Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Thursday SF Media Streets Spectacular; Bill Martin Phones It In at KTVU; Sports-Free Anchor at Channel 2; Mark Ibanez Secret KPIX Missive; CBS5 "Lt" Burch is a Dud on Radio (KCBS Too); Justine Waldman KRON Pedigree; Somerville in Sacramento?; "Copes-Tolbert" Bar Bets on KNBR; ABC7 AM Staff Hates Reggie Aqui; "60 Minutes" and Pelley Invade SF Next week; Peter Cleaveland Was Mucho/Best SF Streetside Reporter; Where's Rothmann? Does Anyone Care?; Ba Da Bing 415 Media

WALKING THESE STREETS is a dangerous job. It requires tough decisions, decisive action, quick thinking.The media fortress it is, the streets of SF are prime cut action.

Got that, buddy boy?

*Bill Martin, the weather guesser at The Firm's Oakland outpost, is making waves for all the wrong reasons--Martin is doing weather reports from his home studio, the only person at KTVU broadcasting from his house. And it's not a Covid surge tactic. How do I know? Martin uses his cell phone to buzz the graphics guy at 2 to show the weather/satellite images.

To which a KTVU wise guy tells me, "he's literally phoning it in!"

Martin was instramental in the hiring of fill-in, Roberta Gonzales, as a means to protect his gig --as employment insurance. Naturally, the dimbulbs at KTVU went along with the decision to put Elvira, uh, Roberta in as second fiddle. Remember, Roberta is just a misunderstood, active team player.

MORE KTVU: The last three night, KTVU has been sports-anchor-free; NO Joe Fonzi, No Jason Applebaum, no Jessie Gary (thank god)--seems KTVU, via the Fox directive, doesn't give a damn about sports.

As I've noted, Fox is planning on doing away with sports anchors and sports reports on its O and O stations, which is curious given Fox's network NFL coverage and MLB/college football connection.

*Mark Ibanez may have retired, (yeah, sure)--but he's quietly reached out to KPIX to rekindle the sports romance. As in anchoring alongside Vern Glenn, not necessarily together but in spirit.

*Of course KPIX is now beginning to feel backlash oer its milking of a military lady--as in "Lt." Jessica Burch--she proves one thing: you can be just as null and boring on radio (KCBS weather) as you can on TV.

Burch is adequte enough which means she's not bad but her low voice and undistinguised presence on PIX is now a MAJOR DUD--that's the edict at PIX. They can't help themselves.

*Of course Justine Waldman would be a fantastic choice to replace the soon-retiring (maybe) Pam Moore--so why is KRON not so in on this?

KRON loves Waldman --especially GM, Jim Rose--but the newsroom boys and girls think she's not enough of a name, I disagree. I love Waldman's presence and I like her Boston (native) news background. Sure, she's a relative unknown but she has over a decade at KRON, get her up on the desk and do so before she and hubby (Grant Lodes) split for NY.

*THERE IS TENSION on the set at NBC Bay Area, never mind the ha-ha giggles and fake smiles. Raj Mathai is facing heat because he's milking his contract negotiations at the expense of station morale and the natives are pissed. Raj has Steph (ND) Adrouny still as his major ally.

*Add NBC: Terry McSweeney got a huge six-figure offer from CBS News in LA--he turned it down but if the local peacocks don't get him on the weekday chart, he could be a goner.

*JUST A RUMOR: if Frank Somerville were to end up (in a few months) in Sacratomato, you read it here first. If not, you were having a wet dream.

*NOT SO FUNNY scene at San Jose/NBC the other week: Laura Garcia entered the studio one morning and a producer said something to the effect, "hey, look who's here? The 'Play Misty for me lady!." Laura was not amused and well, the guy is in hot water.

*Where is KGO's John Rothmann? Abe Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Dwight D Eisenhour, Harold Stassen and Milton Marx want to know.

*SO YEAH, they had a modest ratings bump--so did Tom Tolbert and Adam (Copes) Copeland on KNBR. That said, the gruesome twosome can be used for bar bet material: how many times will Copes giggle after a Tommy joke and how many times will Tolbert yack about his Angels, (yawn), beer, betting? Dear lord, what a total waste of time.

*DON'T BE FOOLED by the picture(s): make no mistake, ABC7 morning folks can't stand the imbecile Reggie Aqui. They put up with his BS and grandstanding because they have to. It's like a bad toothache that won't go away and you just deal with it only at 900 Front, they have no advil.

