Sunday, July 3, 2022

A Blunt Assessment of KTVU's "10 o' Clock News"

LET'S BE DIRECT--If you don't want to be, I will.

The 2022 July KTVU "10 o'Clock News" is a certifiable DUD!

A non-interesting, vacuous, BORING, sham of NEWSCAST WITH sterile anchors, benign stories, overrated and saturated reporters and repetitive stories--what a TOTAL DISASTER!

Julie Haener suddenly looks massively disinterested. Not that Haener was ever interested to begin with. Julie seems to use her anchorship as an extension to her membership in the Danville society club of professional women.

Mike Mibach: what a bad look. But hey, the college fratboy demo box is checked and related Marin cougar club is royally giddy.

Joe Fonzi is simply happy to have someone interested in his services even if Joe has that "what the hell am I doiing here?" gaze, (Go Niners!)

And then we have stumblin', bumblin', Bill Martin, who is only working becasue, uh, uh, his wife doesn't and those property taxes in Lafayatte are so damn high.


  1. Those "sad stories" from Julie disappeared.
    Now, Julie looks at the newsroom itself as the "sad story".....aawww

    Don't you notice KTVU has the same newscast every night ?
    It goes like this .....
    1. A shooting or police misconduct.
    2. Then they play the race card story.
    3. Next comes the endless coronavirus fear mongering.
    4. A weather report on nothing.
    5. A outdated national news feed.
    6. A repeat of the #4 weather spot.
    7.Crap from another station. Think KCRA or Fox 11
    8. Thanks for watching !!
    (Just change the date & repeat)

    1. Lol, not bad! But don't forget inane, insipid sports spot.

    2. You forgot the drought/climate change.

    3. Monkeypox....they always have to mention that every night.

  2. Apathy.
    “It's a disease. Nobody thinks or feels or cares any more; nobody gets excited or believes in anything except their own comfortable little God damn mediocrity.” Richard Yates.

  3. You are so obsessed with the personalities that you miss the real reason KTVU is a dud: Of all the stations, they do the most "press release journalism" by far. Almost every story is something like a parade, the opening of a kitten shelter, a protest against "racism." Something where an organization with an agenda or a desire for free advertising emails a press release saying "Be at a certain place at a certain time and we'll provide a talking head. Here's some copy." That's not journalism. It's unpaid PR, and that's all KTVU does these days because hunting down real news costs money. It's true this has hit every station everywhere, but their newscast is now total fluff, with the same stories repeating every half hour for days. (The only story they didn't run over and over again with their tribute to Fred Zehnder, the man whose legacy they have since disassembled. Interesting, no?) I don't care who sits at the anchor desk, if your content is non-existent and fill time with empty chit-chat you're no longer a news organization, and KTVU no longer is, with KPIX following fast.

    1. You’ve hit the nail on the head.

    2. This is right. I consider myself a news junky, and the only reason I watch the 11pm news is out of habit as I go to bed. Now I watch it just to mock all the poor reporting and straight false reporting. These people are not journalists by any stretch, it's lazy repetition of pre-packaged drivel. When you're familiar firsthand with a newsworthy event, the falsehoods and assumptions presented are glaring.

  4. KGO 7 still the best with nice gentleman look Dan Ashley, friendly smile Ama, beautiful Sandya Patel and local native Larry Biel. The only con is Kristen Sze, time to move her back to Mornings and she can take the morning spot until retirement. The 2nd station hard to watch is NBC 11 putting anchors no body wants, NBC 11 accept them, Terry, Janelle, the prime time anchor who speaks Spanish too.

  5. The Fonz needs his mustache back.

  6. A self fulfilling prophecy -- Sum Ting IS wong!

  7. The best one is is Julie.

    Bill Martin should have retired years ago.

    Joe Fonzi does nothing. Always turn him off.

    I like some of the reporters.

    If only Dennis Richmond, Elaine Corral, and Mark Ibanez were back.

    Too bad the local channels can have one newscast that features the best anchors and reporters. Cost will be divided among all.

    What would the best of best team be?

    1. Terry McSweeney - anchor, Catherine Heenan - co-anchor,
      Allie Rasmus - utility. She can do anything, Amy Holyfield
      was the best field reporter. Sorry that she has moved on.

  8. Audrey Asistio is pretty good for NBC 11. She must be good because there isn’t any dishing on her in this site.

    1. They have been easing Asistio into the week nights. jessica or janelle are in trouble. Audrey is way better then both

  9. Larry Beil is a Hawaii native. Moved to the Bay Area right before the ‘89 quake.

  10. Why is Fonzi still working? Does he need the $$$ or is he simply bored and has nothing else to do?

  11. Joe Fonzi had the same kind of distant, disaffected gaze when he was at KSBW in Salinas in the 1970s.

  12. Last week I watched an episode of the KGO news at 6. I've noticed they have a small number of stories, but each one lasts a long time. Two of the three first stories were about pet animals. I guess that saves money because you don't have to hire a lot of reporters. Then I watched the KTVU 10 o'clock news with Christina Rendon and Heather, and thought that was much higher quality than KGO's news. KTVU actually had news.

  13. The reason KTVU sucks is that Amber Eikel has her head up her ass and let good talent walk out the door over and over and over again. Why? Because she has no eye for talent and thinks it doesn't matter who is on air. She is wrong and now she has the lagging ratings to prove it. Clock is ticking on her time there. Fox isn't known for their charitable spirit and she's killing their cash cow.

  14. The Somerville loss is now pretty apparent. That edge is gone. with Julie gone somewhere you now see Rendon and Holmes. Rendon tries to hard with the hand gestures and Holmes will always be Boring. I like Bill Martin but gonzo has been filling in, a total phony as she always has been.

  15. Good heavens Roberta Gonzales looks like a bat on the news this 4th of July morning. The flaps of her dress around her wrists are enough to take off with.

  16. Just got back from a week in Seattle. King Tv And KongTV kick ass. Established anchors and just wonderful newscasts. Bay Area news resembles The Toledo market in comparison.

  17. I watch KTVU news maybe once a year and last night I saw Heather Holmes. All I could think of while watching her with that long face and straight long hair was an afghan hound. Really, isn't there at least another hair style she could try? Doesn't she ever look in a mirror?

    1. OMG that's hilarious and spot on!

    2. Her look combined with her voice leaves me limp. No attraction for me.

  18. Amber Eikel and Jennifer Seelig must be buddies. They probably get together and compare notes and suggest to each other new and creative ways to eff the newsrooms in their respective stations. They both give women who want to get into radio-tv management a bad name. How do people such as this manage to climb that high? It’s a mystery, wrapped inside an enigma hidden in a riddle!

  19. Amber Eikel must have uncompromising photos of people in the KTVU front office. How else could she keep her job as news director after her station’s news department has landed in the toilet.

  20. Random observation. Have you seen julie haeners Instagram? That woman has expensive taste! Accepts nothing less than $1500/night hotels and Chanel .
