Monday, July 4, 2022

The Holiday Bay Area Laziness That is Bay Area Media Today

Happy 4th...time for the usual nauseating and predictable thoughts from our local, banal media mavens--they never disappoint.

*The live shots from the airports --SFO/Oakland/San Jose with the usual idiotic questions--at least now, they'll have actual news to combine with same, banal questions to the throng.

*You have to do a parade report with assorted mutts from Danville, Alameda, etc because if you don't, well, you're not American.

*They're already lining up at the Walnut Creek fountain because that's destination 1 today with the liitle kids, ice cream, a sparkler, and the multi-racial couple checkbox demo checked.

*There was real news today, albeit depressing and sad, a mass shooting in Sacramento, but that'll be relagated to the second segment today on the TV News.

Back to the parade.


  1. You forgot to mention Pam Cook’s business report thing snoozefest, also known as channel changing time.

    1. You know what isn’t channel changing time? When Pam Cook and Rosemary finally duke it out on set. I’m quite certain I won’t be the only one rooting for Rosemary.

    2. When it’s time for Gasia’s Honey Glazed Ham, I am front and center! Ten Hut!!

      Mark Pitta-Felch
      holding Bob Sarlatte’s Lantern

    3. Only Pam Cook can make Ryan Yamamoto look like Walter Cronkite.

    4. Pam Cook would kick Rosemary's ass! Then get charged for having committed a "hate crime". Like T.O. said... Grab your popcorn y'all. Wonder what Rosemary & Pam's beef is about?

  2. Tomorrow they'll be showing videos of what a great job OPD did of stopping 100's of illegal fireworks shows.

  3. Also one in Chicago, killing 6 people, gunman still loose.Sad that idiots choose free to shoot up a public place!

    1. The shooting today was not in Chicago. A magahead killed six people and wounded 30 plus with a high velocity rifle while atop a building looking down on a July 4th parade.

    2. He was NOT a Maga-head you idiot. he was a tattooed rapper who followed Lee Harvey Oswald. Mentally ill like you.

  4. Wasnt there a shooting in Sac a year ago at a night club?

  5. The Bay Area media is lazy so what I did was to turn on Bloomberg 960. They are having all day shows called the Best of Bloomberg where Emily Chang and others are interviewing all kinds of business people, like Elon Musk, the CEOs of Waymo and Amazon, and on and on. And guess who was the MC of the whole thing? Greg Jarrett from KGO, he was great. So instead of being commercialized all day long with Kars for Kids and Balance of Nature, I actually used my day learning and listening thanks to Rich's suggestion. A great 4th for me.

  6. The earlier Sacramento shooting was this past spring and it happened just down the street in the nightclub district from this latest one. Not sure if this was gang related but there are a lot of angry young men who are in gang activities in Sacramento.

  7. I really like Anne Macovec of KPIX. She’s a very good anchor, but just as importantly, she’s not some Barbie-doll who dutifully smiles the fake smiles you see from other women anchors. And she actually looks like a real woman, not some anorexic female with fake boobs. I know I’m sounding sexist here but she is also HOT!

    1. I maybe wrong but Anne Macovec would be fun to hang with watching a Sporting event.

    2. I, too, have always liked Ann Macovac. Used to love Saturday mornings when Ann & Phil Matier anchored. They were real. Can’t stand all the anchors on Channel 5 now.

  8. Sad that it took another mass shooting at a school in Texas to get a Congress to get off its fat duff and pass ANY mins of gunk legislation. I wish our legislators, especially the spineless GOP supporters of that revolting traitor would stop catering to the NRA and actually pass a little gun control legislation. American overwhelmingly want it. Obviously what happened recently I n the TexS school massacre has virtually NO effect on the Congreve and Senate moving forward with any sensible gun control legislation. . So The shooting dwarfs will continue. Why any American needs to have in his or her possession a military style weapon is beyond comprehension. me. I cannot remember these kind of incidents or private ownership of weapons of mass destruction 25 or so years ago. We definitely have a very sick society. We refuse to look at the reasons why we behave the way we do. Until we come face-to-face with our own dysfunctional behavior that are tearing this country apart, we will continue to circle the drain.

    1. I guess “revolting traitor” # 1 is the turtle from Kentucky.

  9. Perfect. The Bay Area media is so lazy. Look at the Comical and the Bay Area News Group. Same old stuff in different wrappers (how many ways can you conjure up fear about Covid-19, Comical editors?). Sad part is the lone "news" radio station (not 960 AM) and TV newsrooms get their cues from the newspaper content. It's a cesspool.

  10. In the meanwhile, the Chicago TV stations were covering the latest mass shooting. I watched a livestream of WLS, the ABC O&O there, and they were doing a decent job. I'm guessing they brought in their regular weekday anchors and reporters to provide live reports and updates.

  11. Pat thurston spent the day with her best "friend sherod" and John Rothmann spent the day leaving voice mails for lee hammer every fifteen minutes demanding to go on the was a very good day

  12. I've given up on following Bay Area media, (TV, radio, print), it's all BS

  13. Another of example of laziness (and sloppy writing): KTVU anchors this morning stating that the Highland Park shooting appears to be 'intentional.' No shit Sherlock. Does anyone think that the shooter accidentally took an assault rifle to parade and accidentally killed several people? Sure, Dave Cluck and Pam Crock aren't real journalists. And even though they're nothing more than news readers, they have an obligation to review their scripts and make any changes and flag inaccuracies. It should've occured to at least one of them that saying the shooting appears to be intentional is nothing short of odd. If the intent was to say the shooter appeared to deliberately target specific people then they should say that. Either way, Dave Cluck and Pam Crock get to share the Laziest Anchor of the Day usual.

  14. Because .mega media companies now on 90% of the radio and TV stations in the bay area, the quality of our broadcasting has gone into the toilet. They pay these broadcasters peanuts, bringing most in after college. They are unprepared and amateurish. It used to be that you work your way up through the small towns, making your mistakes and learn in the profession. Now they showed other distain for the public by putting Rick amateurs on TV or local radio All you have to do is watch some of the dreck on NBC sports Bay Area. They’ve got some guy there named Carlos Ramirez who is a joke. They’ve run through sports people over there like potato chips. Meanwhile, real broadcaster such as filking, one Simmons, and even Gary Radich seem as if they existed in a different epoch.

  15. Same live shots from service stations. Reporter: "What do you think of the price of gas?" Driver: "Uh, huh, pretty high, guess I got no choice, gotta have it." I wish once one motorist would respond "Regular is seven bucks, and I asked the manager how much I'd have to pay for Ethyl."
