

It's a system-wide campaign based on bullshit "concerns" by Disney's sttempt to curry favor with the "community."

It's really just a patronizing con job. It's not just propping up the few, sister anchors, it involves more than that. It's gender, race, sexual orientation and it's a complete farce.

Disney, you wanna build a better Bay Area? Dole out a few million to the Oakland boys and girls club. Make grant money available to community and church groups in the inner city. Sponsor small businesses in the areas affected by crime and social dysfunction. Give support to disenfranchised groups like young kids and single mothers. Provide hope to those who feel as if they have no hope. You can go further.

Have Dan Ashley open his 6 PM newscast with a LIVE REPORT direct from the scene in the killing fields, say, 73rd near Bancroft. Maybe it's too dangerous and expensive but it sure as hell show a whole bunch of folks in the hood, you mean business.

Right now, you're on shaky ground.

Because your bullshit "Building a Better Bay Area" is just that, BULL. A hollow slogan and nothing else.

I know it, the sisters know it and the community at large knows it.

Shame on you Disney and KGO.


  1. If they do a live report from 73rd near Bancroft they may want to send the oldest working Camera and put wheel locks on the News van! We know paid security is useless.

  2. The 2 female picture is so hard to watch adding on Reggie Aqui and Dru Tuma

  3. PREACH Rich!!! No money to be made in telling the truth!!! Saving ppl in the community has no profit for the corporate giants!! People need to stop watchig as another reader stated!!

    1. the job of a tv station and news operation is not to provide welfare for any group, but rather to do stories describing need and government and private agency response.

  4. To get off the subject...but this mid-morning on KCBS, Holly Quan was sitting in the anchor chair and apparently she had Lisa Chan at the audio controls. The levels were very low. The unprofessional presentations have now become part of our lives. And Holly was "demoted" to the mid-morning chair, either that or they couldn't find anyone else. Off to Bloomberg!

  5. KGO used to be my favorite local news source. But I've stopped watching Ch 7 news because I find it's "BABBA" campaign pretentious, offensive, ingenuous, patronizing and outright annoying. If I happen to be on that channel and hear that lame slogan, I immediately switch it off. So, can't stand to watch Ch 7 news any more, can barely take KTVU news these days. I can hardly believe it - but KRON has become my favorite local newscasts.

  6. Open the 11PM KGO news with Dan Ashley at 98th and A. on a Saturday night.

  7. I've worked at KTVU, KPIX, KRON and KGO, and at all four everyone kissed the asses of black talent and made sure they were happy 100 percent of the time. They routinely were not held accountable for things whites and Asians would have been fired for.

    1. the idea that black talent is not given a chance is toro pucky. I worked at PIX in the seventies with two black anchors, both enormously talented. Nobody kissed their asses.

    2. "I worked at PIX in the seventies with two black anchors, both enormously talented. Nobody kissed their asses."

      Thugs who robbed and vandalized department stores weren't released on their own recognizance by spineless DAs in the seventies either.

      If you haven't figured out that the seventies were vastly different times than now, then you don't understand why Trump won in 2016, and will win again in 2024. And before you retort with the obvious knee-jerk insult, I am not a Trumster and wouldn't vote for him. I'm just reporting the facts.

    3. I made no assertion about anything other than my experience in the seventies. You conflated your own fixations with what I said and attempted to attribute to me things I didn't say. In any event, the skin color of news anchors has nothing to do with crime rates and district attorneys, whether then or now. I think you should bet all your money that your 2024 predictions come true.

    4. No one is a "trumster"....

    5. Reporting the facts is so rare today. Everyone's busy "building a better Bay Area" by flat-out lying about what's going on and what group is responsible for most of it.

  8. Jobina and Kusami having to carry the others on that morning crew then have Ming Sze but in at 11am

  9. Building a Better Bay Area stinks. It’s fake.

    1. It's not the media's job to build a better Bay Area. It's their job to report on it. Once upon a time, not very long ago, journalists were supposed to be neutral, unless they were editorializing. Today all news is an editorial of some sort or another. One reason so many people are turning away from it.

    2. During the protests/lootings over George Floyd, businesses that didn't want to be attacked put out signs saying "Defund the Police" and "Black Lives Matter." Ch 7's Building a Better Bay Area is a version of the same concept. Ch 7 doesn't want protests or to be boycotted, so they've come up with a program to shield themselves from the activists. Think of it as an insurance policy.

  10. Does Bloomberg have just stock market news or general business news?

  11. Change it to "FUBAR the Bay Area"

  12. Its too bad Ciera Johnson decided to leave NBC Bay Area. She was eye candy. Still like Kari Hall tho at times I feel like she is kinda of a “stuck up”
    but she is watchable. Correct me if I am wrong but KPIX I think has only one african american anchor/reporter and its Vern Glenn. KRON has Noelle and Reyna and its beautiful “eye candy”. KTVU well right now its unwatchable when its the news. KGO tv well we know their issues. Its all about the “Mickey Mouse”

  13. "Building a Better Bay Area" is no more original a brand as "We're on Your Side" or "Working for You" or "Getting Answers." As bland and flavorless as bologna from the deli counter at a Newark Lucky store, to essay one of Rich' s metaphors. Speaking of Black anchor/reporters in the 1970s. I wonder what became of Andrew Hill at KPIX, whom if I remember right did the weekend shifts along with Marilee Beck and Mike Lee.

  14. Was taking to a guy recently who works at KPIX as a street reporter and I was shocked at how little they pay their on-air people. This guy is a solid 20 year veteran but he was told he had to take a 20 percent pay cut. So he’s looking for work outside of the TV biz. Can’t blame him! I got out off the profession Myself a few years ago when I was not offered a contract and the pay they offered was what I made it 1990. Embarrassing! So It was a good time to retire after 44 years of working on-air. These mega-media companies don’t care about quality or serving the community. . All they care about is making money and keeping the bottom line FAT. If that means giving veterans crappy wages to get them to leave so they can pay those sane crappy wages to inexperienced youngsters, that’s what they’ll do. Is it any wonder that our society is so misinformed and spends more time getting their news off of social media?

  15. I would like to nominate as first runner-up in the stupid slogan category: MSNBC.

    "This Who We Are"

    Huh? What does that even mean? WHAT is it exactly you're telling us who you are? It's just the emptiest of empty slogans.

  16. It's not just here. ABC News has been doing the same thing with personal, programming and the stories they report on. Sometimes the overcorrecting to a situation can be more of a problem than people realized.

  17. The Mouse House's move to pander to the woke population has shown to be consistently criticized by the public and their recent failures prove this.

  18. NBC Bay Area has been using "Moving You Forward" as their slogan with ads explaining how they are moving us. I am not moved.

  19. African Americans make up only around 6.7 percent of The Bay Area population.

    1. Yet, they make up 50% of the news...😎
