Friday, March 6, 2020

After SF Cruise Ship Stranded Story, KGO Radio Runs Ronnnnnnnn Cruise Ship Getaway in Fall Ad

Image result for cruise ship san francisco

KGO Radio-- 1; 07 PM PT --Friday: After a news item about the stranded cruise ship off the Northern California coast, they ran an ad with Ronnnnnnnnn Owens plugging his freebie (for him) cruise in the fall, gees, yeah, just what the doctor ordered: cruising.

"Honey, let's go! I can't wait!"


  1. Maybe Ronnnn can get a deal on THIS ship. I can hear the commercial now: "Cruise with Ronnnn on his Cruise to Nowhere, circling the Pacific Ocean off the California coast like a turd in a toilet."

    1. Oh, Coronavirus is just a hoax. Didn't you hear the president?

      BTW, *I* wouldn't go on a cruise, because you always might sail off the edge of the earth, but that's just me.


  2. Ban all cruises for the safety of all travelers around the world. Why people join cruises???? Sadness, free food, in search for love and get seasick.

  3. Will Ronn Owens bring along his girl friend(s) ?

  4. To all who are on the ship... In the Spring, April to be exact, the Coronavirus will go away. THE PRESIDENT said so. In the mean time, relax, catch up on your rest, maybe read a good book.

  5. What's with the accent of Luz Pena on Ch. 7? It's like they have somebody on the news doing a Sofia Vergara impersonation. Hey, Tracey, you can hire a coach to teach Pena how to speak general American.

  6. Said they are going to bring it to a non-commercial port. Probably a port where they will have some kind of controlled access to the port, keeping perhaps the general public and media away.

    I'm guessing the docks at Alameda Naval Air station (Alameda Point) now or Hunters Point Shipyard. Just by closing and guarding the gates and fences which still surround both bases that would provide the isolation and security they are looking for. Both places would provide a reasonable distance from the public.

    Rosemary this early evening absolutely stunning in her black dress. How stunning? Stunning enough to say once again..."Simply the best, better than all the rest, better than anyone."

    The Women Are The News.

    1. Did the stunning black dress have butt pads? Rosemary is hot from head on but from the back and sideways there’s no ass to speak of! WHERE’s DA ASS!?

  7. Ronnnnnn Blowensteinnnnnnn aka pedicure mannnnnn should just self quarantine with his gadgets and spare us his 2 minute segments. Is he still mad at Obama that he didn’t appear on his show once he became prez? Lmao

  8. Wow!! talk about getting your money's worth!!