*By the way, Jobina Fortson, can go to Austin and work the ABC affiliate there if she wants to but I'm guessing she'll stay at KGO.

*CBS and 60 Minutes ace correspondent, Scott Pelley will visit SF and schmooze with Da mayor, London Breed next week. I wonder what they'll talk about.

*Carolyn Burns is acting sort of weird on KCBS overnight traffic. Between the "uhs", the use of the word, "that" as opposed to "the" has a few folks, uh, scratching their, uh, head.

*Anybody care?

The again, it's KCBS, who gives a puck.

*FOR MY MONEY, the very BEST SF streetside TV/Radio reporter ever: Circle7/KGO Radio reporter, Peter Cleaveland. The veteran Bay Area broadcaster is still living the good life on the peninsula and telling it like it is...thank god.

*BIRDS OF A FEATHER: David Louie doesn't want to retire ever at KGO --and Louie, I believe started at KGO when Johnson was pres--Ming Sze gets more cranky as ever because her dream to share the desk with Dan Ashley (permanently) ain't never gonna happen as long as Countess Dion Lim and Princess Ama Daetz have their way.


  1. Rich, If the Democrats lose the House in November, any chance KGO 810 could offer Nancy Pelosi a talk show as a consolation prize? Maybe replacing that right-wing syndicated dreck that comes on after Rothmann in the evenings? Nancy may slur some words, but it would be better than listening to callers from Poducah Kentucky and Moonshine Tennessee.

    1. Funny. I hear these same sediments from people INSIDE the Bay Area when talking about people living in Pronoun California and Transgender CA.

    2. Don't worry @10:38 KGO will soon be Spanish language so "The Presidential Screaming Trust Fund Baby", "Tit Size on Resume", and Chimp Franklins former side dumbass will all be gone anyways. You know who will still have a job tho? The guy hosting Larry Kings former show.

    3. Sorry that living in CA is so confusing and threatening to you..May I suggest Florida? We'll miss you!

  2. The only thing more obnoxious than a selfie of media people is a picture of someone taking said selfie. It's suck raised to the power of suck.

  3. Does Brian cut Adam's hair?

  4. Larry Beil also works from home. Just put a live Bay Bridge moving traffic background behind him. It’s really no big deal if they want to work from home.

  5. > Laura Garcia entered the studio one morning and a
    > producer said something to the effect, "hey, look
    > who's here? The 'Play Misty for me lady!." Laura
    > was not amused and well, the guy is in hot water.

    What an IDIOT! I guess he wants to be pounding the pavement handing out resumes. Or seating guests in Chili's. That's the equivalent of being a stormtrooper on the Death Star and saying, ""Hey, look who's here! The pooh-paah breathing guy!"

    1. I really poking at the unstable really a good idea in any environment. Look what she did to her Ex and poor Sam Brock Cannon

    2. 2 words....she's creepy.

    3. The producer was not wrong

  6. Malden and Douglas once busted me for jaywalking and then took me downtown where they roughed me up in an interrogation room with the cameras off. It was terrifying, Rich!

    1. Did Malden call you “Buddy Boy”?

  7. I looked up Adam Copeland's high school varsity baseball stats at Moreau and he had 1 hit. 😆. Brian Murphy had no hits in at Tam HS.

  8. Laura Garcia Cannon...I used to want to hit that.

    1. You're into the evil clown look, huh?

    2. Her Joker-Bob Hope profile now just looks scary. And what’s with her lack of eyelids?

    3. I remember tuning in one morning when Laura and Mr. Laura were anchoring the morning. I remember thinking, “wow, she’s got some rough features happening”. Then years later, I think right after they separated, it looked like someone taught her how to use makeup to smooth out those sharp lines and she looked kinda MILFy. Then she did something with her eyes and started to emote with her head bobs and weird vocal inflections. It’s as if she’s the female equivalent of Dave Clark—- fake voice, fake emotions. That seems to be the trend in morning news these days: read the teleprompter and show some empathy

  9. Oh Laura, the woman using her ex on television to get a permanent anchor spot and calling an abuse to take all his $$$, this is California. Across the Southern border, no one buys it

  10. Re: Bill Martin

    No problem for me if Bill Martin or anyone else on tv/radio newscasts prefer to broadcast from home. It's the program content that's critical, not the broadcast location. As long as the technical quality, audio and vdo, is up to commercial broadcast standards.

