Friday, March 6, 2020

Unintentional Laughter on KGO 'Nikki Medoro Show' Friday Morn

Image result for Laughter
Maybe Nikki Medoro on KGO can do worse?

1. Spent over half-hour talking about her PR pictures and make-up. It was beyond ego-maniacal. It was downright crude and obnoxious so much so, housewives with kids were disgusted.

2. It's obvious KGO is trying to catch the woman 25-54 demo but today's carnival act was so over the top it has no cred now. You can't overwhelm self-importance glop--Nicki Medoro did and did so with a thundering triple spin. How to lose not only a demo? Try losing an entire audience.

3. Her giggling has become tiresome in a week. It was once a commodity now it's just a complete BORE.
Image result for Pat Thurston KGO family


  1. Agreed. Basically, breathless irrelevance.

  2. I always got that vibe when she was on with the "comedian" Chip lecturing the Bay Area about their politics. Hypocritical bullshit.

  3. I liked and admired her for being able to stay on the air with the talentless stupid white "hate Whitey" Chip. I wanted to like her show. It was a very mediocre start on Monday.By today, Friday, it was an unbearable diatribe on Liz Warren & why no female presidents.Those calling to say why they loathed Warren were breathlessy lectured about how men are just as bad or worse. Will she even last a month at KGO? Will Chipless be able to keep is so-called "show?

  4. When you've spent the past few years on air with Chip mocking and belittling segments of the American population just because they have a different political view or tend to be more down the deserve every bit of criticism you get. Turnabout is fair play.

  5. This show is a new low, and that's saying something for a station that features Chip Franklin.

    If the people running KGO had any sense of shame or responsibility for the garbage they foul the airwaves with they would collectively go lie down on some MUNI tracks.

  6. I was listening to KGO while flipping stations in the car before noon on Fri and the male host was going on about how terrific and interesting it was that she talks about her kids and her personal domestic routine all the time.
    Well. she has one loyal listener.

    1. Undoubtedly Mark Thompson, who has made an utter fool of himself all week with his pre-show accolades about how great her show is. From which planet has he come?

  7. Thanks to you Rich and all commentors which saved me time I would have wasted listening to her. Now I can move on and find something more relevant.

  8. I realize Cumulus pays poverty wages, but surely Brett can afford a better barber.

  9. Brett is hard to take. He does an OK job reporting the news, but is terrible when it comes to ad libbing and contributing on news talk. He has a habit of jumping into the conversation all excitedly with what he thinks is a meaningful or humorous question or comment, but it invariably falls flat. There is often a few seconds of stunned silence while his co-host thinks, "WTF?!". I remember once a guest was talking about his varied, eclectic career which included a stint as a aircraft mechanic. Brett chimed in brimming with curiousity, "Do you have to have training for that?!". Fortunately, the guest didn't suffer fools and snapped back sarcastically.
