Renel: seriously? (mega chuckles) --I don't know where to begin. Here I thought we were buds. Seriously, I thought you were one fine sistah. My friend. Am ally. How wrongo I am/was. But I gotta tell you, RB, what have I ever said about you. I don't care for your PA because I'm more the non-cheer crowd but other than that? Nada. I did love your sit-down with Giants player, Randy Wynn, on NBC Sports Bay Area, one of the few programs I can stomach --you were cool and quite the interviewer, you'd be great on "The View" but now I'm gonna move forward....
*More than 20 minutes of DEAD air on KNBR's daily rubbish morning show which only reinforces tha God hates Paulie Mac and the Marin frat boy who likes to shamefully insert his kids into the conversation every five minutes.
*No matter your politics, the CNN Anderson-Cooper hour-long interview the other night with Bob Woodward was well worth the price of admission (free) and all that was needed was a box of popcorn (no butter) and a large diet Pepsi. First off, Cooper can interview like no one else and Woodward knows how to talk--write and interview, we know--but talk? It was entertaining and a tantamount political orgasm if you like Washington, politics, intrigue and civilized Trump debasement.
Here's a partial link.
*I will tell John Rothmann again and again: it's one thing to work hard to get the other side and encourage pro-Trump callers and listen to their blather, it's another to let them drone on and on and on and on no matter how discombobulated they sound. Moron would be a proper word. The fact Trump is delusional and a sociopath is beyond them all, the allegiance known as the Donald butt boys.
*Something that can't be said enough: the bitch, oh, excuse me, the ND at KGO-TV is responsible for ABC/Disney having to write millions of dollars of settlement checks; checks to various people like this one, for example, or this one too. Trixie, your pictures of compromising bosses are still good or ABC doesn't mind saving your overextended large ass.

*Lots of fake laughs: Ama Daetz.
*One thing is a constant in this town: the WORST dressed women anchors and reporters in the country. Hnads down. Do you broads get brownie points when you open an account at Ross? Damn, get a nice dress and wear it. Or is that asking for too much. I guess so.
*SISTAH Hair alert: I'm an advocate for the Circle7 sistah hair club, count me in.
*Reggie Aqiu: what a fool believes.
*Caroline Tyler: betrayal (but thanks for the free lunch)
*Kristen Sze: she wants her friends to refer to her as "Ming her Chinese name. By the way, is there a Cantonese translation for words such as, "paranoid?" "Devious?" "Conniving?" "I'm just getting started.
*By the way, Ming? No, this thing hasn't ended. We've only just begun.
*Separated at birth: Trixie Watkowski and Nurse Ratched.

*Trixie worked behind the scenes at KGO where she is the ND (News Director); I'll soon prove she and buddy/snitch, Kristen Sze, (the Ming dynasty CEO) conspired with fat boy GM, Tom Cibrowski, to fuck with a certain media blogger.
Hey, boys and girls. Guess what? I've got a scar on my forehead and I didn't get it baking cookies. There's a whole HUGE story behind this mark and one day soon? OMG!
Token hire.
ReplyDeleteHearing her on KNBR and other shows lately her voice sounds bad. Not like it was. Time to retire?
Oh we're back to bashing Trump and Republicans after just last week saying you finally saw how hypocritical the left was.
ReplyDelete#I'mWithThe29 . I guess I should change, too.
@12:25 PM - I guess criticizing the worst president in history is considered "bashing", count me in...
Delete@3:29 that's why I criticize Obama all day, every day. Worst, scripted, disingenuous and manufactured president in history. So much was covered up by the mainstream press out of fear of cries of racism. Complete opposite for Trump.
Delete@5:36: And trump isn't racist?? He's 10 times racist, very blatant about it & gets away with it every single day, aside from being an insecure, ill-read & undeducated fat idiot.
Delete5:36 PM - you're clearly delusional...
DeleteComplete agreement 5:36. So much was glossed over or not reported. So much was sugarcoated. A few outlets came out after the fact and said that in hindsight they wish that they hadn't handled him with kid gloves due mainly to his race. Even AA's said this. Trump, while a jackass, does not receive the same treatment. "Don't let a good crisis go to waste".
DeleteRich, spot on (again). Bay Area has the ugliest group of female (and male) reporters known to man. Cut the carbs and go dutch on a communal Peloton girls!
ReplyDeleteI think Julie Haener goes out of her way to dress weird. Has no sense whatsoever of what looks good or professional. Yet I'll bet it's very expensive. An off-the-rack blouse from Target would look better on the air.
ReplyDeleteShe is from Taiwan according to my friend who is Taiwanese speaking Mandarin Chinese during an interview on Asiana many years back.
ReplyDeleteSum ting wong here
Female anchors don't have the uniform...as in coat/tie/polo shirt/jean thing that the men get by with...I want the clothes to be neutral but the women? don't they have consultants on what to wear and how it will look on television? And can't they write off the $$$ they spend on clothes? I'm not looking for designer clothes, but get clothes that fit and flatter not accentuate "the girls"...
ReplyDelete@536,absolutely right. The biggest thing to fear in this country isn't Trump, it's the media. They are INCREDIBLY dangerous and will stop at nothing to push their agenda. So much of what is reported about Trump isn't true but nobody holds them accountable, it's pretty frightening.
ReplyDeleteWhat about trump was reported that isn't true? Give us some of your alleged many examples(so much of what is reported). Can you ? For example , when Fox News reports Trump's current bad polling, are they just making it up?
DeleteChristine see: CNN. MSNBC. See: CNN whistleblower.
DeleteA few things for you to digest with dinner:
I eagerly await your response.
Fox News and Project Veritas. No political agendas coming from those two organizations.
Delete2:50 PM - you're right, he's actually worse than what's reported...he's by far the worst president in the history of the United States. I wonder what his cult members will do when he loses?
Delete@9:42 When they have recordings and multiple reports from multiple CNN employees that are whistleblowing? Not a peep from mainstream media on this.
DeleteBut yes, come back with typical left wing snark, it's all you have in the face of something you don't want to see is true.
Thank you Christine as usual you are spot on. However, don't expect Trump supporters to want to know the truth. They have an amazing ability to deny reality and instead make up their own reality.
ReplyDeleteAt least half of Trump supporters are from the South, where they still celebrate the Confederacy, Antebellum, "The Lost Cause" , and voter suppression of the Negroes.
DeleteSpot on as in liver spots?
DeleteHey you go ahead and vote for Joe Crime Bill Biden.. Remember The Stork from Animal House? We all thought the stork was brain damaged.. Biden is an absolute moron
Deletelol, CNN is still in business? seen their ratings?? I guess you 3 are the only one's that watch!! lol lol lol