    Re: KGO & John Rothman

    I noticed Nikki M had a Monday promo announcement reminding her listeners that she was off Monday for the July 4th holiday, but would be back on Tuesday. Like JR, she was a no show on Tuesday. I don't think Mark Thompson was there on Tuesday either, but that may have been planned and announced prior. Probably unrelated, but KGO's J Bohannon absence still remains unaccounted for.

    1. Nikki and Mark took days off to extend the 4th of July weekend. Rothmann is off all week. It’s not uncommon to use your vacation days in the Summer!

    2. Whiteprivelegemann.

    3. Kim mccalister was on tuesday and at least three or four times said "john will be back tomorrow" guessing either she didnt know rothmann was going to be off or something changed..

    4. Bill's crime is he forced ROGO back in the viewers

  11. Ming has been there for 20 yrs. Even with Trixie running the place she has not sniffed the big desk. Trixie did her a favor by moving her off of mornings but the 3pm nobody watches show id about her level.

    The 11am was great last week with no Ming or Reggie. Watchable with Kumasi and Jobina

  12. Carolyn Burns has always been odd. From KGO traffic always saying "there". And, I'll take your word for it, at KCBS.

  13. a few minutes of tolbert and copes is soon as the yuh yuh talk drops in ,you dont need anymore.

  14. The Lt. needs a furlough???

  15. Ming Sze owns the writer of this blog page, lol

  16. Good for Peter Cleaveland. Does anybody else remember the late 1960s when he was the "Skipper" on KGO's morning air (John Broom's show and "Comedy Time" on Saturdays) giving weather and marine/boating forecasts, with a ship's whistle sound bite? And as for San Panty Ho-say, when he was sports dude "Roger Mathai?" -- Terilyn Joe days? (shudder)

  17. Frank "Makers Mark" Somerville legally should not be driving, so I don't know how he's going to get to Sacramento, unless he takes a train or bus and then gets a condo within walking distance of whatever sad station hires him. He probably is driving though. After all his sanctimonious posturing about people o' color I'm sure he'd use his white privilege to get out of any traffic stop.

  18. John Rothmann said Friday he’d be away for a week. Most likely back to his pre-pandemic summer vacation to see Trump-loving, out of state relatives.

    Who knows? John may be enough of a phoney that he privately agrees with them on many issues.

    1. I doubt he's wearing a mask. Maybe he'll come back and reinfect everyone at KGO.

    2. Unless it has to do with some of Trump's policies on Israel there no way John agree with Trump supporters. I've been listening to John Rothmann since 1998 and he has always been liberal on most issues. As much as Rich want to paint him as a phony, he is a staunch liberal.

  19. It be interesting to see who at KPIX will replace the departing Len Kiese. Will they hire from the inside or will they look to hire elsewhere?

    1. KPIX is scanning all the small markets for the least exciting anchor they can find. Fresno, Redding, Palm Springs... we are coming

  20. Justine Waldmen is a dud

  21. Justin is delightful.

  22. Krueger snapped up by The Game. The execrable Rod Brooks remains sidelined.

  23. I've known McSweeney since running into him on the streets back in his KNTV "San Jose News Channel Days" (and those ungodly war-club-like mic flags). He'll never leave the Bay Area--and San Jose, in particular. He absolutely loves it here. Nothing would be more depressing for that Giants-loving fan to be working in the land of his lifelong-hated Dodgers.

    1. Good for Terry glad to hear. he’s a perfect fit for KNTV and the 408. Don’t knock those mic flags with the “golden triangle” 11!

  24. I like Jessica Burch

    1. Totally agree! She does a fine job and looks just great. I bet plenty of other markets would be happy to have her.

  25. I tuned in for 5 minutes the other day to get an idea of what the “Mr. T and copes show“ was all about. Tolbert sounded as if he was mailing it in. He had no energy and his jokes were stale. He sounded like the annoying guy sitting at the end of the bar who has had one too many. “Copes“ sounded all caffeinated up. He felt he needed to scream into the microphone to be heard. The two of them together are an absolute embarrassment. Of course, that’s probably why Lee Hammer is still in charge.The guy continually puts losers on the air such as ‘Pauli Mac ‘ “ Copes” and Mark Willard, who was being paid peanuts so he went to work for that other waste of a sports radio station.
