Saturday, March 7, 2020

More Confirmed Cases; Sports Teams Begin to Pay Attention; Warriors/Sharks Play In Spite of Health Questions; KNBR Broadcast Malpractice; 415 Media Saturday

Image result for coronavirus fear

TODAY, 18,000 or so will fill the Chase Center and watch a basketball game in SF--the biggest star in the NBA says the idea of playing games without fans is impossible.

I RAILED at KNBR for IGNORING a topic that is the center of everyone's attention. It's on the mind of everyone literally on the planet, yet KNBR chose to stick with irrelevant sports chat, minutiae really.

The Coronavirus crisis and its fear engine has hit home and even at the White House.

Like NBA status I described up above, there's the NCAA too.

There's plenty of ideas going around as to not "freak out" but there also comes a time to air it out and vent and talk about the obvious situation now--situation. What situation? Yeah, we, the public, the media has NO IDEA what the hell is going on because, in real time, there is NO STRAIGHT INFORMATION --hell yes, people are beginning to become scared. Wouldn't it be great if someone stepped to the plate and showed TRUE LEADERSHIP?

*Stay tuned later today (Saturday)
*415 Media


  1. That’s what happens when we elect a guy who has lied 18,000 times in less than 3 years. Now we hear he is cahoots with Erik Prince he of blackwater infamy running a private spy army against American citizens. Thank you deplorables!!! How are those coal mining jobs coming along?

    1. Turn off Nikki Medoro and Chip and go find yourself some real news.

    2. Headline News with any other President. But the nation is numb to the antics of POS 45* so it gets buried.

  2. I am not a big fan of KNBR, but I heard them earlier this week discussing Corona-related sports stories (mostly centered around attendance). In fact, the only reason I was tuned into KNBR at all was because I switched from The Game because Damon Bruce was pontificating on the virus. I'm sorry, but I just don't want serious news discussions from someone like Damon Bruce or KNBR. Just mention how it is impacting attendance, etc. and move on - anything more in depth leave for the news stations. On a related note, how soon before Paulie Mac sings "My Corona" to The Knack.

    1. Someone's been watching Weird Al's twitter ;).

  3. I think it's interesting how Stanford Athletics has tried to get ahead of this -- reducing capacity by 2/3s at athletic events -- meaning that on the average you would have two empty seats on either side of you.

    Admittedly, with regular season basketball completed, this applies mostly to Olympic sports, most of which have outdoor venues. But it means that if Men's basketball doesn't make NCAAs, but gets invited to NIT, there probably won't be a home game.

    You would think Stanford would probably have consulted their own epidemiologists about logistics -- and that conversation would certainly help a lot of high school administrators who are facing some tough calls in the next couple of weeks.


    I don't expect there will be either. Why? A basic conflict between science and business profits. For example back in the 1500's a scientist discovered that oranges and lemons prevented scurvy, a debilitating disease that sailors on long trips at sea often got. The companies that owned the ships didn't want to hear this, b/c supplying oranges and lemons to the crew would be another expense taking from their profits. So they denied the science. Scurvy remained a problem through the early 1700's, when again a scientist showed that eating citrus cured it. And again the companies that owned the ships balked, denied the science, due to the expense. Finally a scientist was able to isolate Vitamin C, and discover it was abundant in other foods as well, such as cabbage. Sauerkraut wasn't nearly as expensive to outfit the the ships, so that was the eventual solution, but didn't occur until the late 1700's or early 1800's. The problem with this 2020 Corona Virus outbreak and medical science, we're still living in the 1500's.

  5. There is really no need to be overly concerned about the COVAD19 virus.
    If you'd only listen to KGO and KSFO where three different hour long weekend infomercials educated listeners about the efficacy of taking "10 servings of fruits and vegetables in just 6 tiny capsules" to boost your immune system... specifically mentioning the "Crona Virus".
    KGO..and KSFO seem to have no hesitation in airing infomercials where the "doctor" (not a MD) mentions his product and safeguarding one's self by taking Balance of Nature products...thereby boosting your immune system.
    Of note was the KGO after-noon talk host actually mentioning their own beneficial experience with the Balance of Nature product on one weekday commercial for the product.
    Hopefully that host will distance themselves from these absurd claims about the bogus product.
    For those who can do a bit of math, the product totally distorts its basic claim that you get "10 servings" of fruits and veggies.
    The total weight of the 6 daily capsules is 4.8 granms.
    They say they get that after removing the 85% of the veggies and fruits that consist of water. Meaning they begin with 32 grams of whole fruits and veggies. (which is less than 1.2 ounces)
    Then they claim it is "Ten Servings"...
    Go Google a serving of broccoli, kale, carrots... or apples or pears or any other fruit and veggie.
    ALL have single serving size of 32 grams or much more.
    Meaning AT BEST the 6 capsules daily combined, give you less than 1 serving of fruits and veggies, while the thousands of daily adds claim on every airing that you are getting 10 servings.
    Imagine buying a carton of a dozen eggs... then finding only one egg in the carton when you get home.
    Such is the reality of KGO and KSFO's largest advertiser, ripping off listeners all day long.
    PS... Along the same lines, did you read where the Online Trading Academy was shut down by the FTC...had their assets frozen so the owners couldn't drain the money before paying claims against them brought by so many people who feel they have totally misled there customers. Especially their vulnerable older customers.
    Gosh...isn't that the same "Learn to invest like the pros" we've been hearing a certain KGO host endlessly promoting for months?
    How many KGO listeners were fleeced of $25,000 to $50,000 as mentioned in the FTC charges?

    1. Oh, just one other note regarding "Balance of Nature" products.
      The FDA issued a warning about their claims
      Apparently the KGO owners care little about whether their listeners are fleeced.
      See this article

  6. but aliens are here like drone shutdowns airports ,the baker rusanowski was not ,other guy there ,russi seems more at ease with hedi-no back talk stuff!

  7. Julie Haener is infatuated with Ivanka.
